The Mass Hysteria of TDS: Democrats Obstruct the Process of Governing: First | Eastern North Carolina Now
From Capital Hill, to indoctrinated college campuses' intellectual safe spaces, to the radical, reactionary and intolerant Left, to Democrat Leadership calling for violence in the streets, America's Socialist Liberals are obstructing the governing process as best they can, however they can.
Now that Kamala Harris has been coronated the Democratic Socialist designee for nomination as their candidate for President of these United States, after that political party's contrived primary process "democratically" elected Joseph R. Biden: What are your feelings about this party's progressive posture within their self-styled exercise of "Saving Democracy for America," and how truly critical the outcome of this presidential election will be?
5.26% I am ecstatic that this "Democracy's" First partially Black, First partially Indian, First female Co-Parent, and that this nation's primary necessity, is to her elect our First woman president.
26.32% I really do not care about all these "Firsts." I will continue to pray, and work for this Representative Republic to elect someone competent, and brilliantly patriotic to be our next president.
68.42% I will never vote for any politician that "first" does not have the core values to understand how dire this Constitutional Republic's situation has become.
Publisher's note: This ongoing series was begun to cast a proper light on the ongoing Democrat motive to ultimately delegitimize President Trump, while America seeks to regain its national purpose after nearly a decade cast adrift. Also, we make a brave attempt to examine and understand the chronic effects of the Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS); however, we make no assertion that we could ever fully know it at its core. Who could ... in a "legitimate" sense, regardless, we endeavor understand its deranged motivations. Click here to follow the entire series.
On the Day that the Republican controlled Senate breaks with a 211 year tradition to never filibuster a supreme court nominee, we begin this series with one objective - the degradation of the toxic, diseased Democrat party.
From Capitol Hill, to indoctrinated college campuses' intellectual safe spaces; to the radical, reactionary and intolerant Left; to Democrat leadership calling for "blood in the streets" of America's cities , Socialist Liberals are obstructing the governing process as best they can, however they can. Never before, in modern times, has the opposition party been so reluctant to accept defeat; actually, a total defeat at all levels of government, have they created a toxic environment where there will possibly be two paths forward - the destruction of our United States Republic or the dissolution of the crumbling Democrat party.
Loretta Lynch, as Hussein Obama's top lawyer at the DOJ, which means political muscle above the law, stays in her patent Alinsky political vein after President Trump takes office and pledges to return America to a Nation of Laws: Above.
Should I have to pick between the two possible inevitable eventualities, I, like all patriots, vote for the dissolution of the diseased Democrat party, and plan to hasten that process as best that I can in whatever manner possible. Could it be that I am that much of a devotee to the Grand Ole Party that I wish to see the toxicity of Democrat party dissolve away from this American political landscape?
The United States Supreme Court: by Stan Deatherage
Hardly. As a multi decade Republican, I am plenty perturbed by leadership at all levels, as the Republican brand has been tarnished by some ineffective, occasionally vapid politicians, and stained by pathetic leadership here in North Carolina, at the ready to sacrifice core Conservative principles for the sake of "big tent" inclusion. However, the one thing that keeps the Republican Party from unraveling at the seams is the party's diversity of intellectual abilities, where often our best are rewarded to ascend to serve, while still too many of our least capable inextricably are elected as best they can; but, no political party will ever be perfect; we must all accept that truth.
We must also accept the reality that when a political party becomes so toxic, such a perahia of perpetual impropriety, it deserves to be put down; put down permanently, irrespective of what might arise from its putrid ashes. Today's Democrat is at that irrevocable point. That party has long past the point of no return, its path forward is a bumbling, non patriotic plod to perfect oblivion.
After eight years of the most ineffective two term president, barack Hussein Obama, in the history of the United States; the most scandal ridden president in the history of the United States, and, as the greatest of all ironies, received less relative First Amendment scrutiny than any president in the history of the United States, the Democrat party, bolstered by the Democrat media wrongly feels emboldened to obstruct and delegitimize the presidency of Donald J. Trump to the point that our American Republic would be placed in great jeopardy.
If one or the other must fail, it will be my personal maxim that it be the Democrat party, their overwhelming non patriotic status, which they revel in, be damned. Here begins the series on such, which is only heightened by the intellectual debilitating effect of their chronic mass hysteria of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome).
In this series, we shall examine as much of the process of Democrat obstruction, elevated to hysterical proportion by the collusion of the unprincipled Democrat Media, and we will do it by using truth, not the conjectural false narratives feeding their toxic hysteria, a toxic hysteria, which is humorous to watch, but will eventually lead to destruction of the Republic that so many patriots do so dearly love, and have sacrificed everything to preserve.
This series is for the patriots of the United States of America.
Any “bounce” that Vice President Kamala Harris may have gotten from last month’s Democratic National Convention (DNC) appears to have evaporated, according to the most recent New York Times/Siena poll out on Sunday.