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Comments by Ted McDonald

Wonder Woman or Pollyanna? Make up your mind.
Commented: Wednesday, November 15th, 2017 @ 11:04 am By: Ted McDonald
Some actresses sold their souls to The Face of Evil.
Commented: Wednesday, November 15th, 2017 @ 10:48 am By: Ted McDonald
Hollyweird Women are not stupid and weak.
Commented: Wednesday, November 15th, 2017 @ 10:06 am By: Ted McDonald
What happened to "I am woman..hear me roar?" Now they admit weakness?
Commented: Wednesday, November 15th, 2017 @ 8:47 am By: Ted McDonald

Commented on

This book should be required reading in High School.
Commented: Friday, November 10th, 2017 @ 10:14 am By: Ted McDonald

Commented on

4 Hardy Planks or 8 roofing shingles will stop a 22LR.
Commented: Friday, November 3rd, 2017 @ 7:58 pm By: Ted McDonald

Commented on

1" of Nectorene's decorating magazines are cheap armor plates.
Commented: Friday, November 3rd, 2017 @ 9:07 am By: Ted McDonald

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Video link: 2" phone book stops 22 LR.
Commented: Thursday, October 26th, 2017 @ 3:22 pm By: Ted McDonald

Commented on
Video Link: Laptop will stop a 22 LR.
Commented: Thursday, October 26th, 2017 @ 10:45 am By: Ted McDonald

Commented on Here we go - AGAIN

Castro, Mafia, J.Edgar, Southerners...Husbands were the least of his problems.
Commented: Monday, October 23rd, 2017 @ 8:19 pm By: Ted McDonald

Commented on Here we go - AGAIN

Off Track with VN. JFK and Robert had lots of enemies.
Commented: Monday, October 23rd, 2017 @ 6:32 pm By: Ted McDonald

Commented on Here we go - AGAIN Six conspiracy Theories about JFK.
Commented: Monday, October 23rd, 2017 @ 5:34 pm By: Ted McDonald

Commented on Here we go - AGAIN

Start. Johnson started the war when he replaced JFK.
Commented: Monday, October 23rd, 2017 @ 5:12 pm By: Ted McDonald

Commented on YouTube 22plinkster spends days shooting different objects with his 22.
Commented: Monday, October 23rd, 2017 @ 5:11 pm By: Ted McDonald

Commented on Here we go - AGAIN

Refusing to start the VN war was his big military-industrial mistake.
Commented: Monday, October 23rd, 2017 @ 4:49 pm By: Ted McDonald
250 people attend the average funeral. Each soldier has a big impact on the community. Let's remember the 5th wounded soldier and the 5 Niger soldiers killed by the rebels. Maybe the Big Hat Rock Star can find out why we are there in the first place.
Commented: Sunday, October 22nd, 2017 @ 2:35 pm By: Ted McDonald

Commented on

Red Green/Steve Smith Interview:
Commented: Saturday, October 21st, 2017 @ 10:47 am By: Ted McDonald

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More Red Green advice:
Commented: Saturday, October 21st, 2017 @ 10:44 am By: Ted McDonald

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Red Green Sharing Feelings Video:
Commented: Friday, October 20th, 2017 @ 5:22 pm By: Ted McDonald

Commented on

Red Green Link:
Red has 50 videos about Relationships and Duct Tape.
Commented: Friday, October 20th, 2017 @ 5:18 pm By: Ted McDonald
Even 1700s Britton had diversity with Scots, Irish, Welsh, and English. The answer to the question, "Can't we all just get along?" is NO.
Commented: Friday, October 13th, 2017 @ 2:16 pm By: Ted McDonald
Reference link:

The population was not a majority English. Mostly Scots in the S.E. Lots of Irish Catholics N.E. All kinds of Diverse Protestants encouraged to leave Europe. Welsh do not like the Engish. English allow themselves to become a minority.
Commented: Wednesday, October 11th, 2017 @ 6:18 pm By: Ted McDonald
The British let too many Irish and Scots immigrate. Add Germans, French, and radical Christians and you have a recipe for Revolt. Uncontrolled immigration bit them on the butt. Almost forgot the Native Americans (Indians) did not like them.
Commented: Wednesday, October 11th, 2017 @ 4:01 pm By: Ted McDonald

Commented on

I bought U.S. LawShield at the gun range. A lawyer, policeman; salesman gave a great lecture and free legal brochure. I will study other companies later.
Commented: Wednesday, October 11th, 2017 @ 7:28 am By: Ted McDonald

Commented on

Link Smokey Robinson defines BLACK:
Commented: Sunday, October 1st, 2017 @ 4:21 pm By: Ted McDonald

Commented on

Civil Rights Monuments are also temporary. Folks will have new heroes in 50 years.
Commented: Sunday, October 1st, 2017 @ 12:38 pm By: Ted McDonald

Commented on
Link: 5 most common crimes in USA
Commented: Sunday, October 1st, 2017 @ 11:32 am By: Ted McDonald

Commented on Systems Breakdowns

Job Training and Higher Education have different goals. A job is required to repay student loans. Free Range Intellectuals without a loan can explore complicated non-profit abstract ideas. Maybe colleges expanded by creating courses and acquired loans for the wrong group.
Commented: Saturday, September 30th, 2017 @ 10:13 am By: Ted McDonald

Commented on

Forced to act in lawful self-defense? What if a jury decides I made a mistake? "Forced to Act" and "Lawful" seem like escape clauses. Some policemen are in court trying to prove "Forced to Act."
Commented: Saturday, September 30th, 2017 @ 8:56 am By: Ted McDonald

Commented on

Vet email: Don't forget that FMJ is used by the military because the Geneva convention prevents use of expanding bullets. FMJ is actually less damaging than hollow point but allow for greater speed and less jamming.
Commented: Thursday, September 28th, 2017 @ 5:48 pm By: Ted McDonald
College Football the same. $5 mil/yr coach. Big Stadium on a Small Campus.
Commented: Tuesday, September 26th, 2017 @ 10:59 am By: Ted McDonald
Athletes are Entertainers. Same for Actors. Careful or I will change channels.
Commented: Tuesday, September 26th, 2017 @ 10:42 am By: Ted McDonald
Billion dollar stadiums. $16 million dollar salaries. Social engineering commercials. The thrill is gone.
Commented: Tuesday, September 26th, 2017 @ 8:38 am By: Ted McDonald
Got it. A squelch and click are the same. Situation negative means OK.
Commented: Sunday, September 24th, 2017 @ 5:59 pm By: Ted McDonald
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