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Comments by Gene Scarborough

I think we need to forget "buzz words" and start a real effort to help one another in NC be more authentic to our great heritage of the State and Beaufort County . . .
Commented: Sunday, April 12th, 2015 @ 2:48 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Dude --- if the show fits, wear it --- if the idiots of GREED want to pollute NC and take it's black gold --- you better invest in some drinking water and pray for God's mercy the we don't have earthquakes and pollute the Gulf Stream.

Screw the stupid / get some smarts and thing PROGRESSIVE rather than REGRESSIVE.
Commented: Thursday, April 9th, 2015 @ 9:07 pm By: Gene Scarborough
As long as egos demand success and big money is made through sports --- all schools of every Conference have a problem!

For this reason, Emory University, my Alma Mater, decided to focus on academics and minor on sports years ago. They are similar to Duke in Methodist connection and cost of education as well as student demands.

It is the perpetual dilemma of education vs. alumni screams for recognition. It will never end and God save the coaches and Administration . . .
Commented: Thursday, April 9th, 2015 @ 9:02 pm By: Gene Scarborough
There will be dogs and cats needing some paper to do their business on and they will profit the most from her . . .
Commented: Thursday, April 9th, 2015 @ 11:58 am By: Gene Scarborough
2 words: Koch Brothers . . .
Commented: Thursday, April 9th, 2015 @ 11:38 am By: Gene Scarborough
She is simply "off message" and virtually says nothing.

Can we get a hyperlink of the Reagan PBS article?
Commented: Thursday, April 9th, 2015 @ 8:09 am By: Gene Scarborough
We are blessed with arts and entertainment beyond any which might be expected in an "out of the way" town with more history than people. I rejoice in what we are offered and applaud your appreciation of such . . .
Commented: Wednesday, April 8th, 2015 @ 8:26 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I am LMAO, Stan --- your monkey of Conservatism is showing it's tail, bro!!!
Commented: Wednesday, April 8th, 2015 @ 8:06 pm By: Gene Scarborough
The characterization of "liberal vs. conservative" is somewhat distorted in my view. Any right to tax citizens involves (or should involve) government doing things that individuals can't accomplish alone. It is still Public Money which should be administered and spent with the same frugality of any business enterprise.

For example---we now have deserted rail for asphalt and concrete. Americans are far too spoiled to have your own car and go where and when you please to wherever we please. The consistent high cost of fuel is proof that collusion exists over price --- and real competition is out the window. Diesel comes off the refinery some 20% before gas---YET at the pump diesel is 20% more than gas.

It defies explanation other than "we can charge you what we please, Mr. farmer, trucker, heavy duty equipment operator because we have you by the nuts." You have to have this type of fuel to do heavy duty work so we have you trapped over competing among ourselves over price---which is true Capitalism. The result is a "fuel surcharge" and higher prices at the grocery store. We get robbed with a pen.

Good government and wise decision-making has---in the past---made NC a Progressive State in education and production. The new Conservatism has turned this state from a PROGRESSIVE to a REGRESSIVE outlook and we are hurting from it.

I have been to Europe and seen the outstanding rail system they enjoy. Their prices for fuel are incredibly high, but their subways and trains get people where they need to go in an efficient manner. Our roads are overcrowded with big trucks when a piggy-back transport of goods to central points (much like airport hubs) would be a far more efficient way to transport heavy goods!

Light rail is a truly capitalistic way of urban efficiency in transport of people.

If we let the Oil Companies stop competing and become dependent on Foreign Oil, we suffer from it. The natural rule of GREED means the few with big wealth want to eliminate any competition and enjoy a monopoly where they can underpay their workers and fool the public into standing in long lines at Wal Mart to "save a buck."

Meanwhile, personal attention and service go out the window over GREED. Investment places of banks and Wall Street have long since lied to investors. ALL corps can legally keep 2 sets of books---one for the IRS / the other for investors. Guess which one looks like crap and which one smells like roses!!!

True capitalism has many banks and investment opportunities BUT regulation is necessary to keep TRUTH in the picture. . . "Buyer beware" is the smug way the 1% who now own 80% of US dollars have robbed us with a pen and little real Capitalism attached.

It is called "Reaganomics" and it has brought us down since the Conservatives had their way in Legislation . . .
Commented: Wednesday, April 8th, 2015 @ 9:11 am By: Gene Scarborough
(1) A "higher education" which results in grads with no ability to reason of back their conclusions with rational thought is nothing but a farce.

(2) A debt no student can pay after graduating is hardly "help."

(3) I benefited from a Student Loan to afford Emory University in 1963-67 --- and paid back every cent despite fellow students who walked away from their low interest benefits---many of whom are now Conservative Representatives bitching about "government intrusion into college tuition."

(4) NC was known for it's great public education at the secondary level and now we have crazy takeovers of the Board of Governors of State Universities wanting to turn them into conservative automatons without a brain.

These are the falacies of education today . . .
Commented: Wednesday, April 8th, 2015 @ 8:33 am By: Gene Scarborough
This is the biggest bunch of OPPOSITE-SPEAK I have ever read. I can't believe people who put women down and hate abortion as they do would have a woman say such. Barbara Bush is the ONLY Republican Woman to tell the "woman haters of Conservatism" to stick it where the sun don't shine.

I would gladly applaud Barbara, this lady makes me laugh at her delusional thinking. Where do they get such empty heads and big mouths??? Between her and Dr. Ben Carson we have a picture of deception bar none!

PBS is now running an insightful series on the "Conservative Revolution" with Ronald Reagan at the helm:

The summary reads: "As president, Reagan unleashed a dramatic series of economic and political initiatives that became known as "the Reagan revolution." He invested in a massive military buildup, challenged the Soviet Union, called for tax cuts and less government. Supporters credit Reagan with winning the Cold War, as well as restoring America's self-confidence and rebuilding its economic and military strength. Detractors assert that the "prosperity" of the Reagan years was built on borrowed money, driving up the national debt and benefiting the wealthy at the expense of the poor. Reagan's legacy is still in dispute, but his impact on American life and politics is unmistakable."

For me the results are already clearly IN = Recession / deficit budget over War / a crumbling infrastructure from meddling in the Middle East too much / lop-sided tax favoritism to corps and the rich . . .
Commented: Wednesday, April 8th, 2015 @ 6:51 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Georgia On My Mind

I am a native of the Peach State by upbringing / actual native of SC by birth / citizen of the SE since I have lived in NC, SC, and GA as I pastored churches of the Baptist persuasion.

The languishing of NC is a direct result of the fall of textiles and tobacco farming. Until and Unless planners start developing education toward modern technology, we will continue the lack of Progress.

My proof is the grand expansion of the Research Triangle Park and East Carolina Medical School. In both cases, PROGRESSIVE leaders of NC saw the light of change to comply with the demands of a modern economy. One additional positive change remains untapped --- the Kinston Jetport for Commercial Air Transport. I had a tag for many years with "RTP" on it which reflected the smart funding through tag sales of these great progressive projects.

Without Atlanta and the decision of many giant corps to move and locate there, GA would be the same retrogressive state as NC! Atlanta is the crossroad of the SE with their rail / air / and commercial development. It lacks the more civilized spread of NC cities diversifying population growth to the Triangle areas of Greensboro and Raleigh. Atlanta is an urban nightmare of too many people too fast and not nearly enough roads to accommodate it!

Atlanta put in a light rail system years ago that helps greatly with congestion. NC refuses to fund such in our metro areas and across the state. We have a big state similar to GA with a massive and costly highway system. Some progressive thinking and planning could change all that IF our Legislators got their eyesight on the big picture over national hate and endless gridlock in Raleigh and the Governor's Office.

In my view, our worst Legislative decision has been Fracking and Offshore Oil Exploration which could result in oil wells in the Graveyard of the Atlantic. The Koch Brother have bought us!!! Tillis, Burr, and McCrory are kissing a smelly crude oil tail to get re-elected and NOT TO SERVE THE PUBLIC INTEREST.

We have solar arrays being placed in Eastern NC by an Australian entrepreneur, but is he getting any development funding? HELL NO!!! How about wind generators? How about tidal energy from hydro sources?

If NC State had great technological progress along with RTP to power our trips into Space, it proves we can do great things with a future and requiring new people of the highest caliber with a refusal to pollute our lovely State's waters and air!

If farmers would consider the world flower market with the Jetport providing instant transport (just like Amsterdam's Sheipol transport of their flowers) --- GUESS WHAT! They have to dredge and dyke the same kind of ocean floor God exposed eons ago in NC. I bet NC State Agriculture could develop ways to outclass and outshine the small growers of flowers in Amsterdam.

Take a trip to Terra Ceia near Bath and see what they have in flower production! Progressive thinking CAN change NC for the better --- along with seeing the fallacy of VooDoo Economics and Trickle Down BS. It started under Reagan / resulted in a Recession that won't go away / deregulation favoring the rich.

Of course NOT --- when a bad TAX idea keeps perverting the opportunities of the Middle Class ~~~ HOUSTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM!!!
Commented: Tuesday, April 7th, 2015 @ 8:05 am By: Gene Scarborough
When we passed the foolish Marriage Amendment, the Attorney General, Roy Cooper, warned that it was likely Unconstitutional. That proved to be EXACTLY TRUE in a few months as the United Church of Christ brought suit and WON a reversal.

What followed was the "weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth" by Conservatives who love bigotry!!!

If Jesus said, "Thou shalt not be gay," it would be a matter of conscience with religious guidance from the top.

He said NOTHING---except love one another and forgive one another as God forgives you . . . AS the little child prayed: "Dear God, make all bad people good and all good people nice!"

Time to move on and move back to a Progressive State we used to have . . .
Commented: Tuesday, April 7th, 2015 @ 7:34 am By: Gene Scarborough
Is the hustle of Raleigh really worth all the days spent on minutia???
Commented: Monday, April 6th, 2015 @ 4:36 am By: Gene Scarborough
NOW ~~~ let's deal with Offshore Drilling and Inland Fracking. Those are the real issues of importance to NC and our environment . . .
Commented: Monday, April 6th, 2015 @ 4:31 am By: Gene Scarborough
I am hard pressed to simplify this to Conservative/right ~~~ Liberal/wrong. Some things do not have a simple "right or wrong."

I prefer the question of whether some actions and line of reasoning leads to PROGRESS or REGRESS. I believe we are put here to do good and leave this world a little better than we find it. Be darned if I see any progress from most Conservatives I know.

The tendency to foment hate concerns me most. What is wrong with "agree to disagree" then work together for the good of the most citizens who pay equal taxes to provide infrastructure needed by the many.

Do the Rich and Corps of NC pay their share?? I think NOT!!!
Commented: Monday, April 6th, 2015 @ 4:26 am By: Gene Scarborough
Why would I expect a guy who has climbed to the top of the Conservative Monkey Tree to admit to such nor climb down one limb ~~~ until the World Court brings Bush/Cheney up for violations of the Geneva Convention and then Colin Powell and other honest conservatives tell how they tried to stop the lies . . .
Commented: Sunday, April 5th, 2015 @ 7:59 pm By: Gene Scarborough
The single thing those who killed the followers all said, "But they died so well with smiles on their faces . . .!"
Commented: Sunday, April 5th, 2015 @ 12:26 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Dude --- hate it HATE / he is what he is and he is damn well leading us back from war to a solid economy and progress.

The choice is PROGRESSIVE / REGRESSIVE --- all I see from Conservatism is Regression. Sorry, but we shall agree to disagree until you get outside your itty bitty boxy . . .
Commented: Sunday, April 5th, 2015 @ 12:25 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Well said, SIR!!!

We thought we had put together a political ideal of Freedom and Justice for All. Then years of slavery proved that if you were a slave, you had no rights. The bloodiest war in American History was fought between North and South and the hate it engendered still rules in our hearts today. If the President had fair skin, he would be honored as he should in his position to which WE elected him.

We thought desegregating our schools was an answer, but now --- some 50 years later --- white cops are shooting with abandon as they practice Hate over Peace. It is not black vs. white, but rich vs. poor and needy. 80% of all US money is owned by 1%. We thought the Trust Busting of the turn of the century into 1900 would solve the rich owning and dictating, but that is obviously another failure in 2015.

The VooDoo of Trickle Down is a farce. Labor Unions are strapped to let workers have a living wage from the greed of Billionaires and Wall Street Investors. Now we are going to Frack NC inland and try to drill Offshore Oil in the Graveyard of the Atlantic . . . When are the Koch Brothers going to get enough money???? Their Nazi heritage is shining through as never before!

We are a nation of Immigrants. Face it ~~~ no one has a special RIGHT TO RICHES in the Land of the Free. Many want to eliminate the Inheritance Tax which was instigated to level any wealthy estate and still let the children have plenty to live on. If you can't survive on several millions of inheritance and are too stupid not to plan for the tax to be paid ~~~ you deserve to return to the working ways of the vast majority in America . . .
Commented: Sunday, April 5th, 2015 @ 7:10 am By: Gene Scarborough
Stan, Stan---such fear and verbosity over your hate of a man recognized for the years of his Presidency as one of the great leaders of the world! How is it the world could be so appreciative and you so denigrating???

When you admit he took office in a time of Great Recession / started withdrawal from war and moved to Diplomacy / followed an Administration which tortured POW's in abject lies and distortion of the threat of Terror / is seeing RECOVERY in every corner of this Economy ~~~ then I will respect your ability to see beyond and beneath the claims of a Conservatism which has CONSERVED NOTHING but hate and destruction of the Middle Class who pay most of the taxes . . .

I pray for your eyes to open to something other than the 4 walls of your Hate Chamber of politics . . .
Commented: Sunday, April 5th, 2015 @ 6:54 am By: Gene Scarborough
The Religious Freedom proposals are nothing but a cover for abuse of others. If we truly love Freedom and Justice, then let all participate as they are led. EVERY early Colony founded on Theocratic theories failed because people said, "God told me this and I now demand you do as God told me."

Sorry, but God loves all his Created Beings and gave us a special place to tend our Garden of Eden. When Mankind lusted for God's Knowledge and his control in the name of one special people, WE BLEW IT!!!
Commented: Sunday, April 5th, 2015 @ 6:45 am By: Gene Scarborough
Thanks, Stan, for the great pics of our historic area! We have much to honor and immolate in 2015!

From my front porch, overlooking the Pamlico River at it's 3-mile width, I sense the spirit of the early mariners longing for freedom and opportunity. The arrogance of British right to own all led us to destroy the Native Americans and take their land for our own use.

Such arrogance lets us today run over others who elect representatives with trust and hope. I am told that we had a collegial political outlook UNTIL we allowed the arrogance of Conservatism to invade us and cause us to follow the national divisions over race, social outlook, and sexual orientation.

My prayer is that we once more seek LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL . . . We can set an example rather than be sucked under by GREED and ARROGANCE . . . May we be once more the leaders we were of the Freedom Dream.
Commented: Sunday, April 5th, 2015 @ 6:39 am By: Gene Scarborough
All but Mary, Martha, and John deserted and cowered into fear and doubt. It was Friday Night ~~~~ BUT SUNDAY IS A COMING . . .
Commented: Sunday, April 5th, 2015 @ 6:22 am By: Gene Scarborough
A lovely tribute to the class of the rural South!

My maternal grandparents has such outside Greenville, SC toward Easley in Pickens County, SC. Their family roots of Kay and Williams are deep and wide. I listened to family talk of all the relatives of influence: Head of the Sociology Dept. at Clemson / first County Agent for Pickens CO / Sheriff of Greenville / other business and civic leaders. Theirs was common sense brilliance birthed on the farm and diverted through the Great Depression and WWII.

I pastored churches in County Seat towns where a wedding or funeral were services of cultured class. The folks with such houses "knew how to be most proper and sophisticated." Their children were taught proper manners and dress. They may have had only one set of dress clothes, but they made a tin plate picture of propriety when they chose!

On the other hand, I had one church where the mountain cabin was the rule and mountain men came to town. It was a class act of people who "gloried in their ignorance." They thought it was great to forbid me to wear a robe at their daughter's wedding. For them, a pair of pressed coveralls as much formality as they could stand. When people, instead of appreciating an orchestra, can only criticize it as "high polluted," is a gaudy display of "crude."
Commented: Tuesday, March 31st, 2015 @ 7:05 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Lucky To Be Here

I grew up in GA and saw things in NC as we visited my 2 uncles near Gastonia and Charlotte. Charlotte reminds me today of Atlanta in the 60-70's as it grew to its first million citizens in the 5-county metro area.

The demands of growth on infrastructure are significant. It is hard to impossible to keep up with such demands because it takes some 10 years of taxation to provide what was needed in the first year of such growth. My county of DeKalb needed a new classroom each Monday at the time / a new school each year in some areas of fast growth. My little Clarkston High School changed from all 12 grades on 1 campus to building a new elementary school down the road / Junior High / then several other High Schools to accommodate the students. Many who expected to be graduates of the CHS Angoras (a smart mountain goat), instead had to be Shamrocks / Tigers / etc. to the destruction of school spirit.

NC was more consistent in population spread. We had Charlotte / RD Triangle / Greensboro Triad. The multiple city growth and expansion allowed a spread of the growth pains to a wider and more solid tax base of support over taxation by fine.

GA was famous for its "Bubba" ways, while NC reflected more sophisticated thinking and education. GA struggled with public education while NC gloried in properly funding its entire education system ~~~ UNTIL . . . what has happened with changing outlooks of Conservatism in the mid-80's.

The false economy of the Education Lottery is a farce / putting the tax burden on working citizens while favoring Corps and the Rich has produced a strain / the attempt to toll the ferries is a farce as well.

I thought the purpose of taxes is to do collectively for the payers what they cannot do alone! Roads from the farm to the city has given rural NC a system far superior to surrounding states. Farmers and Teachers comprise the backbone of NC strength. Other states REGRESS around us --- UNTIL the last the last 4 decades of "IGNERNCE" have seduced us to SECOND BEST . . .
Commented: Tuesday, March 31st, 2015 @ 6:46 am By: Gene Scarborough
A warm and fuzzy exterior / a heart of stone toward cooperation with the Executive Branch ~~~ and they ask why he should do Executive Orders . . . Here's your sign!!!
Commented: Tuesday, March 31st, 2015 @ 6:22 am By: Gene Scarborough
Senator Bill Cook is showing great Progressive thoughts concerning the Sounds and Rivers of Eastern NC. We should all realize that all such areas offshore of VA are spoiled by pollution so "Maryland Oysters and Crabs" are actually from NC!

NOW we should widen our Progressive view of protection of the waters to include Off Shore Oil Exploration. You CANNOT have both healthy aquaculture and oil production in the same locale. It is not a matter of IF oil pollutes, but WHEN. The Gulf of Mexico is the latest massive destruction of wildlife. It happened due to an off-center well head according to the BOEM Official at Manteo.

It was "supposed" to have further security with a Containment Dome BUT~~~OOPS~~~it was approved for use without full protection and now we have a continued mess. There are now strange abnormalities in the aqualife of the Gulf and the kicked up shallow mud smells of sulfur and oil coating the bottom. It will take years for any normalcy to return ---- MEANWHILE . . .

Between the Inland Fracking now approved with secrecy of Felony to disclose the chemicals used and Offshore Drilling --- lies our Rivers, Estuaries, and Sounds. My grandchildren love our little beach water wonderland at Bayview. But it is threatened from both directions by Big Oil GREED. Koch is the name . . .

I strongly suggest that our Legislature go on record as opposing anything Offshore. The alternative is to turn our waters and shores into a Crude Oil covered sandwich . . .
Commented: Tuesday, March 31st, 2015 @ 5:34 am By: Gene Scarborough
I am amazed the the US is the only Industrialized nation which lagged behind in doing some kind of public health system ~~~ and when we finally get it done Conservatives can't stop the bitch-grumble-moan.

Then you try to blame the instigators of AHC for costs running high. The components of healthcare (Hospitals / Pharma / Doctors / suing lawyers / etc.) which have multiplied at 4-5 times inflation have not yet had caps put on their excesses in cost!

What we now have is but a first step. The big money that backs big politics has not yet been addressed. If you are getting a rectal exam with a large lag bolt involved, it's NOT the government using it on you---IT IS EXCESS COST OF MEDICAL PROCDECURES AND TOO MANY SCARED TO GET SICK AND LET YOUR BODY WORK TO HEAL ITSELF.
Commented: Monday, March 30th, 2015 @ 12:26 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Here is the first behind-the-facade article on Ted Cruz . . .
Commented: Monday, March 30th, 2015 @ 6:10 am By: Gene Scarborough
Here is the first Conservative candidate to bemuse, Stan --- now see if you can cover both sides of the battle getting hotter by the day . . .
Commented: Saturday, March 28th, 2015 @ 9:03 am By: Gene Scarborough
You are protesting too much, Stan --- over matters which are making you show your monkey tree conservatism with no consideration to your own party and it's ridiculous candidates thus far.

Give us some stuff on Ted Cruz / Jeb Bush / etc. and I will gladly listen. Thus far your Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) over all things non-conservative is making you look somewhat silly and I want to respect your ability to view both sides of any candidate or issue, man!
Commented: Saturday, March 28th, 2015 @ 8:55 am By: Gene Scarborough
NC is a diverse state made famous by the first Land Grant College in the SE. If we value that tradition, we have to make changes in Raleigh in 2016 --- starting the Governor . . .

Southeastern Seminary is now pumping little dictators into pulpits and the results are not nice. Many small churches no longer go there for student pastors after systematic destruction of fellowship. Learn an important lesson of diversity of become a constant battleground where nobody wins!
Commented: Saturday, March 28th, 2015 @ 8:46 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Tools For Recovery

The ONLY way to avoid PTSD is to restrict our war activities to real issues. The largest part of that disease is soldiers finding out they are being used as targets with no real plan to win.

Chaplain Jim Johnson of Fayetteville did the book based on his and a few others' experience after Vietnam. Decision-makers for these fake wars should burn in Hell for putting good people in harm's way over fake wars . . .
Commented: Friday, March 27th, 2015 @ 7:28 am By: Gene Scarborough
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