You cannot trust them "Ruskies" | Eastern North Carolina Now

    'You cannot trust them Ruskies' is not breaking news. Give me a frigging break, we have a long history of working with the Russians on some matters and opposing them in other matters. There is a huge difference between offending a country and obliterating them. I sometimes wonder why the Liberals equate the two on one hand and then lecture us about 'agreeing to disagree' on the other hand. There is a continuum between outright enemy through opponent to ally. While there may have been a time when we were in mortal fear of the Communist threat, we have learned to neutralize the threat to some extent.

Alan Arkin, the Russians are Coming video link

   In 1962 when the world was on the BRINK OF NUCLEAR WAR over the Cuban missile crisis, we had backdoor channels to the Russian government. The crisis was de-escalated because of private negotiations with contacts who had access to Russian leadership. JFK was hailed as a great leader for avoiding war by secretly negotiating with the Russians. There was a movie in 1966 which made fun of the paranoia surrounding the Russian threat. Facts are one thing but paranoia is entirely another matter. Anyone or group that hypes fear and paranoia without facts is not helpful to the international community.

1966 The Russians are Coming Movie

    It is not a secret that both the Russians and USA often advise each other of maneuvers so there is no misunderstanding on the military movements of both governments. I have a friend in the submarine service who has told me unclassified stories of the cat and mouse games that each fleet of nuclear submarines play against one another.

    So if you cannot trust them Russians as we are now being told why are we putting astronauts lives on the line at the International Space Station in full co-operation with the Russians. There is probably no more complicated relationship than the mutual teamwork required by thousands of people in the space arena.    NASA International Space Station

   Three Russians, two Americans and one French astronauts currently share the space station.

    Here are the NASA links to the Bio of the current crew:
Andrey Borisenko- Russian
Shane Kimbrough - American
Sergey Ryzhikov - Russian
Thomas Pesquet- French
Peggy Whitson - American
Oleg Novitskiy - Russian

    While we are demonizing the Russians in the press, we are at the same time cooperating with them in space. Perhaps this is a tempest in a teapot. If we intend to make Putin an enemy, perhaps someone needs to tell President Obama that so he can get our astronauts back down to earth before the war starts. He will have to get the Russians to bring them back because we no longer have the capability to do it since the Shuttle has been retired.

    All nations spy on each other, friend, and foe alike, as we should. Secrets are secrets because they are secret. Anyone who has a secret should be smart enough to prevent others from finding out their secrets. Even the United States has spied on allies and enemies alike. Grow up people. Back when we actually had adults running the country there was a prase used to set the tone. "TRUST BUT VERIFY."

    With all the hubbub about the Fake News, why won't someone tell us what specific details were fake and what was real. We celebrated Woodward and Bernstein for publishing leaked information on the front pages of the Washington Post. They kept Deep Throat's identity secrete until he died. It brought down a sitting president. When Wikileaks did the same thing on the internet, it brought down a candidate for presidential office. We know who published the leaks and where they came from. What we do not know is how Julian Assange got the information. We can be pretty sure he did not get it in a parking lot in Washington DC in the middle of the night. Is there a difference between these two scenarios?

    One thing you can say about the Russians is that they are predictable and responsible with their control of the WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, which they possess. That is a damn site better than us playing footsie with the Iranians who are anything but predictable or responsible.

    If he is wrong about everything else he has said and done, Donald Trump is at least right about one thing. We should put AMERICA FIRST in our dealings with the world. Every other country in the world does that with their own interest. I guess one of the news channels hit on a nerve with me. This latest brouhaha about hacking is nothing more than politics. Both sides play these games and we should expect it and make provisions accordingly. I am in favor of a full investigation into the hacking and if we can find out who and how it was done, there should be grave consequences both for individuals and countries that participated in the hacking. If for no other reason we should try to find out how to prevent the hacking in the future. That is separate matter from the information disclosed from someone or group that is too damn dumb to insure the privacy and security of emails when communicating over commercial networks.

I feel better now, Class dismissed.

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( December 13th, 2016 @ 9:25 pm )
Serpentine: Falk and Arkin; great image.
( December 13th, 2016 @ 5:39 pm )

Secession: Good idea? link Diane R article
( December 13th, 2016 @ 5:07 pm )
Diane had an excellnt article on that very subject. Here is the lnk for a country that might have outgrown its diapers.
( December 13th, 2016 @ 4:47 pm )
1991: Soviet Union is now 15 independent countries. Maybe USA should do the same.
( December 13th, 2016 @ 3:46 pm )
With the possible exception for the role of Sheldon "Shelly" Kornpett. the dentist who learned how to serpantine. Thanks for the softball over the plate.
( December 13th, 2016 @ 3:15 pm )
Great movie.

Have you ever noticed that Alan Arkin usually played the Russian, or an American with a Russian name, like Yossarian, in his early films, like "Catch 22"?
( December 13th, 2016 @ 8:59 am )
Russia had honored all treaties and the USA has broken all, according to THE UNTOLD HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. Correct Oliver Stone if he is wrong.
( December 13th, 2016 @ 6:12 am )
In a separate news item, the FBI applied the 'HILLARY CLAUSE' to the latest discussion about the Russian hacking.

"The disagreement between some Republicans and Democrats on Russia's INTENTIONS (caps added by me) in hacking the election rests partially on the lack of agreement between intelligence agencies and the FBI about the conclusiveness of the evidence, officials explained this weekend."

Click below to see how 'NOT' to hold a RATIONAL discussion about this subject on CNN. The article is based on LEAKED information so you will have to be careful about the FAKE NEWS aspect of this whole mess.
( December 13th, 2016 @ 6:02 am )
When will it stop? My weather person advises that the northwest and northeast are in for a winter storm with extremely low temperatures and snow and ice. Apparently, it is coming in from Siberia over the artic. Something has to be done about those 'Ruskies'. First, they interfere with our elections and now they are interfering with out weather.

Map courtesy of the BCN Weather link in the right banner next to this post.

( December 12th, 2016 @ 4:29 pm )
I'm getting some private push back from this article, so perhaps some clarification is in order. I am not giving the Russians a pass on this. note quote.
"I am in favor of a full investigation into the hacking and if we can find out who and how it was done, there should be grave consequences both for individuals and countries that participated in the hacking. "

What I am saying is essentially that this issue is being used to attempt to delegitimize the election results. The people voted per the procedure set up in the constitution and the electoral college have or soon will chose Trump as the winner based on the law in effect. Regardless if certain voters were uninformed, ill informed or just plain duped about what they believed is beyond the point. The votes were counted per the current laws and a decision was rendered by the public. It may not be in the constitution but I think we have the privileged if not the right to be ignorant or wrong about our beliefs. The law does not guarantee a perfect election, it guarantees a fair election and that should be investigated. If we discounted vote based on errors of judgement, we would never have had several of the Presidents we had on both sides of the spectrum. NO EXTRA CREDIT GIVEN FOR THIS LESSON.

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