Is All of the Mainstream Media Embroiled in "Fake News?" | Eastern North Carolina Now

The problem here in America is that the citizenry deserves the 1st Amendment right to a "free press", but not a fair press, and while that is constitutionally true, the "free press" still is responsible for some semblance of principled behavior, or those of an unprinciple nature lose respect.

The short answer is easiest and best, and a resounding YES! ... It is most fair to demean the guilty within the Mainstream Media as "Fake News". They deserve it; in what would be left of their Journalists' hearts, they also know it to be true; and what is more: More Americans, each day forward, know that this well placed descriptor of "Fake News" as the pure, absolute, abject truth.

    The problem here in America is that the citizenry deserves the 1st Amendment right to a "free press", but not a fair press, and while that is constitutionally true, the "free press" still is responsible, fair of no, for some semblance of principled behavior in conveying that news, or, those of an unprincipled nature should lose, and have lost all respect - the "Mainstream Media".

     CNN now joins the ranks of MSNBC and Alex Jones' Infowars as highly questionable news sources. The new found core Democrat concern for Russia has created a hysteria by those with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) that is taking the liberal party down, and they are willingly aiding in that demise. All things Russia all the time, save the core Democrats' Resistance Movement, is leading the nation to a strangled point of deadlock; at a time when we can ill afford the stalemate of principled purpose in governing this Republic.

    Knowing that politicians have long depended on the media to express their message to the public since the days of Napoleon Bonaparte, when the diminutive tyrant controlled the Parisian press, most media has sought to control politicians rather than they being controlled; however, some Democrat politicians have learned to tame their homologous media - the Democrat Media readily comes to mind. During the Obama years, the Democrat media was Hussein's willing lapdog, never investigating or even gently probing the most corrupt presidential administration in the history of the United States. Obama was just too cool for that school of purpose.

    Now with the Obama Administration swept away to the dregs of distant history, the Democrat Media has collectively raised their dimwitted heads, and have collectively elected to redouble their double standard efforts to investigate the Trump administration on all issues real or imagined. From an investigation, where Mr. Trump colluded with the Russians to fix the election in his favor (after nearly a year of investigation no evidence pointing to such) to an Obstruction of Justice investigation because he spoke to the former FBI director, in polite terms, to advocate for the honor of a war veteran /three star general, Michael Flynn, now under investigation, Trump is the center of the Democrat Media's investigatory wrath for Obstruction.

    Understandably, one can imagine that the Democrat Media is rip roaring to plow ahead in furtive investigation of the President that they so despise after saving up their energy not lifting a finger to investigate the Obama Administration's multiple and ongoing scandals. Scandals where: Democrat donors received billions of dollars of the public's treasure; a corrupt, divisive Department of Justice stood above the law and refused all credible investigations for 8 years; Americans were left to die in a foreign land because the narrative of their struggle to survive in battle did not comport with the administration's failed foreign policy of "Leading from Behind" in the Middle East; State Department and Treasury Department /IRS documents altered and destroyed to ward off any investigation by congress or the competent media (not the Democrat Media) on issues ranging from grossly inept foreign policy to the IRS investigation and targeting of President Obama's political enemies; the multiple real Obstruction of Justice violations (the destruction of public records, remember), and so much more that the Democrat Media withdrew from their purposeful directive as the "Free Press" to more adequately advocate for the cool guy, their hero, their Black messiah of messaging.

    Ironically, now as President Trump correctly refers to the worst of these unprincipled, intellectual slumps as the "Fake News", they become most indignant, even stooping so low as to espouse that the President is abridging their First Amendment right to do their jobs, as they contend that it is in the national interest to cover him unfairly. Note to the Democrat Media: Stop whining; you've lost any and all credibility with defenders of the Constitution, who posses a firm memory of your past failed exploits and misdeeds. You will never be taken seriously by these wise American patriots.

    That leaves you with an audience of the intellectually incurious, the types who would stoop to care about anything to do with the low ratings phenomenons, Mika Brzezinski and Morning Joe. When the inarticulate, crude, but refreshingly truthful president, Donald Trump, tweets a rude retort aimed at the Two Democrats for their constant, continuous, abject slander of his person, as if that libel was news, the Democrat Media is right there at their beck and call to defend them. Even co-MSNBC cohort Little Donny Deutsch threatened the President with fisticuffs Queens style.

    At its core, this is what the Fake News looks like: contrived, conflated issues puffed up to hysterical proportions, reported to their codependent hysterical audience suffering from TDS, while completely ignoring the real issues of the day, either because the Democrat Media are disinterested in what is real, or these Democrat journalists are not smart enough to pursue these truths.

    After all of my years following the Democrat Media, I would argue both; hence, it is inevitable, we finally recognize them as the Fake News. The overly truthful President Trump just can't help himself, and seizes this low hanging fruit as prime pickings of the obvious, by calling out the Democrat Media.

In regards to the Russia Election Tampering matter: Is President Trump being treated fairly by core Democrats and the Mainstream Media?
  Yes, the new president is guilty until proven innocent.
  No, President Trump's treatment is dictated by the usual Democrat double standard.
  Don't care; there are more important issues facing America.
117 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

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( July 6th, 2017 @ 2:16 am )
Bobby Tony: Great impartial list of the many Democrat transgressions against Americans. Because of all I know, there is not one core Democrat that I take seriously.
( July 5th, 2017 @ 9:10 pm )
CNN is truly the Fake News hosted by a gaggle of wimps.

CNN is so apoplectic over the Trump wrestling video, where the CNN logo was superimposed over the head of Vince McMahon (remember the silly Battle of the Billionaires - I seem to remember this stuff), they have expended great time, treasure and energy to discover the guy who crudely superimposed that logo over Billionair Vince's head. CNN's modus operandi: They threatened the internet perpetrator with CNN style "Thought Police" until he relented, took down the video and others that are offensive to Liberals and other consumers of Fake News, and now ...

The "hard hitting journalists of the CNN (Clinton News Network) can go back to the real Fake News of All things Russia All the Time.

This is the great example of what the Orwellian Democrat Media looks like.
( July 5th, 2017 @ 8:50 am )
In an effort to be "FAIR AND BALANCED," I offer this screen shot of my morning News Scan of the political left.
( July 5th, 2017 @ 8:01 am )
Here is one more log for the fire. I did not create this but apparently a few of my far right friends thought it important enough to flood my Facebook timeline with this little Ditty.

( July 3rd, 2017 @ 5:45 pm )
Beautiful and accurate analogy B.T.

Trump did concern me greatly as a candidate, but now that he is elected, his inarticulate neophyte approach to politics is turning into a sly fox method of governing.

If the man keeps working at this job like he began it, he will be a very successful president. Liberals, who despise the President, will tell you that he has done nothing so far, but, their sophistic opinion is jaded by the immutable fact that these people only consume the Democrat Media, and, therefore, know nothing of his work.
( July 3rd, 2017 @ 5:23 pm )
Do you think a 17-year-old Donald Trump learned about Sherman while at the New York Military Academy?

If I had my choice I would kill every reporter in the world, but I am sure we would be getting reports from Hell before breakfast. William Tecumseh Sherman

I hate newspapermen. They come into camp and pick up their camp rumors and print them as facts. I regard them as spies, which, in truth, they are. William Tecumseh Sherman

Limbaugh says the Trump is using his Twitter pronouncements like a laser pen is used to tease a cat. They will run into the wall chasing the red dot.

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