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Comments by Gene Scarborough

QUESTION: Is the Hospital a 501(c)3 corporation???

If so, there are stringent NC tax rules and the Secretary of State supervises such. Any dissolution of such an entity requires any funds go only to an identical category = tax-exempt / non-profit . . .
Commented: Friday, July 17th, 2015 @ 3:58 pm By: Gene Scarborough
It sounds like you have given up, Bobby Tony, on living together in peace and under law fair to all citizens. If we go back to the wild west pistol packing days, if is my view we have lost more things than we have gained.

One of the great basic concepts of a United States was free speech where we can entertain other ideas and compare them for a better union of BOTH ideas. Jesus was inviting his followers to become fishers of men and the enterprise was the JOY of salvation and PEACE.

The basic question I asked first is "How can we honor diversity without killing one another?"
Commented: Friday, July 17th, 2015 @ 3:51 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Enjoy your prejudices, gentlemen. I have better things to accomplish today than argue with "minds made up to hate."
Commented: Friday, July 17th, 2015 @ 9:14 am By: Gene Scarborough
This new Peace Treaty is a great step forward in international relations. If the President did everything you conservatives want---he would still be criticized by the "Party of Criticism," in my view.

I want to say something real straight and real ugly about shutting your pie hole, but propriety and trying to be a little more nice keeps me PC today!
Commented: Friday, July 17th, 2015 @ 9:11 am By: Gene Scarborough
The only real problem with the US economy

As long as Conservatives insist we police the world, we will continue to fail / as long as you don't deal with the inflated costs of medical care---growing at 3-5 times the inflation rate, you can't solve the issue of costs. Caps are necessary with ridiculous amounts paid CEO's / big pharma / suing lawyers / pretty buildings without enough caring and paid nurses and aides to properly care for patients.

When you favor the rich and tax the dickens out of the workers, you have violated the dream of a great nation where all are created equal with opportunities for all as well . . .
Commented: Friday, July 17th, 2015 @ 9:06 am By: Gene Scarborough
"THE SKY IS FALLING," said Chicken Little!!!
Commented: Friday, July 17th, 2015 @ 9:01 am By: Gene Scarborough
Would that his budget reflected a REAL commitment to education in NC. You can't continue to favor the rich and corps on taxes and not have vast cuts in education expenditures.

The Lotter is a BS approach / make it fair with taxes, then spend the money where it is needed to enlist and retain outstanding educators . . .
Commented: Friday, July 17th, 2015 @ 8:58 am By: Gene Scarborough
Stan---how quickly you forget how Reagan traded arms for hostages in the Middle East!

It is the US official policy to NOT NEGOTIATE over hostages. If you take one, then you had best release him or face our military force. The trouble always comes in the details of where you are holding them / how can we free them and they stay alive.

Had President Carter had a successful rescue mission, he would have been a hero. It is historical fact that Reagan used back channels to assure the Iatolla that they would get a better deal on hostages if he were elected and then in charge. They kept our hostages until AFTER HIS ELECTION as a political ploy by the Reagan Campaign . . .
Commented: Friday, July 17th, 2015 @ 6:41 am By: Gene Scarborough
Here is the discussion question: How can we honor the differences between world societies / the differences in our own diverse society of the United States in 2015?
Commented: Friday, July 17th, 2015 @ 6:27 am By: Gene Scarborough
(1) The US does not negotiate over hostages.
(2) The Treaty is yet to be fully disclosed so your comments are far too premature.
(3) The power to veto any stupidity from Congress puts them in the position to either be wise or show their conservative monkey tails.
(4) Thus far all Republicans have to offer are clowns growing from car to bus to cruise ship!!!

Do and say as you please, time will tell, good buddy!
Commented: Thursday, July 16th, 2015 @ 8:52 pm By: Gene Scarborough
If there is an end to mankind by our hands---you are already sure it can't be Global Warming so that should comfort all. I don't know how you stand over inland fracking and offshore crude oil drilling in the Graveyard of the Atlantic.

For sure, the idiots of conservatism in Congress have shown us more monkey tails than any Congress ever in their first year+ of majority. The trouble with you and your buddies is you love to criticize but are more than short on alternatives that make sense to me, good buddy. . .
Commented: Thursday, July 16th, 2015 @ 10:46 am By: Gene Scarborough
Only an arrogant young man with Tea Party training can be so sure so soon of a deal we don't even begin to know the details about . . .
Commented: Thursday, July 16th, 2015 @ 10:40 am By: Gene Scarborough
Are you throwing mud or cow patties, Stan???

We are just starting to hear some details of the treaties and you are already "sure" us Americans are chickens! Maybe you should visit over at Womack Army Hospital and talk with the shattered soldiers trying to recover there. For sure, you should read my friend, Chaplain James D. Johnson's book, "Combat Trauma." He went with his men to the shooting zone and, like so many, returned with PTSD which still exists among the friends whose stories are told in the book.

I think you are too fearful when the possibilities of actually living with one another around this world exist. For sure---constant war has bankrupted America and it brought down Russia. Yet, you say Conservatives are "always doing the right things."

I respectfully disagree with you, old sport . . .
Commented: Thursday, July 16th, 2015 @ 7:09 am By: Gene Scarborough
You sure as hell love your labels, Stan . . .
Commented: Tuesday, July 14th, 2015 @ 6:29 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I will be bringing the Decalogue into this series of articles. Without some rules (called mores by sociologists) NO society can function without people killing one another and doing harm each day with their desire to rule and get rich . . .
Commented: Tuesday, July 14th, 2015 @ 2:49 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Bernie Sanders is saying essentially the same things Teddy Roosevelt / FDR / Ike said---"We don't need the rich running the show so diversify and get your hands out of buying politicians to keep you rich . . ."
Commented: Tuesday, July 14th, 2015 @ 2:20 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Your answer appears to say only SELFISH to me, Stan!

What is wrong with government with millions in the bank now joining its citizens to cut back their spending. I thought you made "tax and spend" a part of your mantra on "liberals," old sport. I shall change it to "Screw you---we need money in our bank account!"
Commented: Tuesday, July 14th, 2015 @ 6:24 am By: Gene Scarborough
It begins to match the fact that most small businesses are making anywhere from 20-60% of what they made pre-Recession. Is there a problem with government reflecting the state of its citizens in this mess --- brought on by banks "too big to fail?"

I have a problem with what you are paying the new County Manager / how many millions are in the County bank account / how nothing seems to get done these days with money except to squirrel it away . . .

Last time I checked, Stan, -30% for me amounts to $400 and that could pay my water and light bill now overdue, bud!!!
Commented: Monday, July 13th, 2015 @ 9:41 pm By: Gene Scarborough
We can still be grateful for a relative sense of peace and little crime in Beaufort County! Bath had its first murder in recent history a couple of years ago as young men stole the computer of a man trying to help them, but killing him in the process.

We are blessed with good citizens and pretty good race relations here. . .
Commented: Monday, July 13th, 2015 @ 7:48 am By: Gene Scarborough
The photo credit goes to Ted McD with my thanks. I hoped one of us (Stan, Ted, me) might come up with a open place of worship pic, but so far---no luck. . .
Commented: Monday, July 13th, 2015 @ 7:44 am By: Gene Scarborough
Our current problems in Beaufort float between the closed hospital at little Belhaven and taken over by Corporate Medicine under the name of Vidant / a jail which needs to be replaced, but we can't decide since 1988 +/- how to do a better job with a better facility --- meanwhile the costs escalate and nobody on the Commissioners wants to cooperate for the good of the taxpaying citizens.

I have spoken before them TWICE concerning Property Taxes --- calculated on a 30% extra value in a poor county. They have the legal authority to change it to fair in any given month, but the "stone faces" say---"We don't give a crap. . ."
Commented: Monday, July 13th, 2015 @ 7:41 am By: Gene Scarborough
Good observations, Diane. Written much more concisely this time around too!

Every government and society is in constant flux. Rome lasted as a big empire for 400 years. America is at its 200+ time and it is yet to be seen if we can bring off the "Great Experiment in Democracy."

The key is "men of good will working together for the better good of all --- not a "Perfect" good, but a better good. Let's admit we have done better and worse in fulfilling the dreams of the Founding Fathers. Then, as now, a few do the debating and the majority of voters adopt whatever we are given by the leaders.

I am seeing a 100 year cycle from "good government to corrupted government." The same is true of "rich running the show vs. workers having opportunities." Another is "run by the many vs. run by a few." The dream involved "liberty and justice for all men created equal."

The Civil War was the most bloody war in our history. It was over States Rights to secede vs. "do in the South as told by the North." We are the only nation of its size in the world. The European Union is getting together. Russia is the "Union of Soviet States." That is enforced with a gun and they fell apart over war expenditures. We are working hard to bankrupt our country over . . .

Since the death of John Kennedy at the end of a gun, deaths of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy with gun violence, the nation has not been the same as it was when Eisenhower left office with his warning over the Military/Industrial Complex.

States Rights was settled with a bloody ending and the destruction of the agricultural South as Sherman marched to the Sea with abject destruction of our heritage and farms. The Civil War involved the first use of modern weapons of accuracy and massive human fodder. Our weapons mounted on the Apache and guided bombs from stealth aircraft costing millions each is beyond description. They can turn a human body into a pile of mush out of the black night sky!

Now we are engaged in negotiations over nuclear weapons in the hands of Middle East countries with nothing to lose by a repeat of 9/11 or worse! In the mix is OUR lust for THEIR oil. ALL our bases just "happen to be" on a line in the desert put there years ago to pipe oil to the Gulf of Acaba! The real elephant in the room is GREED, in my view. Killing begets revenge / technology grows with the more we spend on war vs. spending on infrastructure and internal growth.

The Military / Industrial Complex is more real today than in 1958! I was 12 then and knew little about politics and economics. Now, at age 69 and struggling just to pay my Beaufort County Property Tax, I think Bernie Sanders needs to be our next President. Like Teddy Roosevelt, he believes in spreading wealth and minimized power to the few with all the bucks in America these days---and paying a pittance in taxes!
Commented: Monday, July 13th, 2015 @ 7:19 am By: Gene Scarborough
I was on the first Title XX (War on Poverty) committee in SC in the 70's. The Government rep there could not begin to tell us how much of a dollar collected in SC, processed through DC, then came back to SC in Title XX funds. My personal suspicion is 20-40% got sucked up in government paperwork.

I also told that same committee that any program to help people --- and that made them want another minute on the taxpayer tit than necessary --- was doing them NO favor at all. It has now been 5 generations of sucking --- and those who do are smarter than those who try to work their way up. That kind of effort on the sucking part would make them all successful workers in a really Great Society!

My current position is "you get your welfare check / you work the same 40 hours us taxpayers do to pay it." Public works / earning money for school / I don't care --- work like I did to swing a blade in the hot GA sunshine to make enough to pay for Emory . . .
Commented: Sunday, July 12th, 2015 @ 2:22 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Bobby Tony --- I have met and talked with many public servants who have not forgotten from whence they came. Sorry your connections have been limited so much that you have not met such and have lost your hope for good government.
Commented: Sunday, July 12th, 2015 @ 2:11 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Congrats, again Stan, for the growth! You hard work is paying off and I hope each month shows progress in readership. The e-media is cheap and takes guts to bring it off!
Commented: Sunday, July 12th, 2015 @ 8:50 am By: Gene Scarborough
I think the problem is with the "me first" attitude of the spoiled kids of enough wealth to buy beer, concert tickets, sports tickets and party their way through their best years of open minds and critical thinking POSSIBILITIES.

I attended Emory University in 1963-67 / Southeastern Seminary in 1967-70. Emory was a serious academic school which opted out of intercollegiate sports in favor of focusing on the courses and books we were exposed to. The serious drinking and partying was confined to Fraternity Row. When I attended college gatherings with students all over Georgia participating, it was interesting to see the difference between us Emory students and, say, the University of Georgia folks.

They came out of their vehicles with their tennis rackets and sports gear / we came out with a pile of books because papers were due on Monday and assigned reading was going to be checked first thing in class! It was a seriously different outlook on education between the majority and the Emory minority then.

As to "liberal vs. conservative" thing, I saw many fellow theologues at Southeastern come expecting their Sunday School faith and knowledge to be validated ONLY. Any who got it challenged and expanded called our professors "liberal." Compared to Emory, they were conservative and only made us examine a wider picture of religion. Those same "education-fearing folks pastor many NC churches today.

A prime example of "free speech" at Emory came with the "God Is Dead" controversy that hit the cover of Time Magazine. Average Methodists were aghast that such could come from the lips of an Emory Professor, Thomas J.J. Altizer. Instead of firing him, Emory wisely called for a Colloquium at Glenn Memorial Methodist Church in which Altizer presented his views and the Methodist Chaplain presented an explanation and analysis. We quickly found that the theological concepts of Immanence (God with us in Christ) and Transcendence (God out there above and beyond the world) were the real issue being discussed. The term "dead" for a person of faith simply referred to a transition rather than "the end." The Auditorium was overflowing with Atlanta citizens and the media.

Those who still rant and rave about "God died at Emory" missed the entire point and only show how pagan their view of death is! Tune in any mega church preacher today and in his fundamentalist anger he is still saying, "My God is alive and I talked with him this morning---sorry about yours." The stupid conservatism of such people who want to rule their church and make 6-digit incomes from their poor and struggling masses is more than evident to me. I was a student exploring the realm of TRUTH and having to present both sides of any issue with a third part showing "what I believe and for the following REASONS!"

Drink and party while you enjoy your parents paying the bills, if you want. I was working my way through at the end of a Trim Carpenters hammer and value what I learned from 2 master carpenters as much as what I learned and was exposed to at Emory University in Psychology. By the way, I was President of the Baptist Student Union that year and met with all the other religious groups as we tried to discover what the heck Altizer was trying to say---and he was intoxicated when he did his presentation and it made not one dab of sense to me! Drinking and Thinkings are poor bedfellows, folks . . .
Commented: Sunday, July 12th, 2015 @ 8:46 am By: Gene Scarborough
I have just submitted the first of several articles on social learning to get along.

I think she is trying to get at the basic problem of the New Dream of Democracy and how it worked out over some 200+ years. At the core of any new experiment is what came here from the Old World and what the Founding Fathers envisioned with the new republic they were founding.

It was the first battle over whether the entire country is told what to do from its central government vs. each state having its own government and say over itself. The Old Word was full of royalty and clergy trying to dictate to each person the limits of their freedom --- and making sure they still came out of top!

America was trying "something new" with the idea of people having a bigger say than the rich and powerful. Despite this, many with land grants and former positions in the Old World still wanted to have a bigger say than the common man being taxed.

If you look at America today, we are in the cycle of Rich Rule similar to that of the 1800-1900 Robber Barons and the few having most of the money while workers starved in "paid slavery." Labor Unions and the Great Depression proved the rich always look out for themselves first. Organized labor and strikes forced the owners to share their wealth among the workers. Trust Busting under Teddy Roosevelt spread the wealth and power once more. Slowly---GREED takes over and only a caring government watches out for the taxpayers being abused!
Commented: Sunday, July 12th, 2015 @ 8:05 am By: Gene Scarborough
The magic of good sales is to make complex things simple. In this case, a complex thing is still complex!

I would appreciate a simple and rational summation of what Diane is really trying to say. I think it is good, but far to complex for most to understand.
Commented: Saturday, July 11th, 2015 @ 8:15 pm By: Gene Scarborough
When you have actually been there YOU KNOW. Until then, you speculate. I have dealt with death from being a preacher's kid to now. Only when you do it over and over do you realize it is not the enemy you thought it to be.

Years ago at Loris, a young boy was killed and my little boy was curious so we held hands and went across the street to the funeral home. He was able to privately go up to the casket and take a good look at death in a child his age. The little boy was dressed in his ball uniform and my son touched his hand to feel death.

Afterward, I answered any questions he had with honesty. Today we hide death too much as we sanitize it in the hospitals and funeral homes. As old farm families prepared the body and sat around talking---that was far better in my view!

Have no fear of tears for they are carrying your grief away each time they fall. Some people take years to recover, others days or weeks---no matter what, a grief unexpressed is a grief which haunts you until you accept the fact that death is a part of life we must learn to face and with FAITH go on with life. . .
Commented: Saturday, July 11th, 2015 @ 12:05 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Thanks for including the pictures, Stan. I can tell you are having to hit the trail of sales so good luck on that as well. Thanks for the great job of help to me, my friend.
Commented: Saturday, July 11th, 2015 @ 8:43 am By: Gene Scarborough
Bobby Tony---thanks for the insights on early founders. I think their disease of poking and debating one another is ressurected with our Beaufort County Commissioners---but they won't find any middle ground!

One, in particular is "absolutely right"--in the most OBNOXIOUS WAY!
Commented: Thursday, July 9th, 2015 @ 8:58 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Most interesting research, Bobby Tony! The parties I know of relative to slavery were, first, the African tribes who sold their enemies into slavery with the jingle of gold as their reward.

Next, were the slave traders who transported and sold them in America on the auction blocks of Fayetteville, Charleston, and other prominent southern cities.

They were considered PROPERTY of their owners. They attended the same frontier churches as their owners. I found such names in the old Noonday Baptist Church minutes of Cobb County and the Georgia Archives. Their simple rocks in the old Noonday Cemetery, just south of Woodstock and north of the present Noonday Baptist Church, show no separation even in death.

The British and other Old World conquers somehow thought they were give rights by God to take what they visited and the Native Americans were the first ones robbed in America. Is see ARROGANCE and GREED as the core of early discrimination. For "civilized and cultured" folks with light skin~~~they appear barbaric to me, brother!
Commented: Thursday, July 9th, 2015 @ 7:06 am By: Gene Scarborough
I emailed the Charman, V. Chairman, and Pantego Commissioner without requesting any response. I was pointing out the nature of a 501(c)3 entity and told them I assumed their Attorney would cover any legal details for proper closure, should they vote to terminate the Hospital Board.

It is a lot of money that could help the Belhaven Hospital situation. It certainly had nothing to do with new Jail funding. I am the "new guy on the block," however I have personal knowledge of proper handling or money related to a tax-exempt / non-profit entity.

How something legally holding such big bucks compares to a church or Scouts, Red Cross, etc. is a concern to me. It is hard to claim "non-profit" which millions are held by Healthcare Corporations . . .
Commented: Thursday, July 9th, 2015 @ 6:50 am By: Gene Scarborough
This Resolution does not deal with proper use of funds held in escrow by Beaufort County! I assume that is part of the final general statement relative to "meeting between Viadant and Hospital Commission."

I KNOW Vidant is a tax-exempt non-profit entity and the same as a church or other civic group like Boys Scouts or Red Cross. I have had part in the ending of a church and transfer of funds associated with the sale of the property. In such a case the NC statute on 501(c)3 specifies that funds may only be transferred to a similar type organization upon termination and disposal of all assets.

I have emailed the Chairman, Vice-chairman, and one other Commissioner yesterday to this effect prior to the vote last night. I further assume our County Attorney is fully aware of this stipulation, overseen by the NC Secretary of State, Molly Marshall.

It would seem to me that money used in one hospital should go to help resolve the Belhaven Hospital situation. Last time I visited Belhaven, their county line sign was after you leave the area to Hyde County.

Since it deals with AREA Healthcare and the lack of NC reception of Medicaid funds (which help rural healthcare)---is there a problem with using the millions involved in addressing their needs?
Commented: Wednesday, July 8th, 2015 @ 3:12 pm By: Gene Scarborough
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