Obama Administration Continues to Aspire to Mediocrity ... | Eastern North Carolina Now

In a world, where religious fascism is growing and spreading at home and abroad, America's amateur president continues to lecture Christians, while bolstering the plight of Muslims, and, oddly, it is the Christians dying at the murderous, bigoted hands of Muslims.

And yet, this may be an unattainable goal.

Jan Psaki promoted to be Josh Earnest's boss; a whole host of other Democrats saying silly stuff, doing silly stuff, all in the name of our once great nation.

    In a world, where religious fascism is growing and spreading at home and abroad, America's amateur president continues to lecture Christians, while bolstering the plight of Muslims, and, oddly, it is the Christians dying at the murderous, bigoted hands of Muslims. In is clear that Professor Hussein Obama may have a deep, and abiding misidentified sense of loyalty. Now that we, and the World, are in the thick of it, The Amateur shows his true colors as to where his sympathies lie.

    It is increasingly becoming a daily experience of vomitous incredulity for patriots to endure Amateur Obama, and his amateur administration, as they go through the insipid motions of doing their well overpaid jobs. Not one of these lackeys are doing their jobs - not one. If I am wrong here, please comment below and give me their name(s), explain why, and keep it real if do not wish to incur my sharpened tongue. You see, I despise stupidity in a man, or a women, where the truth is being trampled daily, and the safety, and risk of my Republic is at continual risk. Unlike, muddle-minded Liberals, I take this all very seriously.

    What I also take very seriously, especially as the target is widening, convenient, and just so easy to smash, is the total, unrelenting incompetence of Professor Barack Hussein, as the intellectual Svengali to his parroting, prostrate underclass, and that underclass well learning all that is taught is stupidity, as if it was real; up to and including VP Biden, and Secretary of State Stone-face. And Hillary B. Clinton once sat in the front row to curry favor of that infamous class. Wow. I have long wondered what will happen to the growing Liberal wing of the Democrat party if their regular voters finally get just a little bit smarter. I'm not talking about folks brimming over with a working intelligence, just a bit smarter, possibly worried about their sustainability as breathing humanoids. What then core Democrats? Will they move even farther toward Communism? Will they be even more divisive to separate the unproductive welfare class from the patriots who pay for them to even exist?
If only the Fool-in-Chief could wave a wand, and make the Jihadis accept his apology for American excellence - at least in some of us: Above. image by David Winstead

    Well, maybe later, which is usually the case, even some Democrats will sing from the same hymnals as Conservative patriots; however, once the going starts really getting rough and tough, they always revert back to their unthinking populous, chanting and cheering ways. Still, partisan Democrats do well as they are told, and for over six years now the United States Secretary of State's office has degenerated into an abysmal mess. An state department office that failed: in its negotiations with Russia; an office that took no advantage of the Arab Spring, and, in fact, lost huge chunks of ground; an office that took no pains to secure the embassy field office in Benghazi, lost two diplomats (Ambassador Chris Stevens) in their care, and then blamed the whole sorry affair on that 'despicable video'; surrendered the embassies in Libya and then Yemen to extremist Muslims; engineered the surrender of Iraq, and have presented an American face that few former allies, current and former, wish to trust.

    Now, those same partisan Democrats - Liberals to the core - have either resigned from The Amateur's administration, or, worse, are moving up in that administration. The latest moving up to the big Obama leagues is Jan Psaki, who was under secretary for Hilary B. Clinton and Secretary Stone-face. Now, she will be White House Communications Director - you know, the job that helps to hone and deliver Professor Obama's message of um, Hope and Change ... and save the World's temperature from eventually rising another tenth of degree Fahrenheit.

    Do any of you remember the inconspicuous career of Under Secretary Psaki, best known for being unable to answer directly simple questions, and, that one time Rush Limbaugh made a remark that was construed by feminists to be of a sexist nature. Whether that remark was actually sexist is inconsequential at this point, but what is significant that Ms. Psaaki make a big stink out of the comment while supposedly doing her job as spokesman for the state department. What makes that superfluous event even more bizarre was that Ms. Psaki's assistant, Marie Harf, who publicly droned on incessantly about sexism and Limbaugh, rather than dealing with the events of the day for the state department, which is her prescribed job.

    Granted that Ms. Harf comes across as an over-privileged, over-educated stupefyingly repressive valley girl, but her job is not to take a firm stand for feminism against a talk famous radio jock, on the public's dime, while supposedly doing the people's business as foreign policy expert. For accuracy's sake, this state department is the most inept state department in modern times, and it does not help for these young vacuous babes to get all indignant, when someone the stature of Rush Limbaugh claims something along the lines of these state department upper managers being 'young vacuous babes'.

    Hey, "El Rushbo", you of all people should know that these young women are, first and foremost, Democrats. Their blind loyalty to the most ineffective president in modern times is their greatest occupational asset. It is a blind loyalty that allows these Democrats to never intellectually challenge ideas from the Hussein Obama Administration, which favors corporate welfare for Islamist Terrorists over eradicating the vermin wherever they may be found. Should the remaining members of this evil sect of Jihad be transformed rather than dispatched to the Hell of their god of real hate, then that is a day far down the road. What is needed now is a complicated plan to succeed in this fight, and its development is at the highest priority when America's and World leaders meet to confer.

    Conversely, the infamously pathetic conference to understand 'Violent Extremism', organized within Barack Hussein's administration's plan to endeavor to understand their murder, and save this sociopathic behavior, and evil from itself and the World, rather than to organize a plan to obliterate this Islamic State is imbecilic. Left to these Liberal designs to negotiate the community needs of Sharia Law and the Islamic State, before it fully metastasizes into a viable fascist murdering machine against what is good and decent, was the height of Democrat stupidity. At this conference, held this second to the last week in February, 2015, rather than deal with the obvious, The Amateur's administration discussed Jobs for Jihadis, community organization for Islamists, and, moreover, how to deal with other weightier matters such as: developing a narrative for an alternative history, rather what is the truth, for the Hussein Obama administration; how to deal with FOX News's exploration into what is true; and how to deal with domestic extremism (not Islamic).

    In other words, it was a Democrat freak show, not unlike the Democrat National Convention of 2012, held in Charlotte, North Carolina, where the grand issues were: free birth control and abortions; the 'Republican War on Women'; Income Redistribution; and lying to themselves and the stupid of America that they had ended the War on Terror by killing bin Laden. Who can ever forget the insipid chant and cheer, at that Freak Show National Convention, "bin Laden is dead and Al-Qaeda is on the run!" Is it any wonder why these Democrats, now rewarded every one, conspired to cover-up the Benghazi Terrorist attack as 'that despicable video'?

    Flash forward to today, where a division of Al-Qaeda (it still existed as Barack Hussein surrendered Iraq) has morphed into The Islamic State bent on murdering Jews, Christians, and fellow Muslims for fun and profit, all in the name of Allah and the prophet Mohamed. And still, Amateur Obama has no plan to deal with such, and his vacuous Democrat spokespeople are impeccably loyal to that motive to do absolutely nothing substantial. Whether this grand scheme of incompetence is designed for failure, or to placate core Liberals in Democrat party, one thing is sure: Barack Hussein Obama was elected to be America's first Idiot President.

Considering last week's events, where Mr. Obama and Susan 'it was the despicable video' Rice went on a media blitz to downplay any concerns over worldwide Islamic terrorism directed at the USA: Is Mr. Obama realistic in his approach to keeping Americans safe?
83.14%   Mr. Obama is unrealistic about the level of danger presented by radical Islamists.
7.56%   Mr. Obama is wise to concentrate on the domestic policy of income redistribution and climate change.
9.3%   Mr. Obama will be gone in less than two years.
172 total vote(s)     Voting has Ended!

Understanding that many strident Liberals have an abject repulsion to the biopic American Sniper: What should be one's well considered reaction to some of their explicit speech?
74.71%   Chris Kyle was a true American hero, and Liberals should measure their harsh words.
2.94%   Chris Kyle was a murderer of women and children, which he did to satisfy his profound racism.
22.35%   It was an outstanding film that truly communicated its truth. Get over it.
170 total vote(s)     Voting has Ended!

In this new year of possibilities: What should be our greatest concerns?
4.32%   Rapacious cries of Racism by the classes of White/Black Privilege's keen sense of entitlement.
89.93%   The abject evil of Satanic murderous Muslims bent on the destruction of Jews and Christians.
5.76%   Global Warming, or is it Climate Change ... or is it Climate Disruption now?
139 total vote(s)     Voting has Ended!

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( February 21st, 2015 @ 9:10 am )
We saw how diplomacy worked with Hitler in Munich.

You do not negotiate with the Devil; you kill it.
( February 21st, 2015 @ 8:04 am )
We could light a hot fire to offset the cold of Eastern NC with this gas!

He is not perfect---has never claimed to be such --- BUT we are not expanding war / we are backing local attacks on the Terrorists in their own homelands / Russia is getting local control / we are seeing the PTSD rate drop quickly as we send advisers rather than boots on the ground in places we are not wanted.

Diplomacy is such a BAD THING, Stan. Keep up the gases and excrement and we will have enough methane to fuel our tractors for planting time . . . Be sure to wear hour hip boots and use only the corner of your yard lest you pollute you own drinking water, man.

Jones Secures Outer Banks Meeting on Offshore Oil and Gas Clarion Call, Editorials, Op-Ed & Politics NCGA: Gas tax hike for US. Tax breaks for airlines & data centers.


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