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Comments by Gene Scarborough

What the heck does any of this have to do with the Treaty and its importance, gentlemen??? I am amazed how Congress can't get anything done, yet you guys carry on about those not having anything to do with their crazy . . .
Commented: Sunday, August 9th, 2015 @ 3:03 pm By: Gene Scarborough
An interesting series on "The 70's" is running on CNN. The lookback from 50 years is giving me insights I could not have at the time it was happening. For me the 70's involved new work full time in large churches in SC---Easley, Hartsville, Bishopville. The new SEBTS grad with his Master of Divinity had much work to do with youth and Sunday School teachers while being the Associate Pastor getting to preach some. At Bishopville it was the first Senior Minister duty added to Youth and Education. Sermons seemed to come every other day for the new Preacher. . .

Jim and Tammy Faye Baker were new to the TBN Network which broadcast full time religious stuff. Dr. Charles Stanley was there, Pat Robertson, many evangelists like Jimmy Swaggart had their day. In 50 years, some have gone down in embarrassing immoral activities --- and some still are on our local channels each Sunday.

The most striking thing for me last night was the review of the Oil Embargo, Iran hostages taken after the Shah (whose corrupt regime we backed) was deposed when the Muslim fundamentalists wanted to kill him, we gave him shelter. Nixon ran the show, then Ford, finally Jimmy Carter. It was the time we started distrusting truth and were badly hurt over Watergate's sordid revelations. Our own NC Senator, Sam Ervin was a voice for truth during those hearings. He carried only a copy of the Constitution in his coat pocket to chair the Investigation Hearings of Congress vs. Nixon.

Since then, "get even" politics has been firmly in place. The mindset has been, "You got our Republican boy and now we get you back any way we can." The word, "Impeach" has come out with each administration since---except Reagan---whose Iran-Contra stuff got a pass from the Press and Congress.

I think that fell in the category of "Too much manure in the pasture of America shows too much of how smelly our politics has become." It is a shame that the smell won't seem to go away from the sad days of Watergate . . .
Commented: Sunday, August 9th, 2015 @ 7:50 am By: Gene Scarborough
Either you focus of education all in fairness or produce and elitist arrogance by favoring private over public education!

The first move to Private Schools started in the 50's as an escape from integration. Christian school and academies for White Christians ONLY is a farce and defeats the social experience of public schools.

Beaufort County has the best public system I have seen in many a year. We came from Nash County --- where drugs and crime grow and a definite split between rich and poor is destroying the entire Rocky Mount area. It did not use to be that way as my wife grew up in one of the most progressive towns in NC.

Public Educators here in the primary and secondary schools as well as the Community College are developing innovative ways to improve education for ALL citizens.

Distorted ideas like the Education Lottery are a farce and have not helped in the least to improve nor fund public education. It is time to GET REAL / STOP THE ARROGANCE AND RICH FAVORITISM / LET STUDENTS FIND OUT THERE ARE BOTH RICH AND POOR BUT WE CAN ALL ASSOCIATE TOGETHER AT GOOD PUBLIC SCHOOLS . . .

Again, I call "Bullshit" on this new NC view of educations as our state has become most REGRESSIVE in the last 20 years of Conservative barbarism chasing the almighty dollar . . .
Commented: Saturday, August 8th, 2015 @ 8:33 am By: Gene Scarborough
WE have lost medical care in rural Belhaven and Hyde County --- yet this idiot brags about the "SURPLUS BUDGET?" Is money really more important than a woman who died on the way to Vidant in Greenville because they can't stand any red ink in their money-making corporate mindset????

Get real / get a heart / medicine is an art / the Hippocratic Oath is out the window in favor of big PROFITS ---- SHAME!!!!!
Commented: Saturday, August 8th, 2015 @ 8:20 am By: Gene Scarborough
Now that we are calming down, Stan, let me remind you of how important surveying and tree surgery BOTH are. As you stated, your profession dealt with math and analysis using good observation abilities. The same is true for trees.

I have to KNOW approximately where any tree I fell will land. I have to KNOW how to cut it properly so it does as I need it to do---sometimes within 3' of a house and other things. Putting a 10-ton object slowly and carefully into a small space is no joke and it can certainly kill or injure you.

Just like the complex problems of our County and nation WE DISCUSS, I have to figure out how to solve a Tree Surgery problem one step at the time. In the process, I sometimes change my steps as the tree directs me with its reaction to my cuts. Were I to take a meat ax to the tree it would certainly die. If I become a partner with God's way of letting trees live---they respond and heal to continue their lifetime. Some I have worked on down here date to 200+ years. That is frontier days and Bath has been here 300+ years!

I have cut trees since I was a child on granddaddy's SC farm near Greenville. I, first, watched them do it. Next I did some limb cutting. I always loved to split wood for my grandmother's stove and go with her in the early morning to gather eggs, milk the cow, and just be there as she moved around her kitchen. I was her little helper --- getting my pay in love and fresh buttered biscuits.

I could not wait for my grandfather to get up because the real adventures began --- but being near and seeing my loving grandmother bring order and sustenance into an empty kitchen was the real blessing! She happened to be an early graduate of Greenville Women's College --- now Furman University. That was rare in her day!

My most precious possession in my tiny cottage is her milk churn. It's not fancy, but the ovaled out wood cover was formed as she sang hymns and churned up the butter with all due patience and love. . .
Commented: Saturday, August 8th, 2015 @ 5:45 am By: Gene Scarborough
Stan---I presume your thanks to Lynn deals with the deletion of the Obama hate-and now having the article deal with the debate and candidates. It takes a wise man to listen to a woman. I do it all the time for the better.

Maybe that is why women in politics is not a bad idea . . .
Commented: Saturday, August 8th, 2015 @ 5:23 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on A Tale of Two Boys

Trump pretty much got unity of position today on all the news~~~he hates women!
Commented: Friday, August 7th, 2015 @ 9:17 pm By: Gene Scarborough
STAN ~~~ stop the HATE / I stop reminding you of it before it gets you in trouble with the Devil . . . It's for your own good no matter how much you flinch, buddy.
Commented: Friday, August 7th, 2015 @ 9:15 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I went to Emory to have my Southern prejudices and stupid scraped off ~~~ and what have you done to educate your prejudices, Stan????
**Survey property???
**Write hate-filled article???
**Call people names with whom you don't agree???

Before you splutter and rant ~~~ Emory did the ONLY Affirmation Vietnam rally in the face of Liberalism up at northern elite schools and draft card burners and gays on the West Coast, buddy.

Proceed with your outlook with great caution as I am warming up my chipper . . .
Commented: Friday, August 7th, 2015 @ 8:37 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Stan---your brand of Conservatism was put into practice after WWI in Germany. They were considered the smartest and most advanced country in Europe---but their hate and obsession with white purity turned them into the Holocaust---killing Gypsies, homosesxuals, Jews, and running off those who saw through it . . .
Commented: Friday, August 7th, 2015 @ 7:55 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I'm not believing you took an article on Republican Candidates to spend more time bashing Obama and Clinton ~~~ talk about deception!!! It is like the Anti-abortion people luring in a pregnant women as if they perform abortions --- and then they fill her with guilt and angst when she is already to the edge of insanity.

So where is the real analysis of Republican Candidates, old sport???

I see a CLOWN ACT and now you are trying to make us feel sorry for the ever arrogant and abusive Donald Trump??? Jeb pretty much made a non-impression. Huckabee did about as good a job as any along with the Hispanic shoe-in and the ever-fake Carson---who did some good lines as well.

*Can the party of White Hate field a black guy and fool us all?
*Jindal is even from India and that should provide some pay-back for the ever offensive birther claims toward the President.
*I felt like I was more at a beauty contest or sports event than a Debate.

MEANWHILE ~~~ the great Peacemaker goes on / Hillary is not bowing to the server BS / it comes out today that Reagan and Bush flushed millions of private messages off their identical server ~~~~ AND YOU IGNORE THE CHARGES OF GENEVA CONVENTION VIOLATIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS FROM Bush / Cheney.

I am laughing my "you-know-what" off, Stan . . .
Commented: Friday, August 7th, 2015 @ 4:36 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on A Tale of Two Boys

Here are my reasons for running as fast as possible from such a charlatan:

• Trump said "I've used the laws of this country to pare debt. ... We'll have the company. We'll throw it into a chapter. We'll negotiate with the banks. We'll make a fantastic deal. You know, it's like on 'The Apprentice'. It's not personal. It's just business."[152] He indicated that other "great entrepreneurs" do the same.[150]
• To put his philosophy of business in simple terms: No matter how many people I have to rip off, I will come out on top and walk sideways through raindrops of debt.
• He flies in a big commercial-size jet with his name emblazoned on its side---as did the Executives of GM / Ford / and Chrysler to ask for more government money to keep them from declaring bankruptcy --- a point of valid criticism as us taxpayers eventually owned 62% of GM with their cars not reduced a cent to the buying public.
• He is a perfect example of Deficit Finance and waste. If such prepares him to lead a country drowning in war debt, then he is the perfect Conservative Candidate!
• His ego requires obedience without compromise --- how does that suit a diplomat who daily must look for consensus of representatives in Congress?
• If we need a Dictator, then Donald Trump is the perfectly trained candidate to give it.
Commented: Friday, August 7th, 2015 @ 1:21 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on A Tale of Two Boys

The discussion over the Debate last night are interesting and everywhere. I have watched all the way from ABC / CNN / Fox / Al Jazeera. The general take is that Trump did well, Jeb kept too quiet / Marco Rubio makes good sense along with Mike Huckabee. Another debate next month with Democrats up in October . . .
Commented: Friday, August 7th, 2015 @ 9:20 am By: Gene Scarborough
Great post, Diane!!! I was able to go through the entire video and it makes good sense --- EXCEPT the proposition that Conservatism is the only way to go!

I matriculated to Emory University in 1963-67. That school had then --- and still does have --- the picture of a Renaissance Person being produced. They have opted out of a massive sports programs in favor of more pure education. Their model now is to have an International student body by 1/4 in number.

As the professor cites --- their method is Socratic = asking questions until the student has a sense of "what makes sense to me at this time." In my day, as well as now, they invite to their faculty world figures of basic experience to expose students to differing world views and concepts --- then the student is widely exposed to many things not thought nor seen prior to coming to Emory.

To get an "A" in my day required I examine any issue from, at least 2 dialectic sides --- then present at the end of the paper "What I have as "my view" and the reason for it~~~whatever that view might be. It is not based on making students into "liberals or conservatives."

The Renaissance was a period following the Dark Ages when science and rational investigation of all things began. You made a proposition and then began to study it and prove it for "correct or incorrect." The process never ended as the student/thinker pursued TRUTH. What I assumed to be TRUE from my small town conservative religious upbringing near Atlanta turned into a quest which I still pursue to evaluate all things in light of WHAT IS PROVEN TO BE TRUE AND WHAT WORKS.

Today we seem to have little automatons addicted to sports and games whose "win" is based on trying, failing, and keeping on trying --- to beat the computer program. The obsession with sports and winning is addictive and seems to eliminate a moral core in decision making. It is like the law which sets a basis for lawful society --- with too many shades of grey, in turn making Defense Attorneys and Juries prone to confusion. Instead of deciding Right from Wrong behaviour, you play the game of I MUST WIN AT ALL COSTS TO TRUTH.

Thanks for the challenging concepts you are sharing. Some of which are inspiring---others of which are troubling by setting Conservatism as the goal . . .
Commented: Friday, August 7th, 2015 @ 6:33 am By: Gene Scarborough
I hope many will read about this serious situation with child behaviour. I think the solution is true love and caring by parents and relatives of all emotionally neglected children of this "spoil them" day . . .
Commented: Friday, August 7th, 2015 @ 5:55 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on A Tale of Two Boys

Thanks for the hard and long day yesterday, Stan --- yet getting my article in.

I shut down my comments and went to bed after the first hour. They asked The Donald the big question then over his Business dealings and bankruptcies.
His answer: "All Entrepreneurs do it!"
I thought Entrepreneur meant "daring businessman" rather than THIEF!!!
Commented: Friday, August 7th, 2015 @ 5:50 am By: Gene Scarborough
It all goes to show ~~~ if you want to romp and stomp round the clock---go to Charlotte or Atlanta ~~~~~ if you want a decent night's sleep stay in Raleigh and chill without the traffic and crime of the really big cities . . .
Commented: Thursday, August 6th, 2015 @ 4:33 am By: Gene Scarborough
My momma once sent me a card: "It's hard to soar with eagles---when you walk with turkeys!" Does this cover it, TMcD???
Commented: Wednesday, August 5th, 2015 @ 7:20 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Check out the article on Trump. He was born the same year I was, 1946, enjoyed a wealthy father who made him go to military school over bad behaviour in public school.

"In 1971, Trump moved to Manhattan and became involved in larger building projects and used attractive architectural design to win public recognition.[10] He made plans to acquire and develop the old Penn Central for $60 million with no money down.[34] Later, with the help of a 40-year tax abatement from the New York City government, he turned the bankrupt Commodore Hotel into the Grand Hyatt[35] and created The Trump Organization.[36]"

Imagine being able to borrow $60 Million with NO MONEY DOWN --- this perfectly makes him the dream child of the GOP --- they involve the rich with no taxes on their corps and all us taxpayers providing the money for them to enjoy getting more rich --- NO MONEY DOWN!!!
Commented: Wednesday, August 5th, 2015 @ 6:14 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I would think the "Abraham is the father of both Jews and Muslims" would spark a discussion of why we hate Muslims so much and back Jews . . .
Commented: Wednesday, August 5th, 2015 @ 6:00 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Between the diversions in commentary and the fact that my Great Republican Debate article is hidden now, Stan is more than happy . . .
Commented: Wednesday, August 5th, 2015 @ 5:59 pm By: Gene Scarborough
It is God's way of giving you another chance to "see the light" BT---you old drinker and sinner in the 70's at the adult play place . . .
Commented: Wednesday, August 5th, 2015 @ 3:00 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on

(1) BT has found a way to get his extensive circle of retired buddies involved for fun?
(2) You had said you would not allow comments a short time ago---but could not resist the temptation to get them and see where it went . . .
Commented: Wednesday, August 5th, 2015 @ 8:26 am By: Gene Scarborough
I am the great-great-grandson of a SC Confederate Soldier from Easley, SC. My great-grandmother could tell of her father's return from the Civil War. For me, the war was honorable --- and more over the Industrialized North using and abusing the raw goods of the South which needed slave labor to produce.

Meanwhile they paid new immigrants from Ireland and other places next to nothing in their own factories --- a form of slavery worse than what was going on in the South.

They had no problem getting rich with their industries and paying next to nothing for the South's raw goods. I realize the misplaced angst of blacks who descended from slaves. That time is past and now the US is going overboard to give a free ride and boost to all people of color---even if their skills don't warrant it.

The HATE is flowing these days. Much of it is badly misplaced. The NC Hate and Conservatism is destroying the Progressive nature of this state and I have no qualms with our biggest newspapers calling a spade a spade . . .
Commented: Wednesday, August 5th, 2015 @ 6:20 am By: Gene Scarborough
The empty smear campaign begins!!!

Roy Cooper was my backdoor neighbor in Rocky Mount prior to his marriage. He an brother Pell were great neighbors who kept to themselves and had no hidden conservative mischief . . .

Roy Cooper was my NC Senator for Nash County. When I sent as a Life Underwriter for our "Day on the Hill," he welcomed us to his tiny office and pulled out a big legal pad to make notes. He asked, "What can I do for you?" Took notes

NEXT, he asked us, "What are the negative aspects to your request?" That put on us the burden to 2-sided thinking or each of us could do more sides ~~~ HE TOOK NOTES.

I did mortgage business with Countrywide. After they took my house, we were at our last option for housing in NC, our little Fisherman's Cottage here at Bayview near Bath. WE had no heat in November and it was 50 degrees inside. A letter from Countrywide came with a $7,000 check inside made to me and my troubled wife. Along with it was a letter which stated: "Without admission of guilt, we have settled with the NC Attorney General's Office a lawsuit for over-charging our NC customers and are refunding, according to the agreed formula, the enclosed amount. . ."

NOW --- tell me again what a bum our Attorney General Roy Cooper---running for Governor in 2016 --- is . . .I call BULLSHIT on this one . . .
Commented: Wednesday, August 5th, 2015 @ 5:28 am By: Gene Scarborough
Political Poll on the eve of the Republican Debate:
( ) They are more crazy than I thought and Donald Trump is in the lead
( ) They are less crazy than I thought, but they sure are entertaining
( ) They will get higher ratings than Laugh In year ago
( ) They will get Bill Cosby to open for them with his Conservative stance
Commented: Wednesday, August 5th, 2015 @ 5:00 am By: Gene Scarborough
I sent you my questions for the poll, bozos --- now send me my $50 consult fee . . .
Commented: Tuesday, August 4th, 2015 @ 8:03 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I will help you --- the cost is $50 per hour consult fee . . .
Commented: Tuesday, August 4th, 2015 @ 7:26 pm By: Gene Scarborough
With regard to the polls Stan puts up --- they are like people going to notch their spiritual gunbelt with kids. The questions have an obvious expected answer of a conservative nature. Stan would do well to hire or invite someone to help with good poll questions. Otherwise, you get what you ask for and it is a poor result.

I had to take a course on statistics and testing as part of my psychology major. Several studies appearing scientific have blown apart over the questions asked.
Commented: Tuesday, August 4th, 2015 @ 5:03 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Give The Donald some research on "business dealings" ~~~
Commented: Tuesday, August 4th, 2015 @ 12:19 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Views gone now to 265, Stan --- will it stay hidden still???
Commented: Tuesday, August 4th, 2015 @ 12:03 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Hence you are a Fool, Stan --- one can be moderate and be far more wise and good to deal with an any abject conservative I know---but I DO like you personally. . .
Commented: Tuesday, August 4th, 2015 @ 12:02 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I have enough issues to keep me busy, Stan --- but your said nothing about your own frustration . . .
Commented: Tuesday, August 4th, 2015 @ 11:29 am By: Gene Scarborough
That's OK, Stan --- it will be a cold day in hell when I advocate for your kind of Conservatism and I fail to see any positive results of it, old sport . . .
Commented: Tuesday, August 4th, 2015 @ 11:19 am By: Gene Scarborough
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