Beaufort County Schools are building a new school on the same ground where Eastern Elementary already exists, at a cost of $10,500,000.00 to Beaufort County's Taxpayers. Is this a wise expense of taxpayer dollars at this time?
22.22% Yes, Beaufort County has been awarded a 42 million dollars of grant money from the state of North Carolina (FREE MONEY) to construct school at 3.00 per squ. ft.
62.96% No, this is the wrong time, to build the wrong school, on the wrong placement - its lowest point - of Eastern Elementary's existing location, when community schools work best.
14.81% Why should I care about the public's education?
FBI Director Jim Comey testified today, September 28, 2016, before the House Judiciary Committee, and the House Oversight Committee, thus providing one big answer on the Hillary Clinton investigation of obvious: Obstruction of Justice; Mishandling of Documents, including that of Classified Documents; and the associated Influence Peddling with Clinton Foundation. In fact, the one big question that was answered could be considered as an amalgamation of all the smaller questions that we were not really answered.
The other questions, not answered, or answered in coded obfuscation, fully support this final understanding of the FBI's intent - to give Hillary Clinton a full pass, while putting up a front that they did otherwise. This could be the main reason a impartial grand jury was never impaneled at some point in the investigation. One has to believe that one honest man or woman would have stepped forward. At some point, we will hear rumblings from within the FBI as the spin from Director Comey spins completely out of control.
Representative Jim Jordan grills FBI Director Jim Comey as he testified before the House Oversight Committee: Below.
That aforementioned answered question, in amalgamation, of all of the other questions that the Republican lawmakers posed that were not really answered, was: 'we will probably not pursue whether or not to consider your referral on Hillary Clinton's Perjury before congress, because, we have no further interest in the case, and have already spent much time and taxpayer treasure on exonerating the former secretary of state, which was our original intent to do so at the onset of the investigation.'
Considering that Hillary Clinton, from the recently concluded email investigation, is charged with gross negligence, dereliction of duty, was recommended that she lose her security clearance, while pathologically lying to congress, the press and the American People; and even though she was not referred for indictment because she is a Clinton: Will you?
What should be the priority of the Federal Government after the "Pulse" massacre: Should we turn our attention toward destroying, earadicating ISIS as Candidate Trump suggests, or, as Democrats' President Obama suggests, broaden our efforts to effect stricter Gun Control laws to limit "Gun Violence?"
83.78% After many years of trying to degrade and contain the murderous ISIS, we should make it the nation's policy to destroy ISIS immediately.
6.08% Gun Violence in America can be eliminated by limiting access to guns for all American citizens.
It is sad that Comey let himself get involved in all this. This has completely destroyed any legacy that he may have developed over the years, where many say he did good work.
Remember, this guy made his bureaucrat bones by prosecuting Scooter Libby, a Republican, for less in that silly Valerie Plame investigation where she was outed as a CIA analyst, which on its face was nonsense.
It is quite ironic that many real CIA operatives will be put far greater danger by Lying Hillary's intentional Mishandling of Classified Documents for so many years.
I agree the fix was and is in. Heard on radio (local PBS) while going to grocery that some right wing groups are now saying that after the election President Obama will pardon all involved before leaving office. Slick Willie did that as well. James Comey's name comes up in this article as well.
I t is the ultimate Bait and Switch by the ultra corrupt DOJ, with Democrat partisan Loretta Lynch at the helm. Hillary has cut the deal with her to keep her in her job if she gets elected. That happened during the planned infamous Tarmac Meeting with Bill Clinton.
I found it informative that the Justice department gave immunity and not the FBI. Comey stated that he was not involved in the immunity negotiations. The FBI apparently is acting merely as a fact-finding sniffer but is not in the prosecuting mode. You and I may differ on Comey's motives but I know that nothing would ever come of a referral to prosecute in this administration and justice department.
I don't think we have seen this level of abuse since Nixon went through three FBI directors after Hoover died and had a corrupt attorney General and staff as well. Not much has changed in the abuse game
Apparently there is no William Ruckelshaus around now to resign in the face of what appears to be a massive cover-up.
Remember, this guy made his bureaucrat bones by prosecuting Scooter Libby, a Republican, for less in that silly Valerie Plame investigation where she was outed as a CIA analyst, which on its face was nonsense.
It is quite ironic that many real CIA operatives will be put far greater danger by Lying Hillary's intentional Mishandling of Classified Documents for so many years.