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Comments by Gene Scarborough

Our real issue right now is Fracking and Offshore Drilling beside the Outer Banks and the pristine Gulf Stream. Should we do BOTH, we are a sandwich between 2 sources of pollution that WILL shed nasty stuff on our River and Sound, in my view. . .
Commented: Tuesday, March 10th, 2015 @ 7:44 am By: Gene Scarborough
It appears to be consistent with Conservatism of religion or politics that you dictate to supposedly maturing adults exactly what they MUST believe rather than challenge them to think for themselves for the rest of their lives and make wise decisions debated out with other wise people . . .
Commented: Sunday, March 8th, 2015 @ 4:24 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I thought for a few minutes we were discussing the NC Legislature~~~INSTEAD it appears to be a review of the most recent Three Stooges movie . . .
Commented: Sunday, March 8th, 2015 @ 6:25 am By: Gene Scarborough
Why is it that any education presenting a full scope of challenging concepts is termed "left wing?" I think you have gone overboard and have a most limited understanding of what is a challenging and mind-expanding education.

For me, we should all be challenged to get out of our small corner of life and thinking to a broader challenge. THEN the individual comes to his own conclusions as to what is wise and what is foolish.

Are you advocating for INDOCTRINATION or EDUCATION, my friend???
Commented: Friday, March 6th, 2015 @ 11:03 am By: Gene Scarborough
You are addressing the major issue of citizen protection and business competition. I like your take on "over-reach." More competition ideally lets people compete on price and if a salon can do the same thing without the dentist making big bucks of his licence preventing the same service with less greed, let it be. . .

Another great issue here in NC is the intrusion of the Labor Board into small businesses. Did you know that our Legislature passed a rule that any business having more than 2 workers on the job has to carry Workman's Comp on them. This prevents an efficiently run small business from hiring workers as Independent Contractors. It penalized me and cost me much money when an employee with a clear IC stating he was responsible for his own health and safety and made me liable for his self-inflicted injuries. I also made a big case for the lawyer I had to hire to defend me!

In short, we have more hidden rules for small businesses than anyone can enforce nor interpret to anyone wanting to start one in NC. In my case, the Labor Board decided all its cases 93% in favor of the employed worker and against the employer.

How many would dare to start a simple small business in NC knowing the liabilities hiding behind every bush that could cost him his assets and put him in more debt than he can possibly handle. Ambulance chasing lawyers have a virtually guaranteed income and that is why they will represent anyone without a fee until the case is settled. At that time 30% or more goes to the lawyer!!!
Commented: Friday, March 6th, 2015 @ 10:59 am By: Gene Scarborough
Good old Thom ~~~ the new monkey climbs more limbs higher to hurt working people a favor industry and the rich . . . I feel so represented as they run fracking and sonar scanning for offshore drilling in the Graveyard of the Atlantic.

Please, if you live on or near the Outer Banks and fish the Gulf Stream, do it soon before an oil spill destroys it for greed and Koch Oil money to elect more destroyers of all for Oil. . .

The puppet of the rich responds quickly to his strings being pulled. . .
Commented: Thursday, March 5th, 2015 @ 3:22 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I suppose you don't like anyone with a different view than yours ONE LITTLE BIT, my brother!

The last time I checked from my Emory University education of 1963-67, true education involves exposure to different points of view and a spirited discussion of all things before it. The challenge to my southern small town conservatism was painful, but more than helpful to me.

Buy the way it did not destroy my desire to conserve that which is important / discard that which is foolish / and how to tell the difference --- backed by your own ability to read and reason!!!

I sounds like you want Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity for your conservative take at UNC. Give them a call and see what they want to fulfill your dream of a State School of Indoctrination . . .
Commented: Thursday, March 5th, 2015 @ 3:16 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Here is Stan in 18 months ~~~ Love, Love, Love--all we need is love and here is the link to wash your dishes and clean your house . . .
Commented: Thursday, March 5th, 2015 @ 2:52 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I get an automatic question over "suspected spam". I assume it is due to the links I included . . . Will try to retrieve it / or you should have it with the block being automatic . . .
Commented: Thursday, March 5th, 2015 @ 9:38 am By: Gene Scarborough
I agree back with Stan~~~he has done a masterful job of putting relevant material before us and it is worthy of more deep discussion from all sides than we are yet having to date. The majority is clearly a Conservative take, but I am trying to offer some alternate things to consider PLUS rational reasons.

We can always "agree to disagree / not think as I think, but THINK" ~~~ I hope more will be open to a deeper opportunity in a fractious time. I now have friends who were absolutely opposite in opinion than me BECAUSE we kept on talking and discussing until we reached a point or mutual respect and appreciation. I consider Stan's comment a major break for us both . . . He will tell you our personal discussions have been great and usually last until we have to get on with some business when we would rather stay and talk . . .

Now, Stan, about the harsh words used against so called "liberals" --- can I get some respect, at least . . .
Commented: Thursday, March 5th, 2015 @ 8:35 am By: Gene Scarborough
I am not amazed with the conclusions of the investigation of the Beaufort County Jail suicide just released on our local news stations this morning. They seem to focus on neglect by guards in that immediate case.

I think the issue is much broader and needs a solution to the facility over firing any guards and acting as if "it's all their fault."

Can we have a serious discussion of this? It has dropped off the articles and now needs a re-post, I believe.
Commented: Thursday, March 5th, 2015 @ 8:27 am By: Gene Scarborough
I will definitely attend --- Anyone living near our River will be adversely affected by an oil spill / Fracking is the same with wash down to the Sound. The people of NY kept quiet when wast disposal sites were put in their towns and by the water sources.

They, later, died of cancer and could not sell their homes from the pollution . . .
Commented: Wednesday, March 4th, 2015 @ 8:15 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Building On Success

I can assure you that the Governor's general outlook on paying for Education is not on a par with his words here. Based on his State of the State address and empty programs vs. PR introductions of appointees as if they had a clue.

Now, Mr. Governor, how are we going to pay for a government when taxes give the rich and corps big breaks and unbalance income vs. expense even when cut drastically with a miser's pen? We don't need tool roads / mental health done privately / jails fixing to become private and for profit.

If Duke Energy pays for Haw River cleanups / if Fracking is stopped / if offshore drilling beside our Outer Banks and the pristine Gulf Stream is passed over, then I know we have a Governor of wisdom rather than a lobbyist for Energy of Duke and Koch variety . . .
Commented: Wednesday, March 4th, 2015 @ 7:14 am By: Gene Scarborough
One great thinking author of the early 1900 said: "It is a shame that just when media is developing and communication is at the speed of light around the world ~~~ we really have nothing intelligent to say . . ."
Commented: Wednesday, March 4th, 2015 @ 7:06 am By: Gene Scarborough
Well, Stan --- I tried to give you a chance. I bet his feeling is mutual for those like you who love to put him down despite his majority in 2 hotly contested elections . . . "I won both of mine," he said with a smile of delight.
Commented: Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015 @ 6:47 am By: Gene Scarborough
If I can just hear a few kind words toward your opposition, it would make me happy. The best leaders know how to take themselves less serious and laugh with their opponents. Maybe it's the lack of humor here that bugs me. Otherwise we can simply agree to disagree, but the Republican Presidents were MY PRESIDENT to a one. Nixon and his lies were the only exception, but I saw through his BS when he campaigned in SC.
Commented: Monday, March 2nd, 2015 @ 6:03 pm By: Gene Scarborough
The "War of Northern Aggression" made all Southern gentlemen see to the core of being used by industrialists who bought our goods and sold them back at a premium price not worthy of what they were demanding, brother Stan.

Neither of us is a fool / time will tell what real truth is / I am confident you and your buddies have been deceived by a Conservatism which "conserves nothing"!
Commented: Monday, March 2nd, 2015 @ 2:07 pm By: Gene Scarborough
This sounds much like a Rush Limbaugh, et al, conservative attack on any who oppose the Conservative moves in an organized fashion. It fails to cite the Koch Brothers being equally active under the same guise of "bland name." Our current Tax Code is but and extension of "rich get richer / poor get poorer" Trickle Down Voo Doo Economic theory which is obviously NOT WORKING.

Adoption of the Voo Doo Tax Code to NC State Taxes has us far short of a balanced budget for our state. The sad state of funding Public Education and Mental Health is another negative side of abject Conservatism.

Don't be fooled into thinking "Progressive Legislation is evil." Such Progressive thinking led to the Research Triangle Park / Eastern NC. Medical Center and School / Global Transpark which could support the growth of flowers in the place of waning tobacco. Anyone doubting the future of flower production and sales as a means to NC trade success has never been to Amsterdam where I witnessed its benefits personally in the 1980's.

All I am saying is "There are always two sides to any story." As a matter of fact, there are THREE SIDES: My side / your side / the right side . . . We rejoice in the KKK giant sign in Johnston County being gone. We grieve in the 3 murders in Chapel Hill when a white man shot 3 Muslim students to death with head shots.

If we are to have a just and progressive society in the Great North State, it will be the result of all sides in a big and diverse state finding ways to work together for the good of all tax paying citizens here. . .
Commented: Monday, March 2nd, 2015 @ 6:59 am By: Gene Scarborough
I like many of the ideas of Congressman Walter Jones. This is some important legislation, in my view. The only problem with it is the focus on a California case when the major problems of NC are not even mentioned.

Do you know that the 2 towns in NC with the highest per-capita crime rates are Gastonia and Rocky Mount? In both cases you have Drugs and Crime going hand-in-hand with gangs of every type represented in America today!

Jesus' words about "Physician heal thyself" come to mind. The FBI and SBI both have the crime stats for NC. I have relatives in Gastonia. I used to live and try to work in Rocky Mount. The RM Chamber of Commerce still uses "City on the Rise" in it's ads.

To be honest, it should have a 2nd line: "In Drugs and Crime only!" The citizens know how gunfire goes on every night in the hood of Rocky Mount. They are fleeing to Nashville and Red Oak to get away, but the cars and break-ins persist to support the drug trade destroying peace and prosperity which used to be a hallmark of Rocky Mount.

Keep it up, Mr. Jones~~~just make it real for NC where you real representation lies.
Commented: Monday, March 2nd, 2015 @ 6:40 am By: Gene Scarborough
Stan, Stan ~~~ what have you been drinking during all this snow??? You must have been taking a double dose of the Conservative Mean Pill as well to come up with this.

You depict Muslim Extremism as if it were some giant army capable of invading the Middle East and then marching up the Outer Banks to invade Beaufort County. You mention not one word about President Obama's Administration bringing the execution of Osama ben Laden to it's conclusion. Those Special Forces troopers trained on his recreated Compound in Hyde County, by the way. You act as if we have a real enemy in the form of a minor, but horrible, group of thugs in black robes.

In these same "weeks of fear" you cite, Jordan put together a massive assault on the group who burned their pilot alive. Other internal groups with an actual dog in the fight are reaching their limit and striking at the leadership of ISIS. Meanwhile the US is committing drones, airstrikes, and trainers to the people who must solve their own problems in their own backyard.

To now open your history book to Neville Chamberlain and equate his diplomacy to that of the Obama Administration is your greatest stroke of mis-information yet! You simply prove to me that fear short-circuits the thought and reason circuits of your brain. Further, it turns actual history into a swamp of propaganda, in my view.

We have BOTH lived close enough to the events of WWII and failed appeasement of the Nazi onslaught to know some major differences in your conjecture:
(1) Nazi aggression was from a super-conservative megalomania that Germany should rule Europe as well as England. They had developed super-weapons and came close to the Atomic bomb before US sacrifices brought them down in a gigantic joint effort under the supervision of General Dwight Eisenhower.
(2) The current ISIS folks dare not show their faces, cart around big guns on pickup trucks, intimidate and kill with video abandon, are far more bluster and fear-mongers than Germany produced. We are putting weapons of mass destruction over their head every day with abandon. Hardly a week goes by without a report of another leader blown to bits by Allied forces and Special Forces.
(3) We have become more like the Germans in our treatment of War Prisoners at Abu Garib and Gitmo. This scares the dickens out of me as the World Court is seeking Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and George W. Bush under our signed Geneva Accords.
(4) A recent documentary on Cheney, "The World According to Dick Cheney," shows a man who inserted himself into the Reagan Administration and grew powerful and arrogant with each one he served under Daddy Bush and Sonny Bush. He and Rummy ended their last stint by getting their lawyer to sign off on torture --- and then our President. Rumsfeld was forced to depart --- and the last months had George Bush demanding Cheney NOT BE ALLOWED to meet with him again! Even naive George Bush saw the light of deception in the cold heart of Cheney/Rumsfeld. General Colin Powell left the mess over WMD falsehoods years earlier.
(5) Our current President has stopped the hidden torture / withdrawn troops from their "clay pigeon" situation in the Middle East / inserted diplomacy in the place of brute force which was bringing our troops back with PTSD rather than a victory and control of a bunch of Middle Eastern tribesmen who cannot get along with one another, much less form a valid military force and government to bring down America!

I suggest this chapter of your overreach comes close to insanity on your part. The only thing which coincides with Chamberlain's concessions is the lame lies and distortions Hitler used to con a well-meaning Diplomat in the face of a country unwilling to fight back against the Nazi onslaught simply because of Fear. Once FDR was elected, the lend-lease arms program developed, and America’s industrial might put in the equation --- Germany was beaten back.

The moral standards of America ultimately brought peace and integrity back into the world picture of our lifetimes. I think cooler heads and more honesty are in order now. All you are showing is the simple-minded fear that a bunch of thugs can create any government that lasts.
Commented: Monday, March 2nd, 2015 @ 6:25 am By: Gene Scarborough
Hate and violence are the real culprit here, in my view. I taught my son the destructive power of a 20-gauge shotgun the first day he went hunting with me. I filled a gallon milk jug with water and let lose on it a 10'. He got the message loud and clear about ever pointing a gun carelessly and has taught it to his son.

In the olden days a sword was the weapon of choice. In fact, the right hand shake is based on the sword hand grasped between greeters assures them of safety. Once gunpowder was discovered and automatic weapons developed, we have the simple pull of a trigger by a child able to blow a head off the shoulders.

The problem as I see it is abject hate gone wild these days. Thou shalt not kill is simple and basic. Killing with the tongue is equally vile for me . . .
Commented: Friday, February 27th, 2015 @ 6:49 am By: Gene Scarborough
You can prove with theoretical math that an elephant can hang from a daisy over a cliff, but I'm not fool enough to try it.

To look at the slow diminishing of the polar ice caps should make someone ask, "Where is all the water going?" Already places in the Far East are seeing a rise in water in their marshes and inland. That is because they are higher on the earth from the equator than Eastern NC. Our band can take more water without severe change than Maine or points north.

I was in England years ago. They have a 20' tidal change at their longitude. I would not build on the Outer Banks. Piers and houses are going into the sea already. The logic is here and only fools look the other way, in my view . . .
Commented: Thursday, February 26th, 2015 @ 12:25 pm By: Gene Scarborough
What an interesting imagery---bootleggers and Baptists. I heard essentially the same story from a Ranger at Price Memorial Park years ago. The only way mountain farmers could equalize the money earned from small mountain fields vs. large lowland acreage was to maximize the profits by turning their corn into liquor which brought far more per acre.

The tobacco farmer's cash crop meant a lowland Baptist preacher could smoke even though the Puritanical view of Baptists frowned on such.

All I can say is people are funny and politics is ridiculous . . .
Commented: Wednesday, February 25th, 2015 @ 2:07 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Here is the biblical intersection with confused sexuality . . . It is a fact that the Bible was written from a non-scientific world view. Its writers view the earth as a 3-story entity --- water beneath / land / sky above. Anyone claiming the Bible is "without error" would never board a jet for travel. In fact, most early mariners believed if you sailed out of sight of land you could fall off into the abyss. Early Astronomers were threatened with burning at the stake if they persisted in their theory that the earth was a globe circling the sun.

It is not stupidity. It is just interpreting strange things from the man-centered-universe perspective. Early man believed we were the center and all else rotated around us on earth. Once astronomy and mathematics intersected with that view, it did not make sense nor prove itself to be true.

Sadly, some have never "gotten it." They insist on still being the center of the universe, as silly as that might sound to a person viewing Hubble pictures of space.
Commented: Sunday, February 22nd, 2015 @ 7:26 am By: Gene Scarborough
If you had grown up in the rapid growth of Atlanta as I have, you would understand DIVERSITY. I don't understand all about gender orientation, but I have come to see it as a bell-shaped curve instead of an either/or of male or female.

The bell-shaped curve defines Normal from Abnormal. Those in the 60% majority are defined as "what we expect." Those in the ends comprise 40% split in two parts of the abnormal. 20% are extremes from the "normal."

When I took Statistics as part of my Psychology Major at Emory, it became plain to me. Any study of a drug, for example, shows it gets approved if the Majority are getting benefits from it. The extremes represent those "greatly helped" or "greatly harmed" by that drug. Even aspirin affects some people adversely. No drug if perfect.

If you apply that to sexuality, it explains gender orientation. The majority are clear about their orientation / the extreme 20% on each end are "gender confused." It is a combination of nature and nurture. The weird example is hermaphrodites---those who have BOTH genders mixed at impregnation. The baby is born with 2 sets of genitalia! Physicians seldom talk about this real anomaly. I ran into it doing research in the Emory Medical School Library and the Journal of Plastic Surgery.

The article above is accurate and puts a new light on sexual orientation. . .
Commented: Sunday, February 22nd, 2015 @ 7:17 am By: Gene Scarborough
Good plan, Stan ~~~ I see the growth from it / I hope to participate in the advertising benefits of being a contributor. . .
Commented: Sunday, February 22nd, 2015 @ 7:02 am By: Gene Scarborough
Now I know why we gel despite some political differences, Stan! We have both had hard work and diversity in our life and experiences.

I just hope people who read our banter realize we are, at the core, most respectful of our beliefs and outlooks. We are big enough to "agree to disagree" . . . now if you can control the put downs of the "Liberals" you will discover that life is not made solely of Conservatives of your ilk.
Commented: Sunday, February 22nd, 2015 @ 6:58 am By: Gene Scarborough
Let's hope each generation is a better grade of humanity~~~by God's grace . . .
Commented: Sunday, February 22nd, 2015 @ 6:55 am By: Gene Scarborough
Now~~~if this won't make you nice, nothing can, my brother. So happy for you and Lynn to have this blessing in your lives to make up for the parents who now inherit discipline and impatience. Grandparents can do no wrong, man . . .
Commented: Saturday, February 21st, 2015 @ 7:39 pm By: Gene Scarborough
The Gnostic version of the Serenity Prayer --- interesting, Stan.
Commented: Saturday, February 21st, 2015 @ 7:36 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Whatever you say, Mr. Always Right . . .
Commented: Saturday, February 21st, 2015 @ 2:23 pm By: Gene Scarborough
You might be wise, Stan, to get several more cups of coffee so you make better sense to me, at least.

I believe we need to CONSERVE the progressive nature of NC that I saw come into place after graduating Southeastern Seminary in 1970. When I left, it appeared to me that Raleigh would never be more than a Capital cow-town . . . then the Research Triangle Park was conceived / jetport at Kinston / East Carolina Medical School and hospital. This part of NC took off with PROGRESSIVE thinking and planning.

I came back to Rocky Mount in 1986 to watch it deteriorate into a center of drugs and crime because every large industry was leaving by the month. There are no more executive salaries in Rocky Mount because we have lost it to other places. That is REGRESSION in my view.

If you can find a way to quit defending "Conservatives" as the latest and bestest, then you might see the plight of the current Legislature which the article cites.
Commented: Saturday, February 21st, 2015 @ 10:37 am By: Gene Scarborough
We could light a hot fire to offset the cold of Eastern NC with this gas!

He is not perfect---has never claimed to be such --- BUT we are not expanding war / we are backing local attacks on the Terrorists in their own homelands / Russia is getting local control / we are seeing the PTSD rate drop quickly as we send advisers rather than boots on the ground in places we are not wanted.

Diplomacy is such a BAD THING, Stan. Keep up the gases and excrement and we will have enough methane to fuel our tractors for planting time . . . Be sure to wear hour hip boots and use only the corner of your yard lest you pollute you own drinking water, man.
Commented: Saturday, February 21st, 2015 @ 8:04 am By: Gene Scarborough
I totally agree --- we have lost the edge of being Progressive to a more than Regressive bunch in Raleigh.

Now they are sold out to the Koch Brothers and we are on the cusp of fracking filthy oil and endangering the aquifers / considering oil drilling in the Graveyard of the Atlantic and beside the pristine Gulf Stream.

Their lust for money over securing our citizens is become so obvious that even a Lobbyist like our Governor can't do enough PR to cover the Regression . . .
Commented: Saturday, February 21st, 2015 @ 7:57 am By: Gene Scarborough
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