My Brothers Keeper, the Belhaven Hospital Saga | Eastern North Carolina Now

I am using the word “saga” in the sense of an old story that has repeated itself over an over through out history.

    I am using the word "saga" in the sense of an old story that has repeated itself over an over through out history. The Bible asks the question "Am I my brother's keeper?" The simple answer is "NO" but our Christian teachings do not allow us to be unconcerned about him, his welfare or his spiritual needs. This leads us to another question: How should we be concerned, helpful or hurtful? Let's see now, the word Christian is in there. The word "Christian" alone gives us the answer. We are supposed to be helpful. To be hurtful would be not be Christian.

    There is no doubt the single thing that is standing in the way of reopening the Belhaven Hospital, now known as the Pantego Medical Center, Inc., is the Pantego Creek LLC. This is a non profit created by Vidant to own the Belhaven Hospital properties. The Pantego Creek, LLC has 119 stockholders, most of whom live in Beaufort County. It is managed by four appointed managers. They are Brantley Tillman, Debra Y. Sparrow, Darren Armstrong and Lynn Ross.

    After several promises to deed the property to the Town of Belhaven, the Pantego Creek, LLC gave their last refusal and indicated that the deeding would not take place until the new Vidant primary care building had been constructed in Belhaven. The LLC believes this will force the medical doctors in Belhaven to all move across town into the new building. Vidant will then control these doctors as their employees. They can then direct all medical referrals be sent to Vidant's operations in either Washington or Greenville. This, the LLC believes, will insure that there will not be a hospital in Belhaven. This is how the LLC becomes their brother's keeper. The LLC gave the hospital to Vidant and has repeatedly positioned themselves not to support having a hospital in Belhaven. The LLC has become their bother's keeper in a non Christian way.

    There is nothing new about some people believing they know best how something should be done. Frequently, through out history there have been wars, violence and political uprisings when the oppressed have had enough.

    The only thing standing in the way of opening the Belhaven hospital is possession of the property. The LLC refuses to transfer possession to the Town of Belhaven. All indications are the USDA loan of six million dollars, and the granting of the certificates of need will happen when Puungo Creeek Medical Center, Inc. obtains a deed to the property.

    Because of the refusal of the LLC to deed their small interest in the property to the Town of Belhaven, the Town resorted to eminent domain. The Town owns a major part of the property because of their donation with reversion clause and general statute for the use of a hospital. The small part that the LLC owns has been appraised and is valued at $643,000.

    The Town asked the Beaufort County Commissioners at their May 4 meeting to loan the money or to guarantee the loan so the eminent domain taking could be completed. The Commissioners refused. Hood Richardson's motion did not get a second. Why? Heavy lobbying and misrepresented information.

    Commissioners used excuses such as, thy did not know whether of not a hospital would be successful in Belhaven and the lamest of all by Gary "Stop the Nonsense" Brinn, questioned whether or not the people of Belhaven wanted a hospital.

    Nonsense Brinn and his trusted side kick, Ron Buzzeo, had presented themselves to the Belhaven Council and the citizens of Belhaven on several occasions during their commissioner election in 2012 promising to support the new hospital in Belhaven. These men along with Frankie Waters, Jerry Langley, Ed Booth and Robert Belcher have become their brothers keepers.

    There are conflicts of interest among three of the commissioners. Frankie Waters is Chairman of Tri County Telephone which is a stock holder in the LLC. He has been voting the Telephone stock against the hospital. Robert Belcher's wife has employment connections with Vidant. Ed Booth serves on a Vidant Board. These men have not been able to separate their personal interests from those of the community. My brother's keeper again.

    The LLC and their supporters have worked long and hard to convince all who will listen that a hospital can not survive in Belhaven. The Town has spent almost $100,000 for three independent studies that show a hospital can survive in Belhaven. The LLC and their supporters choose to ignore these facts. Those studies and reports are available for the public to examine. The LLC has nothing but their opinion. Even while Vidant was inefficiently running the hospital the patient numbers indicate the hospital can survive.

    The long term interests of the community's success are of the utmost importance. There will always be a need for health care in the Belhaven community. The economics of health care will not always be the same they are today. Improvements in income and the long term economic future of Belhaven and the area are dependent on the availability of medical care. The creation of new jobs and the preservation of hospital jobs are important to being able to keep local families together.

    It seems the socio-economic status of the 119 stock holders in the LLC is such that they can afford to go to Greenville for their medical care. Attracting more and better educated people to he Belhaven area does not fit into their need for a minimum quantity of unskilled labor.
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( June 1st, 2015 @ 12:13 pm )
"Agree to Disagree": What a cliche?

One man's name calling is another man's perfect descriptor. I would think you should know that, as often as you use descriptors of the Liberal variety on a very regular basis to make your various points about Conservatives and the SBC.

Using descriptors to pigeonhole their opposition is a Liberal staple of argument. Furthermore, if Liberals can not accurately fit their opposition into some stereo type, they lie, create straw man arguments, and incessantly speak in cliches, throwing around nonsensical jargon that low information Americans better understand.

These words/phrases have long been mindlessly, and thoroughly trashed by Liberals, not unlike other words and phrases, such as: racist, gay, progressive, diversity, empowerment, neanderthal, mean-spirited, social justice, 1%, Koch Brothers, stakeholders, Rush Limbaugh, Faux News, Hate, name-calling, Bush/Cheney, bigot, Conservative, torture, moral equivalency, bipartisanship (or do it our way), etc. ... until I can add more, and I will do so, as long as there is Liberal speak.

When you snidely call me a Conservative, I consider the descriptor a badge of honor, irrespective of your intentions.

I have no problem being considered in the same light as Ronald Reagan, Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher and now a Ted Cruz.

So 'name-call' to your heart's content, and I will continue to use the perfect descriptors that I am familiar with, that work so well, until I come up other, better descriptors, and I will because I have.
( June 1st, 2015 @ 11:26 am )
We shall agree to disagree on this, Stan.

There you go again---calling a moderate a liberal. Will the name calling ever cease?
( June 1st, 2015 @ 8:36 am )
Your insinuation that: "We BOTH know you have a vested interest in your building adjacent to the current jail and Courthouse" would not preclude Hood from voting since he has no vested direct interest - especially if he votes as he said he would, and votes against any jail, anywhere. The real world does not run within the failed precepts of the Liberal mind.

To suggest that there is a conflict of 'interest' strains incredulity.

I have refuted that continued slander against Hood in BCN, by Liberals and RINOs (no difference), and I will continue to do everything I can to refute this and any other slander here against anyone, when I know the truth to be otherwise.

Gene, I know you have some Simple minded friends, as per some of your expression of the group analysis of issues that you/they won't take the trouble to understand, and these individuals would be wise to think twice before they wag their simple tongues to intentionally damage others.

I consider this warning a great kindness.
( June 1st, 2015 @ 7:50 am )
Stan---there is no "liable" in the simple statement that Hood owns a building adjacent to the Courthouse/Jail complex. That is a fact, my friend!

If the current site were razed and rebuilt, Hood's building would likely be part of the process---since the space currently occupied by the Courthouse/Jail is not near enough space to redo without including the entire block! That is Hood's "vested interest." Because of this, it would be wise to recluse himself over any votes about the "Jail Situation" which has been a problem since the mid-80's.

I have no money, thanks to the bad economy and my struggling Tree Surgery business. If the citizens of Beaufort County do not have enough money to afford proper arborcare, I have no money to be part of any liable settlement---which is pure crazy threatening on your part.

Frankly, I agree with Hood completely over a move of the Jail to the Chocowinity Industrial site being a bad choice and far more expensive to us taxpayers. If he could find a way to be less OBNOXIOUS, then Beaufort County politics could be far more pleasant for us who actually pay for the mess . . .
( June 1st, 2015 @ 7:11 am )
The writer is liable to speak the truth as he knows it.

As publisher of this new concept of exchange, I allow everything reasonably well presented but not without challenges, and I allow all challenges from all individuals.

In that the truth may be better sorted.

I don't mean to be acerbic, but the truth is very important to me.
( June 1st, 2015 @ 6:03 am )
Stan: As a writer for BCN, I need to know. Who is at risk, the publisher or the writer. I send an article to one person, the Editor. He sends it to 20,000.
I gave you an EDIT AT Will statement. Who needs to be careful?
( June 1st, 2015 @ 12:03 am )

The building fantasy is a blatant liberal lie that you, obviously, discuss with you liberal friends that don't have enough brain power to negotiate real issues - that's why they lie.

My advice is that at some point even Liberals, who truly don't have much in the way of cognitive abilities, may still be liable for slander, even though Hood is a public official.

Be careful. The condition of Liberal will not always absolve one from heinous slander charges, irrespective of how stupid the Liberal may be, or even how well connected the Stupid may assume that he/she is.

What if Hood tires of the lies, maybe is no longer an elected official (the burden of proof drops exponentially for the plaintiff), and he sues the Hell out of you, Liberals, just for the fun of it, and wins a huge punitive settlement because he proves malice of forethought.

For my part, now that I am no longer a public official, I personally no longer tolerate slander, and I would seek remedy if I had a good enough case, and could take enough from that individual to make it worth my while. I'm that fed up with liars, and that fed up with the Stupids who lie. Hood could become that guy, and you, Liberals, need not temp the anger of a righteous man. It could get biblical here.

My advice: Just because stupid, dishonest people say things often enough with the firm intent to damage others, it doesn't make it right, and repeating known lies is a very dangerous game, even for you Liberals.

Be careful.
( May 31st, 2015 @ 7:34 pm )
This post is a "monster of political implications," Hood. If you were "your brother's keeper," you would care about the County Jail with conditions that could have been corrected in the mid-80's ~~~ but you WOULD NOT BEND.

The real problem here is NC refusing Medicaid Funds that us taxpayers of Federal Taxes have in escrow because the "powers that be" in Belhaven would rather fight than resolve the issue for the immediate benefit of people in Hyde and Beaufort Counties / the NC Legislature is acting like a bunch of bullies on the playground.

We BOTH know you have a vested interest in your building adjacent to the current jail and Courthouse. This article is meant to confuse people trying to figure out what is really up at Belhaven. I see no clue that you are one of them, my brother!

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