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Comments by Gene Scarborough

Interesting article bordering on saying who is "of God" and who is "against God." The history of religion is more interesting than this.

Israel was "under God (YHVH) with the Prophets or Priests telling them what God had to say. Then came their desire for a King like all the surrounding nations. God warned Samuel of the danger but went ahead and led him to anoint Saul as King.

That most interesting story is found in I Samuel 7-11 chapters (in the Old Testament). After going through all the steps to crown a King, Saul is "hiding behind the baggage." In other words, he knew he had a godly purpose, but was unwilling to assume the responsibility!

The story of God and nationhood is one of constant change and cycles. At times Israel was seriously seeking God and at others they were conning the people in God's name. The Pharisees were sure they were the spiritual leaders and then Jesus came proclaiming them to be liars and thieves. See Matthew 23 on this one. Jesus called them "whitewashed tombs full of dead men's bones." His main word was "Hypocrite."

That term has its root in the Greek Theater and the symbol of the 2 masks---one smiling and the other frowning. To save money and to cast any play with all the characters, the producers often let 1 actor play 2 different parts---knowing it was an acting job and consciously doing it. That is---PRETENDING when they KNOW they are opposite characters in basic nature.

The problem was not doing the job right. The problem was when the single actor knew it and enjoyed being spiritually schizophrenic. That leads to the real question Jesus was asking---"WHO IS AUTHENTIC IN HIS PRESENTATION OF THE REAL NATURE OF GOD???"

From day 1 America has been somewhat play acting in some basic claims:
*We proclaimed "freedom and justice for all" BUT enjoyed slavery and social class.
*We have fought constantly over "how to do the Democratic Dream."
*No one could quite agree over who is really right.
*The whole concept of 3 Branches of government in constant battle promotes chaos and conflict---of which we have had plenty in recent years.

I know that EVERY colony formed as "theistic" quickly failed. Each time the problem was a few claiming they spoke for God and all should bow down and follow ONLY them. Within the group were some who did not agree with the hypocrites leading the show.

Jesus came and we---through FAITH---proclaim him to be the long-awaited Messiah. The Jews were looking for another David who would make them the military power they were under that particular King. David was an improved version of Saul. David was a human failure to the point he lusted after Bathsheba and plotted for her husband's death in battle. His own son, Absalom, revolted and ultimately was murdered. What goes around comes around for David. The Psalms are composed of many passages where David laments his humanity and confesses his failures of pretense and hypocrisy.

To follow Jesus meant forsaking earthly specialties of gathering fish and being willing to become "fishers of men." Soon after Jesus left this earth his followers engaged in ego battles over "who was the real leader." Peter is said to be the first Pope, but the Roman Catholic Church could never quit the internal fights over how faithful was their representation of Christ. After many years Martin Luther started to read the Bible and founded the Protestant Reformation where blood was shed in buckets. That was based on how the Catholic Church was far from what the Bible clearly said Christ's followers are supposed to be---loving, forgiving, servants one to another. . .

In sum, it appears to me that mankind is always finding ways to disappoint the Creator. He gave the first couple a perfect place to live---yet they were not satisfied to let God be God and follow that lead. INSTEAD, they had to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. They found themselves to be naked and ashamed --- and God noted their fig leaves as the show of their failure to trust him to provide.

The final analysis here is that:
* God is in charge
* Man is a self-centered separated entity trying to own all of Creation rather than trust God
* SIN means SEPARATION in the basic Greek word for such
* All the laws in the world that man creates does not replace the need to love, forgive, and serve one another on this earth.


Have we the courage to allow for ALL to enjoy FREEDOM AND JUSTICE???

I don't think we are doing such a hot job these days to lead by example in America. It is still an EXPERIMENT in DEMOCRACY . . . If we fail to be consistent with our dreams and beliefs, all around us note the failure. Disciples fussing and fighting over "who is the best" was the problem that reared its ugly head after Jesus went away from them. . . Jesus would never do it for us.

His final word was: "THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS WITHIN YOU!"

It appears to me that we need to do more loving and forgiving---and less judging.
Commented: Saturday, October 17th, 2015 @ 8:18 am By: Gene Scarborough
Now give us working citizens of NC the promised reduction in personal taxes you promised us when the Republican Majority took over Legislative and Executive functions! So far we get lower deductions and more tax to be paid---by the way!
Commented: Friday, October 16th, 2015 @ 4:56 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Up in Rocky Mount, those who moved off the Mill Hill call themselves "high polluted!"
Commented: Friday, October 16th, 2015 @ 4:39 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Great idea!

One famous philosopher said: "It is interesting how easy it is to spread ideas with the new media speed---just when nobody seems to have anything interesting to say . . ."
Commented: Friday, October 16th, 2015 @ 3:54 pm By: Gene Scarborough
In a bad economy and threatened foreclosures, we need options rather than more conservative controls, in my view .. . .It looks to me that raising revenue is a bigger concern than touting new initiatives and see where it goes.

Just another example of Conservative Schizophrenia . . .
Commented: Thursday, October 15th, 2015 @ 5:59 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on What took so long?

I say A-A-A--M-E-U-U-U-N-N-N on this one, Tom.

Could the problem be with too many legal minds whose income is based on "billable hours"~~~whether the client wins or loses---they get paid for stretching the process as long as possible! They love cases where opposing lawyers are participating. They hate the concept of MEDIATION where a cheap non-judgmental person helps parties find a middle ground where all win more than the lawyers!

The basic concept of representative government came from the Enlightenment process of thesis / anti-thesis / synthesis / new thesis . . . Today's hate-filled mud slinging is a sham as well as a SHAME, in my view.
Commented: Thursday, October 15th, 2015 @ 8:16 am By: Gene Scarborough
If NC were doing so well under a Conservative Majority, you could prove it better than you can try to prove that Roy Cooper is a PROGRESSIVE who is tired of the failures we cannot deny in job growth and rising taxes for the working class citizens of this state.

The problem lies in those who have already put us 20 years back and try to call it "a future." Our "contemporary ancestors" need to realize their fake claims are being exposed and the magic of the Great North State has always been in common folks with an opportunity to get ahead more each year by sharing their success . . .

I know Roy Cooper as a back door neighbor in Rocky Mount and Nash County Senator for NC. He has always walked the walk and talked the talk of "freedom and justice for ALL. . ." I shall gladly vote for him and speak to those who try and throw mud at any who would oppose them! ENOUGH!!!!
Commented: Thursday, October 15th, 2015 @ 8:06 am By: Gene Scarborough
The basic issue in this entire area is NC FAILED ECONOMY over the last 20 years. Tobacco has gone down. Even more, Textiles and furniture have left to low wage foreign countries. TRICKLE DOWN does not work, my friends . . .

Where did the concept come from???
Who gave us this pig in a poke???
Have we had enough of the Koch Brothers in NC yet???

We have been covering the severity of the Great Recession with Unemployment Insurance. People whose small businesses have had to cut back are forced to keep paying for workers they can no longer afford to hire. The term "Insurance" is a total misnomer on this one.

The basic concept of INSURANCE is "the sharing of risks." In other words, those who do not have a claim pay those who do by the premiums they pay. The concept came from worldwide shipping days when a small shipping firm would go under if a single ship were lost. Bigger lines could absorb the loss, but little guys could not! The magic concept of insurance was that all the small guys share the risks on any given load. As a Bill of Lading was posted at the dock, individuals willing to share the risk AND profit would sign under it as proof of backing. Hence, the term UNDERWRITER. Labor Unions used to assure workers of fair pay. Where did they go???

If the ship were lost, then each person backing it repaid their portion of the loss to the owner of the ship so he could continue with his business. If the ship landed safely, then the premiums stayed in the pockets of the backers and was part of their profits for the year. Everybody could survive a disaster.

If that concept were carried to modern industry in the US, then a profitable corporation like WalMart would underwrite other corps who are struggling over government decisions which adversely affect them. Another feature would be that big corps pay more taxes which keep small town mom and pop locations open through the insurance concept. Modern Corporate GREED says, "Tough luck / suck it up / we will buy your stock at a severe discount." Had the auto industry bailout been true INSURANCE, then the industrial competitors would share the loss rather than taxpayers bail them out. It all boils down to rules and who pays the rule-makers for their favors.

If you get too far out to fail and too big to fail, should you go under???

A real capitalist economy is based on risk and return. If you are wise enough to buy proper amounts of insurance properly reflecting real risks, then you can survive.

If you are forced to back big guys who do not have to participate because of undue influence on the rule-makers, guess who goes down covering the losses! I speak as one who knows the horrors of the Recession and got no Bail Out as did the big boys . . .
Commented: Thursday, October 15th, 2015 @ 7:51 am By: Gene Scarborough
Some good insights into why NC was so PROGRESSIVE in the mid-80's and now . . .

We have made a bad mistake to employ the politics of hate and distraction in an attempt to control NC. I was in this state from 1967-70 and left for SC concluding "Raleigh would never be more than a Capital Cow Town." Boy, was I ever wrong!!!

The reason was cooperative government with an eye on the future rather than only the past. I returned to Rocky Mount in 1986 and represented a good insurance company all over eastern NC. It was obvious at that time of mid-80's NC was going for the future in a big way. Education was up / a new Medical College was established in Greenville. The RTP was rolling and a new jetport at Kinston promised to change things for the better and grow business into the vacuum of tobacco going down.

Textiles have left over cheap labor. Drugs and Crime have replaced them as the core of the NC economy.

It seems to me that it is time to re-evaluate our priorities and start working TOGETHER instead of trying to replicate DC madness in a good and Progressive state leading the SE to a bright future. . .
Commented: Wednesday, October 14th, 2015 @ 4:05 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Why is it those who live in glass houses enjoy throwing rocks at people on the other side of the political aisle? It is no wonder we are having trouble with trusting conservatives these days. As soon as they get righteous---WATCH OUT!!!
Commented: Wednesday, October 14th, 2015 @ 3:54 pm By: Gene Scarborough
When you are up to your neck in a swamp of Conservatism --- is it not more wise to solve your own loss of way before a 'gator eats you???
Commented: Wednesday, October 14th, 2015 @ 11:46 am By: Gene Scarborough
Stan---name me some Conservatives you know --- now in office --- or wanting such who have a thimble full of integrity. I happen to KNOW this man from my Nash County back door neighbor days as well as NC Senate representation.

The Countrywide complaints were a decision between a rich contributing source and doing what is right. Any people of that variety in McCrory-land???
Commented: Tuesday, October 13th, 2015 @ 5:40 pm By: Gene Scarborough
So . . . the Attorney General gets no credit for busting Countrywide over excess charges for the loans???? No credit for telling it like it is over the Marriage Amendment????

I saw McCrory driving a black convertible into a manure truck last week---but don't tell anyone he is less than perfect when the coal ash spilled from it!!!
Commented: Tuesday, October 13th, 2015 @ 12:42 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Did you ever memorize that Scripture---"It is more blessed to give than to receive."

The second is akin to it from Jesus: "Forgive one another so God can forgive you."

I am still looking for the one about "shoot first and ask questions later!"
Commented: Tuesday, October 13th, 2015 @ 9:52 am By: Gene Scarborough
Get a bunch of Conservatives together and you get a conservative result. They look middle age to old to me and where is the future of NC, pray tell????
Commented: Tuesday, October 13th, 2015 @ 9:39 am By: Gene Scarborough
That is a lot of words to say so little about solving old age starvation, my dear!!!

The Great Depression showed how insecure the American workers were. Banks closed and their hard-earned money in savings was GONE. The Stock Market crashed and they realized a bunch of liars had robbed them with the stroke of a pen. In that era of food lines, hobos riding trains, and farms foreclosed along with homes, the government felt the only real security could come from government with a heart.

In the beginning it was a TRUST FUND. That meant the money was combined and then loaned so it would keep up with inflation. Still, it was a secure fund designated for a "supplemental income" in old age for all US citizens.

Security is a hard thing to find for the average person working in any society. There are always the vultures of GREED trying to figure out how to outsmart their workers and others to get all the marbles in their bag at the end of the day.

I am convinced the best old age security is our children raised to be responsible and to return the love showered on them by their parents.

The concept is worthy for old age security. The problem is crooks in government who change from kindness to GREED as their mantra. Jesus said, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." It came from an annals of Jewish history where everyone was scheming to get ahead rather than treat one another in love and caring.

To rise above selfish greed requires a change of heart and head so that all are secure and share the benefits of a free land with opportunity dreamed by the founders. Kings, Queens, titled gentry all sat back well clothed and fed as the surfs got dirty and barely got by pre-America.

The problem is UNSOLVED --- just as the racial problem continues --- when people seek only their own good and GREED . . .
Commented: Tuesday, October 13th, 2015 @ 9:35 am By: Gene Scarborough

I call BS on this one, my friend.

As a small businessman my $50K new equipment credit is GONE. MEANWHILE, the rich can get a Corporate Jet Credit and the Governor is telling us he is helping --- without making Duke Energy pay for their corruption of the Haw River with their ash dumps --- now in danger of pouring into our good rivers going to the Pamlico Sound . . .

You ARE NOT the Nazi Propaganda machine telling lies big and often so fools believe you . . .
Commented: Sunday, October 11th, 2015 @ 12:55 pm By: Gene Scarborough
In Beaufort County --- where slow down and good driving are king --- we now have Open Carry and it is a "Grimesland Fashion Statement" according to the ammo lady at WalMart. Put guns in the hands of Metro Atlanta crazies on the packed roads and see what happens!!!!

Is there not a better way to prove our macho and resolve social issues???
Commented: Sunday, October 11th, 2015 @ 12:49 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Isn't life simple when Democrats are "liberal skunks" and Republicans are "saviours of the Constitution???

Only naive people buy this scenerio and they are more than stupid, in my view!
Commented: Sunday, October 11th, 2015 @ 12:42 pm By: Gene Scarborough
"In all things --- MODERATION" is my motto . . . Unless I go to Anne's Donuts in Rocky Mount . . .
Commented: Sunday, October 11th, 2015 @ 6:57 am By: Gene Scarborough
I met Wyeth in his picture in the Thematic Aperception Test (T.A.T.) painting of the girl looking back up to the farm house. Helga would be much more interesting, but then it is obvious that the subject would be limited to WOW!!!!
Commented: Saturday, October 10th, 2015 @ 4:27 pm By: Gene Scarborough
The NASTY of national politics now invades NC . . .
Commented: Saturday, October 10th, 2015 @ 11:11 am By: Gene Scarborough
When the Publisher cuts out the comment section without permission from the writer, you have to do the best you can to comment---the best you can!
Commented: Saturday, October 10th, 2015 @ 11:08 am By: Gene Scarborough
Tea Party / Nazi Party --- is there a real difference???
Commented: Saturday, October 10th, 2015 @ 11:05 am By: Gene Scarborough
The kind of conservatism I am seeing these days --- I read about in the "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich." Arrogance is at a peak / the rich get by with little to no tax participation in infrastructure repair / corps get big favors and then move their operations overseas for less costly labor, no environmental concerns, and now they can hide their assets as does WalMart in Luxembourg shell corporations. . .

Kindly look up the Costs of War ~~~
Commented: Saturday, October 10th, 2015 @ 3:51 am By: Gene Scarborough
My first job in NC was at Dorothea Dix on the Alcoholic Ward. The violence I experienced was with a drug adict on our ward under an alcoholic commitment. He pulled a pair of barber scissors on me and someone getting in their car to get his craving satisfied. His eyes were nothing but 2 black holes.

I suspect the real problem is with prescription meds and mental issues. ALL the pics I have seen on disturbed individuals going on a killing spree showed a face with wide eyes not looking normal.

We have a culture hooked on drugs and guns easily available to them without proper background checks and people reporting them when they start acting strange. In every case the investigation has shown serious hate issues fueled with a distorted mind devoid of conscience.

We CAN do better, in my view . . .
Commented: Friday, October 9th, 2015 @ 4:33 pm By: Gene Scarborough
If we learn to be more patient and work out differences without gunfire---would that not be wiser????

I suggest we make a greater effort at Public Mental Health as well . . .
Commented: Friday, October 9th, 2015 @ 10:10 am By: Gene Scarborough
Let's just do like "W" ~~~ go to war with the wrong country / bail out the big boys that drove their corps into the dirt / protect big banks and investment firms from accountability to their investors / offer some reasonable alternatives as a positive step to a better economy . . .
Commented: Friday, October 9th, 2015 @ 8:25 am By: Gene Scarborough
As long as NC colleges and universities have the reputation of being party schools, we draw those rich kids willing to spend parents' money and have the great basketball schools for their ego satisfaction.

Meanwhile, jobs for them are scarce until we get rid of the current Conservatives running this state into the ground of corporate loss . . .
Commented: Thursday, October 8th, 2015 @ 5:42 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on The Party's Over

Tom always gets to the core of political pretense. Let's hope we get smarter in NC than to listen to PR from Conservatism when our state has become most REGRESSIVE in the last 10 years.

I am ashamed that smart people of NC are so easily duped into a sick conservatism . . .
Commented: Thursday, October 8th, 2015 @ 5:25 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I note that many are using words to impress rather than communicate. Never use a .25-word when a .10-one communicates better! That comes from being in front of a Baptist congregation for 16 years full time and then ever since as needed.

Any good speaker must be a communicator. From the speaker's stand you can see when eyes gloss over and you realize THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT I AM TRYING TO SAY!

9 out of 10 times it has to do with me trying to impress over communicate clearly. One of the biggest bafoons of Conservatism, Dr. Paige Patterson of Texas, is the classic user of big words when more succinct ones will do. He is always trying to impress, but a bully on the playground can't hide behind big words.

What is most funny is that he claims to run his wife as all women should be run---then does a President's article about how she forbade him to bring his dog inside to her lovely carpets at Magnolia Hill, the pompous name she gave the President's home in Wake Forest on the main highway.

What is even more comical is that "Magnolia Hill" was the last known whorehouse in Wake County!!! Pomp and circumstance went to "you are too arrogant" in that corner of Wake County and the people are glad he graduated back to Waco, Texas, and Southwestern Seminary. She renamed that house "Pecan Manor." That could have been the last mental institution in Texas for all I know---but I don't give a nut about it now. . .
Commented: Thursday, October 8th, 2015 @ 6:22 am By: Gene Scarborough
It is amazing any of the businesses run by an legislators ever made a dime!!!

OOPS~~~I forgot most of them are lawyers and they get paid by billable hours so the longer it takes the more you make!!!
Commented: Thursday, October 8th, 2015 @ 6:07 am By: Gene Scarborough
One simple question: Will there be angry women with war faces running the show?
Commented: Wednesday, October 7th, 2015 @ 7:11 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I don't understand why NC Legislators and our Governor do not seem to care about Rural Healthcare when most of NC is rural!

It appears to me that anything which is a service to citizens makes them sick at the stomach if profit is not involved . . .
Commented: Wednesday, October 7th, 2015 @ 7:08 pm By: Gene Scarborough
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