RNC Joins the Stand Against the Media Bias of the OMG | Eastern North Carolina Now

Recently, the RNC (Republican National Committee) joined the others, like me, your humble publisher of Beaufort County NOW, to denounce the irrepressible in-your-face media bias that is currently rampant in the OMG, leaving many of us to ask: What took you so long?

The "New Media" took up this inevitable cause long ago

    Recently, the RNC (Republican National Committee) joined others, like myself, your humble publisher of Beaufort County NOW and an active participant in the "New Media", to denounce the irrepressible in-your-face media bias that is currently rampant in the OMG, leaving many of us to question: What took you so long?

    The constantly evolving OMG (Obama Media Group), formerly the MSM (Mainstream Media), has become so openly brazen in their slavish devotion to all things Obama, and soon, as Candidate Obama finishes his last term, all things liberal, some real action needed to be taken. Just last week, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus threw down the gauntlet, and announced that the RNC has decided that CNN and NBC would not have access to candidate debates, with the primary candidates for the Republican nomination, if these two media groups continued to run the Hillary Clinton puff pieces, disguised as serious film, during the presidential election period. Hillary Clinton, even with the Benghazi Terror Attack debacle and cover-up scandal still hanging around her neck, is the presumed and currently anointed Democrat nominee for the 2016 presidential election. It remains to be seen whether CNN or NBC backs down from the RNC's ultimatum.

    Actually, in a recent interview with FOX News's Bret Baier, Reince Priebus stated that he did not expect that CNN and NBC would back down from the RNC's ultimatum, so the RNC was fully prepared to bring all the influence that they may well possess to restrict the perspective Republican primary candidates from those potential debates. This purposeful extraordinary action by the RNC is actually what will need to become standard procedure when the OMG becomes even more strident in pushing their favored candidates, while remaining under the flimsy canopy provided by the false narrative of an unbiased Mainstream Media.

    Normally in the past, should a bold action by a special interest group, such as the RNC, have been brought to the fore to steady the journalistic field of play, it would have crumbled under the cumulative weight of the promised onslaught of a vindictive Mainstream Media, acting in collusive unison and would have destroyed that wee voice for reason.

    Not any more.

    The alternative "New Media" now possess what remains of the journalistic integrity that was once the promised fabric; sometimes real, often imagined, of an investigative Free Press, as prescribed in the First Amendment of the United States Bill of Rights. The "New Media", made possible by the internet, and bolstered by the most trusted name in TV News (actually, they win in all polls by wide margins over their OMG competition) FOX News, talk radio, and a smattering of print publications, is far and away the most productive force in determining what is real in this complex world that our children must inherit. In fact, the OMG has become so corrupt in their slavish devotion to their unified utopia, they have lost all semblance of what is real, what is purposeful within the human condition, and any analysis of that condition in the present sense, the past sense and what might be its real future. Simply, the former Mainstream Media has few intelligent supporters who believe in its prescribed benefit to our society.

    A recent case in point is revealed by what few press conferences America's "Phony President" gives, and how he is allowed to drone on interminably with his long winded answers to what few questions can be asked in the remaining time allowed for questioners. In the most recent of these press conferences, Friday, August 9, 2013, this codependent process was on full display. Moreover, Candidate Obama does this because he is enabled by the OMG's slavish devotion to never take him to task for his practice of complete obfuscation of anything real that could emanate from these press conferences. Instead, he blathers endlessly, divisively, without taking any real responsibility for his position, and ultimately, because of the ceaseless blather, the Candidate ends up lying ... a lot.

    Does the OMG, the former Mainstream Media that would put a microphone under the nose of any idiot that would repeat the insipid phrase: "Bush LIED, Kids DIED!", call their beloved messianic president out for his pathological habitual lying sprees?

    Are you kidding me? The OMG continues to do puff pieces on the Obama family's multiple and constant vacations as if they are ultra rich celebrities, who have no need to work, and can afford such. No wonder CNN and NBC want to reward his obvious and anointed successor, Hillary "Benghazi" Clinton. OMG approved celebrity, and an American monarchy rolled into one, with liberal sensibilities as long as the Republic can survive: What's there not to love for the Liberal, who can't form cognitive reasoning processes? At least they can feel good about their American world for the brief period the Republic would have until it collapsed under its own Liberal / Socialist weight.

    And speaking of the surreal fantasy that are Liberal sensibilities, the OMG can only sniff out a lie if it comes from a disfavored Republican, and usually if it concerns issues that the rank and file of the OMG are not intellectually equipped to understand, so it seems as though it is a lie, but its just a complication for them.

    Obviously, this is a complicated world we share, and American institutes of higher learning - our revered collegiate schools of journalism - are just not producing the caliber of journalism professionals that are universally capable of tackling the issues of today, with any measure of integrity, which leads one to query: Which came first, failing graduated journalism novices, or the failed journalism professors? Regardless, they have produced a pathetic OMG, which serves no purpose other than serve Candidate Obama, and eventually other Liberals. Can you just imagine what our Founding Fathers would think of this pseudo "Free Press?"

    Welcome to this new world, made complicated ... and welcome to the "New Media". The RNC now gets it. When will you?

Should Mr. Obama continue to be worshiped by an adoring media, who continues to under report all of his "phony" scandals, or should an alternative media step to the fore as the Free Press?
29.98%   Yes, our Obama is beyond the scrutiny of the media, and they should continue to stay out of his way.
42.3%   No, it is imperative to have a Free Press to keep all politicians and their bureaucrats in check.
27.73%   I don't care about news and information; it's not fun.
1,688 total vote(s)     Voting has Ended!

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