Beaufort County Schools are building a new school on the same ground where Eastern Elementary already exists, at a cost of $10,500,000.00 to Beaufort County's Taxpayers. Is this a wise expense of taxpayer dollars at this time?
22.22% Yes, Beaufort County has been awarded a 42 million dollars of grant money from the state of North Carolina (FREE MONEY) to construct school at 3.00 per squ. ft.
62.96% No, this is the wrong time, to build the wrong school, on the wrong placement - its lowest point - of Eastern Elementary's existing location, when community schools work best.
14.81% Why should I care about the public's education?
Part I of a multi part series: The making and protection of the Clintons
Don't pretend that it does not exist; it does, and now in a greater propensity than ever before.
After speaking this ultimate truth, I submit one more truth to you: Republicans, their candidates, and, especially, Donald J. Trump - Get over it and deal with it!
Who knows when it truly began? Maybe it began when Richard Nixon was president. Remember Watergate. It was wrong and the Mainstream Media - the only media at that time - went after Nixon with great abandon, with Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein getting the lion share of the credit for their dogged determination. In the Watergate hearings, Republicans teamed up with the Democrats to prosecute the scandal and right a supposed wrong.
After the success of bringing Richard M. Nixon down to his political knees, The Mainstream Media was emboldened, and after the disastrous presidency of Jimmy Carter, this Left leaning advocacy group went after Ronald Reagan with a vengeance, advocating their disposition to despise the affable Conservative, who still knew how to fight for principles.
Now years later, Ronald Wilson Reagan, who enjoyed one of the most popular presidencies of the 20th century, and, remarkably, the Mainstream Media has now grown to accept Ronald Reagan as a successful president, but has, moreover, doubled down in their extra-partisan efforts to alternately praise the beloved Reagan, and to make sure another Ronald Reagan never again emerges as president of these United States.
Accordingly, the genesis of a full bore, committed, card carrying Democrat media, took initial form during the presidential campaign of the charismatic Democrat nominee Bill Clinton in 1992. Almost immediately, the young, well spoken Democrat became the Mainstream Media's "fair haired boy".
While Governor Clinton was sworn to serve the people of Arkansas, and even when a handful of the brave women came forward as victims, or co-dependent accessories of Bill Clinton's hedonistic philandering, and chronic infidelities, the Mainstream Media gave lip service to these scandals. Regardless of their journalistic ambivalence, the main stream press elected to provide the perfect stage to clear the air, allowing the Left leaning media to put this ugliness to bed for good. Watch how Lying Bill and Hillary work the media on this story, a story originally divulged by a "Super Market tabloid", and watch below how L. Hillary Clinton deals so callously with "Women's Issues", evoking the infamous Tammy Wynette reference.
This histrionic display of loyalty to a man that had summarily shunned her sexuality, her femininity time and time again, in favor of another woman, another conquest, whether consensual or not, was hard to watch and further manifests the abject hypocrisy of the Feminist Industry. This may be the one true talent of this Saul Alinsky disciple: Hillary Clinton, like a chameleon, will adopt the pragmatic colors of her surroundings to remain included in any unnatural situation, and then take control of it to her personal benefit - the principles and the rights of others be damned - Alinsky:"The means always justifies the end".
While this absolute Democrat philosophy of "principles be damned" predominates their progressive mission, that political philosophy will never be integral to sustain the American Republic, it will only hasten its decline.
However, for the Democrat media, it has long made for good Democrat press.
Considering that Hillary Clinton, from the recently concluded email investigation, is charged with gross negligence, dereliction of duty, was recommended that she lose her security clearance, while pathologically lying to congress, the press and the American People; and even though she was not referred for indictment because she is a Clinton: Will you?
What should be the priority of the Federal Government after the "Pulse" massacre: Should we turn our attention toward destroying, earadicating ISIS as Candidate Trump suggests, or, as Democrats' President Obama suggests, broaden our efforts to effect stricter Gun Control laws to limit "Gun Violence?"
83.78% After many years of trying to degrade and contain the murderous ISIS, we should make it the nation's policy to destroy ISIS immediately.
6.08% Gun Violence in America can be eliminated by limiting access to guns for all American citizens.
Today, 082516, Donald Trump accused L. Hillary Clinton of being a racist for her divisive treatment of Blacks as Blacks rather than as Americans.
I reckon "turnabout is fair play".
I don't know if Lying Hillary Clinton is a racist; I can't see into her deceitful, corrupt heart. I do know that Lying Hillary, as is the case with muddle-brained Liberals, loves to throw that invective, RACIST, about, as if the word had any real power anymore.
What I am sure of: Lying Hillary is just as big of a racist as is Donald J. Trump, if, in fact, Donald J. Trump is that racist that the myopic, idle-brained Liberals purport The Donald to be ... and on a daily basis.
A coalition of organizations is urging Congress to terminate the subsidies associated with the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the elements of the Green New Deal it codified in policy.
I reckon "turnabout is fair play".
I don't know if Lying Hillary Clinton is a racist; I can't see into her deceitful, corrupt heart. I do know that Lying Hillary, as is the case with muddle-brained Liberals, loves to throw that invective, RACIST, about, as if the word had any real power anymore.
What I am sure of: Lying Hillary is just as big of a racist as is Donald J. Trump, if, in fact, Donald J. Trump is that racist that the myopic, idle-brained Liberals purport The Donald to be ... and on a daily basis.