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Comments by Gene Scarborough

Stan---thanks for getting my pic on the post. Do they go off the main page when modified or what.

All of us would appreciate the rationale of what posts stay up long and which ones go down fast, if you don't mind. It appears the fluff and Conservative stuff stays forever and ever.

Just asking for clarification to all us users of a great publication . . .
Commented: Friday, May 15th, 2015 @ 4:44 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on

Our reward for not killing our kids in training is grand kids we can spoil and take back to our children for GET EVEN THERAPY!!!
Commented: Friday, May 15th, 2015 @ 10:30 am By: Gene Scarborough
If 600 people in NC express their opinion --- it certainly must be right ~~~ unless the survey was conducted in a skewed fashion. The things presented do not cover that part of the picture!

If it is accurate ~~~ it is the reason Thom Tillis ran a campaign ONLY on Obama-hate / greatly funded by the Koch Brothers ---- and now we are Fracking NC and proposing to Offshore Drill while trying to quit funding alternative energy.

Just wait another year when faucets in fracking areas start lighting with a match and the combination of Fracking and Drilling turns our rivers and sounds into a Crude Oil sandwich. THEN WE WILL SEE IF NC IS BEING WISE . . .
Commented: Friday, May 15th, 2015 @ 7:21 am By: Gene Scarborough
When was the egregious surveillance of citizens started???

George Bush / post-9/11 ramp up . . .

Why did it take Congress so long to approve Ms. Lynch --- political hate on steroids . . .

I think we should not so focus on current sources of Conservative hate as to address HATE IN GENERAL GROWING AND THE SOURCE OF GREAT ANGST
Commented: Friday, May 15th, 2015 @ 7:13 am By: Gene Scarborough
Tax or Bond --- any improvements cost us taxpayers and citizens MONEY --- UNLESS you want to start back addressing Rich and Corporate favoritism in NC Taxes passed by the new Conservative Majority . . .
Commented: Thursday, May 14th, 2015 @ 8:14 pm By: Gene Scarborough
The same fools that passed the Unconstitutional Marriage Amendment --- seem to never learn what Constitutional Freedoms mean . . .
Commented: Thursday, May 14th, 2015 @ 8:07 pm By: Gene Scarborough
The easiest way to figure who is the Conservative---is to look for butt cracks . . .
Commented: Thursday, May 14th, 2015 @ 3:30 pm By: Gene Scarborough
(1) Who manages the money parents put in --- banks?
(2) I thought the Education Lottery was supposed to solve cost issues in Public Education ---what the heck happened to this GOLDEN SOLUTION BY CONSERVATIVES?
(3) Do any lottery ticket purchasers ever note the low odds of a win---yet so many poor folks are sucked into a dream of something for nothing while those running the Education get rich and schools still languish for funds.
(4) Stores are paid to handle the tickets --- you can't buy gas when a big super win is being offered~~to fools so excited and so pumped by the commercials of "who got rich last time"
(5) Any winner only gets half the money ---taxes take the rest! "LOWER TAX CONSERVATIVES" SHOULD BE SCREAMING ON THIS!!!
(6) Estate Taxes just got eliminated --- the tax on the poor Lottery Winner is EXACTLY THE SAME---but rich kids pay it for the "privilege to inherit."

Education done well is ALWAYS EXPENSIVE. That is true for private education. Most Private Primary Schools are mostly a way to get around integrated education so the people who can afford such don't have their "spoiled children" threatened by the realities of today's disparity between rich and poor in NC and America.

Private School teachers are usually paid low and have little to no retirement.

My own sister retired early from Public School teaching so she does not have to deal with lower class students moving into her part of suburban metro Atlanta. She is a typical white middle class person who doesn't want her world of perfection spoiled --- swanky subdivision / nice tennis club and pool / bridge club / faux high society is what it really is!!!

If we concentrate on good public education, it can be accomplished in buildings already built by teachers who care enough to encourage and love their students of ALL CLASSES.

Beaufort County is blessed with a good public school system teaching my grand sons well. We came from Nash County where Private Schools abound because their Public Schools are fakes full of the drugs and crime of the area!!!

It is unwise to ever desert Public Education for Private Schools. Find solutions by having friendships and relationships ACROSS ALL SOCIAL GROUPS . . .

We lived years ago in some SC small towns with severe racial divides. It would cost us as much as college to pay for private academies there. The taxes were the same to support public schools---still good, BUT fear and prejudice drove the majority of whites into a prison for finances for private education.
Commented: Thursday, May 14th, 2015 @ 6:24 am By: Gene Scarborough
Nice pics. Think about the time the wood has lasted. If you built the same of today's wood at Lowe's---it might last 10 years before rotting away! We put plastic that will melt on the outside / they put cedar shakes that have lasted 100 years.

The real magic is heart pine main timbers --- even termites can't drill through it once it ages! Better than steel, my fiends --- the Southern homes last because of careful selection and quality wood --- and most of them had no plan beyond a drawing on a piece of paper by the owner/builder TEAM!
Commented: Thursday, May 14th, 2015 @ 5:52 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on

The main purpose of my wife, given me by God --- is to keep me humble. I love the song, "Oh Lord it's hard to be humble. I'm doin' the best that I can . . ."
Commented: Wednesday, May 13th, 2015 @ 8:20 am By: Gene Scarborough
More good stuff, Stan --- thanx!
Commented: Wednesday, May 13th, 2015 @ 8:17 am By: Gene Scarborough
INCONTROVERTIBLE --- dat dar big old wurd is subject to some fuzzy possibilities, brother!
Commented: Wednesday, May 13th, 2015 @ 8:08 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on

A central part of our Preaching course was a new VCR given our professor, Dr. John Carlton, at Southeastern Seminary. The best thing he did was to have a private meeting with us training preachers and our wives. He asked mine, "Is this typical of the sermons you have heard Gene preach?" She still says I spoiled her to good preaching so bad she can't fine a substitute ANYWHERE!

I bless her loving and honest heart. She once wrote on my outline sitting on my home office desk Monday morning: "The is too long --- cut is shorter next time"
Commented: Wednesday, May 13th, 2015 @ 8:03 am By: Gene Scarborough
If you can prove you are using more wisely the high taxes already in place for the public who paid it --- I MIGHT vote for you, my brother!
Commented: Wednesday, May 13th, 2015 @ 7:59 am By: Gene Scarborough
It is good to know MOST states in the SE are doing well. NC certainly needs to keep on doing things right to attract jobs and business to us.

We have one of the most beautiful and mild states for location.
We have a non-union reality that makes work cheaper here / pay to workers less
Major Interstates traverse us for ease of highway transport
Progressive thinking built the Kinston Jetport for air transport of goods
Our lakes, rivers, streams and Sounds are pristine---AT THIS TIME.

Now, consider what Fracking and Offshore Drilling could do to us
Tax incentives to industry and corporations puts a tax burden on the workers
We have great needs for a rail system to transport good and people fast
We are trending CONSERVATIVE on politics---can be good OR bad depending on how it is used to think either PROGRESSIVELY of REGRESSIVELY.
Conservatism is trying to erode quality public education at a Secondary Level

We came to Beaufort County from Nash County. That area is in severe DEPRESSION due to all industry leaving---replaced by drugs and crime. Gastonia is the only worst crime town of that size in NC!

When they go for new industry the segregated Benvenue Country Club was an issue---now minorities are the source of violence and drug selling/use in Rocky Mount.

All I am saying is "WE CAN DO BETTER" if we address the real issues of this state.
Commented: Wednesday, May 13th, 2015 @ 5:06 am By: Gene Scarborough
~~~ THAT DOES IT --- you may not always be right --- BUT YOU ARE HONEST ABOUT IT!!!!

I lovey,ya, man . . .
Commented: Wednesday, May 13th, 2015 @ 4:45 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on

I really like the 15-minute remember thing --- anything we write is not laid in stone and --- if you let it pass --- NO BIG ISSUE, man . . .
Commented: Tuesday, May 12th, 2015 @ 8:49 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Commented: Tuesday, May 12th, 2015 @ 8:42 pm By: Gene Scarborough
From Tom Brady and football to Hillary and politics ~~~ heck of a stretch, Stan!

I am amazed you see only FAUX News as a good outlet and others as "liberal." The division never stops with you, my brother --- it never stops!!!
Commented: Tuesday, May 12th, 2015 @ 7:15 pm By: Gene Scarborough

(1) Examine NC small business laws/rules to allow us to hire Independent Contractors rather than the complexity of tax withholding which requires another segment of cost to any business having more than 2 workers on any job. Make it 10 workers rather than 2.

(2) IMMEDIATELY rescind the crazy statute passed by Conservatives to make the chemicals used in Fracking a Felony to disclose to the public --- whose drinking water is certain to be polluted from the process.
Commented: Tuesday, May 12th, 2015 @ 5:00 am By: Gene Scarborough
Thank God our Legislature is FINALLY HELPING NC instead of the Koch Brothers who are environmental RAPISTS. A visit to a whore is a business transaction resulting in pleasure and relief. I have knowN some men who had a frigid wife, mean as a snake, who made a weekly visit to their mistress a source of sanity . . .

Now being raped with an oil drill shaft covered with smelly goo and exuding a rotten egg sulfur smell is not my idea of either a "Good Thing" nor "Fun."

If it were only about money, this world would be a selfish and dull place. Conservatives voted Fracking in and made the disclosure of chemicals used a felony the next week. Now they are applauding Offshore Drilling and the governor already says he will sign off for it. Such dangerous activity is not a matter of IF a well will blow, but WHEN!!!

A PROGRESSIVE move into the future of energy is necessary. Just like space travel, the initial steps require government funding. It boils down to men flying on wings into higher thin air now must replace their oxygen / have power no plane can achieve / develop from scratch in a short time things only seen in science fiction writing. I remember John Kennedy's challenge to America that we be the first to the moon. I saw the first space flight of Allan Shepherd and John Glenn. I watched our first steps on the moon from Wake Forest, NC!

The worst thing you are missing is all the new technology which benefits us today from daring to go into a new frontier with the costs attached ~~~ transistors / computing / micro-mini gadgets / conquering one challenge after another with no previous plan beyond "WHAT MIGHT BE."

If this were some bills to expand our NC Military Bases, you would be waving a flag and crying "Great Success." The water at Camp LeJune is proving to be unhealthy, but the US pays for that and the VA gives treatment with reluctance.

Is it true, you love camping in a cave without any pure water, piss in the corner and do your other business a little deeper so the smell takes longer to come out? I bet you grumbled and whined over the cost of your septic tank at your house as well! "Damn the destruction, let's do it cheap!" seems to be your rant.

H.L. Menken said, "Conservatives are our contemporary ancestors." He must have met you at the local pub in Raleigh, my friend. There are plenty of party places for Conservatives to scheme for the Koch Brothers wishes. I applaude the fact that some in Raleigh still have good enough sense not to destroy NC over total greed and distortion.

They are claiming to be saving us taxes, but every average citizen in NC paid more the last 2 years when they did their check to Raleigh. The "cross your fingers behind your back" tactics have my small business robbed of its $50K deduction for purchasing new equipment ~~~ meanwhile the new Corporate Jet and Private ones for the wealthy get a big boost in the NEW TAX CODE . . .
Commented: Tuesday, May 12th, 2015 @ 4:49 am By: Gene Scarborough
"It is now yours or Stan's time for summation---if you know how" IS WHAT I MEAN, old sport! !
Commented: Monday, May 11th, 2015 @ 3:33 pm By: Gene Scarborough
UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE ~~~ what a total misnomer!

INSURANCE is "the sharing of risks." That should mean more stable and profitable businesses pay enough so small businesses with a need to drop employees in slow times do not get a letter from NC Employment Security Commission saying, YOUR ACCOUNT HAS RUN OUT AND YOU MUST PAY MORE---PERIOD!

The reason to purchase insurance is to put money to work when you can't work. Life insurance keeps you spouse and children in their own world, should you die. Disability insurance pays up to 80% of your income if you are disabled. All who purchase such INSURANCE are paying enough to cover those who have a claim. Our NC Insurance Commissioner makes sure all Insurance Companies doing business in NC have sufficient reserves to pay their claims. Those who do not pay claims are instantly confronted and invited OUT OF NC!!!

The primary reason this continuing RECESSION has not turned into an abject DEPRESSION is unemployment insurance and FDIC bank insurance making sure some continuity exists in a bad economy.

. . . and when did this economy go bad??? 2007
. . . Under which Administration did it go bad? George W. Bush'
. . . Under what tax code and economic theory did it go bad? REAGANOMICS
. . . What outlook and philosophy drove American down? CONSERVATISM
. . . Who really controls politics these days? THE RICH AND CORPS

I rest my case, your Honor!!!!
Commented: Monday, May 11th, 2015 @ 5:32 am By: Gene Scarborough
This one sure went off the Front Page in a big fat hurry --- am I stepping on too many Conservative toes with it???? It deals with GREED and GREAT DEPRESSION living.
Commented: Monday, May 11th, 2015 @ 3:21 am By: Gene Scarborough
Stan---I believe you can disagree without being disagreeable. This is the missing ingredient in politics of late. I listen carefully to both words and emotions as an experienced Counselor. I have seen hate to the level of "no matter what, we are going to get rid of you"---this in Baptist churches my father pastored. I had two as well. The real problem was with people in angst over their "pretending church."

Some Baptist churches do this thing entitled "Annual Call." Primitave Baptists do it / old time non-missionary Baptists do / there is a Association of Baptists down in Columbus County and Horry County, crossing the state line. It is the Carolina Association and they do it in the "old-fashioned way."

Good politics says, "The election is over, let's do something for the people who elected us." In NC we have a Governor and Legislature bragging over what they have done. They are lying to us over "tax savings." Lowering deductions costs people MORE instead of LESS.

Tell me, Stan --- did you NC Tax go down this April or last????
Commented: Monday, May 11th, 2015 @ 3:11 am By: Gene Scarborough
All we have had out of Conservative Congressmen/women is hate and non-cooperation~~~yet our good President keeps smiling and going on with life, buddy!

If he pens a sprig of mistletoe to his coat tail after the last SOTU address, I would cheer and yell with DELIGHT = "This is my last message to ya!!!"
Commented: Sunday, May 10th, 2015 @ 5:20 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Kiss me on the cheek, Stan --- I have brought you another good buddy with my posting to Facebook friends . . .
Commented: Sunday, May 10th, 2015 @ 5:16 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Stan --- PLEASE DROP THE LIBERAL - HATE, man. WE know how you feel, but every single comment is getting more than old to a SLIGHTLY LEFT OF CENTER FELLOW . . .
Commented: Sunday, May 10th, 2015 @ 11:13 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on

We did tell you all the Mental Patients were dismissed from Dorothea Dix State Hospital. I worked there in 1967 and they let me out in 4 months for being "too crazy to help!!!"

No place to keep me except Bath!!! Some big frontier evangelist cursed this town ---and now I am it!!!
Commented: Saturday, May 9th, 2015 @ 4:52 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on

Sales Leader's Club / President's Club / Million Dollar Roundtable / Underwriter of the Year, Tony!

Interim Pastor / Part time church Pastor / leader in the NC Baptist State Convention and Southeastern Seminary to avoid takeover and control from only one side of Southern Baptist diversity. . .

Unlike some of my Conservative competitors, I did not have to tell the client what they wanted to hear to make a sale --- just tell them the truth and let them decide what they wanted to do, buddy.

Lest the Author sign us both to a non-stop overseas voyage to get us off~~~I think we have BOTH said quite enough to communicate and still be friends . . .
Commented: Saturday, May 9th, 2015 @ 12:49 pm By: Gene Scarborough
This article is more than CONSERVATIVE and more than DIVISIVE. That is the tact, it seems, of NC politics in the last few year---"divide and conquer so we can fool you!"

While the current Governor and Legislature have the majority to rule us, the reality is PERSONAL DEDUCTIONS under the new tax code actually are causing working people to pay MORE IN THE LAST 2 YEARS than ever before---when we are being told Conservatives are helping us!!!

As a small business owner I lost my $50,000 deduction on new equipment purchased the last 2 years. MEANWHILE---the rich and corps get to buy their private aircraft of +/-$1,000,000 and do as they please MIXING business and pleasure (POLITICAL INFLUENCE) with them!

All us NC citizens need is SIMPLE TRUTH WITHOUT THE SPIN OF CONSERVATISM . . . If Conservatives wish to continue to lead they need to recognize 2 basic things:

(1) "You can fool all the people some of the time / some of the people all of the time / you never can fool all the people all the time" --- Abraham Lincoln
(2) Even the naive of NC are seeing our state reduced from being the MOST PROGRESSIVE in the South to MOST REGRESSIVE --- trying to mimic those of the Gulf. Coast, called the DEEP SOUTH. . .

You may not like the fact I don't suck up to STUPID / NAIVE, but I do my best to look to the core of most issues and try my best to shed light on LIES. . . In the test cited on political views~~~I score just outside moderate and dead center from Progressive / Regressive --- a pretty good place to be of neither radical nor conservative---just trying to be WISE AND LOOKING TO THE FUTURE.

Take the test, yourself here~~~
Commented: Saturday, May 9th, 2015 @ 9:24 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Thank a teacher

I remember the good days of school from the 50's. The majority of our teachers loved their students and subjects. It was no major task to learn under them!

My mother had a 20-year career at the same elementary school who modeled such inspiration and love. Things began to change when bad teachers became Supervisors to get them out of the classroom. Next, they started throwing tons of extra paperwork frustrating her. Then the "super-experts" entered the picture with theory over practical classroom understanding. Add that to teachers pushed beyond their personal knowledge just to "balance the teachers by race."

Bob Etheridge did an address a few months back at the Craven County Democrats meeting in New Bern. His central idea was NC has been based on 2 major professions: Teachers / Farmers---sometimes both coming from a farm background. Roads were improved to move goods from farm to city. As a result, we have held the title of "MOST PROGRESSIVE STATE IN THE S.E."

Nothing has really changed---EXCEPT we now have big farms with few actual farmers thinking on their equipment. Teachers who do it for the pay over love of education and students.

We can get it back again by paying good teachers a good income and letting people who love their farm and dirt return to a more close relationship to Mother Earth. In my view, a caring heart and head make a wonderful influence on the next generation! A computer on a tractor is no substitute --- anymore than one in the classroom can get the subject across and teach by example.
Commented: Saturday, May 9th, 2015 @ 8:50 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on

I had my stroke at age 50 --- from the same intense driving to the top . . .
Commented: Saturday, May 9th, 2015 @ 8:36 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on

If you note Stan's time tag on his post = 3:59 am --- you begin to see why BCN is growing under his more than long hours of Publisher duties!
Commented: Saturday, May 9th, 2015 @ 5:25 am By: Gene Scarborough
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