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Welcome to Beaufort County NOW's Page of Active Polls ...

and the Archive of those that are no longer active.

    As you may or may not be aware, Beaufort County NOW, now Eastern NC NOW, began as the prototype of our Symbiotic Publisher script, which is our creation of web based software that powers BCN, and now a growing number of other sites.

   Beaufort County NOW, while a diverse and informative publication with outstanding traffic from incredible search positions, is primarily our laboratory to build the better "mousetrap" - the better information delivery system ... (read more).

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Who would you vote for if the election for City of Washington mayor was held today?

The City of Washington will be holding a mayoral race on November 7, 2023 in addition to the City Council races. The candidates are current mayor Donald Sadler and current City Council Member Bobby Roberson. If the election were held today who would you vote for?
  Donald Sadler
  Bobby Roberson
151 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

China Is The ‘Senior Partner’ Directing The Fentanyl Crisis Killing Americans, Author Peter Schweizer Says

After nearly 8 months of the United States House of Representatives' Oversight Committee hearings, House Speaker Mike Johnson is pursuing an Impeachment Inquiry into the strong allegations of Bribery, Influence Peddling, Money laundering and possible Treason regarding the Biden Family Shell Corporations' business dealings with foreign nations that are adversarial to our survival: Is it prudent and wise for the Republican controlled U.S. House to investigate this Democratic Socialist President?
  No, Democratics should never be investigated because they are so superior to their Republican counterparts, and care so much more.
  Yes, in a Constitutional Republic, bound by the Rule of Law, no one is above the law, and that law must be applied evenly.
  Not sure ... Now, what got all this started?
296 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

Who do you plan to vote for in the upcoming Municipal Election in Washington?

On November 7, 2023 the City of Washington will hold elections for the City Council. Voters will have the option to choose 5 candidates out of the 11 candidates running. If the election were held today which candidate more than any other has already earned your vote if you had to choose just one? List in comments other candidates that have earned your votes if any. (candidates listed in order that they appear on Board of Elections site)
  Antwan Horton
  Richard Brooks
  Gary A Ceres
  Mary Beedle
  AJ Congleton
  Andrew (Tex) Melton
  William H Pitt
  Lou Hodges
  Ellen Brabo
  Anthony Tyre
  Leesa Payton Jones
184 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

Good Bye Martini Sippers

Do you agree that there is an elitist, entitled clique that feels entitled to run local government without the input or consultation of the general public?
  Yes and these martini sippers will engage in any means necessary to destroy anyone that opposes their entitlement.
  Yes but I don't think they even know they are elitists.
  No, this is the conspiracy theory of the masses who are jealous of the superior knowledge of the martini sippers.
  No, there is no such clique.
170 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

1 Trump Rally Attendee Killed, Shooter ‘Neutralized’ During Assassination Attempt: Secret Service

Considering what real news is available for all to witness, and in great specificity, should one pursue what is true outside of the channeled realm of the corrupt corporate /legacy media, and: Is Institutionalized Corruption real, and is it a hindrance to sustaining our Constitutional Republic now, and for future generations of American citizens?
  Not sure
447 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

Biden’s DOJ Releases Photos From Hunter Biden’s Phone Showing ‘Apparent’ Cocaine, Crack Cocaine

After well over 75 years of what began as "flying saucers" manned by "little green men," to the current verifiable witnessing of a growing interaction between humans and what may be non human higher intelligence: What is your position on alien life interacting with humankind within this immediate territory of our Solar System, within our expansive Milky Way Galaxy, within this one universe that we are becoming increasingly familiar with?
  Yes, I believe ... "The truth is out there."
  No, where is the proof that I will believe?
  Maybe they are already here; have you met my mother 'n' law?
146 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

Washington Post Employees Strike Over ‘Record-Level Inflation’ As Paper Insists Economy Is Good

Regarding the entrenched Two Tier Justice System's handling of the Cocaine Discovery found near to the Situation Room, in the West Wing of the White House: What is your position on, what Eastern NC NOW has coined, The Cocaine Presidency?
  This is a silly over-concern by over-reactive Republicans.
  Never in the history of the Secret Service's protection of the White House, and its inhabitants, has a dangerous narcotic been found in such a secure location, and then so inadequately investigated.
  Drugs are cool, so I might be the wrong person to ask.
292 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

Hunter Biden Shows Up To Capitol, Defies Subpoena For House Deposition

Do you support removing senior citizens from their current location at Grace Martin Harwell Senior Center despite their overwhelming opposition or do you support turning the center into a local history museum?
  Yes, I support removing the seniors and relocating them to another facility.
  No, I stand opposed to removing seniors and support allowing them to stay in their current facility.
129 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

1 Trump Rally Attendee Killed, Shooter ‘Neutralized’ During Assassination Attempt: Secret Service

Considering that the 2024 Presidential Election has fully begun, and the Biden Administration has consequently fully weaponized the Biden DOJ /FBI to attack all political opponents under the penalty of felonious judgement for many of the same alleged crimes, or worse, committed by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden himself: Are you comfortable with this level of overt corruption within the Executive Branch?
  Yes; if Democratic Socialists are to complete the remaking of this "Democracy," the End will Always Justify the Means.
  No; in a Constitutional Republic, the Rule of Law is paramount, which means the law MUST be administered evenly
  Who cares; I am just so ambivalent to all this grown-up stuff.
311 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

Lawsuit against Speaker Moore officially ends with voluntary dismissal

A civil lawsuit for alienation of affection and criminal conversation based on adultery alleged with another man's wife has been filed against NC House Speaker Tim Moore. In response to this scandal should Speaker Moore:
  Resign as House Speaker
  Resign as House Speaker and from his legislative seat
  Continue in office
192 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

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