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Comments by Gene Scarborough

Stan---I did 3 of the tests for political position --- ALL MODERATE, MAN---so who is it that does not understand politics---EXCEPT from the far right?
Commented: Thursday, June 4th, 2015 @ 9:50 am By: Gene Scarborough
The sociologist, Merton, coined a word for college-age change. He called is a "Psycho-social Moratorium." By that he meant taking out the ideas of your youth and family to examine them and critique. Once it is done, students come back with a changed outlook or a more reasoned one honoring your upbringing BUT now your own.

I was challenged at Emory to do such. Now I am a more reasoned version of my wise father who saw to the core of many religious maters as well as political.; My basic concepts at age 69 are still more reasoned and informed as the world changes.

In my view, the Nazi hate and that of Conservative Americans are one and the same. It causes the baser emotion of hate to supplant that of the higher outlook of "unfailing love") Agape---to keep us more sane and kind to others. For that definition go to I Corinthians 4 as Paul defines Agape. I use that passage in my wedding ceremony to remind us all of the power of LOVE.

"Patient / kind / always forgiving / not provoked . . ."
Commented: Thursday, June 4th, 2015 @ 5:28 am By: Gene Scarborough
Maybe you will slide off the middle the next time --- this "right side only" stuff is making you a bit crabby, man . . .
Commented: Thursday, June 4th, 2015 @ 5:14 am By: Gene Scarborough
Some good and wise moves in Raleigh --- at the same time they have overridden the Governor's veto of Magistrates refusing to marry gay folks . . .

Even though I have reservations as clergy over such --- I am a Minister and not a Judge. I did a marriage for a divorced man and his bride my first year as a minister in upstate SC.

The other Baptist ministers in the town refused them, but after looking at Jesus' words on divorce, I found it applied to the Jewish custom of legalizing putting a woman on the street when getting tired of her. Jesus views it as "legalized adultery" --- all in the hands of men at a time when women had no legal rights outside her father or husband!

It pays to read the Bible as it is rather than "what we want it to be."
Commented: Thursday, June 4th, 2015 @ 5:12 am By: Gene Scarborough
We are both up much early, Stan --- from a Moderate to a Conservative~~~you need some coffee and a good pipe smoke as I do right now---so the whining is minimized for US BOTH!!!

I am listening to the sound of gentle rain and rejoicing the Water Department won't need to fund my green grass and flowers blooming in early summer . . .This sandy soil beside the Pamlico is hard for grass to grow without water, man. Some Ironite is next on my list of food for plants . . .
Commented: Thursday, June 4th, 2015 @ 5:02 am By: Gene Scarborough
Maybe it would be wiser to not be so critical of Executive decisions---War IS HELL ---it is far wiser to use diplomacy than send more troops to become targets!
Commented: Thursday, June 4th, 2015 @ 4:41 am By: Gene Scarborough
By the way --- if you want to keep up with the march via Twitter: here is the site~~
Commented: Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015 @ 8:44 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Sounds like a counterpoint to Kay Kaiser of Rocky Mount . . . Thelonious Monk came from there too.

In case you don't know, playing for Rocky Mount railroad baseball semi-pro team cost Jim Thorpe his Olympic trophies! NC be bad, it seems . . .
Commented: Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015 @ 8:38 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I think it would be more wise to analyze the Mental Illnesses possessed by the Clown Train of new Republican Candidates!!! Their denominational preference varies / their paranoia and schizophrenia are consistent, it seems to me!!!!
Commented: Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015 @ 5:26 pm By: Gene Scarborough
This shows total ignorance of Insurance and the way NC does Insurance under the Commissioner of Insurance supervision!

If Senator Tillis had a clue (which he should have from his NC legislative experience), he would realize:

(1) You can't raise rates in NC without approval
(2) BCBS/NC has major problems with executive pay and negotiations with hospitals where they have used heavy-handed tactics in THEIR favor of profit
(3) Insurance is simply the "sharing of risks" and to do such the company must prove in facts and figures a need to raise their premiums solely due to claims
(4) Mr. Tillis is showing his ignorance of the process and trying to blame National Healthcare by using the flame term---"Obamacare"
(5) I know the system / I see the political ploy / I call "BULLSHIT" on this hand by our new Senator following prejudice over reason in Congress.
Commented: Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015 @ 12:06 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I am waiting for my follow up post on this. It contains 2 fine emails I have received by thinking religious friends and more comments from me . . .
Commented: Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015 @ 10:05 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on

I have been to London. They have a corner of Hyde Park where you can bring your soapbox and pontificate to your heart's content!

Some listeners ridicule the speaker / others throw tomatoes / it is a hoot, but free speech rules there. Long ago it could be a ticket to the Tower of London and a head on a spike of London Bridge.

That is why the KJV Bible said "Love is not [easily] provoked." The King had a most violent temper --- and had the translators rendered it totally accurate---their heads would roll for the honesty! PC is nothing new, it seems.
Commented: Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015 @ 8:08 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Well said, my friend!
Commented: Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015 @ 12:25 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Is sit not amazing how much money is being spent of war!

I would be more pleased is they were developing a ag-application version for NC farmers to use in efficient crop spraying . . .
Commented: Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015 @ 7:36 am By: Gene Scarborough
Anyone noting history finds that about every 100 years we repeat the issues we thought we had solved by "The Great Experiment in Democracy."

Never lose the dream / never forget INTEGRITY!!!
Commented: Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015 @ 6:05 am By: Gene Scarborough
Way to go, Stan --- good news because you are open to good stuff from any . . .
Commented: Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015 @ 6:02 am By: Gene Scarborough
I have submitted a more honest response to my post so it will be up soon, Mr. Carney!
Commented: Monday, June 1st, 2015 @ 4:26 pm By: Gene Scarborough
We shall agree to disagree on this, Stan.

There you go again---calling a moderate a liberal. Will the name calling ever cease?
Commented: Monday, June 1st, 2015 @ 11:26 am By: Gene Scarborough
"Call the Question" is out of order until sufficient discussion has taken place, my friend. So far most of this stream of comments has been over baseball more than religious principles and Baptist History of recent years . . .
Commented: Monday, June 1st, 2015 @ 11:23 am By: Gene Scarborough
Thanks, Ted, for the layman's view of Conservative Baptist beliefs. They are totally accurate and wise, in my view. Were I to ever preach anything else, my church would call a business meeting within a week and take me to task over "heresy."

We have talked theology and church polity in your already published Preacher Questions. I did my best and it is far too large to review here in any answer.

My purpose in the article was to state clearly what I wrote and believe. I has started a big response already. You, Bobby Tony, and Stan have said much. The majority has been somewhat frivolous to this point, but within it is good discussion.

I will be following up with some good stuff I got overnight from thinking religious friends who see my point and have emailed me since with some good stuff.
Commented: Monday, June 1st, 2015 @ 7:58 am By: Gene Scarborough
Stan---there is no "liable" in the simple statement that Hood owns a building adjacent to the Courthouse/Jail complex. That is a fact, my friend!

If the current site were razed and rebuilt, Hood's building would likely be part of the process---since the space currently occupied by the Courthouse/Jail is not near enough space to redo without including the entire block! That is Hood's "vested interest." Because of this, it would be wise to recluse himself over any votes about the "Jail Situation" which has been a problem since the mid-80's.

I have no money, thanks to the bad economy and my struggling Tree Surgery business. If the citizens of Beaufort County do not have enough money to afford proper arborcare, I have no money to be part of any liable settlement---which is pure crazy threatening on your part.

Frankly, I agree with Hood completely over a move of the Jail to the Chocowinity Industrial site being a bad choice and far more expensive to us taxpayers. If he could find a way to be less OBNOXIOUS, then Beaufort County politics could be far more pleasant for us who actually pay for the mess . . .
Commented: Monday, June 1st, 2015 @ 7:50 am By: Gene Scarborough
Ted's other observation worthy of response: "I will help kick start by saying the NC Snake Handlers prove their faith. I would like concrete definitions not abstract.
Actions and not words alone."

The Baptists of NC were drawn together over the simple question of whether your church gave to the Southern Baptist Mission Program or not. With that one concept of unity Southern Baptists who handled snakes (usually in mountain churches) could join with the others who were robbed and formal in big First Baptist churches across the state. Whether your members were from the Mill Village or Country Club, you enjoyed the annual meeting at Winston-Salem or Greensboro coliseums.

Since the split, the NCBSC has had to move to the much smaller Forum at the Four Seasons Hotel in Greensboro. The more their Executive Committee presents stuff for the rubber stamp of the messengers, the small the attendance has become.

Pretty soon they can save big bucks with their lessening gifts by meeting in the Men's Room at Baptist Headquarters in Cary!
Commented: Monday, June 1st, 2015 @ 7:30 am By: Gene Scarborough
Ted's question: What is the definition of a religious conservative?

Gene's answer: It depends on whether you are talking of "good" or "bad" with "conservative" attached. They definitely come in 2 varieties.

Good Conservative is what I try to be. It means informed on all sides of any theological or biblical issue and willing to speak the truth in love. Having an ability to rightly divide the Word of Truth from the Bible.

Bad Conservative is those who call widening your understanding of the Bible and religion as only "liberal." I had many classmates at Southeastern Seminary who were there to get the credential of Master of Divinity without changing their minds over their Sunday School Traditional Baptist upbringing. Instead of admitting, "I don't know it all," they insisted that anything other than their prejudices and presuppositions was "of the devil."

They still insist our SEBTS of 1967-70 was "liberal." I found it to be middle-of-the-road in the continuum of liberal/conservative. Most of them are adding some 20' to the bench to accommodate their kind of conservatism. They made connections with their "birds of a feather" and now flock together in the NC Baptist State Convention. My kind of Baptist now enjoys the real fellowship and mission spirit of the NC Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.
Commented: Monday, June 1st, 2015 @ 7:15 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on

My Granddaddy Charles Newton Scarborough died early as a result of overwork on a Tenant Farm. My Granddaddy James Andrew Williams of Pickens County, SC, was my hero and best friend. His 180 acre farm was on red clay hills between Greenville and Easley, SC--closest town was Dacusville. Our trips to Cousin Leonard's white frame store were a bit of heaven. My brother and I could take a little paper bag and get whatever candy we wanted and a small coke from the cooler.

My grandmother did the milking and egg gathering before the sun came up. I loved to go with her. After that fresh breakfast cooked on a wood stove, granddaddy was going to the shop to be sure the tractor was cranking and properly rigged for plowing. He drove the truck and eventually let me drive as I grew older.

My best memories are of sitting on his big open porch in the evenings as cool breezes began to blow off the Blue Ridge Mountains visible in the distance. He would tell neat stories of "Faithful Fido" and his buggy racing as a young man.

History from a textbook is boring. Grandaddy's stories were amazing!
Commented: Monday, June 1st, 2015 @ 7:03 am By: Gene Scarborough
This post is a "monster of political implications," Hood. If you were "your brother's keeper," you would care about the County Jail with conditions that could have been corrected in the mid-80's ~~~ but you WOULD NOT BEND.

The real problem here is NC refusing Medicaid Funds that us taxpayers of Federal Taxes have in escrow because the "powers that be" in Belhaven would rather fight than resolve the issue for the immediate benefit of people in Hyde and Beaufort Counties / the NC Legislature is acting like a bunch of bullies on the playground.

We BOTH know you have a vested interest in your building adjacent to the current jail and Courthouse. This article is meant to confuse people trying to figure out what is really up at Belhaven. I see no clue that you are one of them, my brother!
Commented: Sunday, May 31st, 2015 @ 7:34 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I am trying to figure out what you guys are spending so much comment time on!

I am a lefty and throw a wicked curve ball to a right-handed batter. I bat right-handed so figure it out. If I hit the ball without a pitch, I am a left-handed hitter. I golf right-handed and give any opponent the opportunity to beat me because no matter how bad he does --- I will have 1 stroke more!

I am probably the only graduate of Emory who became a Tree Surgeon rather than a medical specialist, but I enjoyed Psychology / Baptist ministry / Insurance Agent voted the "Underwriter of the Year" award by the Rocky Mount Association / opened and operated Affordable-Professional Tree Surgeons in 1999 with insurance fellow professionals saying, "I wish I had the guts to get out of this paperwork and BS."

I hold a Series 6 Securities License which means in essence: "Tell the truth, whole truth, nothing but the truth to your client."

I am ready to retire for the night after enjoying a day with my daughter and 3 grandsons along with my wife since 1968. Perhaps the overnight will produce some thoughts worthy of printing concerning the CONTENT OF MY POST. . .

Thus far is yell "BULLSHIT" on your hands . . .
Commented: Sunday, May 31st, 2015 @ 7:12 pm By: Gene Scarborough
WOW --- I picked a good topic on a boring Sunday for you 3 guys. Quite frankly you are all playing when I meant business. When you want to grow up and make a real comment, we shall engage. Until then, I have nothing to say to nothing, gentleman!
Commented: Sunday, May 31st, 2015 @ 5:13 pm By: Gene Scarborough
AT LAST---a bill that gets some consensus! NC is famous in the mountains for quality moonshine. The artesian stream behind my house in Nash County had its share of good use as well. An old friend when asked it much shine was brewed there said, "It would not be wise to know everytHing about Caltalia!"

The real problem is with the large brewers of spirits not wanting competition from the little guys who may well be excelling in quality over quantity!
Commented: Sunday, May 31st, 2015 @ 10:58 am By: Gene Scarborough
A wise move to recognize the freedoms we have in America vs. the false labeling of this bill . . .
Commented: Sunday, May 31st, 2015 @ 10:41 am By: Gene Scarborough
One of my best sermons dealt with "The Whip or The Towel." The same day Jesus whupped hell out of the Money changers, he took a towel to wash the feet of his Disciples too busy worrying over who would sit where to offer the duty of the servant to one coming inside his house for supper . . .

Either way, he was trying to get people to be nice . . .
Commented: Saturday, May 30th, 2015 @ 4:02 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I remember a time when other states looked to NC as an example of Progressive Legislation --- now we are saying Alabama is our guide = "LORD HEP US!!!"
Commented: Saturday, May 30th, 2015 @ 3:11 pm By: Gene Scarborough
The past is always with us and merits our review. It tells us how mankind has progressed at times and then gone backward with regression. The SBC was progressing in an incredible way until the "Battle for the Bible" took place. It happened the very national convention when Baptist Tel Net was the main focus.

Using new satellite technology Baptists intended to share the Gospel to any household on this earth which had a c-band dish to get it. Instead that Convention in Houston, TX, turned into the disaster of the century for them and totally distracted them from their main purpose --- Gospel sharing!

The next 20 years were nothing but plotting and scheming for control on both sides. Now Pat Robertson owns the transponder and pumps his brand of religion and politics. I am sure Satan rejoiced over the mess and GOD DOES NOT BLESS A MESS!
Commented: Saturday, May 30th, 2015 @ 8:27 am By: Gene Scarborough
WAIT A MINUTE FOLKS --- A new Clinic is being built right now beside the Food Lion in Belhaven. The old hospital has compromised hygiene from flooding and would have to be razed for a new one costing as much or far more than the Clinic Vidant is building.

In my view, worshiping a building over providing adequate healthcare to Hyde and eastern Beaufort County is the main concern. Adam enjoys the lights and camera, but is he becoming a white Jesse Jackson???

I can't answer that question. All I DO KNOW is SOLVE THE PROBLEM rather than make a big hike for no real purpose of Belhaven. If NC would take the federal funds they have flatly refused, then RURAL HEALTHCARE issues could be solved NOW!

Raleigh is a whole lot closer than DC, Adam . . .
Commented: Saturday, May 30th, 2015 @ 6:39 am By: Gene Scarborough
Tony Bobby --- "UNCLE" ---what does that mean, buddy???

If you are criticizing me for the analysis of the article, it "speaks the truth in love" as the Bible directs. I tried to deal with the bullies and self-centered arrogant pastors of NC who took it over as I was the Pastor of the small Turkey Branch rural church in Nash County.

My main work was Minister's Life Representative for Eastern NC. My territory covered from Durham down to Wilmington and all points east. The Baptist Battle was intense in NC. By hook or crook the same things happened here as on the national scene.

This battle between REGRESSION AND PROGRESS is in every single denomination from Methodist to Church of Christ, Presbyterian --- it matters not. People do not tolerate rapid change well. If it is a real moral issue, the Bible gives us 10 Commandments. Otherwise, you can cope and keep your integrity.
Commented: Saturday, May 30th, 2015 @ 6:32 am By: Gene Scarborough
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