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42 Results found for amateur obama

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Political leanings and affectations ebb and flow depending on who the neophyte politician talks to; even, I know when to keep my mouth shut for I will reveal the obvious should I speak too much.
Political leanings and affectations ebb and flow depending on who the neophyte politician talks to; even, I know when to keep my mouth shut for I will reveal the obvious should I speak too much.
Political leanings and affectations ebb and flow depending on who the neophyte politician talks to; even, I know when to keep my mouth shut for I will reveal the obvious should I speak too much.
Political leanings and affectations ebb and flow depending on who the neophyte politician talks to; even, I know when to keep my mouth shut for I will reveal the obvious should I speak too much.
The Benjamin Neytanyahu drama, fabricated by the Amateur Obama Administration, is just another roadblock to The Amateur's presidential legacy. For the Israli Prime Minister, he struggles for his miniature nation to survive.
The Benjamin Neytanyahu drama, fabricated by the Amateur Obama Administration, is just another roadblock to The Amateur's presidential legacy. For the Israli Prime Minister, he struggles for his miniature nation to survive.
The answer is probably both. And that should scare you, but not because Trump is a terrible person; he's not, just a terrible politician; however, the surreal and frightening aspect of Donald J. Trump is that he is a very good mirror, a high definition mirror.
The answer is probably both. And that should scare you, but not because Trump is a terrible person; he's not, just a terrible politician; however, the surreal and frightening aspect of Donald J. Trump is that he is a very good mirror, a high definition mirror.
America's first amateur president in modern times, while America's first community organizer, has discovered a great passion to attack Republicans, and 33 governors, rather than forge a plan to deal with this "Jayvee Team"; whose very existence is much of his own making.
America's first amateur president in modern times, while America's first community organizer, has discovered a great passion to attack Republicans, and 33 governors, rather than forge a plan to deal with this "Jayvee Team"; whose very existence is much of his own making.
Democrats, from their President to their presidential candidates, intend to welcome 100,000 Syrian refugees, a byproduct of the Obama/Clinton "Leading from Behind" Middle East doctrine, and ISIS sends their thanks.
Democrats, from their President to their presidential candidates, intend to welcome 100,000 Syrian refugees, a byproduct of the Obama/Clinton "Leading from Behind" Middle East doctrine, and ISIS sends their thanks.
To make the Liberal case for extra-strict gun control minutes after the report of any public shooting, irrespective of any knowledge of assailant motive, is Amateur Obama's modus operandi in promoting one of the leading tenets of the Democrat Party - to disarm America.
To make the Liberal case for extra-strict gun control minutes after the report of any public shooting, irrespective of any knowledge of assailant motive, is Amateur Obama's modus operandi in promoting one of the leading tenets of the Democrat Party - to disarm America.
Amateur Obama is in the City of Lights, smoozing with his contemporaries while "rebuking" the terrorist, and planning the way forward where America leads the world in defeating "those who would hijack a great, peaceful religion" by ending 'Climate Change/Global Warming'.
Amateur Obama is in the City of Lights, smoozing with his contemporaries while "rebuking" the terrorist, and planning the way forward where America leads the world in defeating "those who would hijack a great, peaceful religion" by ending 'Climate Change/Global Warming'.
At the White House, November 24th, Obama meets with France President Francois Hollande, a fellow Socialist to our Hussein, and little was accomplished, other than Obama pledged America's undying friendship and that he is so 'looking forward to jetting off to the 150 nation summit of Climate Change'.
At the White House, November 24th, Obama meets with France President Francois Hollande, a fellow Socialist to our Hussein, and little was accomplished, other than Obama pledged America's undying friendship and that he is so 'looking forward to jetting off to the 150 nation summit of Climate Change'.
America's first Socialist President, Barrack Hussein Obama, did announce today, November 6, 2015, that he would use executive fiat to kill any chance of the Keystone Pipeline.
America's first Socialist President, Barrack Hussein Obama, did announce today, November 6, 2015, that he would use executive fiat to kill any chance of the Keystone Pipeline.
After a week of finding out that firm improvement on the economy is still in question, and the punctuation on the Obama Foreign Policy, its qualitative question answered long ago, firmly in place, this Amateur President is well measured.
After a week of finding out that firm improvement on the economy is still in question, and the punctuation on the Obama Foreign Policy, its qualitative question answered long ago, firmly in place, this Amateur President is well measured.
Hillary B. Clinton, the curator of the Benghazi Cover-up, now must face the proverbial music that began with much talk about that 'despicable video'.
Hillary B. Clinton, the curator of the Benghazi Cover-up, now must face the proverbial music that began with much talk about that 'despicable video'.
There are two sets of videos that are fully representative of today's Democrat Party making their appointed rounds, and, remarkably, at their core, well represents what it means to suffer from the condition known as Liberal
There are two sets of videos that are fully representative of today's Democrat Party making their appointed rounds, and, remarkably, at their core, well represents what it means to suffer from the condition known as Liberal
And let me tell you why. I know these guys, these politicians very well, all of them. It is part of what I do.
From the golden team that gave us the foreign policy of, that which they tactfully entitled, "Leading from Behind", America is now tasked with the partnership of existing with Iran as a nuclear power.
From the golden team that gave us the foreign policy of, that which they tactfully entitled, "Leading from Behind", America is now tasked with the partnership of existing with Iran as a nuclear power.
After more that 6 years of Amateur Obama's patent dishonesty and sophistry, the Democrats appear to want more of the same, or maybe worse with Hillary B. Clinton: Or do they?
After more that 6 years of Amateur Obama's patent dishonesty and sophistry, the Democrats appear to want more of the same, or maybe worse with Hillary B. Clinton: Or do they?
Two Muslim terrorists have been killed after storming a Freedom of Speech event in Garland, Texas. The event, held at Curtis Culwell Center, was basically a contest for cartoon depictions of the Prophet Muhammad.
Two Muslim terrorists have been killed after storming a Freedom of Speech event in Garland, Texas. The event, held at Curtis Culwell Center, was basically a contest for cartoon depictions of the Prophet Muhammad.
The United States economy expanded at .2% for the first quarter, 2015, which is better than zero expansion in GDP (Gross Domestic Product), which is better than negative expansion, but not an economy that anyone should be proud of; certainly not the Obama Administration.
The United States economy expanded at .2% for the first quarter, 2015, which is better than zero expansion in GDP (Gross Domestic Product), which is better than negative expansion, but not an economy that anyone should be proud of; certainly not the Obama Administration.
After a series of demonstratively tough weeks, the hits just keep on coming, faster and faster as if a spinning top, reeling from the negative inertia.
After a series of demonstratively tough weeks, the hits just keep on coming, faster and faster as if a spinning top, reeling from the negative inertia.
Amateur Obama has made his mark once again, setting new lows in negotiating prowess.
From top to bottom, it has been another incredibly bad week for Democrats. My analysis of this rash of so many impossible weeks is due to the fact that Democrat politicians are so easy to manipulate with promises that it will all different for them.
From top to bottom, it has been another incredibly bad week for Democrats. My analysis of this rash of so many impossible weeks is due to the fact that Democrat politicians are so easy to manipulate with promises that it will all different for them.
In a world, where religious fascism is growing and spreading at home and abroad, America's amateur president continues to lecture Christians, while bolstering the plight of Muslims, and, oddly, it is the Christians dying at the murderous, bigoted hands of Muslims.
In a world, where religious fascism is growing and spreading at home and abroad, America's amateur president continues to lecture Christians, while bolstering the plight of Muslims, and, oddly, it is the Christians dying at the murderous, bigoted hands of Muslims.
America's golfing 'Neville Chamberlain' of foreign policy, remains cool, aloof and may help the World save itself from the 'scientifically proved' mild discomfort resulting from Climate Change.
America's golfing 'Neville Chamberlain' of foreign policy, remains cool, aloof and may help the World save itself from the 'scientifically proved' mild discomfort resulting from Climate Change.
America's vacationing, golfing, gala functionary, really cool (to the weak of mind) commander-in-chief continues, through world crisis, as America's first amateur president in modern times.
America's vacationing, golfing, gala functionary, really cool (to the weak of mind) commander-in-chief continues, through world crisis, as America's first amateur president in modern times.
America's first Affirmative Action president, America's first truly bona fide Socialist president, and if Barack Hussein can just hold his course on dealing with the threat of Islamic Terrorists, he could just become America's first Idiot president, which will surely transform this nation.
America's first Affirmative Action president, America's first truly bona fide Socialist president, and if Barack Hussein can just hold his course on dealing with the threat of Islamic Terrorists, he could just become America's first Idiot president, which will surely transform this nation.
Since early November, it has been a quantifiable losing streak for Amateur Obama, and The Amateur ain't helping.
Since early November, it has been a quantifiable losing streak for Amateur Obama, and The Amateur ain't helping.
Before all of you education industry zealots consider that I don't care about "The Children" getting more free education, or something as equally ridiculous, just hear me out on this one: Free Community College for everyone is an incredibly bad idea.
Before all of you education industry zealots consider that I don't care about "The Children" getting more free education, or something as equally ridiculous, just hear me out on this one: Free Community College for everyone is an incredibly bad idea.
I have often wondered why Race is such a large issue in these times. Many of us, who lived through the sixties and were well aware of the events of those turbulent days, have well considered why Race is such a dominant force for those who are interminably imbued with the subject.
I have often wondered why Race is such a large issue in these times. Many of us, who lived through the sixties and were well aware of the events of those turbulent days, have well considered why Race is such a dominant force for those who are interminably imbued with the subject.
Today, I salute Mitt Romney for backing out of the race for the Republican nomination to stand for the election of president of these states united.
Today, I salute Mitt Romney for backing out of the race for the Republican nomination to stand for the election of president of these states united.
If you were tuning in to discover the direction of your nation for the next year, you would have been sadly misinformed.
If you were tuning in to discover the direction of your nation for the next year, you would have been sadly misinformed.
An adoring Obama media, widely know among clarion journalists as the OMG (Obama Media Group), has turned again on their master to criticize their distant president of these states united.
An adoring Obama media, widely know among clarion journalists as the OMG (Obama Media Group), has turned again on their master to criticize their distant president of these states united.
I am sure many of you rushed home last night, cleared your schedule, and camped out in front of the TV awaiting breathlessly the latest pronouncements of our Dear Leader.
I am sure many of you rushed home last night, cleared your schedule, and camped out in front of the TV awaiting breathlessly the latest pronouncements of our Dear Leader.
The terrorist attack by yet more murderous Muslims accentuates these terrible times, and just how irrational it has been to not confront Islamist terrorists directly.
The terrorist attack by yet more murderous Muslims accentuates these terrible times, and just how irrational it has been to not confront Islamist terrorists directly.
The president presiding over America's most opaque administration in modern times, now wishes to reinstate transparency, providing that it only puts American personnel abroad at risk, not him or his administration here at home.
The president presiding over America's most opaque administration in modern times, now wishes to reinstate transparency, providing that it only puts American personnel abroad at risk, not him or his administration here at home.
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