Comments by Gene Scarborough | Eastern North Carolina Now

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Comments by Gene Scarborough

I have read Commissioner Richardson's remarks on hidden agendas in the most recent Beaufort Observer. He is right over the need for transparency!

What is his personal stake in the Jail Renovation issue---since he owns the adjacent building as does the BO reside there paying him rent, I assume???
Commented: Sunday, April 26th, 2015 @ 7:46 am By: Gene Scarborough
Thanks for fulfilling your promise to get it back up. I have more stuff coming and hope the readership profits from some alternate views in BCN, my friend. . .
Commented: Sunday, April 26th, 2015 @ 7:42 am By: Gene Scarborough
When his lop-sided tax code is gone / corps and the rich actually start investing in America / when Regulation really returns to Wall Street and Banks --- I shall shut my mouf, bro!!!
Commented: Sunday, April 26th, 2015 @ 6:17 am By: Gene Scarborough
Just hire me to do more tree work for you, Stan --- then I will have enough bucks to get caught up, my brother!!! I'm not a paid politician and this is my FREE CONTRIBUTION to Beaufort County Conservatism . . . I'm getting between 100 and 200 views with each article by giving you some diversity, man
Commented: Sunday, April 26th, 2015 @ 6:15 am By: Gene Scarborough
For some stupid reason you fail to see the continuity of government policy. The Chicago School of Finance came up with Trickle Down / the Senate bought it and Reagan signed it into law / the Tax code then reflected it / the Great Recession is the same proof of failure as was the Roaring 20's, Prohibition, no regulation of Wall Street of banks. 1% now owns 80% of all money in the USA = we have gone back to the Robber Barron Era that Teddy Roosevelt ended with Trust Busting.

If you are too naive to see how history repeats itself and America is based on average people having a chance~~~you belong back in the Old World as part of the royalty and laws to keep the rich getting even richer, Stan . . .
Commented: Saturday, April 25th, 2015 @ 8:50 pm By: Gene Scarborough
It's Gone with the Wind, bro!!! That happened over political bickering with you and Hood climbing the Conservative Monkey tree.

If we should have a fire and prisoner lives be lost or harmed, you will wish you had done something real instead of the party posturing . . . This has been a problem since the 1980's and is long overdue for solution, bud!!!!
Commented: Saturday, April 25th, 2015 @ 8:45 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I am amazed this post has already dropped of the page. It is growing in readership. It is a logical review of education which is much needed in your setting.

You are so into your Conservative eating, you have gotten something in your eyes and ears that prevents any analysis of what is from a solid middle and what is "liberal."

Keep it up and I may be forced to reascend my offer to visit with me on the porch beside the River. My dad used to say: "Draw a circle and shut me out / I will draw a bigger one and include you in mine . . ."
Commented: Saturday, April 25th, 2015 @ 7:12 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I am most interested in your observations, Stan. Many of them I can uphold---especially the nature of a Republic vs. Democracy. Let me ask you a few questions:

(1) How can we know national candidates in a Madison Avenue world of advertising?
(2) Are you saying we did right by torturing POW's after 9/11?
(3) Why is it so important to divide rather than find a reasonable compromise?
(4) We are still in a recession brought on by a failed Trickle Down theory and tax code---how do we get out?
(5) You fail to mention my hero of NC politics, Sam Erwin and his sense of integrity over Watergate---any reason for this?
(6) NC is a big state with many outlooks contending for rule---should we simply legalize moonshine for which NC is famous and drink until we can be friends?
(7) NC made good progress from 1970-early 2000 ---WHAT HAPPENED????
Commented: Saturday, April 25th, 2015 @ 7:05 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Federalist Party

It is interesting how much war and taking of land has to do with early America. We defined the Indians as "heathens" so we could run over them. Without gunpowder and the musket ball the job might have been impossible.

If we had paid attention to the good things of nature preservation and worship of the Native Americans, we might actually have a land not raped for natural resources!

Much more of a person's outlook on politics has to do with personal gain over some real ideals. Someone wisely said, "A Republican is just a Democrat who made lots of money---and wants to keep it all!"
Commented: Saturday, April 25th, 2015 @ 6:48 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I am interested in the psychotic disorder which made you think I support government spending money it does not have ~~~ nor taxing the mess out us in a failed economy to keep their income at 100% while mine is at 20%. . .
Commented: Saturday, April 25th, 2015 @ 6:38 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Solar Solution

All it takes is a few country folk to make practical things much needed . . .
Commented: Saturday, April 25th, 2015 @ 6:35 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Stan, old sport ~~~ you now have me designated "far left of center." I dare you to make this "far left" as well as most things I write.

Maybe it's time for you to go and get some adjustments to you glasses and your eyes --- so "far right" they can't see the other end of the political spectrum. In the case of most Conservatives, there has been a 1/3 addition to the right end of the bench as well as an additional leg --- so it won't dump you guys into the River!
Commented: Saturday, April 25th, 2015 @ 12:33 pm By: Gene Scarborough
It did not sink in BECAUSE IT IS COMMON SENSE ~~~ IF THE ECONOMY HAS SMALL BUSINESSES like mine operating on 20% of what I made pre-Recession ~~~ why should government think is should not live in the same world as ME?????
Commented: Saturday, April 25th, 2015 @ 12:27 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Thanks for the great pics, Stan!!!

The only thing which concerns me is how lovely our natural beauty is NOW vs. what happens when Fracking inland and possible Offshore Oil Wells in the Graveyard of the Atlantic threaten the Outer Banks and Gulf Stream?

If Fracking corrupts our rivers, streams, and aquifers flowing down hill to the Sounds and Offshore Drilling has a blow out (as did the Deep Water Horizon) ~~~ will we in Beaufort County become a CRUDE OIL SANDWICH????
Commented: Saturday, April 25th, 2015 @ 8:45 am By: Gene Scarborough
Gerrymandering is an old tactic which only adds to the angst and hate of politics.

What would be the problem if voting districts simply used long-existing County lines as their model? We need some common sense in this---NOT SOME MANIPULATION MANDATE!
Commented: Saturday, April 25th, 2015 @ 8:38 am By: Gene Scarborough
If the article started without the put down of Democrats, "liberals," and any not in his camp, it would be far more logical. Any time compromise is put down~~~we have a problem ever getting a cooperating Legislature and Government . . .
Commented: Saturday, April 25th, 2015 @ 8:31 am By: Gene Scarborough
This is an example of legislative confusion.

We saw it with deregulation of the phone system. What was meant to open doors to competition actually complicated things for the Bell System to accommodate the newbies to telecommunication. Long haul---rates have gone up in telecommunication!

ALL UTILITIES have to serve a mass of citizens in a given territory. What is the problem with allowing large servers of the public to offer input and keep them within reasonable profit ranges?

Banks serve the public. That segment is now down to a few major players buying their competition hand over fist each year. At some point a wise MIDDLE GROUND should be sought balancing honesty and public need. All corps get to keep 2 sets of books (legally). The one that the IRS sees shows much red ink / the one the investor sees show glowing profit and progress. Somewhere in between is TRUTH!
Commented: Saturday, April 25th, 2015 @ 8:27 am By: Gene Scarborough
Please correct my figure cites for the County Manager to those of Hood Richardson who knows all the details of the contract offered a new Manager...
Commented: Saturday, April 25th, 2015 @ 8:15 am By: Gene Scarborough
Stan---since you have not advocated for lowering Property Taxes to a more realistic value, you are trying to generate black ink on the backs of us citizens. At any meeting the Commissioners COULD vote to change the evaluations by 30% downward to reflect the realities of property actually sold in the last 5 years GETTING 30% LESS THAN THE APPRAISED VALUE!

Most of us working folks are making LESS than we did 20 years ago. HOWEVER, government is now bleeding us to balance a budget. In the case of NC, so many breaks are given the rich that we CAN'T BALANCE THAT BUDGET. You theorize that money will trickle down is the rich are favored.

The reality in NC is that average folks are paying more the last 2 years / my small business can not longer use the $50K tax credit to purchase new equipment / BUT a wealthy person or corp can buy a multi-million dollar private jet with credits given to them . . .

My tree of "PROPERTY taxation confusion" is more than dangerous to my house ownership while we are considering paying a new County Manager some $125,000---to be frustrated by the Commissioners who make decisions about the underfunded Jail and Healthcare in Belhaven . . . WHERE IS THE EQUITY, MY BROTHER????
Commented: Saturday, April 25th, 2015 @ 8:12 am By: Gene Scarborough
I think this is a Senator who has his hands in the Koch Brothers pocket!!!

When our Legislature got conned into Fracking as if there is no danger to aquifers inland and rivers which feed into our Sounds, they were stupid. Now, the plans to possibly drill for oil in the Graveyard of the Atlantic beside our Outer Banks and near the Gulf Stream prove we are being raped for a resource long past its need --- with alternate sources available besides fossil fuels.

Sometimes the long term good far outweighs the short term skinflints of Conservatism. If we take outselves back to the cave for polluting this earth's atmosphere and causing rising oceans, then get your beach chair and put it just outsides Fayetteville in the Sand Hills --- which were once the beach of NC!
Commented: Friday, April 24th, 2015 @ 10:26 am By: Gene Scarborough
This is an interesting series contrasting "Conservative" vs. "Liberal" education. I gather this conservative slant is saying, "We want grads who CONFORM to our vision of TRUTH.


This version of education presented here reminds me of the Nazi way of thought before and during WWII. Germany is known to be 10-20 years ahead of us in critical thought. Anyone wanting to achieve a PhD in Theology must learn to read German to be up on the latest in theology/philosophy. Germans love to argue incessantly over WHAT IS TRUE AND WITHOUT ERROR.

Into that picture came a man who promised that the Aryan race was to be restored to power in Europe. It lit a fire glowing in German hearts and souls after WWI and their defeat. The Treaty of Versailles demanded they pay back the other nations for all the money spent to defeat them. The result was abject bankruptcy to Germany and a severe Depression---alongside the one that engulfed America at the same time. It was all a result of world-wide banking and investment magnates who lied and stole with the stroke of a pin!

That is part of our dilemma today as well. Our Great Recession currently on is a direct result of a theory called Trickle Down. Reagan promoted it with promises that if we did little taxing of the wealthy citizens, they would, in turn, invest in larger businesses and the working man would get the results with higher wages and plenty of jobs available. In addition --- if we stopped regulating the banks and stock market then competition would give us lower prices and more efficiency! We could achieve glory ONLY IF the Conservative mantra were followed.

Back to education and research ~~~ it has been since the 60's that the theory has been tried. The "great society of Conservatism" now has 1% of Americans owning 80% of the money in this economy. Wages have not increased, but rather fallen. The banks and Wall Street fell apart even as greatly restricted Regulators were housed in the floors of the Lehman Brothers Bank in NYC!. How could we have been so fooled????

The core of the failure is human GREED!

Instead of investing in America, the tax-saving corps located overseas for cheap labor and no environmental regulations. "Pollute and pillage" was the Corporate mantra instead of "invest and grow providing Americans a share of the success." Child labor was easy overseas and no one would know---until the media started reporting wealthy Americans like Nike building expensive shoes with small hands of 10-year-old children slaving for 10-12 hours a day!

Offshore banks offered tax havens and hidden books our Regulators could not examine. NOW they have big bucks and Americans banks don't have money to loan small businesses wanting to grow!

These are the realities of THINKING vs. GREED.

The brilliant and philosophical Germans were had by a bunch of ruffians who made Jews, Gypsies, and homosexuals the target of their Aryan HATE. They got their economy going by violating the Versailles Treaty over rebuilding their war machines. Their technical genius gave them planes and the Tiger Tank along with an air-cooled diesel engine to power them. Add to that a most efficient way to kill people with Syren gas and showers for the Jewish captives. The "War to End All Wars" was a farce and had to be fought over again with more lives wasted.
Commented: Friday, April 24th, 2015 @ 6:18 am By: Gene Scarborough
Come on out to my next tree job and see how common sense brings down a tree within 5' of where I am standing to gauge the distance! The most basic math equation is~~~any object doubles in weight for every foot it falls so even a small looking limb at the top of a 60' pin can hurt your bad.

With the hard head of conservatism, Stan, you won't require a helmet!
Commented: Friday, April 24th, 2015 @ 5:15 am By: Gene Scarborough
I took algebra / calculus and that was it for me. I have no clue to what you are alluding or trying to say, my good buddy . . .
Commented: Thursday, April 23rd, 2015 @ 7:38 pm By: Gene Scarborough
"Yatta -- yatta -- yatta," says the expert on all things Conservative
Commented: Thursday, April 23rd, 2015 @ 1:44 pm By: Gene Scarborough
"Look it up" ---- great dodge, Stan!!!

I have attended several County Commission meetings. I saw the lack of cooperation that needs to get fixed if we are to use tax money wisely for the benefit of the taxpayers of Beaufort County.

Congeniality is the missing ingredient, my brother! If you think "it is shallow" then you need to disguise yourself and talk with people as I do. We ARE TIRED of excess Property Taxes --- by 30% --- based on an expensive appraisal by the lowest bidder which defies the reality of ACTUAL SALES VALUES for property in this County.

I think the "wagging of the tongue outpacing the working of the brain" is at the core of your buddies of abject Conservative bent!
Commented: Thursday, April 23rd, 2015 @ 10:53 am By: Gene Scarborough
I think this is a surface look at education which most will miss. To me, the purpose of Higher Education is to broaden the mind in the humanities and train the gifted for science or math. The ideal result is professionals who are conversant about things broader than their narrow area of expertise.

For this reason the first 2 years require courses in many areas before one selects a Major in the last 2 years. Those who want the Masters or PhD go then to Graduate Schools in that field where research and collegial discussions occur. At the College level it is teacher above student / at the Graduate level it is fellow educated and qualified students working as research partners with their Professors.

The major problem with higher education these days is "if you have the money, you can go to the party." Scholarships and loans help many to attend who are not really qualified by academic scores on the SAT and GRI. Many are taught to the test over "taught to think critically and creatively" . . .

Drunken athletic cheerers are the result rather than broadened minds seeking TRUTH. Too many graduate with an expectation of at least $65K and all the perks of Corporate America. Just because they have a college degree, they view it as a ticket to big bucks, a generous retirement, computer, A/C and no dirty hands or sweat. When any athlete can't speak proper English---something is badly WRONG!

That would be an elitist life of ease over that of a mechanic or farmer in the hot sun turning wrenches. Now the sophistication of computer technology in our cars has imprisoned the average owner to the manufacturer. It has destroyed the old shade tree mechanic who fixes things with duct tape and bailing wire to get through the day.

Most farmers get angrier over the A/C not working than the engine not producing the H.P. for pulling the plow it pulls. All of us are spoiled to comfort. Our version of suffering is having to watch a Black-and-white show on a color TV!
Commented: Thursday, April 23rd, 2015 @ 10:46 am By: Gene Scarborough
It is important to note ~~~

(1) the claim of reduced state taxation is attributed to Republican Legislators with no acknowledgement that a bi-partisan majority participated in the vote.

(2) the greatest recipient of tax reduction WAS THE RICH in typical Republican thinking. They get big breaks over new jets and other perks of wealth!

(3) I was at a meeting in Greenville sponsored by Progress NC ( That meeting featured several citizens who do not concur with Mr. Cook on taxation of the working middle class of NC. They ALL reported their state tax GOING UP in the last 2 years of filing. Gone is the $50,000 credit to small businesses for purchasing new equipment! Most small businesses, like mine of Tree Surgery, have not benefited from any measures Senator Cook cites.

That is unfortunate and belies his claims that Republicans have helped NC citizens with their theories of taxation recently implemented over the last 2 years.
Commented: Thursday, April 23rd, 2015 @ 10:21 am By: Gene Scarborough
Good questions, Ted . . .

A "call from God" is out of the biblical story of Abraham when God communicated with him over sacrificing his eldest son to show his love of God. It is straight from the pagan world of human sacrifice at the time. God provided a goat trapped in a vine and virtually said, "I was just testing you Abraham and you don't have to kill your son for my pleasure . . ." Later he had a dream which led him to father in old age the various sons who became the genesis of the Tribes of Israel.

Another "call" came to Moses in the burning bush event. At that point Moses was told to go to the Pharaoh and demand "let my people go."

Both "calls" were supernatural in nature. Moses protested that he could not even speak in public so Aron became the mouthpiece for Moses.

Both Billy Graham and my father were on the farm when they got their "call to preach." Both had a sense that God wanted to use them as Preachers. Billy went to a most conservative school, Wheaton, for seminary. Prior to that he was at a Conservative Bible College in Florida. My father entered Mercer, a more middle-of-the-road education institution started by Baptists in GA. He went from there to Andover-Newton Seminary at Boston because he felt it was the best institute of its kind in America with outstanding faculty in theology.

In Baptist world anyone can be "called." They focus more on the emotional experience and do not require educational credentials to pastor a church, just an invite from the Pulpit Committee. Methodists, on the other hand, and Presbyterians have more control of clergy. They both require a formal education at the college or seminary level which results in a Masters Degree. They ordain their ministers at the larger level with a promise to get them a pulpit. Methodists assign their clergy in their District or Conference / Presbyterians let individual churches call from the ranks of ordained clergy in their Presbytery.

In all this is the mystery of the Holy Spirit at work PLUS the politics of a circle of friends gleaned from who you know and who was your professor at seminary. In other words it is a mix of divine and human relationships and HOPEFULLY the good clergy person seeks to find God's Will for themselves and their churches each time along the journey through life and various churches. . .
Commented: Thursday, April 23rd, 2015 @ 10:08 am By: Gene Scarborough
You fail to answer my question on the difference between a "Commission" and a "Council," Stan!

To me Commission implies active decision making / Council implies giving input from citizens to the paid County Executive. I could be a PARTNERSHIP FOR PROGRESS in Beaufort County, if that were the case.

Right now we have a continuing fist fight each month to see who is going to be the "top dog." The recent bru-ha-ha over a new Executive is but another chapter in that continued entertainment.

My real thought is: WHY CAN'T WE GET ALONG IN COUNTY GOVERNANCE??? We have great problems with the Jail and Healthcare in Belhaven---just to name 2 issues. Don't forget high property taxes the Commissioners could correct at any meeting . . .
Commented: Thursday, April 23rd, 2015 @ 9:31 am By: Gene Scarborough
This article is giving me much enlightenment as well as entertainment!

We all know the days of oil and fossil fuel dependency need to end for the future of our planet. We have solutions here --- and coming down the pike --- in solar, wind, water, nuclear, and who knows what new concept to power humanity. Nobody in the South wants to give up their HVAC system. Were it not for such, the South would still be too hot to endure!
I first lived and worked in NC 1967-70 as I matriculated to Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and lived in Wake Forest. I was the first Baptist Chaplain to the Wake County Juvenile Court and, before that, worked on the Alcoholic Ward of Dorothea Dix Hospital as a Nurse’s Aide.
When I left NC to begin my ministerial career in SC my comment was: "Raleigh will never be more than a Capital Cow Town with Jesse Helms shouting in the corner over WRAL." I was chagrined to have come from Atlanta as Lester Maddox's conservatism was sworn into their governorship. Atlanta was booming, much of GA was still as rural as NC which seemed to relish its textiles and tobacco to sustain itself along with tourism. There was little eye to the future in 1970!
Something happened in the interim while I was gone until 1986 I came to Rocky Mount and represented Ministers Life Insurance Company over eastern NC. I relished the good environment for our growing children and the flat roads that brought me back home most nights---even from Wilmington or Manteo. We had great connections for me in my travels.
Something dramatic had happened while I was gone. The RDU Triangle had boomed and Greenville now hosted a growing University and Medical School. All the things we a direct result of political decisions to open NC doors to clean industry and PROGRESSIVE THINKING. . .
I so love it when the "small government / no help from tax dollars" Conservatives have to admit solar energy (which is most PROGRESSIVE) is a direct result of tax use to promote the future of NC! My car tag even had the RTP letters on it which showed part of my tag fee went to PROGRESSIVE things such as a Commercial Jetport at Kinston, along with the progress in Greenville and the RDU Triangle.
I see NO PROBLEM with PROGRESSIVE thinking / I see great problems with REGRESSIVE outlooks controlling our Legislature in the past 10 years. We are all suffering from lack of vision and political infighting. Give BOTH Democrats and Republicans a hand when they have cooperated in the past for growth. We have lost most of our Textiles and now Tobacco is not the great source of wealth it once was. When you can't smoke on the Campus of Beaufort CC, we have become a bit too REGRESSIVE for me
We still have lost our way with Big Oil now Fracking NC and threatening to put Offshore Drilling in the Graveyard of the Atlantic---between our pristine Outer Banks and the Gulf Stream. We, in Beaufort County, could well become a crude oil sandwich between aquifers corrupted by Fracking and a guaranteed oil spill just as they had in the Deep Horizon fiasco in the Gulf of Mexico. I am told tar balls are washing up on the Outer Banks and lower parts of our coast.
Our future can be bright with new thinking of a Progressive sort. NC State has made significant contributions to the Space Program which is the instigator of solar energy and other innovations . . . They could help the tobacco farmer compete in the World Flower Market as we now have Commercial Jet service where large transports could speed fresh flowers around the word---in competition with Amsterdam.
Commented: Thursday, April 23rd, 2015 @ 9:22 am By: Gene Scarborough
I strongly support the efforts to stop Human Trafficking. The Pitt County Sheriff's Department go a grant some time ago for special enforcement --- YES they have found much in Pitt County!!! We thought we were rural and nice, but that is the very place for trailers and shacks down rural roads with lines of men standing and waiting for "services."

It reminds me of a female dog in heat surrounded by willing males . . .
Commented: Thursday, April 23rd, 2015 @ 8:19 am By: Gene Scarborough
If it were a "Council" would it be any different from "Commissioner"?
Commented: Thursday, April 23rd, 2015 @ 8:15 am By: Gene Scarborough
Please make the following corrections:

Susan Braddy --- graduated WHS in 2008 / now a preschool teacher at St. James Preschool in Greenville

Daniel Garcia --- graduated WHS 2010, Band Director at Northside High School

Beth Hegwer --- graduated WHS 2003, resides in Winterville, NC, teaches Middle School Chorus

Vickie Johnson --- taught math at WHS, played an active role in Stunt Night

Kay Chance Wilson --- began her career teaching in Beaufort County Schools in 1974, taught English at WHS for many years and retired in 2009
Commented: Wednesday, April 22nd, 2015 @ 6:55 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Stan---you and Hood are both smart men, but locked totally into an agenda of Conservatism.

Why not "conserve" some collegiality on the Beaufort County Council?
Commented: Wednesday, April 22nd, 2015 @ 6:42 pm By: Gene Scarborough
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