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Comments by Gene Scarborough

Commented on Pray / Believing

I spoke with Jimmy Moore's wife about 2:00 today. He was resting and they did not get good news. In the brief conversation with her, it appears half his liver is invaded with the cancer. At this point there are no known cures, BUT Emory University School of Medicine is at the cutting edge of treatment.

I advised her to consider a call to the Emory University Medical School to see what they have in trial studies on this kind of cancer. Already an experimental drug blocked Hepatitis C in my wife's classmate who had lost his liver and could now get a transplanted one.

PRAY / BELIEVING, folks, like never before in your prayer life . . .
Commented: Saturday, September 5th, 2015 @ 4:33 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Pray / Believing

I am PRAYING / BELIEVING the advances of modern medicine will prevail over the attack of serious cancer on Jimmy. How I do hope he will share his photography with us on BCN . . . I will certainly encourage him to do just that as he faces his future with hope and prayers undergirding the doctors doing the helping and God doing the healing!
Commented: Saturday, September 5th, 2015 @ 10:30 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Pray / Believing

THANX, Stan ~~~ on this need we are totally AGEED!!!! No new word from the visit to a recognized Oncologist in Durham.
Commented: Friday, September 4th, 2015 @ 7:09 am By: Gene Scarborough
Another recent post on Jimmy Carter and FAITH . . .

Jimmy Carter’s faith by Leonard Pitts,, 9-3-15
‘To want what I have, to take what I’m given with grace … for this, I pray.’ — ‘For My Wedding,’ Don Henley

America is a nation of faith. So it is often said.
In faith, a baker refuses to bake a cake for a gay couple’s wedding. In faith, a minister prays for the president to die. In faith, terrorists plant bombs at the finish line of a marathon. In faith, mosques are vandalized, shot at and burned. In faith, a televangelist asks his followers to buy him a $65 million private jet.
And no one is even surprised anymore.
In America, what we call faith is often loud, often exclusionary, sometimes violent and too frequently enamored of shiny, expensive things. In faith, ill-tempered people mob the shopping malls every year at Christmas to have fistfights and gunfights over hot toys and highend electronics.
You did not hear much about faith last week when Jimmy Carter held a news conference to reveal that he has four spots of cancer on his brain. The 39th president made only a few references to it in the nearly 40 minutes he spoke, and they were all in response to reporter’s questions. Yet, you would be hard-pressed to find a more compelling statement of belief in things not seen. Unsentimental, poised and lit from within by an amazing grace, Carter discussed the fight now looming ahead of him, the radiation treatments he will undergo, the need to finally cut back on his whirlwind schedule.
He smiled often. “I’m perfectly at ease with whatever comes,” he said, in such a way that you believed him without question. And it was impossible to feel sorry for him.
Partially, that’s because we all die and if — still only an if — cancer is what takes James Earl Carter Jr. away, well, there are worse things than to go having reached 90 years of age, having been president of the United States, having been married to the love of your life for almost seven decades, having sired a large and sprawling family and having done significant work toward the eradication of disease and the spreading of democracy in the developing world.
But here’s the other reason it was impossible to feel sorry for him. Feeling sorry would have felt like an insult, a denial of the virtues he showed and the faith he didn’t need to speak because it was just … there.
For all its loudness, all its exclusion, violence and ubiquity, the faith that is modeled in the public square is often not particularly affecting. It is hard to imagine someone looking on it from outside and musing to herself, “I’d like to have some of that.” What Carter showed the world, though, was different. Who would not want to be able to face the unknown with such perfect equanimity?
Carter presented an image of faith we don’t see nearly as often as we should. Which is sad, because it is also the image truest to what faith is supposed to be — not a magic lamp you rub in hopes of a private jet, not a license for our worse impulses, but, rather, an act of surrender to a force greater than self, a way of being centered enough to tell whatever bleak thing comes your way, “So be it.” Even fearsome death itself: “So be it.”
The heat and hubris of human life are such that that state is difficult to conceive, much less to reach. Our lives are defined by wanting and by lack — more money, new car, new love — and by the ceaseless hustle to fill empty spaces within. Media and advertising conspire to make you feel ever incomplete. So it is hard to feel whole within yourself, at peace with what is, whatever that turns out to be.
But who, gazing upon the former president, can doubt the result is worth the effort?
In faith, terrorists kill the innocent. In faith, televangelists swindle the gullible. In faith, so many of us hate, exclude, hurt, curse and destroy. And in faith, last week, Jimmy Carter told the world he has cancer in his brain.
And smiled as he spoke.
Commented: Friday, September 4th, 2015 @ 7:07 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Pray / Believing

Jimmy Moore is on the prayer lists of many individuals and churches in this area and around the world. I hope any reading this will add him to your prayers each day.

I will keep you posted with the results of further consultations this week. . .
Commented: Thursday, September 3rd, 2015 @ 12:35 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Go back to the 80's and 90's and what was the current Governor doing / the legislators???? Now, come up to 2015 and their activities have no rhyme or reason when you look at the current maps.

PLEASE DON'T INSULT OUR INTELLIGENCE when we have watched NC go down in the last 2 years, especially --- now the Republicans can't get up a budget --- Only a fool would use this to NOT DECIDE to vote for another party which can cooperate and help this state become Progressive as it was before the latest turn to Conservatism.

I am not aware that Roy Cooper has announced for the position yet and the NCGOP is throwing mud at a shadow at this point . . .
Commented: Tuesday, September 1st, 2015 @ 11:06 am By: Gene Scarborough
This article could be best summarized in one word ~~~ PREJUDICE!!!

The United States was conceived as a haven to those wishing freedom and opportunity in a New World. The Old World was based on class and wealth reserved for the few of noble birth. Others were described in another 2 words ~~~ USED SURFS!!!

What is the problem with using the concept for babies = INSTANT ISSUANCE OF A SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER BEFORE YOU LEAVE THE HOSPITAL! Should we be more wise, we would simply recognize that the majority of people coming here have a noble dream and we are using them for slave wages and discrimination we supposedly eliminated in the days of INTEGRATION. . . .

We can not and will not eliminate immoral individuals because you can't legislate morality. The ones, in my mind, most subject to deportation should be the scammers and schemers already possessing US Citizenship. It is an evil curse when each new generation of Americans are taught by our leaders that TRUTH does not matter---as long as you win and get rich taking advantage of others with LOVE of MONEY . . .
Commented: Tuesday, September 1st, 2015 @ 7:11 am By: Gene Scarborough
My Peace Article has Stan blocking comment ~~~ so I share a Prayer here . . .

Jewish Evening Prayer

"Help us, O God, to lie down in peace;
But teach us that peace means more than quiet.
Remind us that if we are to be at peace at night,
We must take heed how we live by day.
Grant us the peace that comes from honest dealings,
So that no fear of discovery will haunt our sleep.
Rid us of resentments and hatreds
Which rob us of the peace we crave.
Liberate us from slaving habits
Which disturb us and give us no rest.
May we inflict no pain, bring no shame,
And seek no profit by another's lose.
May we so live that we can face
The whole world with serenity.
May we feel no remorse at night
For what we have done during the day.
May we lie down in peace tonight,
And awaken tomorrow to a richer and fuller life.”
Commented: Tuesday, September 1st, 2015 @ 6:42 am By: Gene Scarborough
I have done all the research on BCN for Stan's credentials and educational background---SO FAR NONE!!! There is plenty to show he is a Tea Party Republican so stuck to his guns that they might explode in his hands . . .

I was in Rocky Mount when the Tea Party held it's first meeting in Greenville. I came over to the Tar River Park to find about 20 people milling around looking for a crowd. We finally got word they had changed their place across town and there was a big crowd there! They were a bunch of most angry people spewing venom from the microphone and waving big signs with angry faces . . .

My Conclusions:

(1) They don't know how to meet in the same place.
(2) Their basic motive is hate and anger
(3) There is no logic to their message

Sorry About That, Stan . . .
Commented: Tuesday, September 1st, 2015 @ 6:14 am By: Gene Scarborough
Do Republicans EVER run on ISSUES over SLINGING MUD???
Commented: Monday, August 31st, 2015 @ 6:15 am By: Gene Scarborough
This fine article cites a crucial factor in the dumbing down of America --- clear thinking and clear writing of those thoughts has gone out the window of academia, for the most part.

I first saw it in the 70's as well. I would be the church staff member in charge of the weekly newsletter. That requires brevity and accurate spelling. I once had a secretary who refused to use my dictation machine tapes which were a quick way of doing letters for me. She called me on my day off to come down to the office and showed me how she had put the little old typewriter beside my desk and "told me" I MUST USE IT!

My immediate thought was, "Then why the heck are we paying you if I must type my own letters???" In that case of being new I was dependent on having her knowledge of our vendors and operation so I did not fire her on the spot. Instead, I turned down the AC so she was frozen into quitting and I could move to a better educated secretary who could spell correctly what I dictated instead of having to do it twice for lack of good English skills. . .

Staff members my churches hired with a college and divinity degree were poor editors of the weekly newsletters in the 70's. I asked the same question as the author here: "How can a person with a college degree NOT know how to think and write?" That USED TO BE a basic criterion of "college-educated."
Commented: Sunday, August 30th, 2015 @ 6:18 am By: Gene Scarborough
The last video is a total farce --- "Middle Class Means" in these days of continued Recession is NOT $200,000 annual income ~~~ it is more like $200 a week so you do the math against $200K . . .
Commented: Sunday, August 30th, 2015 @ 5:59 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Media Frenzy

Great article / beautiful clear water --- now imagine an Offshore Oil Drilling rig in the background and crud oil on the water's surface . . .
Commented: Sunday, August 30th, 2015 @ 5:49 am By: Gene Scarborough
Stan--- I give you the detailed connections and you return with : "Gibberish: How did you ever make it through Emory, Gene? / Answer the question of who, what, when and where?"

It has been a long time since I was part of the Emory Debate Team which won matches all over the nation and even the National Debate Championship. If anyone were so sharp as to have presented facts (several citings Stan) --- and then this kind of answer gets returned --- the Judges would kick them out of town and disqualify them IMMEDIATELY, man . . .
Commented: Sunday, August 30th, 2015 @ 5:45 am By: Gene Scarborough
So---Stan---where did your graduate and what good did it do???
Commented: Saturday, August 29th, 2015 @ 2:22 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Stan --- Here is the best research I can do on Fox News hate-speak over Jimmy Carter's terminal cancer situation:

1. Fox News On Jimmy Carter’s Cancer Diagnosis | Political ...
Fox News On Jimmy Carter’s Cancer Diagnosis. ... I mean its one thing to say like "woah that song is cancer" its another to just ... Jimmy Carter is a great man ...
•1952 SUSAN ESTRICH political commentator for Fox News born on ... the cancer has recently spread to ... It’s a sad day for us here at KOCO five news. We have to ...
3. Fox & Friends - Official Site
Fox & Friends on Fox News Channel daily from 6AM to 9AM ET. ... A candid, funny memoir from the charismatic FOX News channel anchor and Miss America Pageant …
FOX News Viewers React To Jimmy Carter’s Brain Cancer: You Deserve It by Colin Taylor • August 20, 2015. Former President Jimmy Carter, the world ...
5. Pictures - The women of Fox News - Arlington Conservative ...
May 24, 2012 · The women of Fox News. ... Fox News fans celebrate Jimmy Carter having cancer in his ... Fox News fans celebrate Jimmy Carter having cancer in his ...
6. Debbie Ford dies: Self-help author passes away after long ... › Arts & Entertainment › Celebrity
Feb 18, 2013 · ... Calif. after a long battle with cancer. ... Debbie Ford dies: ... Fox News fans celebrate Jimmy Carter having cancer in his brain, ...
7. Angry Twitter users hammer Fox News for insulting Jimmy ...
... You can’t mock Donald Trump’s hair unless we can say ... Fox News for insulting Jimmy Carter on day ... words about the news. A cancer has ...
8. Worst President Ever Jimmy Carter Says Fox Commentators ...
Nov 22, 2010 · Jimmy Carter said Sunday that Fox News ... Former President Jimmy Carter Has Cancer; ... 13 Responses to “Worst President Ever Jimmy Carter Says Fox ...

It took longer than I care to try and give you the requested details --- NOW --- can we have some peace or do we continue the pout???
Commented: Saturday, August 29th, 2015 @ 4:55 am By: Gene Scarborough
Sorry---BUT the AG is a country boy from Nash County whose daddy had a farm. He CARES about our waterways and the threat of Fracking inland and Offshore Drilling between the Outer Banks and Gulf Stream --- between the 2 most valuable waterways on our East Coast of the US. If we had a responsible bunch of legislators and Governor, this would not be a federal issue . . .
Commented: Friday, August 28th, 2015 @ 11:54 am By: Gene Scarborough
Here is a good observation on people being able to reason ~~~
Commented: Friday, August 28th, 2015 @ 7:59 am By: Gene Scarborough
Bubba J ----
Commented: Thursday, August 27th, 2015 @ 3:56 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Stan--- have you looked at my bio of late. It ends with "we can agree to disagree." I am finding this current attitude of yours "MOST DISAGREEABLE" --- but I continue to try and be nice . . .
Commented: Wednesday, August 26th, 2015 @ 8:02 am By: Gene Scarborough
Has Stan, THE PUBLISHER IN CHARGE, decided to let people comment on my posts yet?

It is still a "work in progress" with Stan bullying me for some kind of acceptable "facts" on Fox News Commentators. I really don't think I can bow down enough for him on this --- Sorry about that, Stan! You have the best answers I can supply.

Stats on the posts this morning:

***Banks --- 205 views / 0 comments because of Publisher attitude
***Peace --- 188 views / 0 comments for same Publisher control
***Godly Man --- 416 views / 64 comments--before the Publisher blew his fuse

I shall let Stan go figure. I have to cut some trees today and poison for Pine Bark Beetles. I get paid for the good work / I contribute my time and writing skills to BCN at no charge---except a consideration on recent advertising of used equipment --- which has gotten no inquires yet for me.
Commented: Wednesday, August 26th, 2015 @ 7:42 am By: Gene Scarborough
If I am such a "liberal" why do I so agree with this "Moderate" good analysis of NC under Conservative Control????

Tom is at the core of NC government with way more NC experience than me. I have lived in NC / SC / GA from birth to churches served. I first came to NC to attend Southeastern Seminary, working my way through with Dorothea Dix Nurses Aide and Chaplain to the Wake County Juvenile Court --- all while living at Wake Forest.

I gladly left Georgia after Emory graduation in 1967. Lester Maddox, an avowed racist, had just become Governor and I as glad to get out --- until I discovered Jesse Helms doing conservative political commentary on WRAL my first day in Wake Forest. My thought was, "Lester had a first Cousin here in NC --- named Jesse!"

I left Wake Forest bound to 3 SC pastorates saying, "Raleigh will never be anything more than a Capital Cow Town." In 1986 we returned to Rocky Mount as I became Eastern NC Representative for Ministers Life Insurance Company. I was working a territory by zip codes from Durham to Wilmington and all the way to the Outer Banks so my exposure to "all things Eastern NC" was quick and good, in my view.

I was amazed how the "Capital Cow Town" had transformed with the Research Triangle Park at the core of growth and wealth. Greenville got the new Medical School and ECU was growing by leaps and bounds. Beaufort County and Bayview had not changed in the least. Poverty and strained job markets were still present as you left Pitt County and entered Beaufort County. We lived in Nash County and it was going into a sewer of drugs and crime. The split at the rail tracks between Edgecombe and Nash had Edgecombe moving quickly into Nash. All positive growth was to the West, on the eastern end of the area it was growing rapidly ONLY IN crime and deterioration of neighborhoods. When we left residence there for Beaufort County a good friend at the core of Rocky Mount business and government said, "Do you realize there are NO EXECUTIVE SALARIES LEFT IN ROCKY MOUNT?" From the railroad to textiles to much spent on downtown renovation, it was dying fast and continues to do so. They have the 2nd highest crime rate of any town in NC---second only to Gastonia.

All the observations Tom makes are right on target in my experience of NC since 1986.

My Alma Mater, SEBTS, was taken over by Southern Baptist Conservatives and that changed the kinds of preachers graduated to Baptist Churches, mostly in NC. Dr. Bill Friday observed when Dr. Page Patterson (from Texas) became the new President of SEBTS and he interviewed him: "The changes at this Seminary to conservatism are, perhaps the most important of the 1900's because they flavor NC from their pulpits and conservative outlook now." The largest religious group in NC, the NC Baptist State Convention, went conservative over some 15 years of manipulation at the core meetings from "Balanced Moderate outlook" to "Abject Conservatism." It is now a shell of what it used to be in numbers and public perception.

The NC Marriage Amendment passed with great rejoicing by Conservatives---only to be found Unconstitutional by the NC Federal Supreme Court. The proponents hauled aging and Parkinson-afflicted Billy Graham out at the last minute to give his blessing to NC Conservatism. I think he got "used for political purposes" --- just as are many good Baptists who vote in elections of NC.

Since 1986 I have seen Progressive NC turn into Regressive NC at the hands of Reagan Conservatives who went in masses to vote Conservative with the same claim as NC Conservatives: We are corrupted by Liberals and only a new Conservatism is the solution.

How's it going NC???? Not so well ---is my summation!!!
Commented: Wednesday, August 26th, 2015 @ 7:06 am By: Gene Scarborough
It is our anniversary of #47. I refuse to participate in shin kicking tonight. My wife adores and protects me so tomorrow --- I better see some kinder attitudes or I shall divulge who made me mad and how that led to a bad anniversary evening, gents!

Just be nice and kind to me in my absence. The sunset is to be seen holding hands=== and it is a heck of a lot better than some guys pissing on trees to see who can shoot a stronger stream without messing their pants---when old men are just glad they can piss at all!
Commented: Tuesday, August 25th, 2015 @ 7:23 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Since the Mighty Conservative Publisher (MCP), Stan, still has comments blocked on the latest Tax article --- here is the diagram of the Walmart Plan:

Get over you pout, Stan, it's not that bad to not have all bow down at your feet, my brother . . .
Commented: Tuesday, August 25th, 2015 @ 4:37 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Ted (The Colonel) just came up with the perfect thing for the recent comments on this post and the fact Stan has not yet taken his ban off me in my latest post. It has a new comment from Ted---but I can't give answer until the Potentate Publisher gets another attitude on "fair and balanced" ----

Commented: Monday, August 24th, 2015 @ 6:30 pm By: Gene Scarborough
One of the most interesting accounts from Winston Churchill and WWII is a time General Montgomery went to the Prime Minister's home insisting he must see him. The PM was in the lieu as his wife shouted in that Monty was there to see him on urgent business.

To which the great PM answered: "My dear, would you please kindly tell the General I cannottake 2 shits at the same time!"
Commented: Monday, August 24th, 2015 @ 3:32 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Gents, I have told you all I can about Carter hate by conservatives. If you don't get it then you can deal with God one day. Again, Stan---I apologize and have no more explaining to do. It appeared to me the comments and references were clear enough to make my case. I can't make anymore stuff up to please you.
Commented: Monday, August 24th, 2015 @ 3:28 pm By: Gene Scarborough
BT---I am being nice, now don't push me with too much BS . . .
Commented: Monday, August 24th, 2015 @ 1:14 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Stan---I humbly apologize for not making you happy with my "liberal" explanations and comments. I have made it a matter of prayer and beg your forgiveness for saying or implying anything other than "Your Conservatism is always right."

I hope this will suffice to allow me to comment on my article on Peace in the future, my dear sir. You are always right . . . . .
Commented: Monday, August 24th, 2015 @ 11:43 am By: Gene Scarborough
I so appreciate the way Stan is now cutting me off from comment on my own new article on Peace --- NOT
Commented: Monday, August 24th, 2015 @ 8:28 am By: Gene Scarborough
Were he still in Bath, we are small enough to notice! We will be much on the lookout now . . .
Commented: Monday, August 24th, 2015 @ 8:02 am By: Gene Scarborough
BT --- if you are going to post a video on "liberal" --- at least use one that doesn't sound swishy, if you please . . .I'm NOT IMPRESSED, man
Commented: Monday, August 24th, 2015 @ 7:58 am By: Gene Scarborough
An interesting, but complex article---well explained. Those who understand Financial Planning and the present value vs. future value of a dollar as I did in my Financial Planning career can handle it.

It all comes down to INFLATION. Now, with a world-wide economy we just saw the worries over the DOW falling the most it has in recent years last week. That is attributed to foreign national Stock Markets! Instead of our worries about the future being tied to America's inflation and legalized robbery with a pen, we must deal with world wide GREED!

The one who seems to suffer most is the working men and women of any nation or state! This was the core of bank failures and the stock market in 1929. The rich saw it coming with their INSIDER INFORMATION. They all broke and ran with the money while it was still there --- from trusting account holders and their savings for a good retirement when they were supposed to be able to enjoy the fruits of their labors for a lifetime.

We are being told by Conservatives in the current Primary debates by Republicans that "you must now work to age 70 and tough luck on the Social Security Trust Fund being demolished to cover the debts of war" --- starting with Vietnam. The core of this entire angst is TRUST.

Do we trust the rich and legislators being bought by them to deal fairly with the workers who made them their fortunes???

Based on the past history of rich vs. poor I have to sadly conclude that no nation and no wealth has ever lasted when WAR was their main national enterprise. President Eisenhower warned in his final address of the Military-Industrial Complex. He saw it clearly --- that we are in trouble if we so focus on war and making money off it that we lose sight of old age security.

Russia is the most recent large nation to fall into bankruptcy over war spending. In world history the cultures of Greece and Rome as well as Egypt fell apart over trying to exercise their power with the sword and taxation of conquered people.

Will we ever learn the lesson that waging Peace is just as productive and causes a far more balanced happiness for all the people? The Founding Fathers had great dreams of a free nation where citizens could have their concerns addressed by a representative government. They expressed it wisely in the phrase: Freedom and Justice for ALL.

Once our laws and legislation grew to its current complexity --- WE ARE FALLING APART AND THE WORKERS AND ELDERLY ALWAYS SUFFER MOST . . .
Commented: Monday, August 24th, 2015 @ 5:59 am By: Gene Scarborough
This is funny! Massive highway projects in Atlanta have gone on non-stop since the mid-50's. It's rapid growth has always had it 10-15 years behind the current need for traffic relief. YET, they manage to avoid tolling those roads.

In Charlotte the growth is similar, but far different. I would guess that Charlotte, while it looks much like Atlanta, is gowning at 1/4 or less the speed of the massive Atlanta metro --- now claiming between 8 and 9 Million residents.

Atlanta wisely put in a light rail system many years ago to help. Charlotte is not even talking about that to the best of my knowledge. Lake Norman is a lovely and desirable area of Charlotte and it is no wonder they are congested getting there.

Is it possible the current Tax Code of NC is the real culprit? It seems we have adopted the outlook of conservatism which fails to tax large corps and the rich to pay for infrastructure they enjoy --- meanwhile the average worker/driver is being told they must be tolled to get somewhere on a better NC road???
Commented: Monday, August 24th, 2015 @ 5:30 am By: Gene Scarborough
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