Primary, 2012: NC Senate RINO Catastrophe ... and Bill Cook Wins | Eastern North Carolina Now

It is election night, primary, 2012, and NC House Representative Bill Cook won the Republican nomination for the NC Senate, District 1, seat, while Norman Sanderson won the Republican nomination for NC Senate, District 2, seat.

   It is election night, primary, 2012, and NC House Representative Bill Cook won the Republican nomination for the NC Senate, District 1, seat, while Norman Sanderson won the Republican nomination for NC Senate, District 2, seat.

   One can almost sense the appropriate gnashing of teeth from both of the special interest funded Democrat-turned-Republican opponents of these two real Republicans, who won their respective nominations tonight, and whom, remarkably, had earlier found themselves as outsiders to the Republican hierarchy ruling in Raleigh. The Republican NC House and NC Senate Caucuses, who thought it best to provide political succor to their choices to represent the citizen's here Downeast, had their appropriate comeuppance, as the vote totals were announced tonight, and accordingly, their chosen suitors were suitably punished at the polls.
The results in the Republican primary contests for NC Senate, District 1, and NC Senate, District 2, contests: Above.
   In this election cycle, the folks Downeast, picked our representatives, and by this overwhelming majority as well, which may just send the right message to those, whom consider that they know what is best for us, who do most of the living ... and dying, here in eastern North Carolina.

   If they didn't get the message tonight, I do promise to do all that I can to drive that point home at a future time, and place of my choosing.
North Carolina House Representative Bill Cook will be ready to challenge NC Senator Stan White this summer for the District 1 seat: Above.     photo by Stan Deatherage

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Election Day in Beaufort County Op-Ed & Politics, Bloodless Warfare: Politics Applying the Bacon Test


Latest Bloodless Warfare: Politics

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