The Mass Hysteria of TDS: Democrats Care About Process, not the Purpose: Fourth | Eastern North Carolina Now
While one might wonder what is the patriotic purpose, if any, of the modern Democrat party, there is no doubt that today's Democrat is more concerned about the process.
Beaufort County Schools are building a new school on the same ground where Eastern Elementary already exists, at a cost of $10,500,000.00 to Beaufort County's Taxpayers. Is this a wise expense of taxpayer dollars at this time?
22.22% Yes, Beaufort County has been awarded a 42 million dollars of grant money from the state of North Carolina (FREE MONEY) to construct school at 3.00 per squ. ft.
62.96% No, this is the wrong time, to build the wrong school, on the wrong placement - its lowest point - of Eastern Elementary's existing location, when community schools work best.
14.81% Why should I care about the public's education?
Publisher's note: This ongoing series was begun to cast a proper light on the ongoing Democrat motive to ultimately delegitimize President Trump, while America seeks to regain its national purpose after nearly a decade cast adrift. Also, we make a brave attempt to examine and understand the chronic effects of the Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS); however, we make no assertion that we could ever fully know it at its core. Who could ... in a "legitimate" sense? Click here to follow the entire series.
Beleaguered (by Liberals) Chairman Devin Nunes
While one might wonder what is the patriotic purpose, if any, of the modern Democrat party, there is no doubt that today's Democrat is more concerned about the process. Core Democrats are interminably like the math professor concerned far too much about "showing the work" rather than getting the answer right. Like the overwrought Math instructor, the Democrats have gotten little right over the last 8 1/2 years, and, actually, the "show the work" maxim is fraught with too many mistakes, and bordering pathetic in knowing any purposeful path to sustain the Republic.
Begin with the election between the outsider, Businessman Donald Trump and the new Age Liberal / ultimate insider, Hillary Clinton for the beginning of an explanation: Core Democrats are not /will not accept the outcome because the victor did not run a conventional race. The Democrats, historically more ambivalent towards Russia /former Soviet Union than Republicans, mystically became very concerned, as Russia was accused of being involved in the hacking of important Democrats' unclassified emails; however, core Democrats, and true to their form in the sense of their stalwart ambivalence toward national security, were never concerned about L. Hillary Clinton's: mishandling of her classified emails; illegal server and its destruction as a public record; and the motive of premeditaively effecting such - the impropriety of commingling state department business with the success of her personal business - the Clinton Global Initiative.
Yes, core Democrats, and their 4th Estate, the Democrat Media, Socialist /Liberals all, did not care one whit about these egregious unprosecuted political scandals; but both appear to be apoplectic over the possibility that Mr. Trump, or a member of his team, knows a guy, who knows a guy, who may be involved with any perfectly proven hacking of Democrats' unsecure, unclassified emails. Hypocrisy here ... possibly ... definitely Hmmm?
The rare possibility, with no apparent evidence of such, of President "Trump Colluding with Premier Putin" has so piqued the interest of core Democrats and their slavish journalists from their 4th Estate have had trouble concerning themselves with anything else newsworthy. Remembering that the Democrat Media is the same group ("think") that were vastly unconcerned with the Obama administration's massive scandals: Benghazi Cover-up; IRS Political Targeting Against Conservatives; and the aforementioned L. Hillary Clinton Server /Mishandling of Classified Emails, where there was ample evidence, it is astounding that many within the Democrat Media report that the Trump /Russia fantasy, with no real evidence, is as significant of an 'attack against our Republic as Pearl Harbor and 9/11 was'.
Juxtapose this invective rhetoric against the marathon pace of any proper investigation, and what we have ended up with was core Democrats and their 4th Estate, the Democrat Media, hypothesizing one felonious scenario after another for Mr. Trump, calling for the new President to defend himself, or face certain Impeachment. Rather than order the CIA and the NSA, as suggested by impatient core Democrats, to conduct the investigation, President Trump pushed the investigation of all improprieties regarding the 2016 election for president into the DOJ /FBI and the United States Congress, where these investigations would be more bipartisan and more thorough.
When Representative Devin Nunes, chairman of the United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, was called to the White House to review secret NSA "deep state" intel, too secretive to share with all members of his committee until verified, he was vilified by the core Democrat paradigm for not including his committee members, especially the Democrat Minority Leader Rep. Adam Schiff. Devin Nunes was excoriated so profoundly by the Democrat's 4th Estate, and activist Liberals, Representative Nunes elected to recuse himself from the Chairmanship rather that embroil the investigation unnecessarily.
The sensitive information divulged, and later begrudgingly verified, was that the Obama Administation did have members of the Trump Campaign Team and Trump Transition Team electronically suveiled. Once this possible illegal surveillance became part of the narrative, the Group Think for the Democrat Media, and core Democrats, was that the Trump /Russia story was no longer "Bigger than Watergate", but would spend a good bit of time on the back burner, where it now remains.
It does appear that core Democrats care very deeply about possible Russian involvement in the "Democrat process", just not so much when it comes to American citizens and their right to privacy, especially when it comes to their political speech, and their right to that privacy of such when desired.
To that extent, Democrats and their lapdog Media were more concerned about the Nunes process of discovering this information, even to the extent that Mr. Trump had accused Obama of having a hand in this curious violation of American citizens' 4th Amendment rights accused the former president of "Wiretapping"), than they were of that proved violation, all the while, still having no hard evidence of any Trump /Putin Collusion.
Currently, the Democrats have dropped the "Worse than Watergate", and 'worse than 9/11' tortured rhetoric in favor of anything else that will delegitimize the the Trump Administration without similarly implicating Democrats, and, they are having a hard time of it. This could be why the Democrats' vilification of the process continues to outweigh the culmination of the process and the truth inherent within such. With core Democrats, and their 4th Estate Media Service, truth will always be the first casualty.
Any true sense of patriotism, and an ordered life outside of the debilitating effects of Trump Derangement Syndrome will be the second.