Latest Flake Idea from Obama: Free Community College for Everyone | Eastern North Carolina Now

Before all of you education industry zealots consider that I don't care about "The Children" getting more free education, or something as equally ridiculous, just hear me out on this one: Free Community College for everyone is an incredibly bad idea.

    Before all of you education industry zealots consider that I don't care about "The Children" getting more free education, or something as equally ridiculous, just hear me out on this one: Free Community College for everyone is an incredibly bad idea.

    First and foremost, the Federal government is broke; and secondly, local education is where the federal government makes some of the grandest of its many mistakes. My analysis here is simple: Why allow a government that is now over 18 trillion in debt to take on more debt to consider a subject that it regularly scores a D- or lower on? Furthermore, when the adults finally wrest control away from Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, with the charge of fixing the debt conundrum: Will you have the courage to grasp that they will dramatically reduce, or eliminate the federal education bureaucracy? Can you sense that the Community College initiative will quickly become moot?

    Understanding this impending reality, it might be best to not rely on the federal education syndicate, which, hopefully, may cease to exist, or remain in a limited capacity in a reasonable period of time. Remember, the Federal education bureaucracy did not exist until President Jimmy Carter included Health Education and Welfare into his cabinet, with Joe Califano as the Department's first secretary, which began the federal government down that sorry road of sticking their big extra-government noses in the domain of the states to educate their children as they saw fit. It was a bad idea then. It is a worse idea now.

    Barack Obama's top priority is that he remain the Democrat's president only, and polls show that he is losing many of them, probably because his Liberal/Socialist policies are not working for this amateur president - even for some Democrats, as some may be growing wiser with age. As president of core Democrats only, Amateur Obama sees well into the liberal membrane of their hearts and minds, with the chief issue for all of them is to spend more public money to create more public jobs, many well paying jobs. These well paying jobs can be easily found in the upper reaches of the education industry, which rewards a greater bureaucracy with more unnecessary positions for the well rewarded Democrat educrat.

    You have to understand The Amateur's intentions here: Create more state and federal bureaucracy positions for Democrats, who, inarguably occupy the 'lion share' of these positions. This is similar to his desire to open our borders to Latinos, because Amateur Obama believes he can count on them to vote Democrat. Both of these Obama positions will prove to be egregiously expensive, which our children will have to eventually pay for. See, I do care for 'The Children'.

    For Amateur Obama, it has always been about Democrats taking care of Democrats, and their esoteric causes at home and abroad. Color me cynical, but it is the only logical explanation as to why this Hypocrite-in-Chief has proven to be so totally ineffective in his job, and why he attempts to make this desperate score so late into his lame presidential game. Accordingly, for The Amateur, I wager that even some serious, left leaning historians will find it difficult to save his brittle legacy for posterity.

    Whether it is inserting dangerous terrorists back into their murderous rotation to close Guantanamo just to appease the Blame America First Coalition, or use the EPA to punish coal miners and restrict oil producers to appease the Tree Huggers Fellowship, or now to employ more of the public treasury to induce more children into the continuous education rotation to bolster the Education Industry, The Amateur only considers the needs of the most liberal Democrats as he attempts to govern. As cynical as this may appear on its face, this is not a far fetched opinion, this is an unmitigated truth that no one can clearly dispute.

    Now, Amateur Obama chucks the 'hail Mary' to score a big political hit with Americans who can't do math - to a grand extent, the liberal Democrat. Again, I remind the rest of you, who can actually do math, the Federal government is broke, not going broke, is broke in real terms.

    However, spending more than what taxpayers can reasonably afford, more than our treasury can bear, and more than the logical confines of math will actually allow has never stopped the ardent Liberal, especially when future elections hang in the balance, and your campaign strategy is to carve up more pieces of America to buy votes.

    Consequently, that is why it is so troubling that Amateur Obama, in his quest to chuck this dinosaur sized bone to the Democrat faithful, would create even more expensive bureaucracy to create superfluous education capabilities, when there is here in America, already, too many Higher education facilities on top an adequate amount of, yet poorly designed Primary and Secondary Education, here in today's America. Couple that inescapable fact with the reality that there are copious federally funded Pell Grants, and student loans offering low cost education to all that qualify, and the education prospects in America are quantitatively more than adequate; however, from a qualitative perspective, our national education system is woefully inadequate. Understandably, more publicly funded free education, as a strident Democrat mission, will not solve the problem of educating America; it will only exacerbate it.

    What is the solution?

    We need more real patriots in the education industry, from classroom teachers to upper management, and middle management in the proverbial ivory towers. Currently, it is an abysmal mess in North Carolina, and for 18 years, as a Beaufort County Commissioner, I have been close enough to the nexus of this condition to understand the inner machinations, and how education, at all levels, is failing us from a cost/benefit analysis. And while one can fault the education industry for that poorer value in education dollars spent, an equal partner to this calamity is the population at large, who take so little responsibility in the rearing of their children, and the tort lawyers that tacitly enable them in their ineffective parenting skills, or just a complete apathetic ambivalence to their biological duty.

    When everyone is a victim, no one takes responsibility.

    Furthermore, to embrace the solution so clearly at hand: Parents, Teachers, educators will need to take that responsibility, where that can wrest schools from the Democrat politicians /political insiders, who live out of the dwindling largess of the public treasury for their sake of their own personal benefit. patriots will need to disabuse the schools from the banality of tort, which allows for the victims to prosper, and the children of patriots to scrap for an improper training, an poorer education, which has become a very expensive proposition as liberal Democrats have all but ruined a system that they infiltrated, took completely over, and personally benefited from to the exclusion of those of us who paid the freight for that system, so dishonorably tainted.

    Yes, I care about the children. I care so much, that I wish to leave them a better future, where real education exists, that they can afford, not the convoluted education industry that liberal Democrats can live out of, and also continue a sense of well-being, as if they are somehow extra-noble in their endeavor, when the core of that monopolistic institution is rotting at its very foundation.

    The Amateur's plan to reinvigorate the Democrat party, and Liberals everywhere with more unnecessary "FREE" education, the Community College System, is not so much a really bad idea, nay, it is a really stupid idea; one that no wise adult would consider. It would not be prudent for "The Children". And we do care about "The Children". Right?
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( January 21st, 2015 @ 11:28 pm )
I'm not talking about esoteric ideals, I'm discussing the 'meat and potatoes' off governing, as I stated: How does government work at all levels? Who is charged with what and why, and how is it accomplished?

This has nothing to do with an expressed philosophy of 'representative government'.
( January 21st, 2015 @ 6:47 pm )
A representative government is purposely designed for debate and seeking after a greater good by all sides participating.

Thesis / Antithesis / Synthesis is the process described in a ideal fashion. No King dictates. No Lords and Ladies get bows and honors because of social position.

The entire ideal of a 3-part government is designed for battle and thought with ultimate better and lasting concepts benefiting the most people possible. A government with not will to compromise and get along defeats the basic concepts that make it work far better than the ways of the Old World. . .

( January 21st, 2015 @ 4:09 pm )
Then tell me: How does government work at all levels?

Who is charged with what and why, and how is it accomplished?

I warn you; most Liberals do not know.

You see I know. It is written all through BCN.

The question is Emory grad: Do you know?
( January 21st, 2015 @ 3:25 pm )
Let me put it simple for you, Stan ~~~ I graduated Emory in Psychology / I have many graduate designation, all of which required great intelligence and honesty to achieve. I am now age 68 going on 69 in March.

Wise people respect their elders if they make good sense, which you certainly by now know I do. We can always agree to disagree on any matter. When it comes to the President and Democrats you always call "liberal," it does not show much perception to me, good buddy . . .

Only a 2~2X4 mule requires a broken timber to get his attention and then another equal one to get the message across. Too many hard-headed mules are buried behind the barn from pure stubbornness, my friend ~~~ never learning important lessons from life and elders.
( January 21st, 2015 @ 8:21 am )
Maybe to you, I give weak responses, outside of Hood Richardson, who is my equal on this issue, I am probably the most knowledgeable person you have ever known on how government works at all levels.

You have never learned from the others on this issue, should they have ever know the reality of these ways, so you will never learn from me.

Liberals never learn things that are real, especially about governing, and that's cool. That is why they are Liberals. God Bless them. And God bless you.
( January 21st, 2015 @ 7:57 am )
Weak response, Stan old buddy ~~~ When you get out of your corner of Conservative perfection / look a how little has really be "conserved" ~~~ then you have a chance to see some light that is not reflected through smoke and mirrors . . .
( January 20th, 2015 @ 4:32 pm )
You tax and spend, weakened military Liberals got it all figured out, huh?

You believe that the federal government can fix everything, and yet it makes almost always makes all matters worse. I will never understand the big government concept of a Liberal, especially from those of you who wish to pay lower taxes.

That is a huge disconnect for me.
( January 20th, 2015 @ 4:00 pm )
If we spent less on war and more on education we just might have citizens with some ability to reason ~~~ which means see through the smoke and mirrors of abject Conservatism of the Tea Party variety . . .
( January 19th, 2015 @ 11:11 am )
That's good Kid.

It's funny how so many folks closer to my age can't do math, or even know what comes from where, and the dire consequences of such.
( January 19th, 2015 @ 8:55 am )
"Hey China... Yeah we're going to need some more loans... Yeah, but this time it will definitely stimulate our economy so we can pay you back for the last twenty years of accumulated debt... I get that's what we have been saying for a while, but this time it will work. I got the idea from people complaining on Facebook, they're never wrong."
( January 18th, 2015 @ 1:55 pm )
Free Community College for Everyone?
Why don't we just call it High School 2.0!

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