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Comments by Gene Scarborough

To help the readers find the answers I gave BT on his criticisms (not that bad BT since you are more kind-spirited) are found in 3 time stamps:
***8/22 -- 5:55 a.m.
***8/22 -- 10:25 a.m.
***8/22 -- 11:35 a.m.

I will simply note that most harsh and distorted things are said at the end of day and late into the night / my more reasoned rebuttals are all early morning---after a good night's rest.

Maybe our problem is being "weary" over coming up with somewhat strained attempts at dismissal / "rested" and ready to engage with a better attitude on my part---just sayin' gents . . .

Commented: Monday, August 24th, 2015 @ 4:47 am By: Gene Scarborough
The threats start over this post and comments ---

(1) BT does one on his "can't talk back" opinion cited by the Colonel = Commented: Friday, August 21st, 2015 @ 8:34 pm. I answered back with 2 comments the best I could. You will have to click on "all comment" at the bottom and you can find it by the date/time stamp from BT.

(2) Stan does his below = August 23rd, 2015 @ 11:33 pm

I note both are in the evening after a day of back-and-forth over God's vengeance. I had announced by Private Message to Stan that I was headed for a good night's sleep beside the River. Summer heat has broken and God is now air-conditioning Beaufort County each evening---for the moment anyway.

The one below borders on personal threat and has a bully touch to it: "If you try linking to another video, by an another idiot Liberal commentator, who babbles incessantly and says nothing meaningful as proof again, you will find that you will be continuously banned, until your communications become more constructive.

I don't mind Liberals, like you, being part of any discussion, in fact I embrace it; but when all you offer is slanderous hyperbole based on no concrete facts, then I have to draw the line to stop the stupidity."

I thought Stan was describing MOST of the articles he uses each day from ultra-conservative writers and sources!!!

WHENEVER a good discussion degenerates to a fist fight, the one who keeps his head wins! I think this is as perfect an example of Conservative politics and mindset as any reader can see.

Both BT and Stan are focusing on minutia to pretend I have not show the Fox News disdain for Jimmy Carter at a tender time in his life and health. If they cannot hear the media over and over citing that FACT --- I feel most sorry for them.

Conservative, in its best sense, should mean---"Keeping that which is of value and helpful." I found that simply expressed in what my father used to say: "Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater!" It cites the other important part of "conserving" --- the baby is precious / the bath water stinks. Always keep the sweet smelling baby after its bath, but poop and stink need to go.

The version of "Conservative" I am seeing today (and here) is drinking the foul water to the point you get an intestinal illness and can't get off the pot for the stomach cramps through the night.

I have a new post up now about how you define PEACE. Without further ado, I commend both my mental sparing partners to realize how important SHALOM is!

PEACE, brothers . . .
Commented: Monday, August 24th, 2015 @ 4:26 am By: Gene Scarborough
All you have to do is look at the first link, Stan. Are you the dumb and stupid one here or what. Do you not listen to the news this last week and this morning???

Maybe it will come to you in your sleep that Mean Conservatism is showing its monkey tail to the public more than you want to admit ever since the Great Debate.
Commented: Sunday, August 23rd, 2015 @ 8:22 pm By: Gene Scarborough
This comment thread is drawing from all corners---BT first reaches abroad / now Stan does one for me to draw in:

"I have a great idea for apologies: Never apologize unless wrong, then own up and make amends ... except in the case of the wife, where I just suffer through it."

Now the Question to Stan---Are you to the point, sir, of admitting you are wrong about Jimmy Carter and his detractors ---- and more people should be more kind in politics???
Commented: Sunday, August 23rd, 2015 @ 5:01 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I use the Bristol Rules of Writing --- that is Bristol, VA/TN where the NASCAR race was run. Get on the track / put a label on your car / I don't care who sponsors you / I AM IN THE RACE TO WIN / mess up on your pit stop tire changes and I just ride by with a smile on my face . . .

I wish we had a Bubba clip from Jeff Dunham. I think his left eye moving to the side by itself is "unique."
Commented: Sunday, August 23rd, 2015 @ 4:50 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Stan--I bet you were chuckling as you copied and pasted it though???
Commented: Sunday, August 23rd, 2015 @ 4:11 pm By: Gene Scarborough
No problem, BT --- I do "real English Ale" commentary and you can brew all the lite beer in busting bottles you want, my friend . . .Aging and proper conditions makes the difference between an enjoyable drink and piss in a bottle---just sayin'
Commented: Sunday, August 23rd, 2015 @ 12:01 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Oops -- I hit "submit" before finishing. Let this replace what I did send:

Stan---you are acting like the national political clown show should be a guide for NC = fight like cats and dogs more than a year and 1/2 before election. What a crock on your part. All you and your brother conservatives want is more time to criticize without proposing solutions other than cut taxes / put in the Education Lottery!

The Governor and Conservative Majority in our Legislature are giving us plenty of things to see as we make up our minds, my friend ---

(1) They came up with the Marriage Amendment on the last ballot. AG Cooper advised it was likely unconstitutional---IT WAS decided as such! Next, you boys raved that he did not defend the vote when the duty of the AG is to make sure NC Laws are properly enforced --- not to be the State Defense Lawyer when a measure is highly questionable on its constitutional merits . . .

(2) The AG has not yet formally declared for the Governor's seat. I, for one, hope he does so, but until he does, he is the Attorney General. That means limited power to do as he pleases outside NC Legislation. I PERSONALLY KNOW him to be an down-to-earth honest public servant as opposed to a former Duke Lobbyist doing NOTHING about the corruption of the Haw River by his former employer . . .

(3) What you FAIL TO CITE IS~~~~The AG's office sued Countrywide over excess charges to their NC customers on loans. I got a refund according to the settlement of $7,000!!! That is the "protection of citizens" this high office requires---Roy Cooper did just what NC expects of a good AG!!!

(4) We already know, because he could run against your Governor/Legislature gods of conservatism---you will never have anything good to say about him. As Shakespeare once said, "The die is cast." That was in Julius Caesar as the evil Senators were hiding knives under their garments to slice up the Emperor! Another scene reminds me of you: "Trouble, trouble, boil and bubble . . ."

If you want to debate politics and positions --- I would advise you to wait until Roy Cooper announces his formal bid for office and accompanies it with a more complete platform and ideas to help NC --- FAR MORE THAN THE CURRENT MONKEYS CLIMBING THEIR CONSERVATIVE TREE~~~to show us their tails!!!
Commented: Sunday, August 23rd, 2015 @ 11:58 am By: Gene Scarborough
BT does a good article on Jimmy Carter and I wish he had a comment section so I shall say just a few words here----

(1) I think the reason Carter had difficulties as President was the DC establishment hate that thwarted his success WITHOUT paying the price to learn corruption in national politics. He actually believed and practiced "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"---INSTEAD of "get even with your enemies and bribe your way to their backing to keep their favor" . . .

(2) Had he had a successful rescue mission on Iraq Hostages instead of a bad-luck fiasco from an unexpected sandstorm, he would have been the Hero of the day --- such is luck for good or bad with any presidential decision --- and many things not under any leader's control. Obama had a successful mission, but conservatives keep saying "It was the Special Forces that did it and it had nothing to do with presidential courage" --- to which I say "tough titties--give him the credit!!!"

(3) The Arab Oil Embargo was the biggest fiasco he faced. Oil production had moved overseas at the crude level / Big Oil let it happen to get cheap oil, but the Cartel decided to pull the plug on their "exploitation for cheap" at US hands. It did not happen just because of Carter!

(4) He could have said "I authorize our military to take the oil by force"---which is essentially what our response to 9/11 was and is!

(5) His most shining moment was the Camp David Peace Agreement between Egypt and Israel. The fact the principals were both killed by their own people tells us how much we humans love hate and death to peace.

(6) Unlike the Conservatives of religion today---while Carter was a unapologetic Christian who taught a SS class at his Washington Baptist Church and back home--- he NEVER INSISTED ALL OF AMERICA BE JUST LIKE HIM! He led by example rather than dictatorial methods.

A recent CNN program on his decade showed him with an edgy temper despite all his work to do as he said in his Inaugural Address---"a nation as good as its people." We in America have the same problem with Peace and cooperation --- as do the warring tribes of the Middle East. It is far easier to hate than forgive and work together.

If more people saw that central principle in both Christian and Moslem faiths ---which is their central precept of love and forgiveness over hate and destruction --- we just might find peaceful uses for atomic power / wiser cooperation with mother earth rather than raping it for profits / we could remain in AC comfort rather than go back to a dark cave and keep warm and lit by candles or torches . . .
Commented: Sunday, August 23rd, 2015 @ 10:41 am By: Gene Scarborough
Here is the latest from Jimmy Carter --- by way of a good Baptist publication:
Commented: Sunday, August 23rd, 2015 @ 9:14 am By: Gene Scarborough
Stan ---Mess with Yellow Jackets in Georgia or NC --- you are gonna get swarmed with welts as the result!!!
Commented: Sunday, August 23rd, 2015 @ 8:58 am By: Gene Scarborough
I left off the end of my friend's yesterday email. Here is what complete it:

"Preachers are most vulnerable to anger…we are both ‘dumped on’ and we get angry…and in a lot of cases we cannot confront the source without a lot of consequences….so as often is the case….IF WE DON’T KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH THAT ANGER/DISAPPOINTMENT …we’ll find a scripture passage that gives somebody hell and then we preach on that text….as if ‘God led me to preach on this verse.’ We preachers need a ‘cussing tree’ where we can go and dump all our crap on so we can get it out of our systems and go about preaching the greater message of God. I used the term a ‘cussing tree’ because when I related to my daughter-in-law about how my youth director at Weldon and I worked so well together and that I had told her that ‘something church staff members just have to go and ‘pee on a tree’ to get all the anger out…because to do otherwise could have been very destructive… which my daughter-in-law said …”I can’t pee on a tree’ stupid me….it was then I say well we have to find a ‘cussing tree’ to dump on….
As noble as it might be to have a face-to-face talk with someone about what they have or have not done ….what they have or have not said…It’s not always possible….NOR….is it always advisable…sometimes the better part of valor is just to bear it….BUT YOU CAN’T EASILY BEAR IT….so find you a ‘cussing tree’, beat the hell out of the tree….GET IT OUT OF THE SYSTEM….BECAUSE IT W I L L COME OUT…SOONER OF LATER… ONE WAY OR ANOTHER…
Just a few of my thoughts on the matter.
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
Commented: Sunday, August 23rd, 2015 @ 5:50 am By: Gene Scarborough
I just opened my email --- and my friend who posted yesterday says this:

I’ll be glad to respond to Stan’s comments…
First ….he doesn’t know me and I don’t know him….yet…he already has judged/labeled/tagged me as someone exactly like Gene…and the marvelous thing is that he did it with one little test I’ve found in a lot of those who---for whatever reasons---do not take time to reserve an opinion about the person until they get to know him/her. In reality few of us are so skilled as to be able fully, completely, and correctly to understand all there is to know about a person…so we resort to this little game….’if it walks like a duck…quacks like a duck ….it’s a duck’. And my point is ….I am not a duck….I think for myself…and I’m not afraid to weigh my opinions on the scale of truth. I’m about as much at home ‘out on a limb’ as I am in a crowded room where every body sings the same song….quotes the same verse…walks the same strut…and knows exactly when to say AMEN. (pardon the caps, I am emphasizing and not yelling as some think anyone who used caps on the internet is doing).
My experience in the SBC were similar….but somewhat different from Gene’s …my views are not his views nor are all his views mine….we are ‘different ducks’ so to speak….but today…we resort to labels as a means of understanding each other…he’s liberal but I’m conservative…and that has become a pivotal issue as in ‘we got it’…. but ‘they’ve missed it’…we have the ‘truth’… they only have ‘opinions.’ In comparing one individual with another these days, we’ve missed it…and both have failed the great American spirit. How conservative Stan is and how liberal Gene and I may be, is actually an issue we’ve made….what is really of essences here is why have we become polarized? Why have we allowed ourselves to become so divided? What has happened to us? To me one of the major causes for what has happened is ‘who do we listen to?’ ‘who helps to shape our views/opinions?
I am not Gene….I don’t believe everything Gene believes and he doesn’t believe everything I believe….I am in interfaith work…and I suspect this may not be a chosen field for Gene….I work with Jews and Muslim….and take my word for it….’ain’t nobody as different as Baptists and Jews…or Baptists and Muslims” but in all honesty it is easier than try to get some conservatives to work with liberals or vice-versa ….and for all I know Sam might think it takes liberals to work in such a situation… when in reality it takes someone who is mature enough in life not to be torn apart because someone sees things differently and someone who is secure enough in faith….that what others believe about God doesn’t blow their minds….
I suspect a lot of this is active in the political arena as well…some are so ‘fixed’ in their position… a different view is consider un-American…while some of us are so frightened that our view of issues are seen through fearful eyes….
Commented: Sunday, August 23rd, 2015 @ 5:35 am By: Gene Scarborough
Surprise, Stan --- the email did not come from Boyd Queen who happens to be a retired federal employee. He is Conservative, but knows from his perusal of BCN that it is a medium based on hate and harsh criticism---WITHOUT POSITIVE SUGGESTIONS TO IMPROVE that which it criticizes.

I have never seen you get so mad so quick when another reader uses the FB approach to confront you. I think we all need to see that round:

The more your stuff becomes more public, the more hateful it shows itself to be. The growing readership is good. Most people do as I did to see what it is and ---noting the level of criticism with attitude of hate --- decide to confront it after a while.

A raging bull is best conquered or trained by using his tactics against him after some observation. In this case, Boyd, quickly gave you a laugh over you claim that you "Know Everything" and should be the king of BCN. You could not take it, my friend.

I love ya, man. Don't take it so personal / relax and let others have our place in the world and your mag. You have already proven you can be fair by letting me and 2 others post articles other than abject conservatism. Perhaps that is why the readership is growing so rapidly and diversity is a part of that program . . .

As with US Immigration ~~~ our communities become more interesting as diversity comes into the white southern stubborn we thought was the only way to go . . . Welcome to Emory Diversity University!!!
Commented: Sunday, August 23rd, 2015 @ 4:31 am By: Gene Scarborough
Right Solution / Wrong Problem in my view Diane---It appears our financial problems in the US are more simple than a Balanced Budget to me.

The main problem is the Costs of War. We cannot be in charge of the world and still maintain our own country and its needs. Here are the financial FACTS:

Cost of Congress is the second issue. We started out with the idea of citizens well thought of locally would go and represent their folks back home as a SERVICE. There was no pay to go. You had 2 ways of affording to go:

*** You had been a good enough business person / farmer to take a few weeks each year to meet in DC and pass laws that helped our society.
*** You had integrity in business and personal life that got you elected.

Now---Congress has become a big game. I had a good friend who pastored a Baptist Church inside the Beltway in DC way back in the 70's. He came for a revival and told me then:

"If the American public had half a clue as to the lack of work and how much partying is going on in DC, we would fire the whole bunch! They stagger in by 10 or so / they run from one meeting to another / they are out starting about 2 p.m. after an long lunch at some fancy eatery / they get into stretch limos to go to the first reception plied with booze / after several of these drunken parties they stagger home about midnight to stat the cycle again!"

It has gotten far worse in recent years. It is now to the point we need a State Convention. The problem is TERM LIMITS needed to be imposed on a party---not a political party, but the non-stop party of lobbyist tit-sucking inside the Beltway of DC.

The same is true for Raleigh. Special Interests have a free hand and that wastes money taxpayers give in good faith by force of IRS Law.

What if we all said, "We have been tricked enough --- NO MORE PAY!"
Commented: Sunday, August 23rd, 2015 @ 4:14 am By: Gene Scarborough
Stan---are you quaking to realize there are more then just me out here telling your Hate to take a hike???

My friend is likely to register and then he can share more details. He is senior to me / has been a Baptist Preacher all his life / got booted by the evil of conservatism from a Florida Church / was supported and helped by Jews, no less / is now retired in the vicinity of both the Colonel and BT.

He lives near Stone Mountain and both of us know well how hard granite can have an image of the South and its integrity blasted into its face. . .

You have 2 of my old time friends posting and trending "Stanitized"---now I have another friend from the big metro who takes no prisoners with his lazier sharp analysis. If you shake a hornet's nest, they quickly get mad enough to make you jump in the Pamlico River and beg for mercy, my brother . . .
Commented: Saturday, August 22nd, 2015 @ 7:18 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I have readers all around when I post an article. One just emailed me his comment:

Your article about Jimmy Carter is well taken…it was and is crude/callous/thoughtless/to beat on such a kind and gracious man like the often-despised Jimmy Carter. As my Yankee friends would say…ENOUGH ALREADY!
Actually criticism about anyone….especially those whose reputation is built more on ‘opinions/likes and dislikes rather than factual events of behavior….who suddenly comes down with severe illness /difficulties/hard times/set backs of any sorts is as much a reflection against the person doing the criticism than of the person experiencing the hard times…Did the liberal world suggest in any way that Reagan deserved being shot? Did the liberal talking points laugh/mock or make fun of R Reagan when he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s? What liberals made an issue---and how much did they stir the issue---of Bush’s daughter being caught with alcohol underage… ...? What liberal called for an investigation of Geo Bush and his questionable military leave? And even now as criticism and mounting evidence are forthcoming about the deception of the Iraq war…what are the Conservatives---who like to claim to be above this Fox News attitude----doing…they are giving Hillary Clinton Hell for Benghazi…while ignoring/ saying nothing at all about that dozen or so attacks on Bush’s embassies and numerous deaths relate to them…McConnell and Boehner has some snide comment to make about Obama almost daily as together they obstruct any and everything Obama tries to do…..Cruz, Paul and others are equally acid mouth…..NOW COMPARE THAT WITH THE FEW TACTFUL COMMENTS (OBAMA HAS BEEN FORTHCOMING WITH COMMENTS) FROM DEMOCRATs ABOUT GOP’s CONSTANT OBSTRUCTISM AND NO…NO. You remember when Geo Bush acknowledged his younger days…he even skipped over his DUIs etc… and refused to talk of it anymore…it was dropped…and almost removed from the Democratic talking points….BUT.. .when Bill Clinton say he smoked pot once, but didn’t inhale… he was made a laughing several stock….and even now his passing moment with Monica L is still the hot topic of conversation….REALLY, for the Conservatives to speak of ‘liberal talking points’ is almost laughable. In an effort to be fair….the Conservatives’ love affair with the ‘past’ is a universally recognized trait of character…. (though some do move on beyond the days gone by).
With a little imagination, I suppose we all could find something on each other to criticize and thus try to neutralize one another’s influence….HOWEVER…the message of the NT speaks volumes….’Be angry and sin not.’ Sounds contradictory….don’t know about you…but I have found that reference to be reminding us that the ‘work and results of expressed anger’ can be VERY destructive…(though sometimes that greatest positive work is driven by ‘anger’ as in…he works out his anger in the shop…(I’ve done it many times) or on the golf course…or wherever one can channel that anger in doing something positive and constructive). I’m far from a psychologist…but I’m smart enough to realize that a person harboring anger can be a mean and merciless SOB. (Isn’t a lot of this found in the race riots…as if to say if some were not as anger as they were they would not be as destructive as they are… therefore it is important to get the anger out of ones system lest he/she going around dumping on innocent little old ladies, preachers, politicians and anyone else that person might have a we bone to pick but may not have an opportunity to pick it….or don’t have the guts or courage to face them head on….so we pick a meaningless aspect (your ryegrass) and whip it to death…. Isn’t this where ‘kicking the dog comes in’? usually in those situations where we can’t face the source of anger….we express that anger on those that won’t fight back…PERHAPS ITS NOT THE ANGER THAT IS THE SIN….BUT THE WRONGFUL / DISRUPTIVE/DISTRUCTIVE EXPRESSION OF ANGER AT INAPPROPRIATE TIMES….and like you…I feel this is what that crap from Fox News was….inappropriate.
Commented: Saturday, August 22nd, 2015 @ 4:38 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Here's you stamp guys ----
Commented: Saturday, August 22nd, 2015 @ 1:39 pm By: Gene Scarborough
If Nero played the fiddle while Rome burned down --- you idiots of conservatism shucked and jived your way to la-la land --- and picked blackberries after the season is long over . . .
Commented: Saturday, August 22nd, 2015 @ 1:36 pm By: Gene Scarborough
BT & Stan --- KMA is a good stamp to add. Both of your guys are chucking and jiving over a most important aspect of life.

BT did a good post over how he could have died on point in Vietnam, but traded with a guy who did. He had 2 more which are worthy of note in the area of my expertise --- ESP = Extra Sensory Perception. I have always been a spiritual person who has little trouble sensing the hand of God in my life.

If you 2 really have the respect for God you seem to feel you have---it might be wise to be less critical of a man like Jimmy Carter and others like him who are the real deal --- as opposed to Cheney and others who are snakes getting personal riches off death and destruction . . .
Commented: Saturday, August 22nd, 2015 @ 12:25 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I don't flinch / I don't hide / I get my man. Concentration and squeeze the trigger never leaves me at any time, bud!!!

Now come on down to Bath and let's cut a 10-ton tree and see if you got the guts to man the saw at its base and put it on a beer can we can bet lunch over my abilities with a gun or saw!!! Did you know a chainsaw has a gun sight as well???

Just ask Stan about what I can do with big trees at his house = obliterate the stumps / drop in tight spaces / remove as if it were never there . . .
Commented: Saturday, August 22nd, 2015 @ 11:34 am By: Gene Scarborough
Trying to get BT to be honest about anything is like pointing my .270 BAR with its Schworsky Scope (stolen from my house) at the Headless Horseman. I shoot 3 in a 3" circle at 100 yards, BT --- watch your step lest I shoot you out of your spot on the battlefield of long ago VN days.

You have admitted you lived a life of Playboy upon your return from battle. Is that what you learned as you promised God on the battlefield --- if He would deliver you from death --- you would do better in the future???? That kind of Foxhole Faith caused the soldiers of WWII to attend church and do good upon their return to the real world, buddy!!!
Commented: Saturday, August 22nd, 2015 @ 11:01 am By: Gene Scarborough
BT---you have obviously never been in a clergy position. You said you had been active at Candler Park Baptist Church. Were you EVER a Deacon charged with spiritual matter being handled in a spiritual way of "love and forgive one another"???

The people who treated me with a firing were much the same as the Clarkston powers that be who fired my father. In his case the Treasure who was the Mayor and a Lawyer failed to pay a bill for steel at the new sanctuary "because" he had a lawsuit going against the company in his world of legalities. My father had been there only a short time and told him: "Either pay the bill with money the members have given and is in the bank, or I will be forced to resign next Sunday and tell this congregation exactly the reason WHY. I pay my bills and will not pastor a church which does not do the same!"

He got my father after some 4 years of constant "conservative criticism" ---meant to only conserve his pretense of righteousness. He became and alcoholic and had a son just like him who dies before his time. . . You decide is God wrought vengeance on his --- not just for my father, but for his life and actions of the Pharisees.

The same was true at my church firing. About 5 folks were called "the clique" by members who knew they ran that church. These redneck folks from the mountains proudly took the keys from the organist and the older folks who had been there before them. The ran rough shod over any who did not kiss this smelly tails, old sport.

In my tenure, part of them were involved in a sordid affair with my Minister of Music and an suicide almost came true ---but for my intervention that day. Then they fired me as if I were the guilty party??? HARDLY!!!

All I am saying is "the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is Eternal Life to those who work for PEACE." That is as Bible as it gets, old sport. I am a BELIEVER who has witnessed God's vengeance and gives witness to such.

Did you ever stand with integrity in the business world and get in trouble??? Did you stick to your guns --- or tuck you tail and run for cover???

I am open to your further rebuttal and any examples of "integrity at a cost" in your past or your current outlook . . .

Otherwise, you are bloviating on a most important matter between mankind and God.
Commented: Saturday, August 22nd, 2015 @ 10:42 am By: Gene Scarborough
For Stan who did not read the linked post to MSNBC:

(1) "Five days after Beau Biden’s death, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) appeared at a Michigan fundraiser where he publicly mocked Vice President Biden. A reporter for the Detroit News asked Cruz after his remarks about the propriety of taking rhetorical shots at Biden, so soon after his son’ death, and Cruz simply walked away without answering."

(2) "In his “soapbox” remarks at the Iowa State Fair on Friday, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz criticized Jimmy Carter’s presidency - a day after Carter’s moving public admission about his cancer.

“I think where we are today is very, very much like the late 1970’s. I think the parallels between this administration and the Carter administration are uncanny, same failed domestic policy, same misery, stagnation and malaise, same feckless and naive foreign policy. In fact, the exact same countries, Russia and Iran, openly laughing at and mocking the president of the United States.”
On a substantive note, Cruz’s rhetoric is plainly ridiculous and deeply at odds with reality. Even he ought to know better."

But even putting facts and pesky policy details aside, it was literally yesterday when former President Jimmy Carter, now 90, spoke publicly about cancer spreading to his brain and the medical treatment he’s receiving.

Cruz couldn’t take cheap shots at the ailing former president some other time?"

Stan---when you want to act as though I spout rubbish when you always do absolute Conservative Truth ~~~ I might have to call the men in white coats to visit you, my man . . .
Commented: Saturday, August 22nd, 2015 @ 10:25 am By: Gene Scarborough
Once more, Stan ----
Commented: Saturday, August 22nd, 2015 @ 6:03 am By: Gene Scarborough
Let's take a little wider view of Conservative hate-from-the-heart, gentlemen:

In this case Ted Cruz is the culprit and is saying hateful things, first, against Joe Biden after his son's death / next, Jimmy Carter as he announced his life-threatening cancer . . .

Donald Trump is the Prince of Hate and Arrogance for me. He held an event in Mobile last night that had to shift to a football stadium to accommodate the crowd.

I went to Mobile to help with recovery from Hurricane Katrina. Of all the places I have ever been that town is the epitome of pretense. They have some of the biggest churches of all faiths---so well-attended that off-duty cops direct traffic at them. The kinds of pretense I personally witnessed:

** Crooked cops and law Enforcement.
** An ALA Statute entitled "Theft of Services" protecting any contractor from being refused pay agreed to with his customer--as long as the Contractor did not have an out-of-state driver's license!
** Private church schools for "white Christians only."

I, however, found relief and support to the West of Mobile in a little country Baptist church were an old man cognizant of the local corruption gave me use of his Airstream Trailer to replace my lost motel room --- when I spent 10 days in their jail over BS and was then sleeping in my truck. In addition, he had a full shop and plenty of parking for my equipment out in the country.

I wish I had known in advance the motto for Mobile: "Come to Mobile on vacation / leave on probation!" Why should I be surprised at the biggest crowd yet for The Donald . . .at Mobile!!!

God ALWAYS provides angels to help us when ugly and mean people take a crap in our laps as we are just DOING GOOD AND BEING HONEST . . .
Commented: Saturday, August 22nd, 2015 @ 5:55 am By: Gene Scarborough
In typical conservative fashion, BT---you are twisting this to act as though God is oblivious to our actions and would never punish anyone. The actions of these 2 particular men was to eliminate me by hook or by crook---irregardless that Deacons are supposed to solve problems rather than create them.

I was involved in a bad church situation where I took a week from my insurance practice to help SOLVE a church staff problem about to blow. As an Associate Pastor in BOTH my first churches, people came to me griping about the Senior Pastor. In BOTH cases I got people together rather than use it to my advantage to try and become the Senior Pastor with sneaky stuff. They appealed to my ego and found me working for peace over a church fight.

I am getting most frustrated with the TWIST of you and Stan over this. It tells me you are trying too hard to dismiss the attitudes you have which promote Conservative Hate. Why such comes with the territory of "I won't be moved" is beyond my experience and outlook.

Blessing on you both to see ourselves more clearly in the mirror of God's love.
Commented: Saturday, August 22nd, 2015 @ 5:31 am By: Gene Scarborough
By the way, gents, God is not an evil revenge-maker as you have implied. God takes care of vengeance / hell and judgment don't always wait until the afterlife / God ALLOWS bad things to happen to both good and bad people.

The Bible says, "The sun sets on both the just and unjust." The same with rain and all other things of this earth. . .

Job was a good man who got awful things ---which shows bad things happen to even the best people / Judas went out and hanged himself. That tells me even a seller of Jesus had a conscience he could not escape. The leaders at my church had to make up their own minds about what happened to them and WHY.

As for me and my family ~~~ we went to SC to a good First Baptist Church in Horry County and a house far bigger and nicer than the one we had in N. Atlanta --- with no Brookwood Interchange closer than 9 hours away!!! N. Myrtle Beach---23 miles.

Go FIGURE, gents . . .
Commented: Friday, August 21st, 2015 @ 5:16 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Yes / N to exactly WHAT????

Fox News is treading on a godly man, as I believe they are --- HELL YES they are messing with a man of peace and integrity and I would advise them to put "burial in asbestos cloth" in their final health directive . . .

NOW ~~~ is this clear or do I miss what you are saying --- to avoid my point about messing with godly men and women with mud and hate?????

I may have to bring the Chipper down to the office if this keeps up . . .we shall discuss it on a cold morning with diesel smoke swirling around the intake chute we are sitting on --- so we know how important honesty and love are . . .Jesus DID use a whip to get attention in his day. Mine belches blue smoke and shakes with diesel power, gents . . .
Commented: Friday, August 21st, 2015 @ 5:04 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I have always tried to follow the example of Christ the best I can---even in these posts, Ted McD. Jesus used the whip on the Temple steps with moneychangers / used a towel that night to confront the Disciples over their quarrel about position at the Last Supper.

Whip / Towel --- 2 different ways to try and let people know when they are out of line with God's ways. The basic concept SIN in the Greek word, harmartia, is SEPARATION --- from God / one another / your true self God wants you to become and what he wants you to do --- following the BIBLE in the New Testament.

Political hate and constant turmoil fall under the definition of SIN I am citing. The best tactic of Screwtape is to fool people into thinking they are good when they descend the slow slope to hell on earth . . .
Commented: Friday, August 21st, 2015 @ 4:02 pm By: Gene Scarborough
You guys are so trying to ignore the real stuff of this post --- that I am amazed. Both BT and TedMcD are Baptists and know how crazy they can be. The Grass seed was just the surface BS of those few mean Pharisees of the church. We were growing / the father of the husband was the real pastor in his mind / he orchestrated my overthrow without any notice nor ability to work things out as the Bible clearly says Deacons are supposed to do. The father of the mother helped by making sure people thought because I wrote a letter saying "IF you want my resignation you have it, but the Deacons can't fire me." He told them they HAD to take it . . .would not let them vote Yes/No.

I had done many things to try and win Mr. Sam over --- to the point of going one afternoon to help him and his boys finish a concrete drive---on a hot day no less. Even let him have my little Feist dog he wanted. Still he wanted me gone on the eve of his Deacon Rotation.

I let you judge what happened and why for yourself. I am just saying: VENGEANCE IS GOD'S and it DOES HAPPEN TO EVIL PEOPLE WHO ARE HATE-FILLED . . .
Commented: Friday, August 21st, 2015 @ 3:51 pm By: Gene Scarborough
God hep me!!! You have become so filled with your conservative hate that you have no clue, Stan. . .
Commented: Friday, August 21st, 2015 @ 10:11 am By: Gene Scarborough
I KNOW you will now correct the post to what it SHOULD BE, Stan. I thank you in advance for the good help . . .

The correct and full article is in you hands with a pic attached . . .
Commented: Friday, August 21st, 2015 @ 7:57 am By: Gene Scarborough
In the process of getting my post corrected---here is the FAUX News video where another media source scolds them:
Commented: Friday, August 21st, 2015 @ 6:49 am By: Gene Scarborough
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