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Comments by Gene Scarborough

We are not God's gift to the world unless we seek a moral stance that honors God. Jews thought they were a "chosen people" and blew it over and over. At times the "got it" and at other "missed by a country mile" . . .
Commented: Friday, February 20th, 2015 @ 8:41 pm By: Gene Scarborough
In you dreams, Stan ~~~ in your dreams . . .

It is the exact same motive of hate gone wild as infects you and others who write articles here for abject conservatism.
Commented: Friday, February 20th, 2015 @ 2:14 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Rather than being a naive "pacifist" I recognize 2 things:
(1) It is better to live in peace rather than war.
(2) There are certain parts of humanity which recognize only the threat of a gun pressed between their eyes and one willing to pull the trigger, if necessary.

Having said that I am appalled by the white guy in Chapel Hill who executed 3 Muslim students wanting to do good rather than harm. Those kinds of actions on our part are just an inhumane as the hate you constantly spread with your vindication of abject Conservatism.

YES~~~I said HATE because there is no other word to describe it. At heart you mean well, but in reality your tongue is as Paul stated --- a two-edged sword / like the small rudder which steers a giant ship / able to advocate good and evil at different times.

I shall leave it up to wise readers to decide for themselves which way is preferable. Most Muslims here in America are trying to escape to a free country supposedly allowing for them to express their religion in the same freedom as us in the South. We need to get over a life of hate and derision or we perish . . .
Commented: Thursday, February 19th, 2015 @ 8:18 pm By: Gene Scarborough
The truth of our approach to ISIS now by diplomacy over killing is clearly seen if you just read the Bible. The same "eye-for-eye-tooth-for-tooth" was in vogue from the Jews early on. Their view was "If you kill, we kill you" because the 10 Commandments say "thou shalt not kill."

Jesus taught to forgive you enemies and love one another. THAT is the only solution to hate ~~~ stop the vengeance and leave some stuff to God. "Vengeance is mine" was part of God's Word in the OT along with what the Pharisees had made it through too much law and confusion to society.

WE cannot and will not solve all problems on this earth, but minding our own business and setting a great example of human cooperation through democracy is far better than blowing the rag heads away and giving them more reason to hate us.
Commented: Thursday, February 19th, 2015 @ 9:20 am By: Gene Scarborough
If I accepted "it is what it is" your yard would still have a big dangerous tree and ugly stumps I made into what you wanted and could afford to do . . . I love ya, man --- your give me much to write about and we can always "agree to disagree."

I'm just trying to add an alternate view for folks who see things different view BCN and your numbers appear to get growing nicely, buddy . . .
Commented: Thursday, February 19th, 2015 @ 9:09 am By: Gene Scarborough
Stan---I can't fix stupid / I can't beat a mule into submission without killing him with the second 2X4 busted across his head . . .

Sorry 'bout that, buddy
Commented: Wednesday, February 18th, 2015 @ 8:22 am By: Gene Scarborough
I know know what "pot calls kettle black" means. It should be in the dictionary as a definition is dyslexia. Chapel is an education town, but in it and around it are people whose neck is red and guns loaded.

I used to live at Wake Forest / I sold insurance in and around the Triangle / I know whereof I speak. Only Fayetteville has a more volatile combo of redneck / military / wealth / poverty than the Research Triangle area.

Why don't we simply say, "Hate KILLS. . ."
Commented: Monday, February 16th, 2015 @ 6:22 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Will you ever get it, Stan???? I am conservative, but not the mean sort. I believe in NOT throwing out the baby with the bath water. What about this do you not understand???

I watched people who called themselves "Conservative Resurgence" advocates tell every lie in the book and pull every dirty trick in the book to take over the SBC. When you have been a student at Southeastern Seminary 1967-70 and know fellow students call professors "liberal" when they are just teaching academic material --- they are really saying, "This stuff didn't affirm my prejudices but challenged them and I won't be moved. I prefer narrow and stupid" --- this is what I keep trying to tell you. . .

. . . and you shall not be moved either. Instead you keep using epithets like they grow on trees of hate, man.
Commented: Monday, February 16th, 2015 @ 6:17 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I spent my entire life as a dedicated Baptist from preacher's kid to pulpit and now in private. I watched hate-filled Conservatives with smiles on faces destroy the Southern Baptist Convention and turn it into a battlefield with lies flying all over from their lips.

Their leader, Paul Pressler (Federal Judge in TX), promised to cut the jugular of every liberal and Seminary Professor who did not espouse his limited view of the Bible. That was a classic Conservative in your position right now. If my kid said that, he would remember that punishment the rest of his life---assuming he survived it and could walk or sit in a week . . .
Commented: Monday, February 16th, 2015 @ 5:37 am By: Gene Scarborough
I REFUSE to just talk. I PREFER to show love and understanding with communication to Muslim people. Just like the KKK and White Supremacists in this country, the do NOT represent me and most are Muslims far more loving already than you imagine.

How many of these "terrible haters" do you actually know ~~~ or do you base all your hate on Fox News and the like???
Commented: Sunday, February 15th, 2015 @ 10:47 am By: Gene Scarborough
Any Union-type character---using money for his own purposes is my point. I don't have any more love for Al than do you. He is a hatemonger who would be out of business the minute we learn to be honest and love one another . . .
Commented: Saturday, February 14th, 2015 @ 4:39 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I am like the preacher who did a sermon on "Love One Another" 3 times in a row. A lady complained over hearing the same sermon in a row. He answered, "When you folks stat doing what the Bible says, I will go on to another subject . . ."
Commented: Saturday, February 14th, 2015 @ 4:35 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Stan---with your usual over reach and hate of the President you climb another limb up the monkey tree of bombast.

He is not perfect. I do not like everything he has done or not done---BUT, please show this President some more respect and chill it with the Muslim thing.

This same kind of hate resulted in the deaths of 3 good people in Chapel Hill this week. You never know the fruit that sprouts from hate seeds thrown on the ground.
Commented: Saturday, February 14th, 2015 @ 11:30 am By: Gene Scarborough
I talked with a proficient welder this week. In the course of the conversation he shared the future of welding from his professional magazine.

Did you know that right now this country needs 200,000 welders? In the near future with welding projects on the horizon it will be double and we do not have enough well-trained welders now!

My oldest grandson is thinking in this direction. He now lives at Elizabeth City and the shipbuilding industry at Norfolk is an open door for him. Instead of thinking some fancy degree that had no opening with graduating after 4 expensive years of college, I would encourage a simple career in welding for many who really want to succeed in the next 30-40 years of real work and income . . .
Commented: Saturday, February 14th, 2015 @ 11:25 am By: Gene Scarborough
Al Sharpton has a follower, it seems!

Jimmy Hoffa must be proud someone is following his lead!

This is why labor unions got in trouble and had lost some of their power.

NOW~~~let's look at the Governor's personal accounts along with those of Thom Tillis and other Legislators of Conservative ilk . . . the N&O has a strong moral stance and is willing to buck the system in pursuit of graft.

How about the undercurrent over fracking and offshore drilling proposals. . .

I will respect this position and publication WHEN they treat all sides with equal integrity . . .
Commented: Thursday, February 12th, 2015 @ 7:48 am By: Gene Scarborough
I have read a lot of stupid things pretending to be smart ~~~ this is the worst yet!
(1) The biggest and most efficient expansion of the US was a result of national railroads at the end of the 1800's and into early 1900's.
(2) Only a fool blinded by the sun would think rail transport of heavy goods is efficiently done by expensive highways with high maintenance/fuel costs.
(3) I grew up in Atlanta, congested beyond imagination since the early 50's, the ONLY solution to traffic snarls is their light rail and satellite parking.
(4) It costs the taxpayer far less the highways. I can now get off a plane , collect my baggage, walk 100 yards to the MARTA station which takes me to 5-Points and then out to Stone Mountain in 1/3 the time of the drive and without ANY traffic issues.
(5) I have been to Europe and England where trains are still in place and every large city has a light rail system. The BEST way to get around is rail in cities and train in the countryside.

It is scenic, far less stressful, way much cheaper than a car on a highway . . .
Commented: Wednesday, February 11th, 2015 @ 5:27 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Years ago while reading economic theory I discovered this: "The more complex is sounds the more speculation is involved / the more we are being fooled into submission." Trickle Down Voo Doo is that proof since the Reagan years. . .

FDR kept is simple in the Great Depression: "Help the small working businessman and he will pay his bills quick. Money flows to make any economy work. The poor man pays his debts quick / the rich stretch it out all they can to keep it in their pockets. Spending other people's money makes them most happy with interest earned."

In just 2 months my Granddaddy, in SC farming, watched his life change because of the Soil Bank. The government plan was simple: "We have more cotton than we need / pay the farmer what he would have made in profit if he planted this year's crop, BUT give it to him now in the Spring rather that the Fall when we don't need it and the price is at the bottom of $3 a bale."

We bailed out the farmer in the 1930's / we bailed out the Autos and Banks in 1988~~~which one worked???? Nothing helps the working man more than the oil industry getting its foot off his neck for a short time. If it stayed off for a year, we might just recover from the Recession.

Otherwise, it is more work in the fields for all the Oil Companies can steal from us--ESPECIALLY --- if you have to use diesel as I do in heavy duty tree removal / the farmer / the trucker / you name it ~~~ if it burns diesel which should be 20% cheaper from gas ALWAYS, guess who is the robber . . .
Commented: Wednesday, February 11th, 2015 @ 5:14 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Farewell to a giant

I am from Atlanta, a Georgia Tech fan by default because Emory has not major sports presence, but I could not miss Dean Smith upon coming to Wake Forest in 1967-70.

Coach Smith did more than we realize to improve the moral stance of NC on racial issues. So much as to be a Baptist and draw the accolades of a Rabbi who wrote this:
John Feinstein, who is writing a book about Smith, interviewed his pastor, the Rev. "Robert Seymour, who recounted that when Smith arrived in Chapel Hill, he was appalled to learn that the restaurants in town were segregated. The two men agreed that Smith would patronize restaurants where he was known and bring black members of his church with him, pretty much forcing the restaurants to serve them. Thus began the integration of restaurants in Chapel Hill. When Feinstein asked Smith about this, he said he wished Rev. Seymour had not told Feinstein. Feinstein asked if he weren’t proud of what he had done. Dean Smith responded: "You should never be proud of doing the right thing. You should just do the right thing."

Dean Smith found himself in a highly segregated culture in which equality—along the lines of color, religion, sex, politics, and socio-economics—was unthinkable, even unimaginable. Prof. Joshua Berman of Bar-Ilan University, the author of Created Equal, tells us that Tana"kh (Hebrew Scripture) was the Dean Smith of its day. In Berman’s own words[1]: "…the Pentateuch is history’s first blueprint for a society where theology, politics, and economics embrace egalitarian ideals, by reconstituting ancient norms and institutions….The Pentateuch, I claim, took aim at the socioeconomic structure prevalent throughout the ancient Near East: the divide between the dominant tribute-imposing class and the dominated tribute-bearing class." And in the next breath, Berman notes that the italicized terms are borrowed from Norman Gottwald[2] and that, "it is hard to imagine us convening a session on the theme of equality and the Pentateuch had it not been for his life’s work around these ideas." (Please note Berman’s humility; I’ll return to that in a moment.) He continues: "By rejecting social stratification, I mean rejecting the permanent and institutionalized power given to particular classes to control the economic, military, and political resources of society." Does this sound like the Near East 2500 years ago? Or North Carolina in the 1960s? Or both?"
~~~ "High Scorer," Rabbi Amy Scheinerman / weekly article

Thanks, Coach Smith --- INTEGRITY is hard to find in prominent folks anywhere!!!
Commented: Wednesday, February 11th, 2015 @ 4:56 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Maybe the tax-favored corps and rich will have a heart and give big funds to get their name on some building . . . H-M-M-M
Commented: Tuesday, February 10th, 2015 @ 9:40 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Ask the same of many things today, but with a view to helping them do better rather than being fired . . .
Commented: Tuesday, February 10th, 2015 @ 9:38 pm By: Gene Scarborough
We should be able to harvest far more and better oysters than VA since they have major pollution problems on the Chesapeake Bay. That is until the waste from ash dumps on the Haw River and whatever gets flushed up in Fracking give us polluted waters and who knows what. . .
Commented: Monday, February 9th, 2015 @ 2:56 pm By: Gene Scarborough
VA is fighting a pollution problem on the Chesapeake that we do not have in NC. It would stand to reason that we should be able to compete ~~~ until we see the ash dump waste work its way down and potential fracking effects.

You can't have both clean and pristine water and it production and raping NC for fossil fuels as well as offshore drilling . . .
Commented: Monday, February 9th, 2015 @ 2:49 pm By: Gene Scarborough
If she did spend twice as much, it is more than a report posted after the election. Show us they money, Eric . . .
Commented: Monday, February 9th, 2015 @ 2:44 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Hood seems to be a "hood" to me --- he touches the mean and hateful side of his constituents rather than set an example of good diplomacy and working FOR all the people of Beaufort County . . .

Until our County Commissioners start using wiser dialogue to make some progress, we wax and wane in REGRESSIVE ways . . . Just glad I am not any paid employee who must cringe every month there is a meeting of the Commissioners.

The real issues are a dilapidated and dangerous jail / healthcare missing from Belhaven . . .
Commented: Sunday, February 8th, 2015 @ 7:37 am By: Gene Scarborough
Well ~~~ DAMN THOSE LIB-ERRR-ALLLS!!! We should burn them all at the stakes and make them live in the Middle East, Stan . . .
Commented: Saturday, February 7th, 2015 @ 5:49 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I have strong reservations about offshore drilling especially. I know the promises sound so good, BUT what happens when a drilling rig ruptures as did the one in the Gulf operated by BP? The spilled goo throughout the Gulf of Mexico. The disbursement chemicals are already affecting fish and shellfish in negative and unknown ways for the worst. Their tar balls are already washing up on our Outer Banks.

With the same area perfect for wind electrical generation, why would we want to risk both the Outer Banks and the Gulf Stream in the face of severe storms certain to traverse the Graveyard of the Atlantic? BP was SUPPOSED TO HAVE containment domes over all their wells as an insurance against a blowout---BUT THEY DID NOT!

If you trust Big Oil after they put so much money into electing Senator Thom Tillis, why should they be entrusted with the most pristine waters of the Atlantic Ocean all along the Eastern Shores of the US. I just don't see it as a wise move when we know fossil fuels must be replaced with solar, wind, and tidal changes to produce the needed energy.

I believe we can create just as many jobs and income by going other directions far more safe for our lovely state. It is a tourist mecca devoid of oil drilling and potential spills. If you believe fracking is safe, why are the chemicals used now a felony to divulge under the new NC law passed last summer?

The Governor makes good promises, but he was the spokesman for Duke Energy which has put ash dumps on the Haw River which contain many caustic and cancer causing elements in them. They are polluting the heck out of the inland fish. . . now Duke is wanting taxpayers to clean up their mess making big money on energy they sell to us at a substantial profit.

"The LOVE of money is the root of all evil" is simple to say. Our loss of a middle class to the 1% owning 80% of US money is scary. It is not anywhere near being corrected from the Trickle Down VooDoo of the great salesman, Ronald Reagan.
Commented: Saturday, February 7th, 2015 @ 4:15 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I am sure you viewed the linked videos in several places here . . .
Commented: Saturday, February 7th, 2015 @ 6:24 am By: Gene Scarborough
Too bad you are such a political conservative freak that you miss the qualities of Jimmy Carter:
(1) He walked down Pennsylvania along with his wife as a show of humility.
(2) He refused to go to war over oil prices in the Middle East.
(3) He was a DC outsider and those embedded were hell bent to make his way hard.
(4) He ordered the mission to save Iran hostages, but it failed---had he been successful it would have been all glory and honor / because of the failure all Presidents since have shied from action that brought Osama to justice by WHO?
(5) The back channels got Reagan elected by keeping the hostages until he won office by the same crooked means as too many Republicans. FLA / Bush
(6) He has become a honoree with the Nobel Peace Prize and Habitat work along with several published works honoring wise diplomacy over war.
(7) Have you ever been offered an Adjunct Professorship at Emory and the likes?

He is a man of love and diplomacy / you are one of the most hard-headed and angry Conservatives I have ever debated, but since you have some good sense to reason in a debate, I honor your conservatism, good buddy . . .

We shall agree to disagree on many things and that is OK by me.
Commented: Saturday, February 7th, 2015 @ 6:22 am By: Gene Scarborough
I and my father are both acquainted with MLK and his father / Jesus the Christ / Harry Emerson Fosdick and Peter Marshall, to name a few. Desmond Tutu and Jimmy Carter are both Emory adjunct professors.

Why would I be surprised that self-taught and the major fomentors of war do not guide you . . . Take your choice, those who read us~~~hate or love and forgiveness. . .
Commented: Friday, February 6th, 2015 @ 3:51 pm By: Gene Scarborough
My God, you are prone to overstatement --- on behalf of the other person, Stan.

I am simply saying, "If the shoe fits, we must own it." Our activity at Abu Garib and Guantanamo were hidden as were the death camps / people died and were tortured at our hands by the orders of Bush / Cheney / etc. The only ones dealt with thus far were soldiers at the lowest levels following orders.

Emory gave me the ability to reason and get out of my southern conservatism to a better kind of conserving that which is wiser. I often wonder where you got your training in abject Republican / Tea Party Conservatism. Explain, if you can . . .
Commented: Friday, February 6th, 2015 @ 10:13 am By: Gene Scarborough
I note the report shows Nash General Healthcare as a lower penalty and problem than many others ~~~ that is good.

My wife retired from their Physical Therapy Department where all patients use a common bed or exercise table. She was the main one making sure the covers were changed and the pad under them properly disinfected lest MERSA germs get passed.

My next door neighbor died from such at Duke after he had surgery for a stomach issue whose wound would not heal from the horrible germs he contracted. Duke has an excellent reputation, but poor protocol for germs in their operating theater. What we see on the outside is not always a true report of the dangers from poor protocols . . . This penalty is deserved by any institution lax in its practices for protection of all patients subjected to their dangerous neglect.
Commented: Friday, February 6th, 2015 @ 6:32 am By: Gene Scarborough
Just up this morning from yesterday's hearing of the Armed Services Committee:

This guy is a young Turk with a hate that won't quit --- does he speak for you, Stan?
Commented: Friday, February 6th, 2015 @ 6:22 am By: Gene Scarborough
Sorry, Stan, your exposure to the Nuremberg trials of Nazi war criminals is a bit naive . . . The LEADERS were imprisoned, tried and hung for the same kinds of TORTURE inflicted by them against Geneva Convention rules for proper POW treatment with humane controls.

We, like the German citizens, have known what was going on, YET have not acted to punish it and bring it to justice. Dick Cheney smiles and acts as though it was the "right thing to do." It produced no actionable intelligence results. It has created a multitude of Middle Eastern relatives and countrymen who say, "If they did it to us with such heartlessness, whey should we have a heart towards them!"

To put a religious face on it, Jesus said, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you / forgive your enemies / love one another . . ." to cite a few Christian things to do --- as opposed to the hate of the Pharisees and desire to control the people to make hate happen . . .
Commented: Friday, February 6th, 2015 @ 6:06 am By: Gene Scarborough
Dealing with Hood is like keeping a bulldog from a piece of fresh meat, it seems!

Why the numerous distractions when we have the jail issue and Belhaven hospital as far more important matters . . .
Commented: Thursday, February 5th, 2015 @ 9:16 am By: Gene Scarborough
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