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Comments by Gene Scarborough

Stan requested I write an article some months ago concerning ANGER and TRUTH. This morning I did a review of my articles and this one applies to much of the political wrangling right now. It also applies to the Moslem/Christian battle from long ago --- and now renewed with the Middle East War over TERRORISM.
Commented: Friday, September 18th, 2015 @ 4:36 am By: Gene Scarborough
Someone put up a Fulla-Bulla stamp for Stan . . .
Commented: Thursday, September 17th, 2015 @ 6:33 am By: Gene Scarborough
Stan--- the "unmitigated fact" is that I think for myself / I don't give a rat's ass for anything any party puts out. If you dare to let my articles have a full comment section with ME included---I will burn your tail with factual debate . . .
Commented: Wednesday, September 16th, 2015 @ 8:24 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Both Little D and Stan D are Tea Party Conservatives---who are nothing more than mules with blinders on so they won't eat the crop they are plowing . . .
Commented: Wednesday, September 16th, 2015 @ 7:04 am By: Gene Scarborough
Bobby Tony---both you and Stan are part of the Conservative Clown Cruise. You both so alter any statement from anyone who disagrees with you that you hope they will get mad and quit.

I deal with difficult trees every day that try to kill us and destroy the client's property. Today I spent most of the day getting rid of a bad 120' pine with a speed line and caribiners to send the limbs to a pile in the yard. Tonight the stump is ground 4" below the main grade so rainwater no longer runs in the front door of the house like your piss running down hill.

What did you jerks do with your day when I made good money away from the Conservatism of BCN . . . Come on over and I will pay you to feed limbs to the big chipper. I actually used and big blow torch to put "Stan and BT" on the stump my big Vermeer stump cuter turned into a pile of mulch. I did you a favor and did not mess with your obstinate ways TODAY!!! KMA, gents . . .
Commented: Tuesday, September 15th, 2015 @ 7:32 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Stan--- You are a 2-2X4 mule my Granddaddy dealt with = it takes a big stud to get his attention across his hard head and another to get the message across. If 2 blows should kill him ~~~~ all you lost was an aggravating and hard headed feed eater who would not obey his smarter owner . . .
Commented: Tuesday, September 15th, 2015 @ 7:21 pm By: Gene Scarborough
A religion of HATE is easier to enjoy than one of Love and Peace. What do you make of the Clerk sent to jail over her refusal to do her job and the homophobia attached to it???
Commented: Tuesday, September 15th, 2015 @ 6:16 am By: Gene Scarborough
To the Tea Party Coalition of readers:

"I am now copying Stan's abject hate of anything other than his kind of Conservatism. I express it in clear and simple terms like the Publisher~~~no logic, just bombast, folks . . .
Commented: Tuesday, September 15th, 2015 @ 6:10 am By: Gene Scarborough
To be completely accurate, I should have said: "Pay a pittance in taxes and dividends to stockholders---compared to their real and personal gains."

ALL corps have a legal right to keep 2 sets of books --- one for the IRS / another for the stockholders. Show us the IRS books, BT---then you might have a case to debate me.
Commented: Tuesday, September 15th, 2015 @ 6:03 am By: Gene Scarborough
It is almost as good a the Walmart way of not paying a penny in Federal Taxes and hiding their assets and profits from the IRS and Stockholders with their Luxembourg Shell Corps formed in the last 2 years!

Almost as good as our Governor and NC Legislators saying the Middle Class taxpayers are saving money under them ~~~ THEN every person I talk with says their State Taxes have been higher! My small business does NOT have the $50K incentive to buy new equipment with a tax credit --- YET the rich can still get a big credit for their new corporate private jet!

"Wealthfare" is what many are calling such . . .AND 1% now have 80% of all US wealth! Sounds like the Old World our ancestors gladly left behind to me!
Commented: Monday, September 14th, 2015 @ 7:33 am By: Gene Scarborough
The weekend reviews of the political campaigns show Ben Carson making some good headway. Trump is in bad trouble with women who don't like him. Hillary's email issue is ending with her apology and admission she could have done it better. Sanders is drawing bigger-than-trump crowds, Biden is still trying to make up his mind and could enter the Democratic Primary race.

I can't ever remember when this much politics and this serious was going more than a year prior to the November 2016 Election. I predict many surprises along the way in NC and National politics.

Just remember, the most important politics is ALWAYS LOCAL . . .
Commented: Monday, September 14th, 2015 @ 7:24 am By: Gene Scarborough
Stan--- what's with the Emory stuff??? You have another writer who loves Tea Party Republicanism / I say is it the Rush Limbaugh sickness / you come back with an Emory blast and then tell him he is getting a bunch of views.

I see things in a different way then both of you. I write some intelligent comments encouraging a deeper look. You are starting a mud-slinging contest over a reasoned approach to a better kind of political way involving some COMPROMISE!

Can this start over without your huff-and-puff???
Commented: Monday, September 14th, 2015 @ 5:05 am By: Gene Scarborough
If this BS came from Rush Limbaugh or FAUX News --- you have taken the stupid and put it in print, old sport!!!

I, for one, don't believe it is even close to accurate nor true---anymore than the stuff Donald Trump is spouting these days and getting enough idiots to like him that we prove CONSERVATIVES AREN'T VERY SMART!
Commented: Sunday, September 13th, 2015 @ 5:26 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Pray / Believing

This post now has almost 3,000 views. I spoke with Jimmy by phone on Friday. He is to undergo chemotherapy at our local Washington hospital. The blood clots in his legs are responding to the medication. To the best of medical science there is no magic solution for liver cancer.

HOWEVER---I cling to the statement an Oncologist in Columbia SC always shares with the worst cancer-invaded patients: "You have a 99% chance you will die from this." The patients say, "What is the 1% chance, sir?" Then he shares the truth: "I have seen others with such dire disease and the 1% is for the miracles God has provided to them!"
Commented: Sunday, September 13th, 2015 @ 5:22 pm By: Gene Scarborough
The Panthers did well, Stan.

You and BT need to meet at the Blowing Rock and then we will have a new feature to NC--- 3 rock heads blowing!!! Go on down to Caesar's Head north of Greenville, SC, and it will have 2 more rock heads. Go to Stone Mountain and see how big hard rocks can get when the hot core of this planet belches out rocks . . .
Commented: Sunday, September 13th, 2015 @ 5:15 pm By: Gene Scarborough

The WMD stuff was off questionable intel and we had satellites flying over Iraq which can detect tire marks on the ground = they had some Serine gas invented by Germans to exterminate Jews they DID NOT have rockets big enough to do more than they did to their own populace.

Saddam's sons also had a chipping machine they towed behind their personal truck. All the current and past fear-mongering is nothing but Conservatism fear gone wild.

The Stand Down which countermanded the Standing Order had to be given by Bush or Cheney. National Security will keep it hidden for the same years as the Kennedy Assassination. Truth has a way of bubbling up and out despite the attempted cover.

Why don't we all deal with basic issues of why Ben Laden was the known criminal and Georgie Bush made it Saddam Hussein. Meanwhile Dick Cheney and his companies got rich as other US despots of corporatism over private contracting in the Middle East.

If your simple minds can dare to admit it --- war is hell / war makes people rich / war is the basic drag down to deficite budgets since 9/11. Here are the facts on WAR:
Commented: Sunday, September 13th, 2015 @ 10:33 am By: Gene Scarborough
Your survey questions are a blatant attempt to demean our President who gave the order to kill Osamma. They got him when Bush could not do it. Instead he told the WMD lie and we went after Saddam Hussein!

All our military bases in the desert are on a line for a proposed oil pipeline to the Persian Gulf. While we were distracted with WMD lies the entire Ben Laden family was quietly jetted away by George W. Bush orders.

WHO GAVE THE STAND DOWN ORDER on 9/11 so that 4 hijacked commercial jets passed over the most air-forced part of this country going back to NYC and Washington DC? I personally know a 70's USAF pilot who intercepted and identified a single commercial jet with transponder off and coming in from the Atlantic --- before there was GPS guidance to all jets in our military . . . the diversion you do in this article is shameful, Stan!
Commented: Sunday, September 13th, 2015 @ 4:34 am By: Gene Scarborough
Stan is a typical legalistic Pharisee --- whom Jesus took a whip to for non-caring money-making on religion and Conservatism!!!
Commented: Saturday, September 12th, 2015 @ 5:51 pm By: Gene Scarborough
So did you graduate from Idiot U--- or what, Stan???

You don't even know how to ask decent questions, much less admit you are the Contemporary Ancestor George Bernard Shaw cited as a real Conservative . . .
Commented: Saturday, September 12th, 2015 @ 5:48 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I found out today that the free ticket to Historic Bath requires on go to the Smithsonian website and get the ticket available there for Bath. All over America on September 26, historic sites get a boost from Smithsonian.
Commented: Saturday, September 12th, 2015 @ 1:10 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Strike 2---Stan!!! One of the marks of "liberal" is independent thinking and difficulty forming the mindset of lock step conservatism. Re-read my series on the Southern Baptist Convention takeover and you have a clear picture of "the end justifies the means to it" of the Conservative Resurgence . . .
Commented: Saturday, September 12th, 2015 @ 1:07 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Stan---your prejudice and lack of reason is showing, my friend!!! Had Clinton struck from out of the blue with no proof of his attempt before it was attempted---your jerk buddies in Congress would have quit trying to impeach him over the Monica Cigar and accused him of aggression without provocation.

Somehow you never get that any so called "Liberal" is a Patriot just like you . . .

Your mule blinders are especially showing today, buddy!!!
Commented: Saturday, September 12th, 2015 @ 11:21 am By: Gene Scarborough
Holy COW --- the party of ancestor worship is trying to say they are open to debate!!!

What a crock --- when the new Conservative Majority in Raleigh and DC has done NOTHING --- and done their best to keep any legislation bottled up in Committee Hearings. They can't pass a NC Budget in reasonable time. They have constantly run the Federal Budget to the edge of sending workers home.

Goebbels said, "If you tell a big enough lie over and over, eventually people will actually believe it!"
Commented: Saturday, September 12th, 2015 @ 6:27 am By: Gene Scarborough
Were this kind of logic used in NC back in the 1970's --- there would be NO Research Triangle Park / NO Eastern NC medical School at Greenville --- both of which gave a big boost to the NC economy and growth!

Apply this same logic to the Space Program and there would be no miniaturization of electronics which now gives an I-phone far more computing power than the ones used to land on the moon.

As George Bernard Shaw wisely stated: "Conservatives are our Contemporary Ancestors!"
Commented: Saturday, September 12th, 2015 @ 6:21 am By: Gene Scarborough
Why does not the NCGOP also say something about the tremendous expenditures on the Middle East War? That is the real source of NOT HAVING their precious "balanced budget!"
Commented: Saturday, September 12th, 2015 @ 6:14 am By: Gene Scarborough
This was a pivotal day which could have been prevented, folks!

We had much information there was a "Planes Plan" afoot. NC had a connection in that one or the culprits was a Chowan College student made fun of by others for his daily prayer activities. Students even stole his shoes removed to pray!

Chowan is a small Baptist College in Murfreesboro; just to then north of Beaufort County!

The big UNANSWERED QUESTION is "How did 4 clearly hijacked commercial planes fly over the most air-based part of this country and the Standing Order was to intercept and force down any aircraft without its transponder showing on the radar screens of the FAA?"

In part, it was a fiasco of our own negligence to be vigilant under George Bush. The Standing Order needs no new order. HOWEVER, it can be countermanded by the highest level of Military Command = George Bush / Dick Cheney. . .it is an automatic plan of action when an air threat is present!!!

Next, came the big lie to make Iran and Saddam Hussein the target of US revenge. Sure, he was a despot, but had nothing really to do with the actual event and Osama ben Laden. In fact, the Bush friendship with that Big Oil family got then a quick exit on military airlift command planes we paid for with our taxes!

The long term biggest effect of 9/11 is lowering the Due Process Standards of our freedoms so we can now be constantly monitored. I have gotten a visit and threat of "you should retain Legal Counsel" from the Homeland Security / Secret Service folks who visited with me --- holding Western Union receipts in their file folder over my innocent sending of money to someone in Africa!!!

A free nation with constitutional protection of privacy is no longer a reality --- as a direct result of 9/11. The Gestapo and German Democratic Party (Nazi) party worked steadily until people were in Concentration Camps who were not Pure Aryans! Any who protested their loss of free speech had to leave for American and England.

The, now famous, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, was imprisoned and hung. His most famous statement was: "When they came for the Professors I did not speak up---I was not a Professor. When they came for the Jews I kept quiet---I was not a Jew. When they came for me---there was no one left to speak up for me!"
Commented: Saturday, September 12th, 2015 @ 6:09 am By: Gene Scarborough
I recently ran into an interesting couple on the Bayview Ferry. They were from Denmark and gave me some insights as to how America is viewed in that part of Europe. They perceive us as a "pretense of freedom" nation over there.

They have a good medical system somewhat similar to our new one so all are covered and protected in Denmark. The relative they are visiting in Beaufort County raises herbs here and lives without hate being fostered by Conservatives these days. They don't understand why American cannot get along and welcome immigrants to our big old nation with plenty of opportunities for all . . .
Commented: Saturday, September 12th, 2015 @ 5:41 am By: Gene Scarborough
What happened to this article on Politics and Peanuts --- up one day / gone the next??
Commented: Friday, September 11th, 2015 @ 6:53 am By: Gene Scarborough
You are right over free speech --- does this extend to the current attempts to make the NC University System into a Conservative Only place????
Commented: Wednesday, September 9th, 2015 @ 7:35 am By: Gene Scarborough
The far more important thing to note is the Consumer Protection powers of the NC Insurance Commissioner's Office. Instead of hiring an expensive lawyer to represent you, you have the best lawyer in NC by filing a formal complaint over the way you have been treated by any insurance company doing business in NC.

Insurance is a contract for which you pay your premium. The company must do as the contract specifies. If you feel any company has not honored their contract, you file a formal compalint on the website of the NC Insurance Commissioner stating your reason for complaint.

They assign an investigator who contacts the company. They have the power to stop any company from doing business in this state if they are not doing as contracted. Lawyers argue for money and love "billable hours." They also get 30% of any money with a case they win. The Insurance Commissioner and all employees are paid already from you taxes to protect citizens from Insurance Fraud!
Commented: Wednesday, September 9th, 2015 @ 7:31 am By: Gene Scarborough
Affordable Health Care is in its first phase as now all US citizens have the right to health insurance. Insurance is THE SHARING OF RISKS among all who are covered. It is opposed by the Health Insurance Industry which could previously deny coverage to one with high and known risks. That boosted their profits.

All Industrialized Nations which have a national healthcare system move to cap costs by Doctors / Big Pharma / Hospitals / suing lawyers so that high profits from medicine are not so high. We should all be aware that health costs have risen in the last 20 years at 3-5 times inflation. That is not right when profits rule over humane physicians. Blue Cross / Blue Shield was formed by doctors who wanted to be assured of getting paid for their services. Medicine had become a high profit road to wealth over the country doctor ministering to his patients in exchange for whatever they could afford to give---even pigs and chickens!

NC has refused Medicaid Funds in escrow since we have paid it in SS taxes. That is why the hospital at Belhaven and other rural locations are gone. Fewer people spread over larger rural areas is not PROFITABLE!!!! I am confident some better thinking --- rather than such "stinkin thinkin" can find solutions for compassion over profits . . .
Commented: Monday, September 7th, 2015 @ 4:28 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Pray / Believing

2,547 views to any of my articles is a quick record. I trust this means all are passing the word and joining me in prayer as Jimmy Moore will be helped far more from Above than on this earth . . .
Commented: Monday, September 7th, 2015 @ 4:06 am By: Gene Scarborough
This ignorant writer has no clue about the nature of ENDOWMENT. It is a corpus of money which earns interest to generate operating capital---usually to employ great professors. Do the math on what it takes to pay a professor, in part, $40,000 a year or more, then you might understand---if conservatives actually "understand" anything besides criticism!
Commented: Sunday, September 6th, 2015 @ 3:36 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Pray / Believing

This morning I visited with Jimmy and his wife before the early worship. He is full of faith and is told Chapel Hill can't do anything more than our local hospital in Washington . . . In other words, go home and ask God for healing for we have nothing in medical science to improve you liver cancer situation. The current problem is blood clots in his legs from the failing liver. Join me in prayers for the clotting to be solved with the blood thinners they administered to him.
Commented: Sunday, September 6th, 2015 @ 11:46 am By: Gene Scarborough
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