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Comments by Gene Scarborough

I wish you would do a story on Bennett Wine, Stan. It is the best I have ever had. Buddy is trying to now got international with Chinese interest. If he had moe financial backing, Beaufort County could be more than famous . . .
Commented: Sunday, June 21st, 2015 @ 6:00 pm By: Gene Scarborough
The Washington Post addresses the SC Confederate flag issue:
Commented: Sunday, June 21st, 2015 @ 11:42 am By: Gene Scarborough
Tell Stan and me when you can come, Ted!!! I think he would join us / I know I would be glad to drive us to near Edward, NC!!!
Commented: Sunday, June 21st, 2015 @ 11:29 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on

Depending on the denomination, Pastors have protection or "all at risk." I know too many who look at their retirement account numbers before taking any stand. The ones who stay the longest either have a good church with good laypeople or they rule like the new King Pastors of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Independent Baptists have "a way" under the democracy of their churches --- the Pastor has the deed to the property in his name since he started that church! Methodists avoid the issue because the denomination owns all the property rights and their top-down structure goes from Denomination Headquarters to District to local church. Preachers are assigned to their churches and no local group can dismiss them. They are assigned by the District Superintendent.

Catholics totally control their clergy and churches straight down from the Pope, Cardinals, and Bishops. Amazingly, they take in new and strange groups so they get the bucks from them even if they are somewhat crazy. The Catholic Charismatic Movement is the classic example of "spirit-controlled" folks being included as long as they give to Rome!

Here, in eastern NC, Baptists are biggest followed by Methodists and Presbyterians. In this particular corner the Church of Christ (Christian Church) is the most numerous and that is a "NC exception." The reason is they have schools at Wilson and Elizabeth City which produce clergy for the many churches around here.
Commented: Saturday, June 20th, 2015 @ 1:37 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I have dealt with many big budgets before. This one is no different. A quick review tells me you are making a minimal salary increase in a 4% inflation economy. that is not a wise move to keep good people working with us nor trying to enlist them to come here.

I have a big question not reflected in the exact salaries paid any County employee = I am told the new County Manager is making about $200,000 in salary and benefits. If this is true, we are paying a person a heck of a lot to deal with matters the Commissioners seem to think they own . . .
Commented: Saturday, June 20th, 2015 @ 1:23 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Ted---you live in the same Atlanta metro I grew up in. A black person speaking perfect British English blew my mind years ago on a visit I made to England.

Us Southerners expect the slang of the black south and that does not exist in England---except for the Cockney accents of the lower classes. All societies make a quick distinction over the way a person speaks . . .
Commented: Saturday, June 20th, 2015 @ 1:11 pm By: Gene Scarborough
If any of you guys think for one minute "Hate is gone," you have never lived in a small southern town. "Class and Cast in Southern Town" is another famous sociology study of the South. You can Google it after reading the PDF I gave you.
Commented: Saturday, June 20th, 2015 @ 1:03 pm By: Gene Scarborough
"The Nature of Prejudice" is the book. The link gives you the PDF on it so you can read the entire thing for yourself and decide on its validity . . .
Commented: Saturday, June 20th, 2015 @ 12:59 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on

I met too many at Emory who were going into medicine for money and pleasing parents. Since then there are many in the preaching business over their father influence rather than that of a Calling from their Heavenly Father to preach.

The most classic case is at a small SC town where the rich man's son wanted to be a professor and his totally greedy father bought him a liquor store. He still sits in the store and ready philosophy, but has not place to teach it . . .

"Those who do not find happiness in their work will never know what happiness is."
Commented: Saturday, June 20th, 2015 @ 8:28 am By: Gene Scarborough
Oops --- Wayne Dyer . . .
Commented: Friday, June 19th, 2015 @ 6:30 am By: Gene Scarborough
Wayne Dryer is one of my favorite life observers. I catch him on PBS at times.
Commented: Thursday, June 18th, 2015 @ 7:26 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on

The Great Depression struck over several years although the official day Wall Street fell apart is at the end of this article's beginning note we might be getting in trouble.

The corporate and rich theory of today is "always use other people's money." That means rich folks own banks until they are bought out by more paper transactions and stock transfers than a slick Philadelphia Lawyer can imagine! A quick look at "Wall Street," the movie give the insider traders view of GREED.

I believe Oliver Stone's father was a broker at such so take it as "modern day biblical observation." Remember the Gecko comment: GREED is GOOD. Bull---greed landed him in a federal prison for his shenanigans. . .NEVER put any money in any stock you can't afford to loose --- YOU CAN BANK ON IT!
Commented: Thursday, June 18th, 2015 @ 9:38 am By: Gene Scarborough
One of the best "batches of hooie" I have read in a while. It sure makes my day to start with GREAT HOOIE!!! You are the best at making me really laugh in a week, man!

Be darned --- I posted this in 2012!!!
Commented: Thursday, June 18th, 2015 @ 9:30 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on

Great old time article written in the ear just before the Great Depression struck. It is called the Roaring 20's where all people in the US thought the party and drink were the rewards of having money---far more than any wise investing. The best investing is in land because "God ain't making any more of it!"

The best Economics 101 rule I have ever heard came from the Kingfisher of Amos 'n Andy fame. He was the scheming businessman on the show with the fine zoot suit. He said:

"If yo' out go exceeds yo' in come --- yo' up keep will be yo' down fall!"

Wise people who want a future NEVER forget it!!!
Commented: Thursday, June 18th, 2015 @ 7:23 am By: Gene Scarborough
I had the privilege last night of hearing both Mrs. Tansey and our Superintendent of Schools. They are collaborating to give us one of the leading school systems in NC!

I will be giving a report later today on the event . . .
Commented: Thursday, June 18th, 2015 @ 7:16 am By: Gene Scarborough
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution sums up the activity:
Commented: Wednesday, June 17th, 2015 @ 5:03 pm By: Gene Scarborough
The SBC ended today --- they always do something to get a front line. This year was "show your gay hate" headlines:
Commented: Wednesday, June 17th, 2015 @ 5:01 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Nice thoughts / nice pics --- when the clouds are "just right" you better have your camera "just handy and right." Stan, you did both---THANX!!!
Commented: Wednesday, June 17th, 2015 @ 4:57 pm By: Gene Scarborough
When a nation spends more than half its discretionary budget on war --- where do your find money to keep the roads and bridges up?
Commented: Wednesday, June 17th, 2015 @ 1:16 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on

We are an ENTERTAINMENT WORLD these days. Normal thinking is not part of the picture anymore. In the day of only print news, you took it in and pondered it. Next, came the radio world where words drew people close to the little box in the corner and, again, imagination was involved along with the ability to listen.

Now, "If it bleeds, it leads / if it burns or wrecks, it's next." After a bit you become like my aged mother in her elder years of seeing Atlanta News. The awful stuff could be 60 miles away, but she just knew it was in her back yard!!! Living in a world of bleeding, wrecking, robbery, and killing is not good for old folks.
Commented: Wednesday, June 17th, 2015 @ 9:38 am By: Gene Scarborough
We who pay the taxes could do our own decrease, if we chose. What if we give the Commissioners what we feel is fair and dare them to do anything about it!
Commented: Wednesday, June 17th, 2015 @ 9:30 am By: Gene Scarborough
I spoke --- none of the Commissioners seemed to take in. No one was taking notes even. The others got the same stone faces by and large. I think we have reached the point we feel we are wasting our time with folks whose minds are already made up!

Nobody I talk with is happy with their Property Taxes, but they all shrug their shoulders and say, "They are going to do what they are going to do and we are already screwed by them . . ."

On the other hand, I know of NO ONE who would complain with a 30% decrease in taxes in this difficult time. It the Commissioners want to go down as the best bunch of representatives ever---they would take notes, help the people in a hard time, encourage all departments to do as the Sheriff has done~~~REDUCE SPENDING!
Commented: Wednesday, June 17th, 2015 @ 9:28 am By: Gene Scarborough
As usual, Conservative hate speech diverts attention from real problems . . .

(1) A failed Trickle Down tax code and policies favoring the rich and corps.
(2) The fact that most corps have taken their tax savings to foreign countries with child labor and no environmental regulations as the trickle their new wealth back into their Offshore banking accounts, thereby depriving American banks of initial money to lend to qualified Americans.
(3) The abject obstruction of the Legislative Branch toward the Executive Branch with the Judicial Branch being skewed to Conservatism over the last many years on the assumption that "only conservatives are right."

We are at the 200+ years examination of the "Great Experiment in Democracy" and the real question is --- DO WE LEAD BY EXAMPLE / DO WE LEAD BY MILITARY POWER THREATENING EVERY MOVE BY OTHERS IN THIS WORLD?

Over half our national discretionary budget is spent on war. Here is the site that keep the ticker on our war spending. See what could be done with the same money spent of more worthy pursuits than INVASION:
Commented: Wednesday, June 17th, 2015 @ 6:52 am By: Gene Scarborough
The Internet and its freedom are at the core of "Freedom and Justice for ALL."

Our Forefathers came from the oppression of the Old World. It had reached the point only the rich and powerful had a say in most anything. If you were Royalty and had a Title, you had a say---otherwise you slaved to get enough to eat and wear.

People lived in hovels while the Rich Ones enjoyed their fine castles and food galore. The New World offered, at its core, OPPORTUNITY / FREE SPEECH / RELIGIOUS FREEDOM. An Open Internet is the New World of today's electronically connected world.

I applaude the FCC now having a basic rule of "Anyone with a connection can say and do whatever they please. Just remember that in America, since 9/11---we are being watched as never before! I sometimes do transaction via Western Union or Moneygram. About 3 years ago a white government-tagged car cam in my yard. Out of it came 2 investigators who presented me with their Homeland Security business cards. They were both nice, but full of questions over some recent transactions I had made. They had a file folder with the original copies of my transactions. They asked if they might take my computer in as part of their investigation. I knew if I did not comply they could come back later with a court order to seize it.

I had nothing to hide so I consented. It was back within 5 days. I know little about how spies can operate and assume they found nothing of interest. Did they imbed any software that put me on their IPS? Who knows.

The most frightening thing in this was a letter sent to me within that same week. In essence it said, I "might" be called to Federal Court in New Bern and would be well-advised to employ Counsel, should that occur!

Do I feel threatened --- HELL YES
Did I get any letter or call to court --- NO, thank God
Do I feel my privacy as an American is invaded --- HELL TRIPLE-YES!!!
Commented: Wednesday, June 17th, 2015 @ 6:23 am By: Gene Scarborough
I went through the archived live feeds today at:

As a lay person most will find it somewhat staid and programmed. I find it most interesting that their crowd is small and their room is too. In past years the meeting required a large coliseum. If you are pretty much rubber stamping all the recommendations from the Executive Committee you get the top down change to the SBC.

The Sunday School Literature is now under the enslavement to the Baptist Faith and Message Statement adopted some years back stating "The Bible is Inerrant." Those same leaders have no problem jumping on an international jet and, according to the biblical view of earth should fall off a corner as the sun goes around earth each day.

I used to have to sit through all that stuff. With fast forward, I can turn a day long event into an hour and that should please a techno-geek if nothing else, Ted!

You can hear a few good sermons bewailing the downward spiral of the SBC. Many of us told them "you can steal the bus, but with your sparse giving will there be any gas in the tank?" I see their church giving averages going greatly down as the megachurch "all under my roof so I can brag" mentality is thwarting new church growth that was in abundance in the 60-70 era.

They can vote what they please, but each church is ultimately autonomous --- unless you minister to gays or call a female pastor. Much more hand waving and informal attire is evident. One messenger made a motion they turn down the volumn on the praise choirs and instruments since they were hurting his ears!
Commented: Tuesday, June 16th, 2015 @ 10:09 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on

The actual Greek translates "husband of one wife." Go figure, Ted. Most things have room for interpretation. I would not deny a good man (or woman) the honor of the diaconate as long as they did their best to make their first marriage work and then went on to a real one later.

I would certainly prefer such to some choir singing jerks who got elected because they were seen or sang good. . . It is a spiritual office to help solve problems and help minister.
Commented: Tuesday, June 16th, 2015 @ 3:40 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on

That poetic observation was from one of the best books ever written for anyone: "The Awesome Power of the Listening Ear'--- by Dr. John Drakeford.

The simple fact is God gave us 1 mouth and 2 ears which indicates we would all be better off listening twice as much as talking---especially when people are grieving or under great stress. One technique of counseling says take their last statement and inflect it as a question.

My father was a Chaplain at Grady Hospital and had a lady ask him about why her husband had been taken "by God" too soon. He used the Leslie D. Weatherhead "Will of God" analysis to let her know how God's will can work beyond just blaming Him for all . . . She was most grateful he answered her question instead of asking her to figure it out as did all the other Chaplains. My father listened carefully instead of playing the counselor game.

One of the best stories I have is of a little girl who was most late coming in from school. Her irate mother asked her WHY?

She answered that her friend had lost her doll and she was helping her look for it.

"DID you find that doll since you were so late?" continued the Mother.

"No we did't, but I stayed to help her cry."
Commented: Tuesday, June 16th, 2015 @ 2:55 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on

"I bend a sympathetic ear
To other people's woes
It matters not how hard to hear
Their real or fancied throes
I pay to every single line
Attention undiminished ----

Because I plan to start on mine
The minute theirs is finished!!!
Commented: Tuesday, June 16th, 2015 @ 1:58 pm By: Gene Scarborough
As the actual SBC meeting begins today, there is a major issue over Missionary Control:

The meeting is an opportunity to ask questions, but whenever a bunch of Trustees makes a decision, it is hard to defeat nowadays. This one deals with Speaking in Tongues --- which is a biblical thing of the New Testament you cannot deny, YET the new Conservative Leaders do not want it practiced by ANY missionary or any Executive. The last International Mission Board (IMB) Executive was forced out by his practice of a "prayer language."

It is hard for me to reconcile their insistence on an Inerrant Bible and their refusal to allow a biblical practice. It can to wild and be a problem, but again, Paul gives clear guidance in his Letter to the Galatians and a few others of his letters when it was an Early Church problem.

Today's SBC leaders are scared of the Holy Spirit, it seems to me . . .
Commented: Tuesday, June 16th, 2015 @ 8:45 am By: Gene Scarborough
Thanks, Stan for the good and honest coverage. It is hard to pay my taxes with a smile when I have no say in anything decided by the Ruling Board of Directors instead of Representatives of the People.

I grew up in the world of Baptist Democracy with my father being the Preacher and, later, doing the same as I pastored some dozen churches in my career. The major difference between the Baptist Church and Board of Commissioners is their power to tax.

In the church you can shame and encourage people to tithe (10%), but you cannot make them do it! It is a matter of a willing heart and something you have a say in each time. If I don't pay my Property Tax, the law allows for it to be taken and sold on the courthouse steps to pay them.

That is a fearsome power which should be handled wisely, in my view. It appears our Commissioners do not care to listen to us who pay the freight. One lady addressed the Board with her concerns over school funding. Another man praised the new Sheriff who has adjusted his budget down by a great percentage. Others, including me, gave our views that the Property Tax is most excessive right now.

That is Commissioner Richardson's honest view trampled over by 6-1 along with attempts to meet outside the public eye. That is not Democrat nor Republican wisdom at work!

I have actually met and know honest politicians and businessmen in my life. They might have gotten rich and powerful, but NEVER forget they are servants and co-workers with all who voted them into office.

The old adage: "Pride goeth before a fall" comes to mind.

By the way ~~~ you and I are more than AGREED on this one . . .
Commented: Tuesday, June 16th, 2015 @ 8:22 am By: Gene Scarborough
Should any good Southern Baptists wish to keep up with all the events today, here is your site:
Commented: Monday, June 15th, 2015 @ 3:28 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Then, Stan ---are you one of the wealthy or corps with bucks which went down too?
Commented: Monday, June 15th, 2015 @ 3:23 pm By: Gene Scarborough
The same man quoted over the numerical decline posts this on the eve before the Convention starts tomorrow at 9:00:

What now?

At the core, these numbers tell us this: It is as important as it has ever been for Southern Baptists to share and show the love of Jesus.

But that does not require a Southern Baptist Convention. That's true for nondenominational churches as well.

So, for the future, the SBC needs to find a way to cooperatively work together -- what SBC President Ronnie Floyd has called "visible unity" -- to lead out in evangelism and church planting, provide resources for church revitalization, engage young and more non-Anglo leaders, and do so as a denominational family.

Facts are our friends, and the fact is the SBC decline is not reversing. It is not too late to make changes that will reverse the decline, but we must do so together.

Ed Stetzer is vice president of LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention.
My question is---we had love and cooperation before the Conservatives started calling us skunks and infidels and promised great growth is only we became more Conservative and the Resurgence started with their tricks of the trade . . .
Commented: Monday, June 15th, 2015 @ 3:20 pm By: Gene Scarborough
You are the first I have heard say this---what was your secret to avoiding your increase, if you will, sir . . .
Commented: Monday, June 15th, 2015 @ 2:51 pm By: Gene Scarborough
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