Now that President Trump is picking his cabinet and immediate staff to insulate him from the poor judgement of the Bureaucratic Class, while moving quickly to transition this Constitutional Republic unto a wise and sustainable direction: What is your immediate impression as to how our nation will prosper?
57.89% We are headed toward a Golden Age in America's self-governed society.
5.26% This will all wind up in a clustered mess since Trump is a Fascist, and thought to be the second coming of Adolf Hitler by our best journalists.
36.84% This is a time where critical days lay ahead, where only wise and responsible decisions must be made to sustain US.
0% I generally do not pay attention, but expect only the best to occur ... and that is what I always expect.
The inarticulate, bombastic and often politically incorrect President Trump is slowly growing on me, and is making me begrudgingly believe: He may just be the right man for the right job, right now.
Furthermore, in his trademark inarticulate and highly bombastic manner, I am finding that the man speaks for me more now, who I have become more as a knowledgeable person, than any president since Ronald Reagan, a president who, along with Bill Clinton, are primarily responsible for me being drug into the light, and away from the political party of identity politics - the Democrat party. In other words: As a Democrat, I never liked Bill Clinton (never understood the cool factor), and as a Democrat, I grew to love Ronald Reagan (not a cool guy, but a great patriot and a fabulous communicator).
Continuing in this self-reflective analysis of the growing relationship between me and Mr. Trump, it was 1992 when I left the Democrat party, and it was 1994, when I first ran for, and became a Beaufort County Commissioner. Like Trump then, I was an inarticulate politician, but like Trump, I knew to speak my mind. As I became far more articulate, I also learned to know my growing mind much better, plus I was a quick study in learning the ideological blending of Conservative principles and the U.S. Constitution ... the real Constitution; not the one that Hussein Obama has sullied with his many incorrect, and yet to be corrected misadventures. For eighteen years, I served as a pure Conservative in a Democrat county that has, in some sectors, become progressively more liberal in its collective understanding of the real World juxtaposed against the immediate World that they, as moderates and Liberals, do so dramatically wish for.
For my entire terms of service, I was a political stranger in a strange land, and in some sectors remain so. Alternately, many Beaufort County residents are not so divergent, as they would rather understand the ties that bind those who operate by and through the personal power of identity politics. Some are ardent members of the crony class, others choose to live off of the government rather than to serve their families and themselves through gainful employment. Understandably, I never fit in; as a Conservative, and as a creative force where work is the only way to bring any worthwhile project into fruition in my private life. In my public life, my principles solely guided my every purpose.
By some distant coincidence, that is why I understand Donald J. Trump's short political career, and how and why he is a staid force, an elected wall against this unprincipled class of the electorate - the crony class. I rather like that about the man, and, hopefully, Mr. Trump will be successful, and, in turn, will instigate an abundance of a following breed of politician that will stand on principle, and lead this People forward through future trying times. There are others: Ted Cruz is one, Rand Paul another; many within the Freedom Caucus of the U.S. Congress, other Republicans of some notable talents, many military leaders, and, at this point, no Democrats come to mind as those that have the wherewithal to lead through these trying times yet untried.
Accordingly, President Trump is so unique in his unpracticed, inarticulate approach to governing, which is both confusing and refreshing in his trademark breakneck pace, so: Could he begin a new trend for future politicians seeking to emulate the Trump style? Will he be that politician that really leads, while leading others to lead as well.
Remarkably, Mr. Trump could become a variation of that workable future template of the good and principled - those that consider the needs of their country and their local communities paramount to their own. This possible new template for politicians would warm my politician heart, as I know well, first hand, how easy it is to know what is right, work to enact what is right, and summarily confront that heavy wall of the self interested, self absorbed crony class. President Trump, in this regard, is my kindred spirit in the art of governing by principle over the purpose of privilege. Still, I don't identify with the Trump mold, I identify with the perfect principle of representative government - this is how I governed for 18 years - that Mr. Trump is serendipitously backing into; the neophyte president must have some outstanding advisors, and even better, he is willing to listen to them.
And wise he is to do so. Mr. Trump's presidency will be one where he will be extremely challenged, fraught with enemies, domestic and abroad. The Domestic Democrats have been given been their marching orders from George Soros, the evil manipulator of currencies and Men's souls, who hires score of protestors to fill the streets of America, and David Brock, of Media Matters (a Liberal propaganda journal), to obfusticate the issues of the Trump presidency at every turn.
The Mainstream Media, better explained as the Democrat Media, is the sworn enemy of the new president, who stated such during the election, and will carry through on that process as the new President governs, with their intended goal to misrepresent the Trump presidency, and cast his administration in the light of "WWLD (What Would Liberals Do?)", which is a failed premise since Liberals /Socialists have a historically skewed view of America and the World; it is a complete condition of The Liberal - politics over policy, partisanship over principles.
Understanding that there will be no President Trump "Honeymoon", watching the unprincipled Democrat Media try to cover the Trump juggernaut, in a manner that is poorly masked by their norm of dishonest journalistic bias, gives me great pause for comedy ... great comedy, because these partisan purveyors of unwise words are funny; much more funny than in any manner smart.
Continuing, having the ability to string words together in reasonably proper syntax is no substitute for knowing stuff, and using that knowledge as a contextual pretext to explore the issues. Today's journalist is woefully weak on knowing real issues, and, therefore, most have a difficult time gauging how to cover and understand the mercurial Mr. Trump. Instead, the majority within the Democrat Media are more concerned with casting a partisan projectable light on the businessman President, rather than inform the public on what the President is actually doing. For many folks, this former tenant of honorable journalism now rests on the asheap of the past; Edward R. Murrow would be sickened by their total absence of objectivity. Remember, the vast majority of these journalist did not cover the IRS Political Targeting scandal, or the Benghazi Cover-up scandal because both cast a terrible light so close to the re-election of their beloved master - Barack Hussein Obama,
Intrinsically, President Trump, the political neophyte, is handling the press perfectly. They have allowed this inarticulate, bombastic and often politically incorrect President to befuddle them to the point that they are unwisely searching for the "shiny object" of conjecture, like the 'crowd-size lies', and where is the supposedly absent Martin Luther King, Jr bust(?), thereby missing the obvious abndance of Mr Trump's initiatives undoing those of their political m:
1) Executive Order to serve notice to the IRS to suspend any prosecution of penalty on any U.S. Citizen on ObamaCare;
2) Initiated a plan to cut federal employees by 10% or more;
3) Executive order to triple border patrol agents and end Obama's Open Border policy, and "Catch and Release";
4) The resumption of the Keystone XL Pipeline;
5) Initiated the process to build the Southern Border Wall;
6) Suspending immigrants from terrorist nations until extensive vetting procedures are put firmly into place;
7) Sanctuary Cities served notice as to their illegal status, as the Trump administration intended to follow the law of the land;
8) No new business stifling regulations initiated without first removing two regulations throughout all Federal regulatory agencies.
Minority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer overcome with emotion: Above.
And this all in just one week (and these are not all of them), while the Democrat Media produced talking points for Liberals /Socialists on Trump about Crowd Size, rather than these very substantive issues. Remarkably, simple Liberals had not a clue when the travel ban was issued on Saturday, January 28 2017, when Mr. Trump acted on his campaign promise, and executive order of a few days prior, to end the travel for 90 days from any of these 7 nations that are consumed by Islamist Terrorists. Minority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer, flanked by Muslim women in burkas, cried like a baby on the Trump implementation of ban.
Note to Little Chuckie Schumer: There is no crying in governing! Real men and women will laugh at you.
President Trump even made fun of the "man", and this is why I am developing an afinity for the new President. He gets it. Sometimes the inane of the political Left serves to provide the dark humor that makes many Americans shake their curious minds in abject wonder.
The Democrat Media has long expressed an affection for their leaders, rather than embrace the principles of truth, and will often employ "fake news" to proffer their point. Cronies act as if they represent the public's voice, but are always only interested in lining their own pockets with the public's treasure. An obstinate Democrat minority, breaking with the traditions of congress on presidential appointments, will act as obstructionists, as they are told to do so. This is the reality of today's politics - in the local community and at the Federal level. It isn't pretty, and it is partisan, but it just the way of it, and the only way it will change is when the electorate knows enough to make the right decisions.
The humor here is that Democrats, bolstered by their unpopular, unprincipled Democrat Media may drive more folks from the intellectually bankrupt Democrat party than towards it, and could lose even more seats in congress in the next midterm election. So much for the Democrat's efficiency in their obvious attempt to delegitimization of the Trump presidency.
Understandably, I get that Donald J. Trump is often inarticulate, bombastic and politically incorrect, but for the first time in about 10 years, I am optimistic for our nation's future. If nothing else, watching the disloyal opposition make the political play for more "disenfranchised minorities" to take from the rest of us, providing they vote Democrat of course, will be high comedy as performance art. Knowing that working folks will no longer so easily be played for fools adds a purposeful dimension to this Tragedy-turned-Comedy-of-political-wills warms my heart. Add the emerging dispirited paradigm of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome), it's effect on the Liberal /Socialist, and the obvious resultant comedy is sometimes more than one can bear without busting a gut.
It is the nature of Liberals /Socialists to care more about controlling power rather than correcting the listing ship that they helped make. Democrats will never help their nation without first helping themselves, and they must delegitimize the Trump presidency to keep this broken-down train of political party rambling down their twisted tracks to nowhere. As dark as this may sound, the truth is that Democrats feel that they excel through tragic situations, and there is no greater tragedy than human beings being of little worth to society, and these folks ultimately, knowing that truth of their worthlessness, but still voting Democrat to get the free stuff that the rest of us work to pay for.
President Donald J. Trump helping most Americans gain some positive perspective of self-worth and pride in their own humanity could mean the death of today's Democrat party. I thank God that I am an optimist, and I thank God I am not the only one. The Democrat party must die ... maybe, the Republican party too ... but American must continue.
"It’s easy to mock Schumer. He’s the world’s biggest publicity hound, famous for chewing through press secretaries. A standing joke in Washington: What’s the most dangerous place on Capitol Hill? Between Chuck Schumer and a television camera."
I never made the connection between Amy and Chuck, but we must be on a roll. I have offended Jewish people, you have offended fat chicks, and we both have offended the Schumer family, but if you think I am going to touch that oversexed remark, your are wrong, I have some residual standards after all.
And speaking of comedians from before, Chuck Schumer's cousin, Comedian Amy Schumer, is not funny either - too vulgar, with no real punchline. I think she is just an oversexed, overweight girl, who makes big girls feel safe.
Chuck Schumer is a laughable joke, but only as a "laughing stock". Still, he is not as incorrigible as Senator Pansy Voice, but he is getting there.
Chuck Schumer is a laughable joke as a policy maker. For years, I have watched his theatrics with amusement. While I appreciate showmanship and drama, I also expect results. Trump is also a theatrical showman but he is also a results oriented executive. I agree that optics do matter in politics, but results matter more. Increasingly all we have these days are photo opps or image control. Both sides are guilty of too much showmanship and too little action. President Trump seems to be able to handle both, which I guess makes him producer as well as a entertainer. How refreshing.
Since the retirement of Harry Reid, I have been amused by Senator Schumer's elevation from understudy to lead player in the Democratic Party road show. The first version of this Video (cried like a baby link above) I saw shows him as Director Schumer just before his speech began. As the director, he instructs the bit players where to stand and set the stage before he begins his performance. That tells me more about the politics than the actual policy he seems to be fighting.
Click below to Watch the first part or click on the cried like a baby link in the article to see what I mean.
Jack Lemmon, the comedic actor, always had a saying before he started a scene.
He would pause, take a deep breath and say "It's magic time." He knew it was an imaginary performance and wanted to make it as real as possible.
Schumer is no Jack Lemmon.
My reference to Mohel and Bris was intentional to illustrate the point in the first two paragraphs. Some would interpret the reference as Anti-Semitic and perhaps it would offend even my wife who is Jewish. My reason for using the reference is not to draw attention to the fact that Chuck Schumer is Jewish, It is to illustrate his total phoniest by trotting out Arab bit players to enhance his tearful performance.
My wife would not doubt not approve of the reference, but not to the point that she would want to kill me; She has plenty of other reasons for that. Years ago criticism of a particular philosophy or exercise of freedom of speech was considered a right. I am not so sure anymore.
If I 'SAY' something that makes someone so mad THEY want to kill me, then I don't have a problem. THEY DO. That is until THEY start to act on THEIR anger, then WE both have a problem. This crap about the Muslims getting so upset by something that we say that they join JIHAD or want to kill INFIDELS, only illustrates the leap of faulty logic that the Liberals, some Republicans, and Media keep pushing.
The media seems intent on misrepresenting what is actually written in the executive orders and the actual legal context and basis for the order. For that reason I have resorted to my old habit of actually reading the orders from the White House Site rather than getting the media summary. The rest is just political theatrics for fund raising and create opposition to the current administration. I would suspect that the last time Senator Chuck Schumer actually really shed a tear was the last time he had an encounter with a Mohel at a Bris.
I think what Trump said about Schumers "fake tears" was not only funny, but most appropriate.