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Comments by Gene Scarborough

I am listening side-by-side to CNN and Fox follow up on the Torture Disclosure. It is early in the day yet, but the Fox-take is trying to compare drone strikes to torture as if the drones have no conscience and prisoners being water-boarded could give up their information and live.

As the day goes by, why don't we all listen to the in depth news sources and see what they do with this awful disclosure.
Commented: Thursday, December 11th, 2014 @ 8:51 am By: Gene Scarborough
Wait a minute, Stan ~~~ you were editorializing greatly about how those running in the election were ALL distancing themselves from the President, DID YOU NOT???

Thus far, the President is making little or no comments to date on this matter. Were he as you contend, he should be jumping all over it.
Commented: Thursday, December 11th, 2014 @ 8:45 am By: Gene Scarborough
In many ways I am not surprised by your comment, Stan ~~~ it is a deferral to your current CHS (Conservative Hate Syndrome).

Why is it that Reagan got a pass over Iran-Contra dealings as if he knew NOTHING. Someone then said, "Either he was more than stupid and remote or he has memory problems."

Why do conservatives do this stuff and then want to act as if it had no responsibility for it. Even John McCain said words of responsibility and contrition and has been strangely quiet otherwise to the national media.

Let's get serious ~~~ what should we do to right this clear wrong and violation of our stated morality of not torturing prisoners of war. I think you can do far better. I know you have a real conscience over right and wrong, buddy.
Commented: Thursday, December 11th, 2014 @ 8:39 am By: Gene Scarborough
You have now set the record for monkey tree climbing, Stan. The President did nothing on this disclosure. It was all done by Congress.

The guilty parties were among the Bush administration which ignored intel and then acted like Nazi concentration camp operators in the aftermath.

May the Homeland Security folks visit you often and confiscate your computer!

Even old John McCain had the decency of character to decry what happened. He just might pay you a visit as well. If I were a supporter of Conservatism, I would find a deep hole to hide in right now and hope this storm blows over.

After WWII we charged Germans and Japanese leaders for war crimes equal to this. Some were hanged by the neck until dead.
Commented: Wednesday, December 10th, 2014 @ 5:46 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Yesterday afternoon The History Channel ran their coverage of the Rise of the Third Reich. It bears seeing to believe it happened from Conservatism in Germany:
Commented: Monday, December 8th, 2014 @ 9:51 am By: Gene Scarborough
This shows 2 things: (1) Decisions affect a local economy, (2) Our central planners can do things "natural competition" cannot.

I am a Tree Surgeon. Natural competition leads to one tree beating another out for the same air and light space. Transplanting trees too close when they are small is a benefit to both, but deadly if it is done too late. Some trees chosen for a yard are stupid decisions when you only want fast growth and think only in terms of 1-2 years.

I am of the opinion NC is totally negligent when we let big Vidant deprive rural Beaufort / Hyde Counties of ANY emergency care appropriate to the Golden Hour concept. That is corporate medicine at its worst and operating without red ink as a tax-exempt, non-profit institution under NC corporate laws.

If we want to see this state proper and grow, it will be by the examples of Research Triangle Park and ECU Medical school and general expansion. The growth of Raleigh and Greenville are direct results of money spent wisely in the beginning.

What has happened for Beaufort County and others to the east?

NOTHING---sad to say.
Commented: Sunday, December 7th, 2014 @ 11:01 am By: Gene Scarborough
This is long and complex so I am not sure everyone will view it fully nor understand. She makes reference to the Reagan Tax code bringing in the top tax rate as did Coolidge. There is a major difference here as to how the corps and rich handled their much lower tax rate.

It worked THEN because their savings were spent in growing business INSIDE the US. Today's much more international flavor has led to disaster which LINGERS. The modern spending on growth has been in foreign countries where labor is cheap and no environmental regs exist. In addition much of the money saved has gone to offshore banks which favor greed and hide the real wealth.

What happened under Coolidge, the Republican, turned to be helpful. What has happened under Reagan, and 2 Bushes is FAR FROM THE SAME. We now have 1% of America owning 80% of the wealth. That is a return to the scene in Europe and England when our Forefathers LEFT! Their dream involved "freedom and justice for all / rights to pursue life, liberty, and the happiness for all."

I can't analyze it all, but any working person knows SOMETHING IS WRONG when we spend billions on war and little on society nor infrastructure inside our borders.

This wise and basic spending analysis give it all ~~~ I invite you to check it out:
Commented: Friday, December 5th, 2014 @ 7:00 am By: Gene Scarborough
I am seeing both a harsh criticism of the Attorney General of NC by Conservatives AND a project with tax money backing and some risk attached.

Conservatives have attacked the AG over the Marriage Amendment when he did not act. He had warned ahead of the vote that is could well be unconstitutional. The Federal Judge ruled it to be JUST SUCH!

In my view, when Conservatives of NC are showing this much criticism this long before the 2016 election ~~~ they are scared NC voters are starting to see their destruction of the Progressive nature of NC in the past and before their rule.

Abraham Lincoln: "You can fool all of the people some of the time / you can fool some of the people all of the time / you can NEVER FOOL ALL OF THE PEOPLE ALL OF THE TIME."
Commented: Friday, December 5th, 2014 @ 6:36 am By: Gene Scarborough
Order a good double Long Island Iced Tea and enjoy your break from all things Conservative or Liberal. I won't tell on you, good buddy!!!
Commented: Thursday, December 4th, 2014 @ 8:51 pm By: Gene Scarborough
How many County Managers have we been through in the last 20 years?

What was their average tenure?

Did they leave happy or frustrated?
Commented: Thursday, December 4th, 2014 @ 8:13 am By: Gene Scarborough
Nice pics, bro!!!
Commented: Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014 @ 8:09 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Tell me ~~~ do we not have a deep history in NC???

Right here in Beaufort County the native American tribes are hardly even identified, much less explored and dug. Building roads over ancient Indian trails and eveN colonial roads pretty soon results in LOSS OF HISTORY AND CULTURE.
Commented: Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014 @ 8:06 pm By: Gene Scarborough
SICK 'UM Stan!!!!
Commented: Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014 @ 8:03 pm By: Gene Scarborough
What I am trying to say is that agreeing to disagree can have smiles attached. A 4-3 vote on all matters is hardly any kind of compromise and progressive status, in my view.
Commented: Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014 @ 2:07 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I am concerned with the look of hate on many Commissioners' faces. I have personally attended 2 meetings. I have viewed the video recording made at each meeting and broadcast on the government channel of local cable.

Somebody needs to smile and cajole among the group. Maybe they should pick a good bar and enjoy some libations that generate good discussion and convivial personal relationships. Until then, we are going through another hired set of professional who can see no change in Beaufort County --- the county of hate over politics AND friendly citizens willing to do anything to help one another.

I prefer an example set of friendship and progressive action.
Commented: Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014 @ 8:17 am By: Gene Scarborough
I think it would be wise to consider the quality of teachers in this equation. Years ago, we lived in SC and our children attended the public school in Horry County.

My son began 1st grade and his teacher sent home a note in handwriting. There was hardly a proper sentence and many misspelled words. NO TEACHER can teach what they do not, first, know.

I grew up in a small town in suburban Atlanta named Clarkston. It was almost identical to Bath in look and feel. All grades were under one roof and on one campus. It was small enough that the teacher knew your name and your parents. We had a couple of incapable teachers who needed some re-training. By-and-large they all had personal standards in their subject matter. That was a key ingredient to my learning as I progressed.

Part of the real equation here is simply continued Integration problems. It is not so much along racial lines as cultural. Clarkston was a working class community and had no hood. We did have a mill village community where kids were "different." We had another instance of a lovely Japanese girl being in our class.

The teachers at Clarkston were more than alert to bullying or slurs between students. I remember in the 7th grade someone called Patty Kato a Jap. The teacher jumped on it with both feet and the civic instruction was clear: THERE WILL BE NO DISCRIMINATION NOR UGLY TERMS USED IN HERE!!!

Until we are willing to cross social lines / quit being snobs here and low-lifes there, we have the biggest problem of all. Separation by class and social prominence.

The real purposes of education are 2:
(1) Train and educate minds so students graduate ready to go to work or higher education.
(2) Learn social skills and respect for those who are different from others.

Commented: Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014 @ 8:08 am By: Gene Scarborough
WELL ~~~ tell us Stan. Wait with baited breath, man.
Commented: Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014 @ 8:30 pm By: Gene Scarborough
MEANWHILE ~~~ we have a death in the Jail, supposedly by suicide, the prisoner put a sheet over his cell and the monitoring cameras did not see it and jailers respond in time!!!

I so love the "Tempest in a Teapot" over who does what and why when we have a crappy jail and no one is doing a thing~~~SINCE THE 80's!!!
Commented: Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014 @ 2:14 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I respectfully DISAGREE. I am a small business owner. At times is have had a job I could not collect before the Friday payday, but it was my responsibility to pay the men who make my company able to work~~~and they worked for that week!

Anymore, bankruptcy is not a "walk-away-from-debt" proposition. Rather, it is a "workout plan" where the person or corp pays through the court to resolve the debt.

NC Departments are here to protect citizens who are wronged. If anyone works a person without proper documentation, he is in violation of Emigration Laws which are clear. Just because he does not pay is not the worker's fault.

What happened to Compassionate Conservatism????
Commented: Saturday, November 29th, 2014 @ 8:31 am By: Gene Scarborough
Since when is "college for everyone?" Higher education should be just that~~~a higher level challenging each student able to qualify by previous work and grades.

What troubles me most if the wheeling and dealing for athletes with skills and no brains behind them. Years ago I saw declines in writing and communication abilities in people with a Masters degree in theology. How in the world can a person graduate with such a degree and cannot write a simple article for the church newsletter nor edit one?

What is wrong with going into the military or taking on a skilled profession not requiring verbal skills. In fact, many with skilled professional skills of a carpenter / welder / mechanic / etc. are far more needed than someone with a degree in drink mixing and carousing!!!

Is is possible that money for all colleges is the real issue. Loans are plenteous, but who can pay them back without gaining the ability to reason and write???
Commented: Friday, November 28th, 2014 @ 3:02 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I am thinking if the big bully had been taught by his parents and friends to be nice and not mess with drugs and crime ~~~ he would be alive today. Instead, he molested a police officer and tried to get his gun = he got it!

The worst part is people turning it into an opportunity to loot and burn ~~~ not wise either because they hurt black businesses and stole from them.
Commented: Thursday, November 27th, 2014 @ 7:52 pm By: Gene Scarborough
AGREED, my brother ~~~ have a great holiday and we both need to turn off the computer and CELEBRATE the good things of this nation which is more than blessed with FREEDOM.
Commented: Thursday, November 27th, 2014 @ 8:57 am By: Gene Scarborough
I became personal friends with the Nash County head of Social Services. There, in a losing economy where all major and large production operations have left, they WERE making good strides toward "workfare over welfare."

No longer can people just sit and vegetate and get fat with WIC nice food in abundance. We are making progress~~~but now 5 generations are scheming to get a free ride with Title XX funds instigated under LBJ in the early 70's.
Commented: Thursday, November 27th, 2014 @ 8:54 am By: Gene Scarborough
Let's also think southern in this. In GA Oglethorpe established a prison colony for those released from Debtor's Prison in England. They gladly began to have opportunity when the rich had imprisoned them over debts they could not pay because the rich had all the money and power.

Therein lies a real picture of American ~~~~ darn, I was thinking the prison is opened again in this lingering Recession / and VooDoo Tax Code!
Commented: Thursday, November 27th, 2014 @ 8:48 am By: Gene Scarborough
I think ~~~ besides the partisan politics BS ~~~ that this is a prime example of what happens when parents allow the big son to become a bully.

Perhaps the same should be applied to ALL political bullies these days and their non-stop aggression over cooperation.

Commented: Thursday, November 27th, 2014 @ 8:39 am By: Gene Scarborough
SOO~~~now we blame the "political divide" on a man with 6 years under his belt and only 2 remaining for it ALL????

This last election was one run on division, as far as I can see. The last 2 years have been so totally unproductive as to be laughable. The next 2 are showing signs of the same.

Our own State has gone from Progressive to Regressive / it is in a state of decline / the ash dump mess is about to be dumped on taxpayers or customers to pay for bad decisions made by Duke energy, whose chief Lobbyist was our current Governor. What blame does he take and his legislative buddies for things here at home????

We are watching closely as to what Conservatives are doing and the results it is having here in NC, my friend. Didn't Jesus say something about the log in the critic's eye when he keeps looking for specks of sawdust in the crowd?
Commented: Wednesday, November 26th, 2014 @ 11:10 am By: Gene Scarborough
As a new participant in a most active way, I want to thank Stan for the grand idea of this. The majority is clearly CONSERVATIVE, but he is allowing for my "from the middle" comments without any bias I can detect ~~~ and I can be most critical of bias. I am constantly drawn to remind other writers when I see a serious bias in their views, if you read the many comments I make in that section.

The main complaint is HOW FAST ARTICLES DISAPPEAR. Just remember, this has been built on a conservative platform basis. It is now moving to a somewhat more balanced format and only lacks such commentators to have a place. That is not Stan's problem in the least.

It takes time and mind to make decent articles that Stan posts. Even though I might disagree with the author's position, I can make a comment at any time and THEY ALL GET PUBLISHED ~~~ because Stan is fair.

This thing is becoming so big and Stan has so many great ideas for expansion, it could just be exceeding his personal ability to do it all. It is a FREE E-magazine. I hope it can be kept that way. Wise people would advertise with BCN. Just like any mom-and-pop store going against a Walmart, we must patronize it --- or it is gone. You can save money at Walmart ~~~ but is the long line to check out and the lack of any personal attention inside as you shop REALLY SAVING YOU ANYTHING BUT MONEY????

The real THANKS is to Lynn, who does not see her husband as much as she might want. My wife shares your angst fro my lifetime of hard work and being gone at times. She thought I was dead during the Mobile Jailhouse adventure. They confiscated my cell phone and the only way to call out was so convoluted it could not happen for us!!! So, if old Stan "disappears" she can tell you how to go through the Sheriff's Department of Beaufort County to find him!
Commented: Wednesday, November 26th, 2014 @ 7:20 am By: Gene Scarborough
If I changed you image from Ferguson to the President and Congress ~~~ I am seeing Conservatives as the thugs of politics rather than representatives of their constituents still in a lasting Recession. Their purpose was to make the President look bad and keep things down without any constructive alternatives proposed.

Further, when I change the focus to our VooDoo Tax code and wild spending on war, I see the same. When 1% owns 80% of the US money, it seems to me we have returned to the very abuse our ancestors tried to leave behind in the Old World.

To become so focused on the "rightness" of being on the right and the "wrongness" of any you label as "liberal" seems unwise to me.

I am proud of you for taking on those cops in Missouri. I spent time in a Mobile jail when their law enforcement would not bother with a Theft of Services statute on the Alabama law books. At that time the Mobile Sheriff came under investigation for keeping public funds he did not spend --- for himself. Us behind bars got served food that my granddaddy would not slop his hogs with. It was freezer-burned and tasteless stuff far from nutritional nor healthy ~~~ BUT he was getting rich in the process of his public trust.
Commented: Wednesday, November 26th, 2014 @ 6:48 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Movie Night

Today most professions require Continuing Education to keep your license. Most do it on "attending the course" rather than having to pass another test.

The last big test I took, outside my LUTCF degree, was Series 6 Securities. It is tough. I tried to get ready on my own and was totally frustrated. For 3 days I paid for and attended a good course which prepared all of us much better.

At the end we took a sample test. Prior to taking it the instructor said, "There will be multiple choice options check. Some are obvious and most can be boiled down to 2 good answers. At that point ask yourself: 'Which of the 2 comes closest to TELL THE TRUTH, NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH, TO YOUR CLIENT.'"

That was the challenge when I came to the pulpit 3 times a week as a Baptist minister / whenever I sold insurance without Mutual Funds / when I sold them with Mutual Funds requiring I have a Series 6 license.

I saw too many fellow ministers and financial advisers telling clients what they wanted to hear to sell a policy or religion---that could be a bad mistake. Anyone who tells people what they think they want to hear, rather than challenges them to THINK ~~~ IS A DANGEROUS PERSON AND ONLY WANTS POPULARITY OVER HONESTY!
Commented: Wednesday, November 26th, 2014 @ 6:32 am By: Gene Scarborough

The above and a number of other comparisons puts the President on the same level as BOTH Bush predecessors.

If the same political energy were put to a bill the President simply requested from Congress we just MIGHT HAVE PROGRESSION RATHER THAN CONTINUED REGRESSION FROM CONGRESS, my friend!!!

Thanksgiving and Christmas are great times to seek Peace on Earth and Joy to men of Good Will ~~~ so where are they???
Commented: Tuesday, November 25th, 2014 @ 8:51 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Movie Night

I have multiple degrees ~~~ first from Emory / then Southeastern Seminary / then Life Underwriting / then Securities / then the School of Hard Knocks whose colors are black and blue.

To stop the empty excuses I give you now an "F+" ~~~ now put some thought to the outline I proposed in another post. I want a reasonable explanation as to "what have Conservatives conserved????
Commented: Tuesday, November 25th, 2014 @ 8:38 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Movie Night

Stan to Emory prof: "I though I did pretty good, sir"

Emory prof to Stan: "When I hear both sides explained clearly and then you tell me with reasoned thought which side you choose ~~~ the grade of "D" stands.
Commented: Monday, November 24th, 2014 @ 6:48 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Movie Night

Sorry, Stan --- empty answer akin to "because I think so"... would get you a quick "F" at Emory, good buddy.

I know you can do better with some real thought and many of the new readers would be glad to hear your wisdom on this. You can do so much better---and I, for one, know it.
Commented: Monday, November 24th, 2014 @ 3:03 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Diane---you spent a great deal of space sharing your point of view. I honor your Tea Party conservatism, but it fails to take into account what a Constitutional Lawyer / President disclosed Sunday:

If you would present your view on this as an article, I would be MOST interested.
Commented: Monday, November 24th, 2014 @ 2:58 pm By: Gene Scarborough
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