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Comments by Gene Scarborough

I'm not sure what all the rambling in comments is all about. A bunch of it deserves some separate article by Stan or BT relative to what they are broaching. I am already seeing a similarity between Brant Clifton's fine article and this series on "getting along together."

What this particular article is covering is the danger of failing to separate church and state. The Founding Fathers wisely put "Congress shall make no laws pertaining to religion" in the formula for a new "experiment in democracy."

I see clearly from Jerry Falwell's Moral Majority and the Reagan Administration copulating with them --- a great danger which is growing larger each year in America. When you add the Moslem Middle East to the picture, we are in danger of another failed Great Crusade. . . Outside the US Civil War, that was arguably the greatest spilling of blood in human history . . .
Commented: Saturday, August 1st, 2015 @ 4:00 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on R-E-S-P-E-C-T

Thank you, Tom, for one of the most incisive articles to appear in BCN in many a moon. The series I am doing now on "finding a way to live together" is but a more detailed expression of what you simply said in this fine article.

As a former and current minister, insurance professional, small tree surgery business owner it gives me hope we have such mature advisers as you!

The noted Pastor/Writer of WWII era, Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick, described much discourse of his day as "Intellectual excursion without moral persuasion." He was citing the same need for civility and a moral factor in important matters.

I once heard of a church business meeting in the heat and fury of Integration. The discussion had to do with whether you seated anyone of color in your church for "white Christians only." One of the debaters rose to have his say and prefaced it with "I don't know whether this is Christian or not but . . ." The Pastor/Moderator immediately said, "You, sir, are out of order---the rule above Roberts Rules of Order here is the Bible and Jesus Christ as our Saviour! We have no discussion in this church meeting which is not based on Christ!"

It seems the more "righteous" certain politicians have become, the more crudely they act. To forget "love your neighbor as yourself" is, perhaps, the greatest sin of today in American politics --- in my view . . .
Commented: Saturday, August 1st, 2015 @ 3:49 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Diane and I are about agreed on the basics of pregnancy and abortion. I think we both see how serious this is. As I matter of fact, I see nothing wrong with her logic nor morality in this. Again---remember my first comment: "I have never met a woman who had an abortion who did not have a great sense of guilt over her decision." We need a special degree of compassion as men to realize how precious and tender are those feelings.

I wonder how many in Bobby Tony's adult apartment complex gave much thought to their lusty actions before they missed a period!!! He can give us a male participant point of view. I can't since I made up my mind not to try and bed any woman before we were married. I am confident I didn't miss a thing except VD with that that decision I stuck with.

Perhaps, what we see here is a male / female split in outlook. They men have the urge to merge as soon as we start growing man-hairs. It used to be that girls knew their mothers would kill them if they became sluts. After 1960, too many women have nothing to give their daughters except "Don't do as I did, but it sure was fun until I had to get an abortion, myself."

I have thought on Stan's attitude. It still seems to have more to do with male chauvinism than empathy for women. The OT quote is stupid science --- before mankind had a clue about the details of fertilization and gestation. Many people of that day were sure "it was something you ate!"
Commented: Saturday, August 1st, 2015 @ 3:30 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Well, well --- that was a mouthful, Stan . . .It sounds more like a stump speech than a reasoned argument with courtesy toward women and respect for them as the only part of Creation fitted to conceive and nurture a baby for 9 months of gestation.

I happen to know any number of Pediatricians and the only ones I have talked with revere life and would never abort after the first trimester. On the other extreme are those who act like every abortion is a crush the skull / suck the body parts out mutilation --- which few are!

I am being more practical and more spiritual than you care to think. It appears you are being a bit male chauvinist to me . . .
Commented: Saturday, August 1st, 2015 @ 3:06 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Please note we have a little confusion of Stan's name on my post . . .It will get fixed by our good Publisher soon . . .
Commented: Saturday, August 1st, 2015 @ 11:21 am By: Gene Scarborough
Stan---what the heck makes you assume I condone this kind of baby killing???

I am simply saying: "To outlaw abortion puts us back in the closet with a coat hanger for women who have prayed about their situation and do not want to bring an unwanted child into their life and this world."

You really jumped to a conclusion on this one with absolutely no basis for your false accusation, buddy . .
Commented: Saturday, August 1st, 2015 @ 10:43 am By: Gene Scarborough
I am amazed at how anti-abortion folks use repulsive stuff to pump their cause. It is also used when women come in to their clinics which mis-identify themselves as Planning clinics laying a guilt trip on a woman already in angst over her situation.

I have yet to meet any women who speaks of her abortion---no matter what the cause---without terrible guilt feelings. It simply troubles me when distortions are told about abortion. This is obviously not such, but it only shows the horror side.

Consider the other side of this legal battle when abortion was not allowed period until Roe v. Wade made it such. Even then --- the legal decision allows for abortion only in the FIRST TRIMESTER when a fetus is not viable outside the uterus.

The coat hanger and closet were used before legal medical care protected women who had a real reason to abort. Women came away with infection / hemorrhaging / and loss of life or ability to bear a child throughout their life. That was even more horrible, in my view.

COMPASSION is the rule for me. Men need to stay out of it since only women are really affected. I note also that women who get excited and become abjectly against abortion usually have some personal reason for their ire. I had such a woman living beside me years ago. The more she disclosed about her personal history, the more you found she had a "sleep around" attitude in the 60's and had turned it to the same psychosis old maids have who really want a man to love them, but instead are reporting peeping toms around every corner. . .
Commented: Saturday, August 1st, 2015 @ 8:36 am By: Gene Scarborough
YEP ---- are you smelling anything as you sip your morning coffee and breath???
Commented: Friday, July 31st, 2015 @ 8:53 am By: Gene Scarborough
Let me tell you a story, Stan, about a man going to hell and being given some choices for eternity ~~~

The first door the devil opened had people spending eternity upside down in freezing polar water. Their feet were blue from cold and their frantic flailing trying to keep warm were obvious.

Room 2 was the same except it was boiling water bubbling from the abject heat. The agony was equally great!

Room 3 was full of dark smelly sewage as a great septic tank. However, the people there were standing up and sipping coffee with smiles on faces.

The new visitor now had to make a choice between each of the 3 places to spend eternity. He quickly choose area 3 saying to the Devil, "I, at least, can enjoy coffee, breathing, and smile . . .

He waded into the sewage and got his cup and saucer to begin sipping for Eternity. In another minute the Head Devil shoved the door wide open and yelled: "OK FOLKS, COFFEE BREAK IS OVER---BACK ON YOUR HEADS FOR THE REST OF THE MORNING!!!!"

Beware, Stan, when you wade into the sewage, you might get fooled, brother!!!
Commented: Friday, July 31st, 2015 @ 7:01 am By: Gene Scarborough
This is most interesting!!! Is the wonderful "fix it our way" Conservative Coalition falling apart from within?

When you base your campaign on mud-slinging --- and win --- and enjoy it, you don't have "liberals" to kill anymore. Then what do you do with your mean????

I have watched NC deteriorate over the last 20 years (or since I moved here to Eastern NC in 1986) from a Progressive State to abject Regression. Underfunding Education is not wise, nor is letting our infrastructure go into disrepair. NC is losing one major bid after another for new industry after another to surrounding states --- with less educated workers who are also being hired to turn bolts on their assembly line with low pay.

Meanwhile, we are being told Conservatives are reducing taxes --- WHILE the average worker in NC is getting less refunds and has lost most deductions given years ago!!! Toll roads are the "IN" thing these days in a state which took pride in the "best roads and highways in the USA and a mighty tourist industry."

Now we have voted to FRACK inland with the chemicals used being made a felony to disclose. As I write this, sonar studies for seabed oil are underway in the Graveyard of the Atlantic and between the Outer Banks and Gulf Stream.

In 20 more years, if this continues, Beaufort County will become a crude oil sandwich.

Stan won't have so many subjects for astounding pics of nature and natural beauty in NC. The waters of the Pamlico River have been declared polluted enough to endanger swimmers just this week!!!!

You do realize the majority of our crabs and shrimp are going to Maryland because their price is higher and the Chesapeake is polluted beyond description!

Are we still PROGRESSIVE --- OR are we becoming so REGRESSIVE as to try and take the place of the Gulf States over pollution and poorly paid educators with the public University system in a sad array???? They obsess over football and graduate mental midgets while being sure their beer is cooling and grills warming on any Saturday of the SEC madness. . .

Tobacco Road is full of potholes and Universities along it are headed DOWN FAST, in my view, Mr. Clifton . . .
Commented: Friday, July 31st, 2015 @ 6:49 am By: Gene Scarborough
I am jumping up and down clapping for brother Ted McD!!!

I am thinking both BR and TM have good posts worthy of checking. They both got their education in 2 real ways: Vietnam / Business World.

I haven't checked the afternoon hits number on this one. I am gratified you find it worthy of good thoughts and debate.

Would any of the "Troika of Thinking" care to do a TERM LIMITS article? That is a most worthy topic and I hope to see such from my commenting curmudgeons . . .
Commented: Thursday, July 30th, 2015 @ 6:23 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Bobby Tony has cited an important part of Jimmy Carter failure ~~~ HE WAS A DC OUTSIDER! No one could agree with him more than me on that one. However, it draws a question:

Do we have an American politic that is so entrenched in certain circles that a duly elected President put in by the people stands NO CHANCE of success without worshiping the system politic? If that be the case, we need to clean house and start over, in my view . . .Any Incumbent goes in time / TERM LIMITS to Congress.

Stan---I have been thinking overnight about your continued distortion of "Jimma and Hussein." Even the late night talk hosts who make any President the butt of their jokes show respect by saying their names better than Rush Limbaugh, et al, ---who have nothing to say for themselves as positive suggestions.


In many places that is called PROSTITUTION!!! Besides getting money a good prostitute usually ends up with the clap. I used to do financial planning and insurance around Raleigh, Fayetteville, and Durham. As a result, I ran into independent contractor ladies who made their money the hard way---nude dancing in stiletto heels--- and had NO benefits nor health insurance.

When I started going through the health questions, it is hard to describe the change in image I had from a beauty fully clothed I saw to a lady entertaing, but with awful social diseases underneath! Most, sadly, were uninsurable.

You figure it out on that one and consider using respectful names for ANY President.
Commented: Thursday, July 30th, 2015 @ 6:04 am By: Gene Scarborough
Government is supposed to be the servant of the people and not controller of the people for it's own purposes. I fail to see any fake religion or faith in Jimmy Carter. He often talks of his mother who was a simple woman of faith and works.

Better Carter tried to micro-manage too much than Reagan live in la-la land while his spurious associates used his a front while doing the things I cited in my early comment. Reagan was a kind-hearted man as well, but his political advisers were not such and we have inherited the whirlwind of a busted economy and war we can't exit.

Blaming one party or another is a waste. Seeing the inequities and the few with most money getting more is legalized robbery. Regulation went away and so did banking and investment security! DANGER / WARNING!!!!
Commented: Wednesday, July 29th, 2015 @ 3:36 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Stan---you should go get you one of the Raptors that don't work in their all-seeing helmet and go to Iraq, buddy. At that point you will enjoy the fruits of war and recession first hand.

Here is the site to see the Costs of War =

You claim you love our county and save it money / you want the biggest and most expensive war machine on the earth --- YOU CAN'T HAVE BOTH, man . . .
Commented: Wednesday, July 29th, 2015 @ 9:45 am By: Gene Scarborough
Wait until they put down several big oil rigs in the Graveyard of the Atlantic from the sonar studies going on as I write this. When one blows out and corrupts both the Outer Banks and the Gulf Stream you will KNOW what fools NC voters be!
Commented: Wednesday, July 29th, 2015 @ 6:03 am By: Gene Scarborough
This debate is just starting on a good note. It is growing in hits beyond anything I have posted before. I have faith in the readers to decide for themselves. Nobody wins when you so focus on war you let this country go down on infrastructure and jobs.

Still, you seem to miss the point of the Reagan results of excess war spending and a tax code letting rich and corps invest their tax savings abroad and bank offshore without penalty.

Reagan was surrounded by GREED and HATE in his cabinet and advisors. He was, personally, a nice man --- and the slickest ad actor ever to occupy the White House, in my view. His place in "The Butler" has him giving the hired help raises the man in charge would not grant . . .I believe that about him.
Commented: Wednesday, July 29th, 2015 @ 5:42 am By: Gene Scarborough
Stan --- wasn't it YOU who said years ago that Reagan was so long ago and far away the you could not possibly blame his VooDoo Economics for the mess we now have?

If that be true, then is there any point in comparing an 80's economy with a 2015 one to start with?

All I can really say is --- Trickle Down was sold to us without question by the Great Reagan as the solution to America's future and economic growth / the economy tanked without doubt while George Bush was President. If you trace the US economy back to the Great Depression, it tanked BOTH TIMES when Republican Conservatives were in office!!!

Not to say "without any doubt Conservatives create a mess"---but you see if you can explain how FDR put in measures to protect us in the future from Wall Street and Banking monopolies protecting the rich and running with the money of the trusting working stiff---paying the most taxes and getting nothing from his government.

I am a small business owner / possessor of a Series 6 Securities License / former financial planner and estate tax specialist / lifetime "called of God" minister who still agrees with Jesus: "The love of money is the root of all evil / the Pharisees and their righteousness is a farce / between God and Israel a terrible gulf exists over what you say you preach and what you live each day . . .

Dude, Reagan did not even go to church and relied more on an astrologer than Billy Graham. Jimmy Carter went to church and even taught a Baptist Sunday School Class while drawing the enemies of the Middle East to a Peace Accord --- a bit similar to the Obama Peace Treaty now under Congressional scrutiny!

I am almost to Check Mate, buddy --- your move!!!
Commented: Tuesday, July 28th, 2015 @ 6:47 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Stan says: "When you start making up facts as argument devices, you are deep in that fold."


Before the vote ever came over Carter / Reagan, I was sure he was the world's best salesman of Borax and GE. He was hardly qualified for nation duties for me. People in California were already complaining about promises to lower taxes and then not cutting spending to accommodate it.

I knew enough about the Ollie North fiasco and Reagan's claim "he didn't know" to rest assured he was either already mentally detached or lying. Which one do you Conservatives use to excuse your loyalty . . .

All I can say is Reagan and OJ both got off with their crimes . . .
Commented: Tuesday, July 28th, 2015 @ 11:30 am By: Gene Scarborough
I am not surprised in the least you hate President Carter --- the anthesis to your Reagan-god! I have taken the "second look" at why Jimmy Carter is, today, a respected diplomat of world wide fame and Nobel Peace Prize honoring. He took his Christian faith seriously enough to broker a peace between Israel and Egypt--the hub of Middle East hate. Only a "Master of Peace" describes him, in my view.

Your "god" is far different. Reagan schemed to keep the hostages held hostage until his secretly promised "better deal" with Iraq should they hold them until he got elected President! That was a real self-centered game to play with the lives of hostages for political gain!

Here are the outcomes of the 8 Reagan Years:
*Iran-contra scandal--14 convictions
*Decisions being made by Nancy's astrologer
*HUD scandal--16 convictions -- $8 Billion in taxpayer money lost
*S&L scandal -- over $1 Trillion in cost to taxpayers
*32 convictions in his administration 8 years
*Record deficits
*7.5% average rate of unemployment
*Supply side (voodoo) economics
*Billions wasted on Star WArs spending--escalation of the arms race--delayed nuclear weapons reductions
*Leveraged Buy Outs of $64 Billion per year destroyed many good businesses and companies
*Destruction of the Labor Movement
*At least 130 separate investigations against the Defense Department's largest contractors

Was it "Morning in America" or "Mourning in America"????
Commented: Tuesday, July 28th, 2015 @ 6:47 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on

I have waited to join in so I could see where this goes. . .now I must comment:
(1) I didn't know there was a Washington, GA --- is it "historic"?
(2) I am insulted I was not invited to the bar hop of long ago.
(3) I heard GA closed down the state mental hospital at Milledgeville and there were questions about where 3 patients went---now we KNOW!
(4) Does the poem have any more verses?
(5) There is a Greenville, NC, so remember to be explicit over the state!
Commented: Monday, July 27th, 2015 @ 5:44 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Good News --- the Colonel has found time to read the last part of the article and starts with the same levity as the Publisher did with the great cartoon!!!

In answer to the example: just go to any e-publication which starts a discussion section after their featured article! Anything from the Atlanta J/C to Newsweek to Playboy Forum will give you an idea of how people react to good articles . . .
Commented: Monday, July 27th, 2015 @ 5:36 pm By: Gene Scarborough
• If you were the one dispossessed, would you love Israel?
• Is it possible to follow the guidance of Christ to "love and forgive your enemy?"
• What is the alternative to a nuclear end of mankind?
• Why does a powerful nation like America fear any tribal desert dweller in the Middle East?

Can we move to the real meat of the discussion???
Commented: Monday, July 27th, 2015 @ 9:53 am By: Gene Scarborough
We seem to do Politics by commercial and public poll these days. Most candidates are so PC that the crazy of The Donald is getting press to the max. Maybe we should re-open all the Mental Institutes today. That used to be the place for CRAZY!
Commented: Monday, July 27th, 2015 @ 9:13 am By: Gene Scarborough
When I started the new Tree Surgery Business I was selling, creating, repairing machines to 11:00 at night many times. I was even grinding stumps with a light shining on my target.

The most amazing thing was how much I enjoyed it over the frustrations of paperwork and changing companies in the Insurance world. "If you can't find joy in your work, there is no joy to be found!"
Commented: Monday, July 27th, 2015 @ 8:10 am By: Gene Scarborough
The Founding Fathers had a unique dream --- that of changing a society by popular vote and having NO KING to dictate what citizens must do for the rest of their days under that government.

It works pretty well MOST OF THE TIME. However, some of the time we get to the guns and battle cries where people die --- and torn flesh returns because of hate and weapons of mass destruction.

Of late, Weapons of Mass Distraction seem to be the modus operandi. The rich and corps rule right now with Madison Avenue expensive advertising to elect their puppets of "making us more rich."

The more simple --- and more wise route for me --- is TERM LIMITS FOR CONGRESS.
Commented: Monday, July 27th, 2015 @ 6:44 am By: Gene Scarborough
"Does God bless a mess?" seems to be the crux of this debate centered around the era we had in the Civil War.

Best I can tell, we fought the most casualty-ridden conflict in US history up to today, yet the fight was over a slavery which still existed after the battle proved that Union is better than Seceding States of the Confederate States of America (CSA). Slavery was officially ended but citizenship was still not color blind.

We addressed the issue mid-century with Integration and Civil Rights which ended with LBJ signing off on voter rights and Title XX (War on Poverty) legislation. At the same time he made the astute political observation: "Democrats can kiss the South goodbye for the next many years!" LBJ was a shrewd a politician as America has ever had for President. He knew how to arm twist and backroom deal most any legislation into reality! He was a poor boy from Texas --- and ended a rich man from his political maneuvering . . .whether he made it through Heaven's Gates is a serious matter for spiritual analysis.

Thank God that is His judicial circuit! He judges the heart rather than the pocketbook.

It appears to me we are in a crisis now with whether we follow the "Democratic Dream" of the Founding Fathers --- or go back to the Greed and Power of the Few that existed in the Old World from whence we came.

***One Nation UNDER GOD --- or Worshiping the God of Greed and Money???
***Freedom and Justice for ALL --- or getting you off on anything if you have enough money to hire a slick Criminal Defense Lawyer that can always hang a jury --- and get you off like OJ???
Commented: Monday, July 27th, 2015 @ 6:33 am By: Gene Scarborough
When you talk about booze in DC, it seems Rush's big cigar (or booze) confuses the detailed interview text.

It appears to me it is way past time to put TERM LIMITS on Congress, just as we have them on the Executive Branch!

Congress sets the Tax Code / Tickle Down got us this Great Recession / the Costs of War is the real culprit of deficit budgets / both DC and Raleigh are a mess of nothing when we pay far too much for government inertia --- in my view!

Way back in the 70's, a good friend of mine came to preach a Revival at Hartsville, SC. He pastored a Baptist Church inside the beltway. He said clearly that IF THE AMERICAN PUBLIC HAD ANY IDEA OF THE SHENANIGANS OF DC --- WE WOULD FIRE THE ENTIRE CONGRESS IMMEDIATELY!

Whatever happened to a representative government where our Representatives actually represented their constituents---and with no salary or benefits???
Commented: Monday, July 27th, 2015 @ 5:57 am By: Gene Scarborough
The current juxtaposition of articles about Carter / Helms / etc. is amazing!!! I give Stan much credit for making sure each one has a place. They show the philosophical and political diversity of America today in clear relief.
Commented: Monday, July 27th, 2015 @ 5:40 am By: Gene Scarborough
Just a note---I left it up to Stan to find a pic. He did his best and I hold no animosity for the humor he provided in picture form.
Commented: Sunday, July 26th, 2015 @ 7:22 pm By: Gene Scarborough
We are reaching the point of silly on this article comment thread --- time to post the one I sent you to go up next . . .
Commented: Sunday, July 26th, 2015 @ 4:36 pm By: Gene Scarborough
To discuss or even write about Al Sharpton and Franklin Graham is to take up 2 Pharisees of today and ignore the deep thoughts this article brings to your attention. NOT INTERESTED --- sorry . . .
Commented: Sunday, July 26th, 2015 @ 3:53 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I shall write soon on Seagulls --- "Are they Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal / are they Conservative or Liberal as they fight over a post?"
Commented: Sunday, July 26th, 2015 @ 12:29 pm By: Gene Scarborough
We are talking the story of Bible text transmission which is most fascinating:

Get ready for many days of interesting discoveries. You can also check for Discovery / Learning Channel programs on archaeology and manuscript discoveries. Some churches are scared to even touch the subject. I think we are far better informed about faith to know the story well --- AND worship God in faith rather than bow down to some written thing we seldom read and poorly understand . . .
Commented: Sunday, July 26th, 2015 @ 10:00 am By: Gene Scarborough
Nice pics, Stan --- THANX!!!
Commented: Sunday, July 26th, 2015 @ 9:53 am By: Gene Scarborough
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