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Comments by Gene Scarborough

I am trying to recognize you, Stan --- all you and Hood did at the Commissioners meeting I have seen is WHINE AND BITCH AND BUCK. Perhaps, you put on another suit when you leave because I enjoy our personal discussions. Neither of us has ever whined there, to my knowledge.

I see no point in ever positioning ourselves so as to not respect the other side or impugn them needlessly. My dad always advised me to never burn bridges you don't have to because you may need that person's help one day!

As a amateur photographer, I know I can use Stan's input to get the kinds of shots he makes. However, my little telephoto series entitled "The Girls of Myrtle Beach" is hard to improve, good friends.
Commented: Thursday, April 30th, 2015 @ 5:22 pm By: Gene Scarborough
. . . and then all the Legislators boarded a plane to the Bahamas as guests of the Lobbyists --- carrying large suit cases of money to entertain them . . .
Commented: Thursday, April 30th, 2015 @ 9:17 am By: Gene Scarborough
Emory is "fair and balanced"---unlike the fake claim of Fox News, Tony. I learned quickly that an "A" or "B" could only be had by turning both left and right and then having some personal view you could explain with LOGIC.

Glad you have availed yourself of their medical expertise. My mind profited from the stretching of it under their goal of Renaissance Mind tutelage. I bet when you left --- only by doing left turns, you were better for it!

No one has ever been beaten nor given enough "special favoritism" to be smart enough to succeed in life. My poverty is the result of bad economic government decisions and an oppressive Tax Code conceived by the Trickle Down economists of the Chicago School of Finance along with a super sales job by Reagan.

The years since it went in---NOTHING has trickled down to the working middle class in America. "1% owning 80% of all US money" is the result --- and we are headed back to the Old World economy where only the titled and royalty have their own homes.

After 50 years --- the results PROVE the rich have the mine and we have the shaft, my friend!!!
Commented: Thursday, April 30th, 2015 @ 9:14 am By: Gene Scarborough
Stan---I am a Middle-of-the-Road thinking citizen, if you please!!!

Your abject refusal to take Conservative criticism has you clinging to a sinking piece of waterlogged wood in a big ocean of REGRESSION, man.
Commented: Thursday, April 30th, 2015 @ 9:02 am By: Gene Scarborough
The War on Poverty and Vietnam War both began to bankrupt America. Any common sense should have told us you can't fight and pay forever with nothing but dependency as the result.

The problem with Social Security now is that a Trust Fund designed to go up and down with inflation and calculated carefully to be a Supplemental Security Income (SSI) was sucked into the General Budget to cover the cost of War! Now the Budget gave only a 1.5% increase in a 5% inflation scenario this year. All of us who paid the tax through our working life are more than pissed at this!!!

Here is the ticket on war that Bush started:

If we count a generation as 10 years, we now have FIVE generations of dependent Americans who should have worked their way up in the first 10 years or been cut off. Our Agencies to handle the program are in larger and larger buildings and growing in employees as well.

When Santee-Wateree did the first funding of programs, one was to provide a housekeeper to qualifying people who would go around each week and clean their houses for them. As the Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Bishopville, SC, we lived in the nicest parsonage in SC---BUT we did the housework. The custodian cut the grass, but I gladly kept the bushes and cut a tree down. I consulted with the County Agent and got directions to correct the fungus problems killing all the shrubs.

Some of my best thinking time for good sermons was when doing yard work. It made me fit and anyone who want to get out of poverty can think their way out as a first step---while doing work with a swing blade and mower!!!

2 wars, one killing and maiming my friend and the other making people into porch bunnies was STUPID!!!
Commented: Thursday, April 30th, 2015 @ 6:04 am By: Gene Scarborough
National Security was stamped on his toilet paper and napkins lest we find out he secretly took a drink!!!

Had he been our protector, 9/11 never would have happened / our response would have been in the right places rather than oil rich Iraq / black ops and Special Forces would have been deployed and we could have gotten his buddy from the ben Laden family~~~which he quickly got out of the US on military aircraft.
Commented: Thursday, April 30th, 2015 @ 5:51 am By: Gene Scarborough
I am going to sound harsh here on Welfare:

I think we have the perfect solution for WIC card obesity and unemployment~~~instead of hiring all the tractors and prisoners being used to keep roadsides---let each recipient do the same 40 hours a week of public work BEFORE the card is charged! They can fix potholes alongside DOT workers as well.

This is just the start of ending a 5-generation sucking of the tit on Title XX. Had I had my way, it would have terminated in year 10. If you can't get out of your hole in 10 years---TOO DAMN BAD!
Commented: Wednesday, April 29th, 2015 @ 7:03 pm By: Gene Scarborough
It should have been Harry Painter --- sorry 'bout that, buddy.

He "paints" a picture of education I don't think is wise, folks . . .
Commented: Wednesday, April 29th, 2015 @ 6:57 pm By: Gene Scarborough
By that "evil" thing called Executive Order---of which he did twice as much as "Obummer."
Commented: Wednesday, April 29th, 2015 @ 6:55 pm By: Gene Scarborough
WOW, Stan---great pics, brother!!!

Again I am astounded and wondering what Fracking will do and if we allow oil rigs offshore between the Outer Banks and the pristine Gulf Stream???
Commented: Wednesday, April 29th, 2015 @ 6:52 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I am TOTALLY in agreement with Ted on Welfare. It has now been 5 generations since I served on the Title XX (LBJ War on Poverty) funds going to the Santee-Wateree 5-county district of SC. I stated in the meeting--and still contend--any program which makes a person want to stay on government subsidies for a month longer than necessary---IS NOT DOING ANYONE A FAVOR!

Stan should kiss me on the cheek over that totally Conservative view---"I shall shave close," as General Patton said in his formal apology for hitting a soldier.

On the Baltimore Mess is say --- the whole thing looks like Brown Shirt thugs rounding up the Jews into their new Ghetto. If Siren gas gets used on the crowds, we will soon know if the Conservative Propaganda line is just a cover for Police Terrorism . . .
Commented: Wednesday, April 29th, 2015 @ 5:57 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Chris tries to do an "opposite take" on education, but is hardly a wise critic, in my view. He ultimate goal it to change NC education to "Conservative Education."

He fails to mention International Diversity now as a key to success.

Some years ago, Emory University, my alma mater and a prime player in the Southeast for expertise in all their areas of teaching, made a conscious and much-studied change in their acceptance policy = 1/2 OF THEIR FRESHMAN CLASS EACH YEAR IS NOW FROM FOREIGN COUNTRIES! Their theory is that with quick travel and light speed news coverage of the entire World---they will benefit students by having diversity on steroids INTERNATIONALLY.

Their WISDOM is now showing itself to us Alumni. Each student bring personal experience about a far different culture in which they were born and raised. Natural discussions in the dorm take place which challenge American students to re-examine their prejudices and preconceptions. Instead of a US bias over news, the most complex sub-strata of their society and nation is shared from first hand experience!

Most students will return to their country with a story of "The Real America." They anticipate this will promote International understanding over their lifetime back home post-graduation. Others who might love American and will stay here to become community leaders among people from whom they originally came and are now immigrating to the US in droves!

It is akin to students only seeking confirmation of their religious conservatism---who pick a "safe school" after the security of the Home School protection.

In my view, experience is the best teacher and world travel opens more eyes than any textbook on sociology and psychology could ever accomplish. For example, one traveling to the Middle East quickly discovers that only a small segment of that population could be called "Muslim Fundamentalist." All Muslims are not Terrorists after all!!!
Commented: Wednesday, April 29th, 2015 @ 5:48 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Stan~~~maybe full disclosure by Conservatives would be better~~~then students had a full picture from Reagan VooDoo Economics / 1% now owning 80% of all US money / Costs of War vs. maintaining America / the FACT we are still in a RECESSION since 2007 brought on by Reaganomics, no bank/Wall Street regulation / and WHO WAS THE PRESIDENT AT THAT POINT IN TIME???
Commented: Wednesday, April 29th, 2015 @ 5:15 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I can't wait until the full story on Bush/Cheney comes out!!!

At the end of"W"-1. John Dean of Watergate fame wrote "Worse Than Watergate." It exposed the Bush EO to double the time on the Statute of Limitation--retroactive to Reagan. That did not hit the papers as the time. Cheney was in terrible heart failure health / more black ops took place with 9/11 than you can imagine. There was serious stuff about WMD that WEREN'T THERE and how we ended up in the Oil rich country of Iraq and quickly got the ben Laden family out because both Bushes were entwined with their oil enterprise and boards!

Like you say, Stan---TRUTH ALWAYS RISES!!!
Commented: Wednesday, April 29th, 2015 @ 5:01 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Is it possible Conservative have been had with the new Clinton book???
Commented: Tuesday, April 28th, 2015 @ 9:25 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I attended a couple of Commission meetings and viewed others. Frankly, you and Hood ask good questions and made valid comments. It is a shame when people do not listen to one another . . .
Commented: Tuesday, April 28th, 2015 @ 5:02 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Another recent serious questioning of Clinton allegations bites the dust with serious questions asked:
Commented: Tuesday, April 28th, 2015 @ 5:00 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I have been impressed with "The Hood's" good questions and expertise over possible location of the Jail/Law Enforcement Center at Chocowinity. What amazes me is that it did not influence the plan which cost us so much!

From you perspective, Stan---Is Hood being prickly because without such he gets ignored?

I favor utmost attempts to work together on the County Commissioners Board for the widest possible wise use of tax dollars they supervise. I also note the deaf ears to making Property Taxes more accurate to actual sales prices and what is the problem with Beaufort County reflecting the declined money to most of us running businesses here?
Commented: Tuesday, April 28th, 2015 @ 2:39 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Thanks for the current update, Tony!!! I last lived there in 1967 as I graduated Emory. The closest I came back was mid-80's when I lived just South of Woodstock in N. Metro Atlanta.

I am most interested if you have any "take" on why Clarkston is as it is and Tucker as it is. Both towns are now part of the "darkening of Atlanta suburbs." All of DeKalb County is seeing increased crime an declining schools from middle class to lower class.

My sister lives now at Lilburn and has taught school for 20 years. She and her husband have retired and glad not to deal with the change. It was far easier to teach 20 years ago in that segment of Atlanta which is now gone with the wind.

When I was growing up as Clarkston it was obvious certain people "ran the show." For progressive or regressive reasons they opted to hold land and go apartment. If you can add good further insight (for which you are famous) it would help paint an accurate picture---perhaps, better I can from afar.
Commented: Tuesday, April 28th, 2015 @ 2:32 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on

The Electoral College was a means to protect the new system from STUPID VOTERS. Today the members are either pledged to follow the majority vote of those they represent of free to vote as led. We assume we have a popular election through democratic votes. The reality is voting districts get changed to favor one party or another in NC and are before the Federal Court over their last update.

It seems to me, that from the first days of Democracy, leaders feared STUPID!
Commented: Tuesday, April 28th, 2015 @ 12:22 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Stan---here is an interesting article over war spending and what is being investigated:

I think is a worthy part of this discussion!
Commented: Tuesday, April 28th, 2015 @ 6:56 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on

When newspapers focused on strange phenomena over fire and wrecks---we were just as entertained without thinking gore and awful stuff is normal . . .
Commented: Monday, April 27th, 2015 @ 8:41 pm By: Gene Scarborough
If they get to the bottom of Abu Garib and Gitmo as the same time as Bengazi---who has worst represented the American ethic???
Commented: Monday, April 27th, 2015 @ 8:37 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Brant amazes me with his split vision of a long overdue appointment. It took the Republican Clown Car to the brink of embarrassment after they did their thing with the Israel Prime Minister and negotiations with the Middle East---always in the past --- done by the Executive Branch of US Government.

The basic mistake is that the Mid-term election has them thinking they have a "mandate from the voters" when the turn out was minimal and most of us are more than tired of the Congressional Monkey Tree being climbed higher with each issue!

"The higher the monkey climbs the tree---the more you see his tail!"
Commented: Monday, April 27th, 2015 @ 6:34 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on

What do we say about "Equal pay for Equal work" between men and women???
Commented: Monday, April 27th, 2015 @ 6:20 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Stan---where have you been with the last 2 years of investigation on Bengazi. Like the Monica thing guys wishing their "cigar was being smoked" put on righteous airs to be hypocrites!

It is a psychotic state designated a Reaction-Formation Psychosis.

If you want a real investigation, join the World Court over POW Torture by Bush/Cheney, man . . .
Commented: Monday, April 27th, 2015 @ 6:17 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on

Here is the full speech --- I felt obligated to show all the Presidents first just so Stan won't pitch a fit:
Commented: Monday, April 27th, 2015 @ 4:02 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on

I hope you saw the White House Press Club banquet---just in case, here it is:
Commented: Monday, April 27th, 2015 @ 3:56 pm By: Gene Scarborough
That was so cute Stan --- Swiss Miss / Benghazi Babe / Dotty grandmother and all!

If there is corruption, it was learned from Dick "the trick" Cheney. . . He and "W" are already adjudged to have violated the Geneva Convention rules on POW torture. Heck, Dicky boy enjoys more millions each week as a direct profit from war and arms.

Is it possible Hillary is the direct product of 8 years of a Bush treatment???

Oh---it was Reaganomics that made them rich!!! Now I understand and will be forced to vote for one of the guys in the Republican Clown car, man! THANX, buddy! Was about to make a terrible mistake thinking Conservatives are always "truth" and "light."
Commented: Monday, April 27th, 2015 @ 3:42 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Stan---If is am an "ultra-Liberal" then you go off the scale of Ultra X 10 Conservative, old sport . . .

My approach to all things is to examine --- with logic --- both sides of any issue / be able to describe them / have my OWN POSITION with logic and explanation attached. This is why you have so much trouble understanding me as "independent logical person."

Labels get all of us into more trouble than we imagine. They are like blinders on a mule and nose plugs on a dog ---makes us work off instinct rather than a brain, old sport with blinders on and nose plugs in too much of the time . . .
Commented: Monday, April 27th, 2015 @ 12:36 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I view the Bible as it is technically intended = Canon means "measuring rod." It is in the form we have it from centuries of decision to include certain "writing" (scripture) and exclude others.

The excluded texts are even coming to light in the last 30 years of research and you can view the Gnostic Gospels for yourself to judge if earlier scholars made good decision or not.

Always remember:
(1) All good Bible gives a translation rationale in the Index so you know.
(2) Any written text is in a language and style you can understand.
(3) Today's English Version is currently my pulpit Bible because it has translation which is appropriate for American-speaking English. Even so there is an update called Contemporary English Version.
(4) Words change their meaning within a language and between languages --- the real researcher consults several versions to compare.
(5) No matter what---any scripture is a WITNESS so you are a juror who makes a commitment to the Truth that speaks to you and then live by such.
(6) As Charlie Brown said, "Religion, politics and the Great Pumpkin get you in trouble each time you get involved with them!"
Commented: Monday, April 27th, 2015 @ 12:31 pm By: Gene Scarborough
When Jerry Falwell formed the Moral Majority and Reagan enlisted him with success, we saw the first invasion of religion with politics in modern history. At that point religious Conservatives though they could use politics to take over every major American Denominations.

Southern Baptists got taken over / Methodists split / Presbyterians had major fights --- most average people said, "If this is 'Christian love' I want none of it! I have better things to do than go to fighting churches."
Commented: Monday, April 27th, 2015 @ 7:26 am By: Gene Scarborough
The Clintons are just "master politicians" in my view. Like all of us, they have good times and hard ones. The difference is that they are the focus of more speculation than fact! She is now planning a run for the Presidency and Conservatives are throwing mud so we don't look in their closets. Some hope we don't put the spotlight on their foreign birth and all the stuff they tried to put on President Obama.

It is more than fun for me to watch Conservatives have to face the same things they continue to try and put on the President with threats of Impeachment. If all candidates were a good as they claim, we would have perfect people---and we all should know there was but one perfect man---Jesus---and they killed him for telling too much truth about the corruptions of religion in his day . . .
Commented: Monday, April 27th, 2015 @ 7:21 am By: Gene Scarborough
Are we speaking of his building adjacent to the Jail/Courthouse?
Commented: Sunday, April 26th, 2015 @ 8:30 am By: Gene Scarborough
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