Now that President Trump is picking his cabinet and immediate staff to insulate him from the poor judgement of the Bureaucratic Class, while moving quickly to transition this Constitutional Republic unto a wise and sustainable direction: What is your immediate impression as to how our nation will prosper?
57.14% We are headed toward a Golden Age in America's self-governed society.
0% This will all wind up in a clustered mess since Trump is a Fascist, and thought to be the second coming of Adolf Hitler by our best journalists.
42.86% This is a time where critical days lay ahead, where only wise and responsible decisions must be made to sustain US.
0% I generally do not pay attention, but expect only the best to occur ... and that is what I always expect.
I suppose it is up to me to explain this phenomena since I am the one that coined the expression here recently. It is just that the former Main Stream Media, now the Obama Media Group, has made such a concerted effort to 'be there' for their 'transformational' hero, so, in all fairness, I must concede to their (OMG's) wishes that they (Obama Media Group) be recognized for their worship and their devotion to all things Obama.
The idea of OMG Reverb Loop recently took hold with me when I considered the excruciating squelch of the reverberation of sound, electrically enhanced, as echos in a closed space that never diminishes due to the constant supply of unfocused, non grounded noise, instantly becoming unmanageable echos, thus a loop - a reverb loop. Not unlike the peer review of liberal journalists, their constant, unabated sound of untested, but highly managed information representing their theme to further positions popular to them, their peers and their politicians, the reverb loop is ceaseless to them, and, in their low estimation, necessary to continue their irrepressible values.
In the past politicians have nearly always been wary and cognizant of the will of the Mainstream Media (MSM), but in early 2007, something very different occurred. The politician began to take control of the MSM. Within months, the MSM, ever hastened by their collective peer review, elected to anoint rookie U.S. Senator, from Illinois, Barack Hussein Obama, and that was the end of Hillary Clinton in the 2008 Democrat primary, and the beginning of the OMG.
Ms. Clinton's senior position as Democrat politician, and her husband's 8 years as president, notwithstanding, could not save her candidacy from the MSM's destructive power, and this Democrat, Ms. Clinton, could not recover. To banish a Democrat of the Clinton's stature to the sidelines of history, the MSM was heavily invested in the newcomer's success, and continued success, therefore once Candidate Obama was elected president, there was a collective need to preserve the vaunted status of the Candidate, which the surely MSM did.
Even before the journalists' all time low water point of the colluded, and codependent, Benghazi Cover-up, the MSM was being promoted, by those who were outside of that Liberal peer review, as the OMG (Obama Media Group). These more competent news folk struck their literary spear, and the OMG stuck, and with their continued investment in the success of Candidate Obama, the OMG moniker is lodged fast in the annals of the final and irrevocable decline of the Mainstream Media.
Decline as they have, with a complete lack of respect from those of us who tend to try to keep an open mind on all matters pertinent to the continuation of the Republic, the OMG still shouts out, often in utter misinformation, to all that will continue to listen, and still the echos of the reverb loop do not diminish, ensnaring the constant attention of those that cannot break free. These sad people, caught fast in that loop, hear only the faint echos of truth, of wisdom, but constant is the shrill squelch of the reverberation of a dutiful, but diminished free press - forever remaining the Obama Media Group as is their collective, peer reviewed charge to do so.
And as the OMG struggles to persevere, we wave goodbye to the once noble profession of journalism, the once proud keepers of the free press tenant of the 1st Amendment; moreover, we wave hello, and I boisterous thank-you to the New Media - an emerging medium of millions of voices, no peer review, and, moreover, no pseudo propriety to an intellect that no longer exists - the fair minded, strong willed journalists of the free press. All that remains is the reverb loop of the OMG, ensnaring the weak minded, enabled by the weak willed, growing fainter as the squelching echos diminish.
Should Mr. Obama continue to be worshiped by an adoring media, who continues to under report all of his "phony" scandals, or should an alternative media step to the fore as the Free Press?
29.98% Yes, our Obama is beyond the scrutiny of the media, and they should continue to stay out of his way.
42.3% No, it is imperative to have a Free Press to keep all politicians and their bureaucrats in check.
27.73% I don't care about news and information; it's not fun.
Recently, Mr. Obama was rated by a group of 200 Liberal historians. They subsequently graded him a B- as president. If you were to give him a grade: What would it be?