Terrorist Attacks in Paris Prove how Unprepared we are for these Dangerous Times | Eastern North Carolina Now

The terrorist attack by yet more murderous Muslims accentuates these terrible times, and just how irrational it has been to not confront Islamist terrorists directly.

Radicalized Muslims are still murdering the unconverted as an expression of faith. Candidate Obama continues as The Amateur, apologizes for America and asks us to embrace Islam. Little has changed in the last 6 years.

Just one of the 'offensive cartoons', from Charlie Hebdo, which drew the ire of yet more murderous Muslims: Above.
    The recent terrorist attacks by yet more murderous Muslims on Charlie Hebdo, a satirical publication, a delicatessen and openly in the streets of Paris, accentuates these terrible times, and just how vulnerable we are, and how irrational it has been to not confront Islamist terrorists directly, and with great force. The United States of America, not unlike France, has proven that it is not prepared to stop every terrorist attack, and we have become far less safe here at home during the Obama presidency, as this amateur president struggles to understand the reality that there are radical Islamists, who wish Jews, Christians, and Americans all dead.

    To answer this clear and present threat, Amateur Obama has: apologized for America to all Muslims; repatriated terrorists, en mass, to their homeland (about 1/3 relativism back to terrorism), including the Bowe Bergdahl debacle and trade, in order to fulfill the Liberal fantasy to close Guantanamo Bay; refused to interrogate terrorists; refused to acknowledge terrorist attacks here at home, by referring to them as 'workplace violence', refused to acknowledge who is our enemy - Islamist terrorists; refused to acknowledge 'Benghazi' as a terrorist attack, when forced to concede it was such, refused to seek justice for the murders; lost the War in Iraq to fulfill another Democrat fantasy, while concurrently, and unilaterally announces the War on Terror was over; refuses to protect our borders, considers new illegal immigrants to be future Democrats; and, incredibly, this is just part of this Commander-in-Chief's inability to project American might, or even a willingness to do what it takes to put us on a proper footing to protect us from Islamist extremists. However, protecting Americans is not Obama's 'bag'.

    What Amateur Obama considers as his calling as this 44th president is: campaigning, managing Racial divisions, social divisions, income redistribution, playing golf and hanging out with celebrities. I know this may sound massively cynical, but, considering this nation has been at war since 9/11, any American president worth the mere cost of his chemical composition would put the protection of his citizens above all else. However, this president DOES NOT put our protection above: the patronage of Race hustlers; the politics of peace advocates of the "Blame America First" coalition; above the open borders advocacy for Latinos; above the publicly funded contraception for the "Abortion on Demand" coalition; and even above the climate zealots espousing pseudo science as a political movement. This president, their president, embraces these disparate ideals above that of protecting the citizens in his charge to do so. It is proved, it is that simple of an actual precept of Barack Hussein Obama's presidential purpose ... and it is not acting as a true Commander-in-Chief.

    This Socialist president, with deep, intractable ties to the Muslim practice: begged, before the United Nations 2 years ago, that free speech be limited in regards to the Muslim's prophet Mohamed; blamed an American filmmaker for using his 1st Amendment right to free speech for the Benghazi Terrorist attack, and then, to put a fine point on his this incredulity, relegated this event to his personal dustbin of history - did not celebrate the heroes, who did not "stand down", as instructed, and will not seek any measured justice for these murdered Americans on American soil; and, as well as attempting to unilaterally end the "War on Terror" on May 23, 2013, elected to accelerate the closing Guantanamo Bay, and continued his embargo on capturing terrorists, which achieves the Democrat motive of no interrogation of terrorists.

    And speaking to Democrats, first and foremost, above all else, Amateur Obama is a Democrat. His pure motives, as the Democrat's president, is that he champions only their issues, not those of Americans, our patriots, or even those of people who are imbued with some common sense, of which, The Amateur has none. Is it not apparent that the man has never had a real job?

    And now, unknowledgeable, and, in some cases, sophistic Americans have twice made this amateur president the leader of the Free World. He is not competent or capable to do so, and never has been. If Barack Hussein Obama is the best that Democrats and squishy moderates/ a few Republicans can come up with, please do the nation a patriotic favor - stay home on election day.

    The French are not safe on their home soil; we are not safe here in America, where real patriots have fought and died to defend s for so long. This Islamic terrorist threat will get far worse before it gets better, and Americans may find themselves in an untenable, irrevocable condition of being unambiguously prone, should they continue to elect those that are not capable of leadership at all levels of government, and especially, the office of Commander-in-Chief.

    In this Republic, and fortunately, you're safety eventually comes down to you - who you elect to do that job of leadership. Do you care enough about your children, your nation, to do what it takes to preserve what has, could keep you relatively safe now, and long into the future? I pray there is enough of us.

In this new year of possibilities: What should be our greatest concerns?
4.32%   Rapacious cries of Racism by the classes of White/Black Privilege's keen sense of entitlement.
89.93%   The abject evil of Satanic murderous Muslims bent on the destruction of Jews and Christians.
5.76%   Global Warming, or is it Climate Change ... or is it Climate Disruption now?
139 total vote(s)     Voting has Ended!

Regarding the recent Senate Interrogation Report, should America's Intelligence agency have not used enhanced interrogation, on nearly 40 suspected terrorists, to extract valuable information in the wake of 9/11?
8.51%   Yes, the destruction of the twin towers and nearly 3,000 American lives does not justify this.
87.94%   No, I actually remember 9/11, and I am thankful for my government keeping my family safe.
3.55%   I don't remember 9/11 or I just don't care, and I have the freedom to enjoy my apathy.
141 total vote(s)     Voting has Ended!

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( January 14th, 2015 @ 8:32 am )
Is it possible on Torture that our President believes in honoring the Geneva Convention guidelines we formed against POW torture. Don't give the the BS that "they are terrorists and not soldiers . . ."
( January 11th, 2015 @ 7:55 pm )
I agree Gene.

It's good to know stuff, especially in these times, and I am happy to fulfill the role.
( January 11th, 2015 @ 6:49 pm )
Congrats, Stan, PhD = Piled higher and deeper now is yours / turn your tassel , buddy!
( January 11th, 2015 @ 12:41 pm )
No one wants to be called a racist... Muslim's hide behind the claim of racism to quell the criticism of the radical element's crimes. Just like the race hustlers in our country... try to shut down the conversation... It's an age old tactic... and it's leading to tragedy after tragedy... The aim of radical islam is the destruction of anyone who doesn't conform. While Christianity and most religions have roots in violence and efforts to convert, or destroy, other faiths in centuries past... We supposedly become enlightened... These radicals are stuck in the 14th century, where women are property, treated as such, and infidels deserve death. Additionally of the "non" radical followers of this religion seem to continue to cower to their radicals... NBC... this morning had an expert on to try to equivocate the murderer of 70+ in the (Netherlands I believe) as a Christian terrorist... with the radical islamic violence we see virtually every day. Nonsense. Last week, Boko Haram murdered 2000 people according to the news reports in the name of islam... We're seeing the rise of the Nazi's again... but refuse to admit it...
( January 11th, 2015 @ 8:51 am )
Yeah, the hate motif. It is a stronger variation of the 'mean-spirited' motif, but with more punch.

It is remarkable that these cliched responses come from a political party that celebrates killing babies 'on demand' as a 'woman's right to choose', then further aggrandizes this infanticide as 'reproductive rights'.

If only Democrats were as passionate about prosecuting the War against Islamist Extremists as they were about killing babies.

Right now, what I know about you, modern Democrats, is your great propensity to lose wars, kill babies, and sell it as the 'Republican War on Women'.

Oh yeah, and continue to beg that American patriots be treated as international war criminals, prosecuted in international courts.

'Save the Planet' by killing babies and allowing murderous Muslims to kill innocent people at home and abroad - the modern Democrat party.

You have my permission to use this phrase that I have now coined. It will probably inspire some Democrats to greater libralism. I'm here to help.
( January 11th, 2015 @ 7:52 am )
You just went from a BS in hate and derission to a MS with this response, buddy
( January 10th, 2015 @ 6:52 pm )
It is not a matter of hate, but rather, and I think I well presented this one truth, that today's Democrat, especially in the class of Barack Hussein Obama or Hilary B. Clinton, can not be counted on to protect Americans at home or abroad. These are dangeroosue times, and we will need more serious, more intelligent leadership than that class is capable of providing.

I believe you need look no further than the Benghazi debacle, and now the revelation of the David Petraeus investigation, by Affirmative Action Attorney General Eric Holder, to realize that Democrats are not serious about protecting the people of the United States, with a brilliant military, which we could still have, once it is under more responsible leadership.

If nothing else, regarding the David Petraeus investigation, we may finally discover the truth about Behghazi; so thank-you Mr. Affirmative Action for this one unlikely kindness to we patriots, who still desire to save the Republic.
( January 10th, 2015 @ 6:11 pm )
Your hate clearly drips off every sentence in this post = President Hate. I'm not sure what you ate before writing it, but it obviously irritated you, buddy . . .

Let me make a few observations:
* No free country can exist with a police state required to defend each corner.
* I was in France and other European countries in the mid-80's. There were soldiers in all the public places with sub-machine guns slung over their shoulders.
* If you are going to cite "danger", perhaps you should go to Rocky Mount where gangs roam the streets / drug dealers fight it out with guns / the cops fear to go into certain area.
* If you are comparing America to France, the size is a total mis-match as well as the amount of territory to cover.
* If we really want freedom and safety, then we must be such an example of responsible freedom that all want to immulate it.
* I have been already visited by Secret Service Agents over a simple Western Union transaction. They had the original slips in their file and advised me to employ counsel for a possible time in New Bern which did not materialize because my transactions were perfectly legal and reasonable.

I don't enjoy living in a place of relative safety and being treated by Homeland Security officers which are one and the same with Secret Service. If we were more intent on penetrating terrorist groups with wise surveillance and paid informants than torture techniques on prisoners, we would be respected and far more feared.

You FAIL TO NOTE that the current President gave the orders to bring justice to Osamma ben Laden ~~~ not George Bush / Dick Cheney / Rumsfeld / and torture applied at Abu Garib in abject violation of the Geneva Accords we signed and formed. . .

I want to respect you, Stan, but you are making this kind of foolishness hard to make that happen for me. You can do far better, in my view. . .

Paul Tine Leaves Democrat Party Clarion Call, Editorials, Op-Ed & Politics Early Lessons In Journalistic Bias


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