Liberals Claim Election Stolen by Russians /Trump; We Have the Counter Truth | Eastern North Carolina Now

This point came to me from my Son-In-Law and he makes a great point...

Liberals /Socialists, with their media arm, the Democrat Media are now moved to a complete apoplectic, and very public, conniption fit that Russia stole the election for President-elect Trump.

BCN Contributor Alex J. Ortolano sent in these wise words, and got me thinking:

    This point came to me from my Son-In-Law and he makes a great point...

    "Nothing that came out was untrue, but the Dems think it impacted the election and not the fact that their way of governing is rejected"

    Allow me to expand on it...

     •  The DemLibs are claiming that the Russians (not proven), the Chinese (not proven) or Castro sitting in his death bed (not proven) hacked into their systems.

     •  They are not disputing what the Russians (not proven), the Chinese (not proven) or Castro sitting in his death bed (not proven) revealed was not true.

     •  They are not saying we did not do all those bad things.

     •  They are saying the hackers revealed all these bad things that we did and that influenced the election and, if you had not revealed how rotten we have been and are, we would have won the election.

    This sounds like something the Smartfella would have made up, if he were and is rotten.


Current Liberal Democrat Muse and Russian Strong Man, Vlad Putin; the Face of Mother Russia: Above.

I made this immediate commentary on Facebook, December 13, 2016, once I became aware of the concerted Liberal's /Socialist's talking points on the alleged Russian Election Meddling

    It appears that this knowledge is rarefied wisdom, with no evidence, that can only be fathomed by the severe Liberals /Socialists that still can't understand that their presidential candidate /candidates, at many levels of government, got drubbed in a free and fair election.

    If any of these crybaby Liberals can produce evidence how Trump and the Russians stole /rigged the election, it would wonderful if they would bring it into full reveal.

    Still, watching intellectually distant /dishonest adults play crybaby is an incredibly fun thing to observe.

    By the way, and this in face of lead Crybabies Jill Stein and L. Hillary Clinton, their ridiculous recount in Michigan has proven voter fraud in Detroit precincts, and even more substantial victory for Candidate Trump in that state.

And now to expand on this latest Liberal /Socialist Group Think

    The public and constant indignation by incredulous Liberals, and their owned Democrat Media, over the possible meddling of Russia in the 2016 Presidential Election is becoming a bit shopworn from an intellectual standpoint. The pattern indignation from the Democrat Media, who willingly abdicated their Free Press, 1st Amendment, responsibilities to exclusively work on the L. Hillary Clinton campaign has increasingly become a wonderment to principled Americans.

    Obviously, this political hackery, literally, writ large in the New York Times, the Washington Post, The Huffington Post is a continuing example, fa mere fragment of the shameless Democrat Media that has one current directive, which is to work to the benefit of chosen Democrats, and to inform, as per their 1st Amendment co-dependent right, on their predetermined, filtered-down "Need to Know" basis of correspondence.

    A point fact is that Liberals /Socialists and their associative Democrat Media rationalized that if anyone controlled the news flow, it would be the unprincipled Democrat Media as the associative "5th column" of the Liberal /Socialist party - the Democrat party. The "Billy Bush hot-mic-locker-room-talk" moment for Donald Trump, held in abeyance for years by the NBC News Dept, and then released as NBC New's October surprise contribution to the Democrat Cause was supposed to be that one visceral ugly moment that would bring down the man who had never lived a buttoned down life - Donald J. trump. It almost worked as many Republican politicians scurried hither and thither to avoid the bombastic New York developer, and to avert their own down ballot demise. In this outrageous political season, that avoidance motif proved to be a far less wise path for these GOP politicians.

    Considering that some resourceful entity (it is alleged that the CIA believes it to be Russia; it is also alleged that the NSA and the FBI are unsure) either hacked into the DNC's (Democrat national Committee), or any of L. Hillary's many illegal servers, or someone with access leaked this data of the many faces of L. Hillary and her minions, the Democrats and their media arm are apoplectic that they could not control the news flow, the dirt. Remarkably, with these crybabies in full tantrum mode, many leaders within the Democrat /Socialist Group Think construct are seriously accusing the President-elect of being a 'Russian agent, in league with his good friend Vlad Putin', and they think that they are making intellectual headway.

    If there are those that would parrot these Group Think 'talking points', there are also those that will quietly consider this ridiculous commentary as a litmus test of one's intellectual depth. Remember, those that are originating these Socialist /Liberal talking points are the same partisan hacks that ignored all Obama scandals too numerous to mention, but chief among them: the IRS political targeting cover-up; the Benghazi cover-up.

    The run-up to the presidential election brought out the truth to what extent the partisan Democrat media would sink. The Crybaby character of the women running for president, and those of low principles who would follow them to the 'Gates of Hell' suggests that there is much work left for Democrat party if they wish the best of all Americans to ever take them seriously again.
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