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Comments by Gene Scarborough

Are Republicans washing their drawers in public yet---or not???
Commented: Monday, June 15th, 2015 @ 2:49 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Nicely done, Stan.

Do you think we are wise to Frack inland and drill Offshore between the Outer Banks and Gulf Stream in the Graveyard of the Atlantic. I would so hate to see the little animal covered in goo from a blow out . . .
Commented: Monday, June 15th, 2015 @ 2:40 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Stan---let me put it this way: If your NC taxes did not go up the last 2 years while the Conservative leaders tell us they are saving us taxes, be sure to say so with a simple yes or no answer . . .
Commented: Monday, June 15th, 2015 @ 2:35 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Stan--you didn't answer my question, buddy --- instead you took another conservative rant . . .
Commented: Monday, June 15th, 2015 @ 11:43 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on

Too many Deacons spend too much time on practical matters like finance and lawn/building care which have a committee to do that part. It is far easier to decide dollars and cents than to get out there and help the pastor minister to the flock. The water hits the wheel when a person is grieving or crazy and there are visitors who could use a follow-up.

Many of them say, "That's what we hired the preacher to do!" Real churches meet spiritual needs / real Deacons are servants of the church rather than the masters.
Commented: Monday, June 15th, 2015 @ 11:39 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on

Ted---you are citing a Baptist practice with a surface look. A few things should be added from the Bible:
(1) What the letter from Paul was citing is polygamy rather than divorce. In a practical sense imagine a man with 5 wives trying to bring peace to a church problem!
(2) The first Deacons were chosen to solve a fight between the Hebrew widows and the Greek ones. They chose them from the criteria Paul outlined---then we have no details on the solution. The problem was solved is the point!
(3) The name is from Greek which means "through the dust" which is a name for church servant, not church Board of decision-making. The Greek is "dia-konos."
(4) In many Baptists church there are no real problems at the moment, but the Deacon Board decides to make the Pastor "it."
Commented: Monday, June 15th, 2015 @ 11:33 am By: Gene Scarborough
So, Stan --- did your NC tax go up the last 2 years like mine --- with your buddies in control of this state???
Commented: Monday, June 15th, 2015 @ 9:27 am By: Gene Scarborough
Most of this appears GOOD / the override of the Governor's veto for Magistrates turns them into Judges of who gets married under state law . . .BAD!!!
Commented: Monday, June 15th, 2015 @ 8:42 am By: Gene Scarborough
Did you see the 60 Minutes segment last night about Duke Energy coal ash spills and how they have walked away from them without putting arsenic, strontium, and other hazardous wastes into a LINED CONTAINMENT AREA . . .????

Leslie Stall was asking the lady who heads Duke Energy some serious questions and she got the "I wish I could kill you" look in her eyes before it was over!
Commented: Monday, June 15th, 2015 @ 8:39 am By: Gene Scarborough
Us MODERATES see the real problem is rich and corporate FAVORITISM under current NC new Tax code, my friend. I attended a tax report meeting in Greemville a few weeks ago---guess what --- ALL us middle earners paid more the last 2 years while the rich are paying less and getting a new jet deduction --- and my $50K instant small business write off is now gone as well . . .

I am not pleased in the least over being lied to about "how Conservatives are lowering taxes = more BS!!!
Commented: Monday, June 15th, 2015 @ 8:33 am By: Gene Scarborough
I have read a lot of BS in my life ~~~ this is THE BEST!!!

H.L. Menkin called Conservatives "my contemporary ancestors!" He was a smart man looking a British BS and calling it what is it. I go with him on the kind of Conservatism which has turned NC from PROGRESSIVE to REGRESSIVE in the last 10 years!
Commented: Monday, June 15th, 2015 @ 7:44 am By: Gene Scarborough
Whee dogies," as Jed Clampett would say---lets go swim in the cement pond while Granny brews another batch of lightening . . ."
Commented: Saturday, June 13th, 2015 @ 3:05 pm By: Gene Scarborough
You are living in a County dominated by Church of Christ which brought the lawsuit to throw out the Marriage Amendment as unconstitutional. You need to enroll at SEBTS where you would feel comfortable in these days of abject Conservatism, bud. . .

It is always the dog that sneaks up behind you that bites your butt the best --- of the ornery mule that kicks you in the head = BEWARE---you are safe if he hits your hard head---otherwise you might just learn a few lessons about TRUTH, old sport.
Commented: Saturday, June 13th, 2015 @ 1:16 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Why don't you go over to the comment section on my posts regarding the SBC Conservatives and their ways. See if it makes sense to you and try to get around their actions which have had a deep influence in NC . . .

The higher the Conservative Monkey climbs the tree --- the more you see his tail!
Commented: Saturday, June 13th, 2015 @ 10:51 am By: Gene Scarborough
Enjoy the bush --- not sure whether that is figurative or literal, Bobby Tony.

I don't blame the government for anything but being the puppets instead of the controllers. When Conservatives are the puppets of the rich, I have a problem and the current Reaganomic Tax Code is an obvious failure to me!

I also say, Title XX (LBJ War on Poverty) has gone for 5 generations of tit sucking by poor people who don't WANT to work. Give them a shovel and swingblade for a 40 hour week before they get another government dollar from me!!!
Commented: Saturday, June 13th, 2015 @ 8:48 am By: Gene Scarborough
If you were to want my mind and depth---it would be the same a putting a grand piano in a broom closet of Conservatism. Sorry, I can't fix such --- so deal with it and try to look in a mirror of self-examination. Had Hitler and his henchmen done such, Jews would have not been molested and killed along with Gypsies and homosexuals.

People who name-call are bullies on the playard and I busted quite a few as a grammar and high school student. Grow up and live with others, if you are wise / keep on with your brand of conservatism and you will become the laughing stock of Beaufort County before you are finished here.
Commented: Saturday, June 13th, 2015 @ 8:43 am By: Gene Scarborough
I am far from resting my case, Stan --- It is that the Nazi way of labeling Jews as "Christ killing Rats" led to concentration camps and gas chambers with big furnaces to destroy the evidence through cremation of Jews. Now Israel is a source of reverse hate in the Middle East and they are cleansing the West Bank of all Arabs.

Words of TRUTH always get out. They are understood by wise people who look beneath the hate of labels applied too quickly to others who see through the hate and misnomers of Conservatism.
Commented: Saturday, June 13th, 2015 @ 5:47 am By: Gene Scarborough
George Leef is a bit too Conservative in his analysis, parts of which are accurate.

If he is addressing the Athlete favoritism as part of the "favoritism fallacy," I would welcome it. The attempt to "dumb down" the NC University System through Conservative political ploys is obvious to me and not in the best interest of higher education in NC.

I made it to Emory University as part of their attempt to "remain southern." I found fellow students from up North and deep down South in Florida. It was highly competitive and those who had access to old exams with fraternity files and those who were "just smart" were put together with those of us working our way through and living at home as was I.

Now, Emory is making an International selection process with the idea we are becoming a world economy and communication. They are living in the Atlanta area where many communities have so many immigrants there are no street signs in English! Their conscious and expressed intention toward such makes them even more a leading University in Graduate Education and Undergraduate interaction.

College "should be" an opportunity to expand you horizons in both intellectual pursuits and social interaction. It is a core part of formation for any young adult wishing to "know more and see more than that from whence you came."

At its core this article seems to have a Conservative White slant in a process where NC has led the nation in years past. The "Great North State" will maintain its Progressive outlook ONLY when we get away from our slave roots and hate of the KKK in certain parts of this state. The big signs in Johnston County and surrounding areas are gone---the hate is far from over . . .
Commented: Saturday, June 13th, 2015 @ 5:42 am By: Gene Scarborough
Stan---I am BOTH Progressive and Loving in my outlook on life and politics as well as religion. Your fancy words inserted in this article are the same as Dr. Paige Patterson who became President of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) and now President of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS) which is the largest of all the Southern Baptist Seminaries. He uses big words to cover his small mind.

I like Bernie Sanders for his forthright views inside Congress. Elizabeth Warren also appeals to me. Both of them come from real middle-class America and have not forgotten their roots and struggle even though they now are tempted with bribes and saying only what appeals to the rich control part of America.

We have such political examples in BOTH parties---Dwight Eisenhower / Harry Truman / Teddy Roosevelt / Franklin D. Roosevelt / Miss Mae Coker whom I cited some time back. Those who rise to heights of influence and some financial success are always tempted to forget "from whence they came."

When Paige Patterson came to Wake Forest his pompous wife immediately decided to give the President's house a new name of "pomp and circumstance." She had a sign painted that you can see today if you pass through on NC 98 headed to Durham the back way.

MAGNOLIA HILL is right there. The locals of Wake County are laughing their behinds off at the pomposity ~~~ Magnolia Hill was the last whorehouse in Wake County in days gone by!!!

"Beware of too much rise too quick," is my take. Hillary suffers from the disease as well as Ronald Reagan and Dick Cheney. You must read "Worse Than Watergate" by John Dean (who was up to his neck in the Nixon fiasco). On the religious side, you can read Joel Gregory's book on W.A. Criswell who refused to resign even when Gregory was called as the next pastor of FBC Dallas. "Too Great A Temptation" is that book. Both show a down-to-earth analysis of folks forgetting their commonality with citizens once getting to a place of great influence and the "Peter Principle" brought them to ruin . . .
Commented: Saturday, June 13th, 2015 @ 5:23 am By: Gene Scarborough
Stan --- "(Not that there;s anything wrong with that)" is a cop out, my brother. You see EVERYTHING wrong with what you label "liberal." Just like the SBC Takeover I describe in detail---you have added so many feet to the bench of life that what is really MODERATE appears to you at LIBERAL.

There is much danger in your tendency to hate and judge and label . . .
Commented: Saturday, June 13th, 2015 @ 5:02 am By: Gene Scarborough
"Liberal" smiberal --- MODERATE, my friend~~~Moderate (meaning I look at all sides of any issues and make up my mind for myself with much logic) . . .
Commented: Friday, June 12th, 2015 @ 8:22 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Look up "opinionated hard head" in the dictionary and your pic below is there, brother!

That seems to be a trait of your kind of Conservative --- without the Reagan smile.
Commented: Friday, June 12th, 2015 @ 5:31 pm By: Gene Scarborough
There you go again, Stan (it's beginning to rhyme) --- calling a Moderate at Liberal is getting to be a cuss word and my chipper is not yet sold, buddy!!!

Here --- in facts and figures --- is the cause of deficit financing since Vietnam: You stop calling me a Liberal and I will stop compalining.

Were you not at the Commissioners meeting with a vote when I spoke with you and the others about how you could reduce the Property Tax to fair---why has it not yet been done with Hood's wise observation????
Commented: Friday, June 12th, 2015 @ 11:59 am By: Gene Scarborough
I am a small businessman who had to live off 20% of what I made pre-recession (Thanks Conservative for the Trickle Down Tax farce) ~~~ If citizens are living on less, then government can do the same, Stan . . .
Commented: Friday, June 12th, 2015 @ 10:28 am By: Gene Scarborough
Thanks, Stan, for the prompt posting of this part of the series on Conservatives scheming, lying, going around the rules to DESTROY the largest Protestant Denomination in the USA. The numbers in giving and participation in NC are going DOWN when, before the takeover, it was a steady growth!
Commented: Friday, June 12th, 2015 @ 5:53 am By: Gene Scarborough
I have a better idea: WE ALL KNOW PROPERTY TAXES ARE 30% HIGHER THAN ANY ACTUAL SALE VALUES! The Commissioners at their next meeting could vote to reduce it to actual values without an increase in the percent --- Since reappraisal 5 years ago, we have been screwed by 30% and no citizen would oppose such a change nor complain!!!

I just found out --- after almost losing my house to Property Taxes --- that over 65 and making under $30K makes you eligible for a REDUCTION! Why is that not on a big sign over the front desk at the Tax Office?????
Commented: Friday, June 12th, 2015 @ 5:44 am By: Gene Scarborough
Ray Jackson was my Principal and I remember the event. He was a former amateur boxer and his large nose, somewhat askance, showed that history. He was always fair and balanced with discipline. Our faculty had an ex-WAC teaching typing with the same military precision to the folding of the typewriter covers "this way."

I also remember in the 7th grade someone calling our Japanese classmate, Patty, a "Jap." The teacher stopped everything and gave us a lecture on prejudice and name calling none would ever forget! You knew the next to dare such was going to visit the Principal's office and a visit with the "Board of Education" there.

Clarkston, GA, of the early 50's was almost identical to Bath where I now live---a caution light / school with all grades in the almost identical brick building.

We still have a Beaufort County School system that teaches as was done at Clarkston. We are drawing people from all over the world in retirement. Come on over from Atlanta and see how good it is!
Commented: Thursday, June 11th, 2015 @ 6:08 am By: Gene Scarborough
ABSOLUTELY, my friend --- he may be somewhat obnoxious at times, but this is a no-brainer correct observation, in my view. . .
Commented: Wednesday, June 10th, 2015 @ 6:07 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Anytime there are "meetings before the meeting" ~~~ I call it "plotting and plodding"
Commented: Wednesday, June 10th, 2015 @ 3:32 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on

Now all us Senior know why new drug stores are popping up on every corner of any big place with us wobbling down the streets! Just be glad we don't live in Florida where there is one at every intersection. . .
Commented: Wednesday, June 10th, 2015 @ 9:23 am By: Gene Scarborough
Can all you elected folks "just grow up?"
Commented: Wednesday, June 10th, 2015 @ 9:15 am By: Gene Scarborough
I see nothing but GREED being cited here. Politica and GREED are poor bedfellows in a world of the Founding Fathers who purposely set up our national politics to prevent a few Royalty and their Lords and Ladies from running the whole show for their ultimate benefit --- and the rest of the real workers just keep starving and getting by. . .
Commented: Wednesday, June 10th, 2015 @ 5:20 am By: Gene Scarborough
Alcoa has a most interesting case which is hard to decide by any judge!

At its core is the failure of Alcoa to be profitable with aluminum---so it now profits from selling the power generated by dams along that stretch---AS LONG AS IT DOES NOT HURT THE WATER QUALITY.

It sort of relates to FRACKING in NC. Oil companies (with similar power and greed) have been approved for inserting chemicals into the shale sand level of our earth to flush up a super-low quality substance which, when refined, can become gasoline and in the process releases methane gas into the aquifers. This harms the atmosphere and water. Without water and breathable air mankind perishes along with other plants and animals!

The areas where this procedure is practiced --- all have water coming out of faucets in time. It tastes terrible and could be lit with a match inside a citizen's kitchen! Even where it is done, oil owners have managed to get injunctions so it is not done on or near their personal property!

It is a close call where Courts rule over ownership. None of those courts go back to say, "Greedy white men took this land from Native Americans who hunted and fished and lived along it without problems! Maybe you should give the power rights and income back to those native folks who got sent to midwestern reservations and starved to death along the Trail of Tears."

Corporate profit vs. wise use of the environment is the real issue here, in my view. Now, NC is letting the Federal Government do seismic studies between the Outer Banks and Gulf Stream. According to Big Oil there is no danger to mess up a critical part of the East Coast when (not IF) a well ruptures as it did in the Gulf of Mexico. Deepwater Horizon was not located in The Graveyard of the Atlantic where guaranteed hurricanes and nor'easters blow everything into destruction. It was in the Gulf of Mexico and the Gulf coast and aquaculture HAVE BEEN ruined as we read this!

Renewable Energy / Corporate Greed / Water essential to life / the value of electricity to cool and heat as well as produce aluminum and run textile mills all meets in a Wrestling Ring --- and he who wins can be smart or bribe the ref!

Any relationship to Deflategate and the NBA finals is purely coincidental. Those with monster ego-needs and betting money on the outcome of the battle face the matter of ETHICS and MORALS at the core.

Commented: Wednesday, June 10th, 2015 @ 5:12 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on

Bobby Tony --- Most interesting post and more deep than you think. . .The Sigmund Freud in you is coming out! Just remember that Benjamin Franklin wrote Poor Richard's Almanac BUT people who knew him were not really fooled for a minute --- AND he owned up to it!

The most famous prophet went to King David over Bathsheba and other debauchery on his part. Instead of saying, "King, you killed a man over his wife and made his wife pregnant as he was off to war" (plain truth plainly spoken), he told the story of the rich shepherd who stole a poor man's only sheep to enhance his herd.

Having been a shepherd as a child, the King knew a shepherd losing his only sheep has no future to enlarge his herd and make a living. He is, therefore, sentenced to perpetual servitude over making your way with a growing herd from poverty to security. It's like Corporate America getting big tax breaks and investing only overseas and offshore banks . . .

A wise black lady who made our church supper each week was like you --- just basic common sense! In classic black dialect she was shelling corn with a razor sharp butcher knife and I was chatting with her. She said, "Mr. Scarber, as you ever known one dem people who is 'dancyeyed'?"

"What did you say, Anna?" I asked. "I don't understand what your said."

She said, "You know---dem people that's eyes goes up-and-down-up-and-down."

"I surely have met some and now I know what you mean," I replied.

"DEY BE CRAZY!" Anna chuckled.

Just listen carefully to Anna, Bobby Tony! All people have eye movements when looking in a mirror and you can't see it for yourself. If someone comes up to you and says, "Why are your eyes dancing around so much?"

Be CAREFUL --- very, very careful!!!
Commented: Wednesday, June 10th, 2015 @ 4:34 am By: Gene Scarborough
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