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Comments by Gene Scarborough

Make a stamp for Stan --- ARROGANT / STUPID
Commented: Tuesday, October 27th, 2015 @ 12:06 pm By: Gene Scarborough
When you have grown up in a Baptist church with democratic processes / pastored such for many years full and part time / observed the pretense and natural wrath of people doing business during the week with demonic motives and sitting piously in church on Sunday---you might have room to be arrogant.

Sadly---arrogance and stupid are all you have, my brother . . .
Commented: Tuesday, October 27th, 2015 @ 10:14 am By: Gene Scarborough
Well, Bubba---let's pass the beer / not take a bath / and fart around the campfire!!!

Pass me sum beans, if you please and get ready to light my fart . . .
Commented: Tuesday, October 27th, 2015 @ 10:10 am By: Gene Scarborough
When we cater to the politics of hate --- nobody wins, Stan. You and Hood Richardson are masters of the mess and it continues past your defeat, man. . .
Commented: Tuesday, October 27th, 2015 @ 10:03 am By: Gene Scarborough
The Bible tells truth --- unlike Madison Avenue political ads and other modern day promo stuff . . .
Commented: Monday, October 26th, 2015 @ 5:38 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Where is the Conservative BS stamp, Stan???
Commented: Sunday, October 25th, 2015 @ 6:33 pm By: Gene Scarborough
If he is so right --- why has Trickle Down Economics and the wealth-favoring tax code been such a royal failure???
Commented: Sunday, October 25th, 2015 @ 6:31 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Is that why BC has fallen behind in a lot of stuff, Stan???
Commented: Sunday, October 25th, 2015 @ 6:21 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Today's news is pretty consistent ~~~ Hillary came off way better after the hearings than before / is getting a big financial boost from it / the days of conservative hate-speech is ending fast . . .
Commented: Saturday, October 24th, 2015 @ 1:24 pm By: Gene Scarborough
What should Beaufort County do to protect our care of rural patients --- POSSIBLY take Medicaid funds????
Commented: Saturday, October 24th, 2015 @ 10:17 am By: Gene Scarborough
Here is the N&O piece on her election = Texas comes to NC / Bush connection is strong:
Commented: Saturday, October 24th, 2015 @ 10:04 am By: Gene Scarborough
All I know is that NC has been in the lead with education and sports. When we stop trying to turn our higher education into a Conservative assembly line, we will continue to be at the head of the pack . . .
Commented: Saturday, October 24th, 2015 @ 9:34 am By: Gene Scarborough
When Stan reverts to his stamps --- I have him in his corner with nothing new to say . . .
Commented: Saturday, October 24th, 2015 @ 9:30 am By: Gene Scarborough
Is it possible the BCN growth in readership --- is a direct byproduct of a few of us expressing things which are not Tea Party PC????

When your outlook is from a deep trench of conservatism---all you see is the dirt on the side of that trench---in my view, of course. . .
Commented: Saturday, October 24th, 2015 @ 9:28 am By: Gene Scarborough
I stand by my first comment: The politics of hate and division in a free nation or state is not healthy . . .
Commented: Saturday, October 24th, 2015 @ 9:18 am By: Gene Scarborough
The purpose of Higher Education should be exposure to the diversity of the world and historical thought / a serious self-examination / an ability to formulate into logical writing some rationale for life into the future / a growth enough to realize there is more than one way to look at most issues.

My personal experience with Conservatism shows me they are our "contemporary ancestors" unwilling to change or modify important things. Their social connections make them a gang mentality scared of outsiders.

The more diverse America becomes, the more we seem to fear change and want to use a gun to get our way. What has happened to "freedom and justice for ALL?"
Commented: Saturday, October 24th, 2015 @ 9:14 am By: Gene Scarborough
So what is wrong with NC???

I first came here in 1967-70 and it was moving nowhere. In my absence NC put together the RTP / Medical School at ECU / Global Transpark / etc. I returned in 1986 to find NC going down the tubes over textiles leaving / tobacco in trouble / rising drugs and crime in the East.

Thus far nothing from the Conservative Majority running this state in the last 2 years has changed anything. The lack of consensus is obvious. The Tea Party is getting stronger with their hate politics.

I am tired of the quagmire so clearly shown here . . .
Commented: Saturday, October 24th, 2015 @ 9:00 am By: Gene Scarborough
As far as I am concerned---the Tea Party is a Hate Party and I would not support any of their candidates . . .
Commented: Friday, October 23rd, 2015 @ 8:57 am By: Gene Scarborough
Daytime TV now has an alternate to rednecks fighting each other over which cousin got knocked up by which . . .
Commented: Thursday, October 22nd, 2015 @ 7:27 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Is there any part of NC tax spending devoid of total tension and political hate???
Commented: Thursday, October 22nd, 2015 @ 8:20 am By: Gene Scarborough
Are you tired yet of the monkey show going on in Raleigh???
Commented: Wednesday, October 21st, 2015 @ 8:20 am By: Gene Scarborough
Fair is fair and I see the point of not using disabled workers for excess profits. The same is true for equal wages for women or minorities. If your god is GREED, then you have no conscience and use people. If you are a fair employer, you pay the most you can to keep good workers and insist they perform on a par with one another.

The workplace is like a family. If favorites are played, then ultimately strife is the result. If there is respect and reasonable expectations the family is healthy and there is a future for them to share the inheritance rather than fight over it.
Commented: Wednesday, October 21st, 2015 @ 5:06 am By: Gene Scarborough
I have spent a little time in England. They introduced me to "fish & chips." The chips are what we call French Fries---but the English don't care much for the French.

At the same time I noticed how similar all the towns look to the rural South. We call our architecture "Colonial" --- they call it "Georgian" after King George. It if looks good, build it / if it tastes good, eat it / just don't make every building or meal exactly the same and life will be far more interesting!
Commented: Wednesday, October 21st, 2015 @ 4:54 am By: Gene Scarborough
Free - Safe - Exceptional are the 3 things Mr. Eccles claims are unique to America. None of these except the last have ever been completely accurate in my reading of US History. We started a new nation where democracy was the concept, but a Republic was the reality. Ask the Native Americans about how free they were when the White settlers took their lands and made them leave to far less lovely and usable places.

"Exceptional" is the most accurate word to describe America. Our founders were tired of being told what to do with their religion and money. England wanted our tea tax and others for their coffers. When the productivity of the Colonies outpaced the dependence on Britain for protection and support, we had had enough of that!

I think the problem is fear of people we do not know. Few have studied sociology enough to know about their unique social ways. Almost none have a clue about their Muslim religion. Those same people claim to know about their Christian religion and forget it encourages the welcoming of strangers and care of the poor and outcast. We certainly have become arrogant in our wealth and "success" of recent years.

Are we aware of how much our greed and aggression in foreign lands has displaced people who now need a place to go? They backed the American presence and now they fear for their lives once we left them high and dry. Part of the displacement of people is a direct result of our own actions and now we need to take responsibility to give a place of refuge to people seeking their dignity and freedom---otherwise we simply lie to them and make empty promises.

Almost all the negative things I hear about "foreigners" pertains to a lack of knowledge and lack of caring to welcome strangers to our new country. Our ancestors were all immigrants at one time in any family history.

I came to Beaufort County from Nash County. There are some immigrants with a Muslim heritage now in Rocky Mount. They are interesting to talk with. They run businesses and have become better citizens than the drug gangs running the streets of Nash/Edgecombe.

I grew up in Atlanta and it is hardly recognizable in many places. English signs are not present on some outlying places, but that is OK. I have not learned their language either and it is an opportunity to grow and develop my world of southern white drawl. I look on the changes as an opportunity rather than a risk.

Most of us sprouted our wings at one time or another. Some felt too threatened and quickly wanted to build a simple nest in the corner of their life for security only. Those who were willing to meet new people and dared to start a new business had an opportunity to succeed in America.

Why---really---would we deny that same opportunity we had to those who are wanting to try it for themselves?

I see some new types of restaurants serving native dishes which smell good and have native music coming out the windows or over the wall of the outdoor area. I love Rick Steves' travel shows and have done some travel myself. The stupid and narrow ones who paid big bucks are the ones who want to find a Kentucky Fried in the middle of Paris, France or Munich, Germany.

It won't really kill us to be open to something new. The typical immigrant is trying to adapt to their new home over being some nutty evangelist insisting we do things their way since they are now here.

When you have actually visited and talked with a Muslim who now lives here, you have some basis for your theory of non-immigration. Otherwise, it is nothing but fear and lack of real knowledge about welcoming strangers to our homes . . .
Commented: Wednesday, October 21st, 2015 @ 4:44 am By: Gene Scarborough
NOW --- do the right thing and accept Medicaid Funds awaiting distribution to NC, Governor . . .
Commented: Tuesday, October 20th, 2015 @ 11:52 am By: Gene Scarborough
The need for universal healthcare in America is great. Obamacare is but a first step and all things change for the better over time.

The real problems still to be addressed:
(1) Cost of healthcare rising at 3-5% greater rate than inflation
(2) False belief that we should live forever and spend more than half our healthcare expenses in the last 10 years of life
(3) Associated costs of healthcare like hospitals / big pharma / suing lawyers

At the least this article offers some solutions instead of the constant criticism starting with the derisive title "Obamacare." It was passed by Congress and suggested by the Executive Branch. If all would work together, any country which went to and back from the moon could solve these kinds of problems for the betterment of all citizens paying their taxes.
Commented: Tuesday, October 20th, 2015 @ 11:47 am By: Gene Scarborough
This is the most strange article on political candidates I have ever seen. It says "he is running" and also says "he is not my guy." It would appear that conservatives can't say enough negative stuff to empty their craw of criticism . . .
Commented: Monday, October 19th, 2015 @ 8:17 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Either you are right or you are backing a crazy man . . .
Commented: Monday, October 19th, 2015 @ 2:30 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I like Ben Carson as much as any candidate thus far running. He is acting a bit strange with his answers these days and his eye-closed presentations. Is he under too much stress?
Commented: Monday, October 19th, 2015 @ 7:12 am By: Gene Scarborough
If guns are so necessary, why are there so many shootings by Law Enforcement these days? Whatever happened to "Officer of the Peace."
Commented: Sunday, October 18th, 2015 @ 5:49 am By: Gene Scarborough
If Republicans are doing such a great job---why are my working man/small business taxes HIGHER????
Commented: Sunday, October 18th, 2015 @ 5:45 am By: Gene Scarborough
Thanks, Ted --- sometimes comments get more reads and I hope this helps broaden the scope of a good article by a smart gal!
Commented: Sunday, October 18th, 2015 @ 5:29 am By: Gene Scarborough
The falling down of NC has been on the GOP watch.

Do better, you get more respect / Keep it up and you will lose badly in 2016 . . .
Commented: Saturday, October 17th, 2015 @ 2:57 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I agree with BT on the beauty of "Ave Maria." As Baptists we were told "Catholics worship idols like the Virgin Mary." Nobody reminded us we worshiped our big church buildings with the biggest organ in town.

Someone has said the favorite pastime of Baptists is CONFESSING THE SINS OF OTHERS!

What I quickly discovered in World History and Christian History study is that we are ALL God's children and it is more important to respect one another and understand one another than to think we are superior to all other religions since we are Baptists in the South and have the biggest AND MOST churches!

The greatest experience, for me, has been talking and communicating with a real Roman Catholic Priest about his faith and practices. Another was sitting down with a faithful Mormon and DISCUSSING our traditions and similarities. I found out FOR MYSELF that we all have a place in God's Kingdom.

My skin Has goosebumps when I play the songs above. I can hardly end a sermon with the prayer of St. Frances of Assisi without a big lump in my throat. Praise God, we can worship and love one another --- and forget about any differences when we FAITH IT.
Commented: Saturday, October 17th, 2015 @ 8:30 am By: Gene Scarborough
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