Results found for democrat media | Eastern North Carolina Now

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75 Results found for democrat media

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inflated numbers do not tell the true story
inflated numbers do not tell the true story
political prosecution / persecution of political enemies is now part of America
political prosecution / persecution of political enemies is now part of America
bill would subsidize MSM, leave out conservative media
bill would subsidize MSM, leave out conservative media
so much for Democrats and their media pals blaming Republicans
so much for Democrats and their media pals blaming Republicans
fake stories falsely allege rifts - NYT and N&O
Acting ambassador to Ukraine wilted when Republicans cross-examined him
They exist for our humor, our derision; full bodied human symbols of just how Stupid it can all get.
They exist for our humor, our derision; full bodied human symbols of just how Stupid it can all get.
When did the politicians of the 2019 Democrat Party become completely devoid of morals, ethics and raw human intelligence?
When did the politicians of the 2019 Democrat Party become completely devoid of morals, ethics and raw human intelligence?
President Donald J. Trump will probably declare a National Emergency on the Southern Border since the Democratic Socialist party went to the trouble to SHUTDOWN the federal government
President Donald J. Trump will probably declare a National Emergency on the Southern Border since the Democratic Socialist party went to the trouble to SHUTDOWN the federal government
From time to time, I blow off a little steam stating the bare truth in these short bursts of full-throated rants. In the spirit of full transparency, I will share them with you here. Feel free to express your comments below.
From time to time, I blow off a little steam stating the bare truth in these short bursts of full-throated rants. In the spirit of full transparency, I will share them with you here. Feel free to express your comments below.
I have an "Our Long National Nightmare is Over" narrative within me that may end up as a series of posts, but I will wait until Donald J. Trump is sworn in. In the meanwhile, in this Christmas season, I post this fantastically funny seasonal video sent to me by my BCN friend, Alex J. Ortolano.
I have an "Our Long National Nightmare is Over" narrative within me that may end up as a series of posts, but I will wait until Donald J. Trump is sworn in. In the meanwhile, in this Christmas season, I post this fantastically funny seasonal video sent to me by my BCN friend, Alex J. Ortolano.
It was a big day yesterday. An incredible day. And last night, the Republican Party defied history to expand our Senate Majority while significantly beating expectations in the House for the midtown and midterm year.
It was a big day yesterday. An incredible day. And last night, the Republican Party defied history to expand our Senate Majority while significantly beating expectations in the House for the midtown and midterm year.
After two stories about terrorism in two weeks - one, a nutcase sending pipe bombs to various Democratic figures, and the other, a white supremacist murdering 11 Jews at a synagogue in Pittsburgh - the media narrative has been set: this is all about rhetoric.
After two stories about terrorism in two weeks - one, a nutcase sending pipe bombs to various Democratic figures, and the other, a white supremacist murdering 11 Jews at a synagogue in Pittsburgh - the media narrative has been set: this is all about rhetoric.
Tonight, September 29, 2018, I heard something that sadly made a temporary sense, and, if I found a wisdom in these words, there is a real good chance that others will form a temporary or lasting understanding of this truth exactly as I did.
Tonight, September 29, 2018, I heard something that sadly made a temporary sense, and, if I found a wisdom in these words, there is a real good chance that others will form a temporary or lasting understanding of this truth exactly as I did.
During President Trump's press conference on his staggering trade success, in the interview phase, I just watched a young woman, with one of the Democrat Media outlets, ask one of the stupidest questions of the day.
During President Trump's press conference on his staggering trade success, in the interview phase, I just watched a young woman, with one of the Democrat Media outlets, ask one of the stupidest questions of the day.
After watching the discussion of the Senate Judiciary Committee's discussion today, September 28, 2018, core Democrats on this committee are some of the stupidest, most dishonest politicians I have ever witnessed.
After watching the discussion of the Senate Judiciary Committee's discussion today, September 28, 2018, core Democrats on this committee are some of the stupidest, most dishonest politicians I have ever witnessed.
I don't pretend to know all that traverses the collective mind of the U.S. Senate body politic, but the vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee to approve Brett Kavanaugh to move forward to the entire senate for the affirmation of their duty to advise and consent will be rendered this week.
I don't pretend to know all that traverses the collective mind of the U.S. Senate body politic, but the vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee to approve Brett Kavanaugh to move forward to the entire senate for the affirmation of their duty to advise and consent will be rendered this week.
Liberals /Socialists are now excruciatingly concerned with allegations that Judge Brett Kavanaugh may have fondled a young female when he was in High School; even accusing the Supreme Court Justice nominee of rape on some of the Democrat Media's Fake News outlets,
Liberals /Socialists are now excruciatingly concerned with allegations that Judge Brett Kavanaugh may have fondled a young female when he was in High School; even accusing the Supreme Court Justice nominee of rape on some of the Democrat Media's Fake News outlets,
Why are the County Commissioners of Beaufort County not spraying for Mosquitoes - worst I ever seen - this year after raising taxes 16% in the last two years?
Why are the County Commissioners of Beaufort County not spraying for Mosquitoes - worst I ever seen - this year after raising taxes 16% in the last two years?
After watching the dour, glum, non participatory countenance of the what Democrat politicians that did not boycott President Trump's State of the Union Address, I came to one inescapable conclusion.
After watching the dour, glum, non participatory countenance of the what Democrat politicians that did not boycott President Trump's State of the Union Address, I came to one inescapable conclusion.
I generally don't have time to report immediately on issues unless I am covering government meetings, where I do report pithy highlights almost immediately. This week was busy, so fortunately, I now have the time to offer my take on the biggest faux news from the Democrat Media.
I generally don't have time to report immediately on issues unless I am covering government meetings, where I do report pithy highlights almost immediately. This week was busy, so fortunately, I now have the time to offer my take on the biggest faux news from the Democrat Media.
How stupid do core Democrats think the American people are when they and the unprincipled, pathetic Democrat Media sell this as the Republicans' fault? Actually, that is an issue with me, core Democrats inestimable desire to keep Americans stupid.
How stupid do core Democrats think the American people are when they and the unprincipled, pathetic Democrat Media sell this as the Republicans' fault? Actually, that is an issue with me, core Democrats inestimable desire to keep Americans stupid.
The Sanctuary state of California gives Illegal Immigrants drivers' licenses, no questions asked; now the state of California is directing their DMV to register everyone with drivers' license to register to vote, we also assume with no questions asked.
The Sanctuary state of California gives Illegal Immigrants drivers' licenses, no questions asked; now the state of California is directing their DMV to register everyone with drivers' license to register to vote, we also assume with no questions asked.
I am watching Senator Patrick Leahy grilling new DHS Chief Kirstjen Nielsen over a variety of Homeland Security issues, and I learned something very important: Multi decade Democrat Senator Leahy is an idiot when it comes to issues pertaining to our nation's security.
I am watching Senator Patrick Leahy grilling new DHS Chief Kirstjen Nielsen over a variety of Homeland Security issues, and I learned something very important: Multi decade Democrat Senator Leahy is an idiot when it comes to issues pertaining to our nation's security.
There were enough votes to pass the Continuing Resolution in the U.S. Senate, for the Federal Budget to not have a lapse in funding, on a simple majority vote; however, failed to win the 60 votes to avoid a Democrat filibuster, and therefore failed here in the literal eleventh hour.
There were enough votes to pass the Continuing Resolution in the U.S. Senate, for the Federal Budget to not have a lapse in funding, on a simple majority vote; however, failed to win the 60 votes to avoid a Democrat filibuster, and therefore failed here in the literal eleventh hour.
2017 was a year of unrelenting bias, unfair news coverage, and even downright fake news. Studies have shown that over 90% of the media's coverage of President Trump is negative.
2017 was a year of unrelenting bias, unfair news coverage, and even downright fake news. Studies have shown that over 90% of the media's coverage of President Trump is negative.
Will core Democrats shut down the government over their absolute, slavish devotion to a principle tenet,Open Borders, of their Liberal /Socialist religion?
Will core Democrats shut down the government over their absolute, slavish devotion to a principle tenet,Open Borders, of their Liberal /Socialist religion?
If you have spent any time on Beaufort County NOW, you possibly have noticed that I, Stan Deatherage your humble reporter, have written extensively about Advocacy Journalism, coined by me as the Democrat Media.
If you have spent any time on Beaufort County NOW, you possibly have noticed that I, Stan Deatherage your humble reporter, have written extensively about Advocacy Journalism, coined by me as the Democrat Media.
Maybe, core Democrats, who are obsessed with ruining their political adversaries at all costs, should pull their heads out of their propagandistic sand.
Maybe, core Democrats, who are obsessed with ruining their political adversaries at all costs, should pull their heads out of their propagandistic sand.
Michael Wolff has been around a while; I have known of him; he is a pop media /gossip columnist. He should have never been given access to anyone in the White House. That is a young administration's mistake.
Michael Wolff has been around a while; I have known of him; he is a pop media /gossip columnist. He should have never been given access to anyone in the White House. That is a young administration's mistake.
Kirsten Gillibrand, and other unprincipled Democrats, felt that the President made a sexist comment when he tweeted how she 'would do anything for campaign dollars.'
Kirsten Gillibrand, and other unprincipled Democrats, felt that the President made a sexist comment when he tweeted how she 'would do anything for campaign dollars.'
The Liberals who fully morphed into Socialists, and the nominal Republicans, who have transformed into Never-Trumpers, have one large realty in common, a reality that they hate; Donald J. Trump is the duly elected president, and they should embrace that firm reality.
The Liberals who fully morphed into Socialists, and the nominal Republicans, who have transformed into Never-Trumpers, have one large realty in common, a reality that they hate; Donald J. Trump is the duly elected president, and they should embrace that firm reality.
Illegal Alien Zarate, a multiple felon, is found not guilty on three counts of murder although he admitted doing the crime, when arrested, after he shot and killed Kate Steinle.
Illegal Alien Zarate, a multiple felon, is found not guilty on three counts of murder although he admitted doing the crime, when arrested, after he shot and killed Kate Steinle.
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