Publisher's note: Chapter V is the continuation of a series that began with The Turnage Theater in Images: a Retrospect in Melody - Chapter I, with the last installment in the series, The Turnage Theater in Images: a Retrospect in Melody - Chapter IV.
These chapters of the Turnage Theater, in retrospect, in these rare images offered below, are in chronological order, and if you do not see a show that you were particularly fond of; please, be aware of this one policy of mine - I did not publish images of every performer, only the ones I rather enjoyed. My mother made a deep impression on me: "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." Additionally, all photos for this article have never been published prior to this post.
The new year, 2011, rolled around and while one may well wonder - will the Turnage Foundation right their financial ship - one could be at least thankful for the wonderful shows booked for presentation later in the year. The line-up would fortunately produce a number of good shows -two of which we will re-present, with photos in this article that have never been published prior to this post.
The first show of the new season, January 11, 2011, was a lively Folk / Bluegrass / "Newgrass" show featuring
April Verch, and her trio: Guitarist Clay Ross and Bassist Cody Walters. Musically it was a spirited show, that grew in intensity when April unleashed her pent up, need to immerse into Ottawa Valley Stepdancing.
Her passion to stepdance expressed in her happy little feet, descended upon her traveling 3/4" plyboard with a voracious abandon. It was a big part of their show, and the audience roared with approval.
April Verch Trio (from left to right): Bassist Cody Walters, April Verch, Guitarist Clay Ross -above. photo by Stan Deatherage
April and the boys used their stringed instruments to raise a ruckus this cold Winters's night in Washington, NC: Above and below. photos by Stan Deatherage
April, with her trio, as she prepares to stepdance - notice the plyboard at her feet. As you may notice in both articles on her and accompanying fellows, that I present no pictures of her stepdancing. She just moved too fast in the low light of the Turnage Theater: Above and below. photos by Stan Deatherage
Later that season, as Winter waned before the first days of Spring,
Molasses Creek returned to the beaten boards of the Turnage Theater stage to present their new show, which exceeded all expectations. The five-piece ensemble, from the North Carolina Outer Banks Island of Ocracoke, elected to use this show at the Turnage Theater, on this night, March 18, 2011, to launch their latest concert tour, which stretched deep into the Northeast as well as the South.
Molasses Creek (from left to right): Gerald Hampton - standup bass, Lou Castro - Guitar, Dave Tweedie - fiddle, Marcy Brenner - mandolin, Gary Mitchell, guitar - Above. Marcy Brenner sings: Below. photos by Stan Deatherage
I like these images of Marcy pouring out her heart through song, so I'm not about to keep them hidden away in one of my many files - away from her public: Above and below. photos by Stan Deatherage