The Mass Hysteria of TDS: Democrats Hysterical as President Trump Fires FBI Director Comey: Fifth | Eastern North Carolina Now

Core Democrats, and their sprawling, partisan, hapless Democrat Media are apoplectic, hysterical over the firing of FBI Director Jim Comey.

    Publisher's note: This ongoing series was begun to cast a proper light on the ongoing Democrat motive to ultimately delegitimize President Trump, while America seeks to regain its national purpose after nearly a decade cast adrift. Also, we make a brave attempt to examine and understand the chronic effects of the Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS); however, we make no assertion that we could ever fully know it at its core. Who could ... in a "legitimate" sense? Click here to follow the entire series.

And it is not a pretty site. If Democrats, and their Democrat Media, did not have the Double Standard, they would have no standards at all ... and, to stir their Democrat "tempest within this teacup", FBI Director Jim Comey is summarily fired by President Trump. Core Democrats, and their sprawling, partisan, hapless Democrat Media are apoplectic, hysterical over the firing.

    The Double Standard has become a current cornerstone of the Democrat /Socialist; a way that core Democrats can rally their unprincipled, uneducated minions, while adhering strictly to the dictum of their recently re-introduced philosophical /ideological messiah, Saul Alinsky - "The end always justifies the means". In Democrat politics, where only the Double Standard exists as the guidepost to Liberal /Socialist ideology, any and all new and re-invigorated unprincipled Democrat methods are acceptable, with stylized hypocrisy being their surest tool to under /misinform their political base.

    In all of my years of observing the Democrat Animal and the Mainstream Media, now the Democrat Media, I have never witnessed such a rush to misinform the Liberal masses, their core base of support. Once it filters down to their masses, their flimsy group talking points are nearly unintelligible, yet effective, as they are well supported in the more liberal media, by activist celebrities, by late-night talk show hosts and by liberal "fake news" reports and opinions, which has now intertwined with the narratives of most reports of the Democrat Media. The Liberals /Socialists are suffering from acute Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), with their highly partisan Democrat Media leading the charge.

    That charge now is that the "Worse than Watergate" Trump /Russian Collusion Hacking Scandal, which is consuming most every brain molecule that these "journalists" and their Liberal /Socialist minions possess. The U.S. House, the U.S. Senate, and the FBI are leading the investigation into the alleged Trump /Russian Collusion scandal; with Director Comey correctly fired, the investigations will continue. These investigations were initiated, and they will continue because the Democrat Media has, in unison, demanded it; even to the extent that great groups of their most respected "journalists" have hypothesized the worst scenarios possible, sacrificing whatever unbiased reputations that they might have professed to have had.

Left-wing talk show host Stephen Colbert has to remind his crowd that they should be careful what they mindlessly cheer for ... in other words, 'let me tell you how to think, and what to laugh at'. It is a pretty sad commentary here in this 41 second video, because Colbert's fans had formerly been told that the FBI Director was a bad character to Democrats: Above. Obviously, they need to be coached-up better before the next comedy routine by Colbert.

    Juxtapose these Democrat "journalists'" advocacy efforts for the truth against the Obama era real scandals: Benghazi Islamist Terrorist Attack /Arming Libyan Jihadists Cover-up (which the Democrat Media helped cover-up); the IRS Political Targeting Conservatives; the Hillary Clinton Illegal Server /Mishandled Classified Emails /Obstruction of Justice to enhance the monetary success of the Clinton Foundation (intent), and one can well witness that these Democrat Journalists' sense of justice within the truth is most myopic, and entirely hypocritical.

If one wants one good reason why Comey was finally fired, it may be best exhibited within this short hilarious video. After we are reminded of how dishonest and careless L. Hillary is, we patriots have to ask: Are we not a Nation of Laws?

    These are real provable and proved scandals, where Americans died, or Americans', other than Democrats', First Amendment rights were severely abridged to benefit the Liberals /Socialists that are the core of the Democrat Party and the Democrat Media. These scandals dealt with issues that are relevant to all Americans, the alleged Trump /Russian Collusion scandal, as viewed from the backdrop of these Obama era scandals and the fact that America's foreign policy has long been to influence many of the elections of other countries, seem to be anxiously overblown. A more accurate assessment of the alleged Trump /Russian Collusion scandal would be that it is a 'professed scandal searching for a crime'.

    Still, core Democrats, and their Democrat Media, push their agenda: That then candidate Donald J. Trump colluded with the Russians to hack Democrats' unclassified emails to discover their personal thoughts regarding politics, Democrat government, and life in general, and then release those personal comments, through WikiLeaks, to a curious electorate. For core Democrats, and their 5th Estate Media arm, this is most important issue of their age - "Worse than Watergate". The great irony here, congressional Democrats and their president, Hussein Obama, never cared about American cyber security enough to ever enact any initiatives to safeguard the American internet from nefarious state sponsored intruders and hackers. If you have ever paid any attention to recent current events, this is not the first time an American institution has been hacked by a foreign state in the last 8 years, nor is it the most serious breach of such.

    For the rest of us working Americans, who pay close attention to everything, we have a separate level of priorities: 1) Control and reduce a national debt spiraling out of control from government spending and planning most unwisely; 2) Shore up a weakened, demoralized military after 8 years of neglect under Hussein Obama's administration; 3) Eradicate Islamist terror on the rise around the World, with America far less safe; 4) Stop illegal immigration as a net cost to local governments, build the wall to restrict movement by Illegals; 5) Revise an antiquated tax system to stimulate job production; 6) Instill a principled process to streamline, and properly administer government agencies; 7) To enact legislation to create modern and superlative firewalls keep American electronic infrastructure safe from all hackers - stop sponsored and otherwise; and so much more ... Without these changes, and so many more, the Republic is in imminent peril.

    In the meantime, core Democrats, and their 5th Estate Media will continue to call and work for the Impeachment of the new president; regardless of whether they can find an actual crime to pin on the overwhelming winner of the 2016 election - Donald J. Trump. The elected Democrats in congress, en masse, will continue their abject partisanship of resistance that is the dictates of their leadership, and Americans who care about the Republic, and intelligent enough difference will have to show up, enforce, to send overwhelming numbers of real patriots to serve in the United States Congress to effect real change for real Americans.

    For core Democrats and their Democrat Media, they will continue to follow the unprincipled dictum of Liberal /Socialist messiah Saul Alinsky: "The end always justifies the means."

Is the concerted Democrat plan to obfusticate the purpose of government by the unprecedented delaying of President Trump's appointments, while galvanizing with the organized protesters' directive to obstruct the process of governing, at the federal level, working for the Democrat brand?
  Yes, Democrats will finally create a Socialist Progressive utopia if they remain banded together.
  No, the nation is in dire straits, on so many levels, and needs immediate repair.
  I'm busy with my important life, such as it is, and don't care.
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