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Comments by Gene Scarborough

You sure be SMERT, Stan . . .
Commented: Sunday, July 26th, 2015 @ 6:03 am By: Gene Scarborough
Sharia Law is nothing different from Old Testament female put down. With a Master of Divinity degree that was part of the studies. In addition, my Emory connection gets me recent updates of surrounding cultures of the Greeks and Egyptians where women HAD A PLACE legally and emotionally in their world.

My Great Grandmother once asked my father why the Bible did not give women much credit nor respect. His answer was classic: "Mrs. Williams, given a good donkey or good wife, most Hebrew men would prefer the donkey --- because it was more often OBEDIENT!"
Commented: Sunday, July 26th, 2015 @ 3:51 am By: Gene Scarborough
What did FDR say to the American Public after Pearl Harbor: "We have nothing to fear---but fear itself!!!"

You who are sleepless are the perfect prey for Terrorists. My mother used to live in terror at safe Stone Mountain and think every crime in Atlanta happened in her back yard. That is one of the OLD AGE Infarctions of the brain! I call it Brain Farting in Fear!

The Middle East has always been a put down place for women from the OT. Jesus invited them to join his band and they did. The reason men fear women is that they can't satisfy one wife---much less several!!!

I can assure you women can take care of themselves --- NOW back to the last observations which are far more important than this diversion:
1. Why do people of like persuasion seem to always find a way to fuss and fight?

2. Even in religion, why is more blood shed than almost any other thing of disagreement?

3.Is it ever possible to understand one another to the point you don't have to fight --- just walk away to do your own thing.

4. We can "agree to disagree" if certain things do not make sense to the thinker????

I loved and respected Billy Graham / his son, not so much as he makes big bucks and puts his family members on the feed bag. Father and son are 2 entirely different kinds of leaders and Christians. Franklin reminds me of Pharisees of Jesus' day.
Commented: Saturday, July 25th, 2015 @ 4:08 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I am not aware of ANY attempt to put Sharia Law into America, Stan --- our laws are made by state and federal representatives elected by us. Are you coming up with fear stuff when there is no indication it even exists?
Commented: Saturday, July 25th, 2015 @ 7:35 am By: Gene Scarborough
If we want to lead the "headlines over stupid" --- playing with 501(c)3 funds will certainly get Beaufort County some demeaning we don't need in addition to all the other crazy things done in recent years. . .

I have emailed and asked now for some 2 weeks since the initial announcement so no one can claim "I DIDN'T KNOW . . ."
Commented: Friday, July 24th, 2015 @ 6:59 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I have asked the County Attorney to give me an answer, but he has not yet had time from his law practice to get back. The folks in the Administration Building have no clue.

Vidant is CERTAINLY under 501(c)3 status. I was part of a similar entity closing and the law of NC clearly dictates the funds can only be gifted to a identical entity --- tax-exempt / non-profit. That money is not for use or transfer any way you want!
Commented: Friday, July 24th, 2015 @ 5:08 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Can anyone tell me if this Hospital operated under the tax-exempt / non-profit status of 501(c)3?
Commented: Friday, July 24th, 2015 @ 4:45 pm By: Gene Scarborough
My son thought the same about the USCG and took a year's break after his first duty on the Diligence working out of Wilmington. He came home and worked with me in Tree Surgery as climber and supervisor. When things got slow in the Thanksgiving - Tax refund time, he saw the light and now is finishing his career as Senior Chief teaching at Elizabeth City. I am proud of his duty as well. The USCG airmen have to go into the mouth of any storm to save people, most of whom should have stayed in port and never shot that flair to celebrate the holidays . . .
Commented: Friday, July 24th, 2015 @ 8:57 am By: Gene Scarborough
Roy Cooper was my State Senator in Nash County as well as a backdoor neighbor. Since he is now running for Governor in 2016, why would I be surprised at the criticism.

He got the same for not defending the Marriage Amendment Conservatives passed!

Is there any low level of criticism you won't find to try and defeat a man of integrity????
Commented: Friday, July 24th, 2015 @ 8:51 am By: Gene Scarborough
My grandson is getting into theater beginning with Mary Poppins at WHS. It is a great way to express yourself. My son was at Hunter Field with the Air Division and Savannah ain't a bad billet. . . THANX so much for sharing your son's skills thus far.
Commented: Friday, July 24th, 2015 @ 2:55 am By: Gene Scarborough
I bet you sang in the choir, Bobby Tony ~~~ they are famous for chewing gum, writing notes, and distracting from what is going on at the Pulpit. They get elected to Deacon and "Deacon lite" takes place!!!

I had 2 choirs in different churches where I threatened to put motocycle mirrors on the Pulpit so I could see their antics for myself . . . I bet I am RIGHT, huh??
Commented: Friday, July 24th, 2015 @ 2:31 am By: Gene Scarborough
A good article or sermon I consider as Group Counseling. That means: ask questions / give some perspective / leave the reader [listener] with thought-provoking questions.

So far most of you are "Gospel Lite" and wanting to be entertained --- over challenged to do better to be like Christ . . .Paul described it as "ready for milk and needing to move to more serious food for the spirit . . ."
Commented: Thursday, July 23rd, 2015 @ 5:33 pm By: Gene Scarborough
In case you are getting bored, Bobby Tony --- I have just submitted a follow-up article bringing the religious debates into 2015! It should be up this evening, good buddy.
Commented: Thursday, July 23rd, 2015 @ 4:41 pm By: Gene Scarborough
We have been playing and here, again, is the significant question:

As America enters its 2nd century of the "Great Experiment in Democracy," have we lost our ability to be a union of imperfect humans immigrated here from all over the world with the dream of "freedom and justice for all?"
Commented: Thursday, July 23rd, 2015 @ 9:04 am By: Gene Scarborough
In recent months I have chatted with 2 good black folks who went north from Beaufort County and are now back home with a smile. They both said they enjoyed higher wages and buying a house they sold for way more than the cost of their new house here.

None of us miss the heavy traffic of cities and value the down home outlook in Beaufort County sans drugs and crime taking away the joy of living in any big city these days.

I picked up the history of the Noonday Baptist Church, dating back to 1833, and the frontier days of Cobb County. One of them migrated to near Tyler, TX, and named his crossroad "Noonday" after his former home. Our Cobb Noonday was from the creek you had best reach by buggy by noon or you were spending the night in the wilderness surrounded by wildlife and Cherokee Indians! Most old towns and roads have something to do with their frontier days. For example, The Old Post Road exiting from Bath was the first trail used to carry the mail and stagecoach 300 years ago.

A great study in history is to take the most ancient map you can find and superimpose it over the current one! One of the great road names of Atlanta is the Roswell Road / Atlanta Highway. Going toward Roswell, it has one name and the return has the second name. In typical Atlanta frontier confusion --- as it has become an area of 8 million +, the roads follow old indian trails or that laid out by a drunk farmer's mule going home. They are crooked / overcrowded / and I don't miss that aspect of Hotlanta at all!
Commented: Thursday, July 23rd, 2015 @ 7:05 am By: Gene Scarborough
I have read the history on immigration and do not see much change from NYC taking in massive numbers from Ireland, Germany, the Orient, and all over the world. The major difference between then and now is expansion to Mexico, the Middle East, and India to the Far East into all major cities in this country.

The prejudice towards blacks in the South and Mexicans in the SW, along with orientals on the West Coast is all still the same. Established Americans, whether 50 years ago or the present still want to find cheap labor and use them for profit in production and rentals.

Despite the use and abuse, they find a way to succeed in the Land of the Free. . .

My Scarborough ancestors immigrated from north of London to the VA/NC border of Coastal America. They then to seek a climate similar to their homeland each time. We have ancestral information indicating a migration through NC and settling in Madison County (Athens) Ga. Even in Atlanta, Scarborough is a minority!
Commented: Thursday, July 23rd, 2015 @ 6:19 am By: Gene Scarborough
Did the Greek impress you, Ted???
Commented: Wednesday, July 22nd, 2015 @ 9:36 am By: Gene Scarborough
As America enters its 2nd century of the "Great Experiment in Democracy," have we lost our ability to be a union of imperfect humans immigrated here from all over the world with the dream of "freedom and justice for all?"

Who will take the ball and start our discussion of a most important thing . . .
Commented: Wednesday, July 22nd, 2015 @ 8:51 am By: Gene Scarborough
I had planned to attend the meeting, but rain was pouring and it was more important to begin my wife's birthday celebration of today with supper last night = crock pot of Gene Stew!

Ted McD --- have no fears when people don't answer. Diane puts it out and it doing more research than defending her stuff. Stan is having to actually do his sales and that is important.

I am having a good time and I how you and BT are as well . . .
Commented: Wednesday, July 22nd, 2015 @ 6:51 am By: Gene Scarborough
Actually, I love clowns and try to bring humor to my Sunday message. People remember funny stuff and too few preachers have a sense of humor ~~~ especially, the super-conservative ones!

The Clowns of Conservatism, however, do not amuse me. If Donald Trump lost his toupe in the middle of his stupidity, I would applaude!!!!
Commented: Tuesday, July 21st, 2015 @ 7:52 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I am liking the Chameleon Club --- it pales in comparison to the Piss Ant Club since it can adapt so quickly to the colors around it!

Interestingly, the rules are basically the same:
(1) There are no real officials, but we pretend anyway
(2) Any ties for office are settled by a fist fight
(3) It is all in fun and who gives a you-know-what
(4) Since the Colonel and BT are both rednecks lost in urban crazy---they need a good dose of Beaufort County COOL!!!!!

I propose that we meet at the Washington Waterfront, perhaps go over to the Bennett Winery at Edward, and decide after an hour of wine-and-cheese what is really important for our ROMEO (Retired Old Men Eating Out) future!!!
Commented: Tuesday, July 21st, 2015 @ 4:19 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I preach about God / preach about 20 minutes ~~~ therefore most are happy with me, BT!!! Some Sundays I quit after the first point if people look bored . . .

What is your excuse for the clown suit, man? How many to be chained to an engine block? Will a clown float no matter the amount of weight? Etc., Etc., Etc.
Commented: Tuesday, July 21st, 2015 @ 10:36 am By: Gene Scarborough
I just KNOW are few can top this so join in and let's have some great laughs!
Commented: Tuesday, July 21st, 2015 @ 10:30 am By: Gene Scarborough
By the way ~~~ are we interested in some humor on a special page. Actually, Jesus used humor to communicate more than most dry preachers admit. His image of a man with a stick poking out of his eye and going after the sawdust in the other man's eye is more than HI-LAR-IOUS. . .
Commented: Monday, July 20th, 2015 @ 5:27 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Some wise observations, Tom Campbell! I grew up in GA where the County Unit System prevailed until the 70's. There, the many counties were put under any candidate who had a majority of the popular vote. Their problem was many politicians for statewide positions just went around the countryside and the million of Atlanta had no real say---even though their total taxes were far more than rural areas.

Maybe we need to do like some churches with their thermostat ~~~ put a fake one on the wall for the members to twist all they want. Just twisting that dial makes hot flashes go away, it seems!!! We could put a GRIPE vote on each ballot and let people write in whatever they want . . . Coaches, Preachers, Principals, and other public figures have to have thick hides in these days of hate . . .
Commented: Monday, July 20th, 2015 @ 7:56 am By: Gene Scarborough
No church need be a Glorified Social Club. It is always a choice to follow Christ or please the people at all times.

I am friends with a number of ministers here. We have few GSC churches and lots of ministry to one another---even without church relationships. The GSC churches tend to be in larger places with people wanting to "belong" more than "minister."

Right here at Bayview there are 4 ministers I know. Other good neighbors who could lead any church with their authentic faith . . .
Commented: Monday, July 20th, 2015 @ 7:43 am By: Gene Scarborough
Great jokes on the Glorified Social Club, Bobby Tony. Right on target!

In the South us Saints of Insanity think you "join the church" over accepting Christ and living like him.

One church was holding its monthly business meeting. It was a touchy matter---perhaps over some suspected homosexual.

A man rose in the middle and said, "I know this might sound un-christian, but . . ."'

The Moderator spoke loudly, "Sir, if you are not a member you cannot participate in this discussion. If you are not following Christ, then you are in danger of the hell promised for hypocrisy!!! Before we have to vote you to hell, I am going to rule you and any others out of order who can't act like Jesus!!!"
Commented: Monday, July 20th, 2015 @ 6:34 am By: Gene Scarborough
Thanks Ted McD!!! My technique is KISS = Keep It Simple Stupid!

I recommend C.S.Lewis' "Screwtape Letters" to any who want to know how Satan works in the real world. His least worry is those outside the church. His best techniques are applied to those subject to pretense and hypocrisy! The hardest thing is to visit an inactive church member who usually brings up the subject of "Why I no long attend."

What can a Pastor say to one who refuses to attend church with liars and thieves the other 6 days of the week????
Commented: Sunday, July 19th, 2015 @ 6:20 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Diane is a Lawyer and Billable Hours are part of the program---hence longer than necessary and full of babble to reach 5 pages!

This is typical Legislative-speak found in most State and National writing. Only one with a microscope could figure it out / then it is subject to endless debate before a Judge to figure out "exactly what it meant."

12 lawyers, each chained to an engine block and thrown in the middle of the Pamlico River = A DAMN GOOD START!!!
Commented: Sunday, July 19th, 2015 @ 6:09 pm By: Gene Scarborough
The nature of mankind and society is to have a dream and live in a reality not always as pretty as the dream --- but with hope of improvement.

The US Founders saw all this in the Old World. There were riches and beauty for a few, but the vast majority barely got by. My Scarborough ancestors came from a castle and town of the name north of London. Nobody who was IN hoped a little wooden ship for the frontier and unknown.

As I have visited Europe and twice to England I note how well-manicured the land is because man has been playing with it for way more years than North America. There are river beds carefully lined with rock for pristine water. There are statues and old buildings along with ornate churches BUT I asked myself how these notables really were in life. In America we attend church with fanaticism / in Europe and England not so much~~~and they treat one another a bit better there too!

Were they equitable and fair or were they in it for themselves and at the end covered it with paid writers of history to make them look good. The constant temptation in religious practices is to cow to the rich and powerful even if they are crooked as a snake? Some had best be buried with asbestos underwear because God is not fooled and, in reality, man sees clearly in his last days on earth.

The reward for non-conformity can be the little church in the corner of town over the big one on Church Street. I have also known people who lived what they preached and we are the better for it.

Work for others / work for yourself alone ~~~ it is hard for people to look in the mirror when they are doing well. Some who stayed in the Old World were as good as it gets. Those who came over here and took land from the Native Americans and gave them social diseases and booze were not a dab better when the moral ruler comes out.
Commented: Sunday, July 19th, 2015 @ 6:04 pm By: Gene Scarborough
The article is about "how man messes up." The Founding Fathers believed in free speech and a free press with voters --- by their majority --- electing their representatives. If you use this on your statement, Stan, then you have to conclude we are messed up with hate more each day in a nation of "liberty and justice for ALL."
Commented: Sunday, July 19th, 2015 @ 5:29 am By: Gene Scarborough
You guys make me laugh!

We have an incident in Chattanooga and now we are going to play little scared puppet to hunker down and shoot anyone in a robe or head garb. THEY WIN!!!

I have been overseas where military guards are in airports with automatic weapons at the ready. The same airport in Amsterdam I walked through had a bomb go off a few years after my passage---therefore, all the guns and vigilance could not stop a crazy person from leaving a briefcase in the corner.

I am more than sick over pretended Homeland Security and TSA stuff and when they check them out all the delays and pretense are virtually worthless. Just like guns, only the owners make people dead---for better or worse.

Peace, brothers---get off you pretense of super control in a land of supposed freedom . . .
Commented: Saturday, July 18th, 2015 @ 7:15 pm By: Gene Scarborough
The guy in Chattanooga was crazy---so was the white guy in Charleston! Hate is hate / crazy is crazy / most Muslims come here for the same religious freedom as us.

You guys have no clue of Constitutional rights granted to each of us citizens and the lack of armed Nazi guards on every corner to mow down the non-conformists . . .
Commented: Friday, July 17th, 2015 @ 8:10 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Question: Why is a man smarter after sex than before?
Answer: Because he has just been plugged into a know-it-all machine!

Question: Why is it pointless to argue with smart asses who know-it-all?
Answer: Because they need a wife who will either humble them of kick them to the couch!

Which category do you Turks qualify for???
Commented: Friday, July 17th, 2015 @ 4:16 pm By: Gene Scarborough
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