From the Top Down: "Fall in Line with Establishment Politics" | Eastern North Carolina Now

Last Thursday, July 18, 2013, a rather large delegation of Beaufort County's very best Republicans sojourned to Raleigh to the NC GOP headquarters to meet with recently elected chairman Claude Pope about egregious improprieties foisted upon the local party by the state party.

Republican County Commissioner Hood Richardson: "If I was called upon to reduce the success of this meeting with Claude Pope into an essay, I could sum it up in just one phrase: We got NOTHING!"

    Last Thursday, July 18, 2013, a rather large delegation of Beaufort County's very best Republicans sojourned to Raleigh to the NC GOP headquarters to meet with recently elected chairman Claude Pope about egregious improprieties foisted upon the local party by the state party. At the core of this pilgrimage was that the NC GOP subverted the wishes of the local party's right to appoint two Republican members to the Beaufort County Board of elections, and instead, appointed their choice, former RINO County Commissioner Jay McRoy, to the local board, thereby supplanting their choice, McRoy, for people's choice - Delma Blinson - of the Beaufort County Republican Party. What makes the matter worse is that the NC GOP created the elaborate false narrative that North Carolina's State Board of Elections was at fault - that they pushed the nomination of RINO McRoy.

    In other words, rather than assume responsibility for their gross transgression against party and grass roots principles here Downeast, they elected to pack it off on the much maligned SBOE: Explaining that they were were responsible for the choice of RINO McRoy, and hoped we would just go away, and the leave the "Establishment GOP" to their own sorry devices.

    Enter Beaufort County Hood Richardson and what I have come to coin as the "Hood Principle" into the equation. The NC GOP bureaucracy was ill prepared to withstand the nuanced intellectual resources, and doggedness of Commissioner Richardson, who bounced from one false narrative to the better truth to determine what was the reality of the matter. And ... as many of you should well know, "The Hood" did ascertain that truth, which was the NC GOP's amateurish attempt to usurp the authority of a duly elected Beaufort County Republican Party Executive Committee's dominion. Lying to fellow Republicans to cover-up corrupt behavior or ineptitude in performance is not a pretty sight, and should never be part and parcel of any political party that professes to be closest to the people - the grass roots.

    The next step was for the Beaufort County Republican party to meet with North Carolina Republican Party Chairman Claude Pope, as I did previously describe, which they did, led by Beaufort County Republican Party Chairman Keith Kidwell, former county chair Charles Hickman, who resigned his post on the Beaufort County Board of Elections over this transgression, Beaufort Observer Editor Delma Blinson and "The Hood" to afford the NC franchise an opportunity to explain itself. I did not attend, and, therefore, gave Commissioner Richardson my proxy as prescribed in my e-mail to the North Carolina Party Chairman, which is shown here just below in this post.

    To sum up what I heard from some of the participants regarding the success of their collective sojourn, Commissioner Richardson's "NOTHING" assessment was most succinct.

    In this paragraph, I shall further sum up that meeting, with this one understanding: I offer to all whom may be offended, and otherwise, all the cyber space necessary to rebut or comment in this well read publication. In summation, Chairman Pope recounts and advises: That the aforementioned transgression did not occur on his watch, so enough about that. What is most important is that the North Carolina Republican Party pull together, from top to bottom, to support whomever is the candidate, irrespective of whether that candidate is worthy of that support. Furthermore, stop publishing news and information that is outside of the party's established talking points. In short: The party works best when we all do as we are told, all corrupt behavior notwithstanding.

    O'kay I get it; however, my response to the Chairman and the valiant efforts of my local Reublican Party can well be summed up in my unanswered aforementioned e-mail to Chairman Pope, so therefore might I offer my succinct rebuttal to all by presenting that e-mail here below:

From Stan Deatherage to NC GOP Chairman Claude Pope

sent on July 17, 2013 at 5:43 pm

Dear Chairman Pope,

    I will be unable to attend the meeting to discuss at what point the North Carolina GOP elected to usurp all authority of the Beaufort County Republican Party to select their representatives to the Beaufort County Board of Elections.

    As the first Republican ever re-elected in Beaufort County, for any office, after Reconstruction, and as someone who has won 5 elections for county commissioner, and, moreover, as someone who has had to endure a re-count in one general election, with no friends on the local Board of Elections, I personally know how important it is to have good people of integrity serving on our behalf.

    In this sorry matter of the NC GOP, the duly elected executive committee did overwhelming select two of our best people to accept the board of election mantel as our representatives, and then you people, in Raleigh, elected to select one of our worst, Jay McRoy, a certified RINO of the first order. In this obviously unvetted choice, you could not have done a poorer job, which well manifested to the Republicans of Beaufort County that you would rather show us that Republicans are managed better from the top down, rather than we mastering our own collective political fates from the grass roots' position of from the bottom up.

    The top down method, employed by Speaker Thom Tillis and his minions, was well shown to us in three specific general assembly races in last season's primaries, and in all three of these primaries, the local citizen's choices prevailed, and the heavily funded representatives of the "Boys from Raleigh" lost. 2 of these candidates, Norm Sanderson and Bill Cook won seats in the senate, Mattie Lawson lost by a narrow margin when some of the political operatives for Speaker Thom Tillis elected to work for the Democrat Paul Tine.

    "Sour Grapes?"

    Ask yourself this: How well do you think Thom Tillis will do Downeast when he runs for U.S. Senator?

    Even though I will be unable to attend that meeting, my proxy will be given to County Commissioner Hood Richardson, who has served nearly 16 years with me during my 5 terms, and someone who I hold in deep respect.

    Hood Richardson, like myself, understands what it means to be a real Republican.


    Stan Deatherage
    Beaufort County Commissioner, President of SNI, Publisher of Beaufort County NOW

Considering the advancement of Republican Party influence in North Carolina: Would the more Republican approach be:
1.77%   To support the established party infrastructure at the sole discretion of leadership?
91.52%   To marshal the power of the grassroots electorate to sustain their principles?
6.71%   To remain in the dark, while fed manure, as in the classic mushroom theory?
283 total vote(s)     Voting has Ended!

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( July 24th, 2013 @ 8:40 am )
Thanks Charles for the correction, and thanks for corroborating, through Velma, what I had heard and what I actually suspected.

You know, I've been doing this a long time, and when lies and ambivalence is the basis of one's interaction with the perfect of what is "grassroots", one tends to know the true narrative well long before it is presented.
Somebody said:
( July 23rd, 2013 @ 10:49 pm )
You've got it all right except I was not part of the delegation. I could not attend because of a family obligation. My wife was part of the delegation as well as Chairman Keith Kidwell and 1st Vice Chairman Dick Denton. All told the Beaufort County delegation was ten of our outstanding Republicans.

From what I have been told Commissioner Richardson's assessment is correct. This kind of disappointing party interaction during the appointment stages indicates that we may have some real challenges during other phases of party activities. I really don't know if this is something that can be improved on, but I do know there is no chance of improvement without mutual effort.
( July 22nd, 2013 @ 11:09 pm )
You know, I might have felt a slight bit different about this whole corrupt behavior thing if the Chairman had contacted me to attempt to assuage my expressed concerns.

But alas, we obviously are the poorer Republican relations from Downeast, where the grassroots concerns of those of us that built the base for Republicans in northeastern North Carolina just don't make the grade to matter.

McClatchy Rob Editorials, A Commissioner's View, Op-Ed & Politics Five Tasks for the UNC Board of Governors


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