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Comments by Gene Scarborough

Bobby Tony ~~~ I call it "Logic Lite" old sport. Both you and Stan love to always swim in the SHALLOW END OF THE POOL---most of the time, buddy. . .

Or the shallow of your latrine so you can still breath---but the stench . . .
Commented: Thursday, August 13th, 2015 @ 1:52 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Stan and BT ~~~ you guys are so stuck on the labels you aren't close to any ability to analyze REALITY. A few days ago, Stan, I warned you about the deep ditch you inhabit with your labels. If you never get out and look around / never leave to smell the air and sunshine and do your daily functions ~~~

THEN your little ditch becomes a latrine. BT, with his experience in VN, can tell you all about latrines and jet fuel burning the stuff that quickly smelled like hell in the tropical conditions.

I can't believe you try to dismiss Nixon from being a Conservative ~~~ he said he was / he ran as if he was / he screwed up so that makes him a "liberal" in your trench/latrine. . .I heard him come to Easley, SC, and say those conservative words, man---for myself so I'm not finding this in a book.

He started out his 20 minutes from the back of a big flat bed trailer parked at the only shopping center parking lot with--"Let me make this perfectly clear." Thereafter he did 20 minutes of non-speak like a raving and ranting preacher "caught up in the spirit."

At the conclusion here was my summation: I tried this kind or crap at Emory with my history exams and got a "C". I thought at the time I was so clever. I later reviewed my old blue book we used on our essays before throwing it away forever.

My freshman mind had become a far more intelligent and informed one and it was clear the Professor was absolutely RIGHT AND I WAS A CLEVER FOOL at age 18! I am mature enough to admit when I have been a fool + been fooled!

When you reach that state of maturity, then you might rethink and restate your objections to the current President and anyone you call a RINO because they don't conform with exactly your type of Republican Conservatism. Ya don said too much in the past to try and get out of this analysis, brother!

Is is a common core of conservatism to call names / never get out of your latrine / and then say "I am always right / you are always wrong?"
Commented: Thursday, August 13th, 2015 @ 10:56 am By: Gene Scarborough
Thanks for the hit on Hillary, Stan. If she did wrong, then she should pay the price for lying and using government equipment for personal wrongdoing.

The first case of such was Richard Nixon with Watergate. He kept claiming innocence---until the tapes came out!!! Now will you say he was a Great Conservative he claimed to be???

The honest and better outlook, in my view --- is to deal with ALL prominent politicians since Nixon who got his free pass from Ford with a complete pardon for all. The difference this time around being ~~~ you get a pardon ONLY IF you clearly disclose all you did that was dirty in the name of the US while occupying a place of elected power.

I would love to read that book of confessions ~~~~ FROM ALL SINCE NIXON TO THE PERSON!!!!!

You magic trick of Conservatism is to so focus the audience on your left hand (symbolism intended) that they don't see the right hand picking our pockets and making the rich more rich with the Conservative Credo of late. Lincoln would weep along with the Founding Fathers who had better dreams and visions than those of this century and the end of the last---actually since Vietnam and it's riches for corporate America while soldiers got maimed and spit on . . .
Commented: Thursday, August 13th, 2015 @ 5:46 am By: Gene Scarborough
I am saddened with the news tonight of Jimmy Carter having cancer spread over his body. He underwent removal of a mass on his liver which was benign. Further tests now show a wide spread of this dread disease.

He is being treated at Emory, one of the leading research hospitals in America and the world. Knowing what kind of man of great faith he is, I am sure he will pray for peace and joy to fill his mind --- and enjoy the days left to him.

My own father had the same end and opted to go back home and live rather than undertake awful treatments that make you wish you were dead while you are fighting a useless battle at this point in medical research.

I trust you will join me in praying, forgetting the criticism, honoring his faith and life while he is still with us and sharing God's love and faith.
Commented: Wednesday, August 12th, 2015 @ 7:02 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I can't figure why the abject conservatism of Fox News is now outing and testing the very candidates you would think they adore to the person. . .
Commented: Wednesday, August 12th, 2015 @ 3:58 pm By: Gene Scarborough
You clowns of conservatism sure will put down anything other than talk of a big bomb blowing us all back into the caves. Would there be any beach of cute gals then????

Perhaps they would all have cancers growing on their irradiated bodies . . .

Quit the BS, gentlemen, if you please . . .
Commented: Wednesday, August 12th, 2015 @ 3:26 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Have no fear Colonel --- I have readers who follow only 1 post at the time and want all to know I am having fun fishing. Not throwing chum to conservative sharks today beside the Pamlico. The Albemarle Sound is our host and the Roanoke River enters it here. Not that far from Manteo either or Chesapeake.

I may just have to go to Emerson' Pipe Shop there and get the good MacArthur blend they sell. The General lived there and still has a few books to read for instruction on "combating your enemies . . ."
Commented: Wednesday, August 12th, 2015 @ 1:57 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Gents---I am at my son's in Elizabeth City. He already has the smoker going and we got here too late to hit the water early. I have rested a bit more and now am ready to be entertained by the 3 Stooges --- BT / TMcD / Stan the Death man. . . I can't stand a day without the pain of your exploding paddles, boys!
Commented: Wednesday, August 12th, 2015 @ 1:21 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I predict he will the the new NC Governor in 2016 ~~~ Real Deal people are getting hard to find, but this one is more than electable for me, bud . . .
Commented: Tuesday, August 11th, 2015 @ 9:22 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I am OPEN ~~~ you guys are getting the big pucker a 10-penny nail won't penetrate!!! I suggest more K-Y Jelly or some good axle grease to ease the pain . . .

Maybe more Southern Comfort would hep ya . . .
Commented: Tuesday, August 11th, 2015 @ 9:21 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Maybe you should change the name at the top, Stan. It has the appearance of your attitude to a "T". I would only suggest that you check your deep trench of political viewpoint.

Anyone who gets so deep into his trench turns it into a latrine with no ladder to go out and do his business where he does not live and breathe nor eat . . .
Commented: Tuesday, August 11th, 2015 @ 8:04 pm By: Gene Scarborough

If you knew him personally as I do from being his next door neighbor in Rocky Mount and having him as my Senator PLUS having his help when Countrywide overcharged us by $7K in our business with them --- you would, possibly, have a more informed view.

I keep forgetting, you are so deep in your Conservative Republican rut---you can't see out anymore. Sorry about that, buddy . . .
Commented: Tuesday, August 11th, 2015 @ 7:54 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Before we go off in another journey to the blackberry patch ~~~ here is the PBS story on Nuclear Arms Treaties:

If I had had Google at Emory, I could have spent all my time partying with the Scottie at their BSU.

"Here we go girls---that famous Emory President who just debated Thomas J.J. Altizer on national TV over the "God Is Dead" allegations is here to explain it to you in the back room with the lights turned low. He is a young Christian genius and won't mess with your pants or bras . . ."
Commented: Tuesday, August 11th, 2015 @ 6:25 pm By: Gene Scarborough
The German question deals with IF GERMANY had beat us to achieve a workable bomb.

Sometimes I wonder if you guys know how to read!!! Since you are at the beach, it has to do with the sights around distracting you. If you come back with a sunburned tongue and black eye, I will know your wife caught you ogling itsy bitsy teenie weenie polkadot bikinis!!!"
Commented: Tuesday, August 11th, 2015 @ 2:10 pm By: Gene Scarborough
BT is a chicken --- BT is a chicken ---- come on, guys---you can do better and show your wisdom on the questions below . . .
Commented: Tuesday, August 11th, 2015 @ 9:39 am By: Gene Scarborough
I think a far greater need --- and far more important is to put TERM LIMITS on Congress --- just as it is for the President. Change the dirty diaper of that baby for the same reasons you do your own . . .
Commented: Tuesday, August 11th, 2015 @ 9:26 am By: Gene Scarborough
NOW ~~~~ back to the important questions for discussion:

(1) Can we afford to keep on letting the nuclear knowledge spread out without most serious consequences?
(2) By the grace of God we beat the Germans to the Atomic problem's solution --- what if they had beaten us????
Commented: Tuesday, August 11th, 2015 @ 6:27 am By: Gene Scarborough
Stan---thanks for the fix on this post now showing as it should. I first had to start using a computer in my insurance practice.

In about a week I learned RULE 1 ~~~ If you can't cuss, don't ever get one!!!!
Commented: Tuesday, August 11th, 2015 @ 6:14 am By: Gene Scarborough
I understand he has lost his leg (or may lose it) to the accident. That is something a vet would understand like no other person . . .
Commented: Tuesday, August 11th, 2015 @ 6:07 am By: Gene Scarborough
Gentlemen --- with all due respect --- those who call names and are too stupid to see the name is not totally correct all the time nor totally descriptive ever --- could go down in a hail of criticism for being TOO NARROW AND IN THEIR RUT . . .

BT --- can we start a 3-clown act with Ted McD as the third explosive paddle wielder? I like your current look and won't steal a thing.

How about I get a real scary and aggressive clown face and bring my big chainsaw that makes lots of noise and can cut the main pole on the big tent???
Commented: Tuesday, August 11th, 2015 @ 6:05 am By: Gene Scarborough
Christopher Maye is the new MINIMALIST SUPREME WINNER!!! While BT went to somewhere with his i-phone / Ted McD was working on new free pics for a post ~~~ Old Chris was thinking ~~~~~ and put together the least words possible to share the most fun insights I have seen lately!

Will Rogers, Steven Colbert and David Letterman have a cohort on BCN now!!!!
Commented: Tuesday, August 11th, 2015 @ 3:26 am By: Gene Scarborough
Stan ~~~ "So, does that make Amatuer Hussein more like Adolf Hitler in your mind?

It is apparent that The Amateur does not like Benjamin Netanyahu, and I promise this, Hitler would have cared for him less than even Obama.

Believe it or not, I get what you are saying - Fascists do not like Jews."

GENE'S REPLY ~~~ as usual your extra-conservative mind must add to my comment in an attempt to discredit and demean. The Nazi movement was a white supremacist CONSERVATIVE MOVEMENT. They were driven by hate to all other nations which beat them in WWI --- and then required them to pay it back to the other nations who won.

Hitler and his buddies put on firelight parades and burned books --- in the spirit of Conservative Commentators and skewed news sources --- to try and eliminate any opposition. They killed Jews / homosexuals / Gypsies to cleanse the population.

HOWEVER, those who escaped told on them!!! When the concentrations camps were discovered and the crematories --- which have a stench even today --- were opened by American Soldiers, a great Republican named Dwight D. Eisenhower ordered our soldiers to force all the surrounding German citizens to go through and witness for themselves what their negligence and obedience to Conservative Despots "gone bad" had created with their VOTE to make them their TRUSTED LEADERS . . .
Commented: Tuesday, August 11th, 2015 @ 3:19 am By: Gene Scarborough
Just to prove I am a dunce at compu-tech ~~~ I hit a button and my comment went to "submit" as I was fixing to tell a funny story about the mistaken view of Terrorists.

It seems one of the bad guys (from Murfreesboro and Chowan College) was more than virtuous and more than horny before the 9/11 attack. He had mentally prepared himself according to the Terrorist Manual (not the Quran) for the pending deed of destruction of Infidels.

After the big fireball crash that destroyed so many lives on 4 commercial aircraft, he woke up in the Afterlife surrounded by Nuns. They all had angry looks and big paddles pummeling him on his rear---making it bleed already. He was in abject pain.


The Mother Superior answered: "My son, WE are your Virgins and you were a bad boy this morning!!! God sent you here for your reward!!!"

MEANWHILE ~~~ thousands of saints (of all faiths) floated past on their way to heaven. First, were the innocent people in the buildings and planes. Next, were all the NYPD Firemen smiling and knowing they gave their lives to save people.

Left behind were more millions to clean up / sharpen their skills and weapons to go after Osama ben Laden, the Mastermind. It only took a black President who was accused of being a Muslim by many Conservatives to take care of God's business in about 6 years!!!

Commented: Tuesday, August 11th, 2015 @ 3:05 am By: Gene Scarborough
Something weird is happening "automatically" with the Nuclear Treaty Article. I am a user of computers only enough to be dangerous about the details of electronic media. We have a guru at BCN central who keep things working under human control.

Here is the issue as of yesterday ~~~

(1) The article left the front page first which was curious
(2) It was still over on the right side under "Posts" --- then that left and I could not keep up with the stats on views and comments, etc.
(3) As comments were made, I still could access it as I am doing here.
(4) At present, a newby to BCN could read another article I wrote, but not the current one drawing good comments.
(5) Nuclear Proliferation Treaty is the hot topic in the Congressional world and should be such for any of us who dread the big bombs far more than the little idiots in the desert thinking they have Virgins waiting if they martyr themselves!

Commented: Tuesday, August 11th, 2015 @ 2:49 am By: Gene Scarborough
Stan --- "automatic" is an excuse when I see for myself how the conservative stuff gets on so much longer than any others . . . I may be dumb, but I ain't supic!!!

As to the comparison between us today and Chamberlain trying to appease Hitler ~~~ I hate to say it but since Vietnam we have made certain people rich over war / invaded and made good committed soldiers the targets of hate rather than our leaders (both conservative and liberal / Republican or Democrat) ~~~ then could care less about their PTSD and permanent body parts missing.

Right now --- we appear to be more akin to Germany than the America I have known in the early 50's after a righteous and necessary war. We were the prime mover in establishing the United Nations, but want them to always do our bidding. No single nation is always right in world affairs, my friend.

War made the Texas buddies of LBJ rich / Star Wars and aircraft producers of Reagan rich / without a doubt Dick Cheney personally more than rich . . .They profited / we paid / the soldiers got the booby prize of valor wasted on wars we never can win in 3rd World countries only wanting their chance.

Diplomacy is a far better route --- in my view --- against a bunch of camel riders in the desert of the Middle East. We leave the munitions or give them foolishly to be used against us!!! It is much like we sold steel cheap to Japan and saw it fall from the skies over Pearl Harbor. "Stupid" and "Wealth" seem to go together far too often in our quest for World Power. . .

Thanks for getting back of a track having to do with the Nuclear Treaty, buddy!
Commented: Monday, August 10th, 2015 @ 2:16 pm By: Gene Scarborough
That was 3 more wasted word segments, gentlemen . . .
Commented: Monday, August 10th, 2015 @ 1:43 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Suck up to the Publisher BT / get your many trite/good (some are some aren't) things on / ignore the elephant in the room ~~~ the squeaky wheel get oiled / the ignored good and quality posts should stay up! See if the Arms Treaty does not lead the national publications and media coverage for weeks . . .

In my view --- that is for the readers to decide and not you and Stan, bro! If BCN is fair and balanced along with open it will grow. If it becomes the same ultra-conservative publication it was when I joined in along with a couple of others, there is hope.

Stan is the Publisher which means --- he absolutely controls what gets on and when -- even though he has been more than fair to post my contrarian views~~~THAT I DO APPRECIATE
Commented: Monday, August 10th, 2015 @ 1:41 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Once more---it appears to me the conservative and simple stuff stay on and a more serious issue like the Nuclear Arms Treaty gets to the side. IS ANYONE HERE INTERESTED IN DEALING WITH SERIOUS STUFF ~~~ OR DO WE JUST PICK BLACKBERRIES AND WAIT FOR THE ATOMIC BLAST????
Commented: Monday, August 10th, 2015 @ 10:49 am By: Gene Scarborough
14 comments thus far ~~~ ONLY 1 (which is most worthy by BT) concerning the legal status of Treaties. It is not 6-6-6, But it gives the Constitutional basis I did not have time to properly research with 2-2-2. THANX!

The article in Wikipedia is helpful ~~~ but shows the last SCOTUS ruling relative to it with shades of gray in the decision and no willingness to make a decision. We may get another case from this action and then see what the Court says . . .

"The President may enter the United States into treaties, but they are not effective until ratified by a two-thirds vote in the Senate.[9] In Article II however, the Constitution is not very explicit about the termination of treaties. The first abrogation of a treaty occurred in 1798, when Congress passed a law terminating a 1778 Treaty of Alliance with France.[10] In the nineteenth century, several Presidents terminated treaties after Congress passed resolutions requesting the same.[11] In 1854, however, President Franklin Pierce terminated a treaty with Denmark with the consent of the Senate alone. A Senate committee ruled that it was correct procedure for the President to terminate treaties after being authorized by the Senate alone, and not the entire Congress. President Pierce's successors, however, returned to the former procedure of obtaining authorization from both Houses. Some Presidents have claimed to themselves the exclusive power of terminating treaties. Abraham Lincoln, for instance, terminated a treaty without prior Congressional authorization, but Congress retroactively approved his decision at a later point. The first unambiguous case of a President terminating a treaty without authorization, granted prior to or after the termination, occurred when Jimmy Carter terminated a treaty with the Republic of China.[12] For the first time, judicial determination was sought, but the effort proved futile: the Supreme Court could not find a majority agreeing on any particular principle, and therefore instructed the trial court to dismiss the case."

It would appear historically Congress felt the President was worthy of leading in negotiations and there is no case where a Treaty became as important as Nuclear Arms which affect our country and the world.

Bigger bombs / harder decisions / let's just not repeat 1945 ever again over humans on this planet. This is most serious and will likely happen if we keep messing with nations which have nothing to lose. The Russian Treaty over Cuba and Arms race was resolved. Carter got progress with Beagan/Sadat Peace accord that did not get ratification in their countries --- rather both me killed by hate of their citizens who would rather fight than make peace . . .


(1) Can we afford to keep on letting the nuclear knowledge out without most serious consequences?
(2) By the grace of God we beat the Germans to the Atomic problem's solution --- what if they had beaten us????
Commented: Monday, August 10th, 2015 @ 5:20 am By: Gene Scarborough
I met a man Saturday here in Beaufort County who worked for Donald Trump in NY. Can't wait to talk with him more. The hired help can tell it honest once they retire back home. You folks who so love Conservatism, just remember: The Debate was all Conservative All the way produced by the stated favoritism of you favorite Conservative Media Giant --- formed to be sure after Nixon ~~~"Truth Told Fair and Balanced."

Truth --- perhaps
Fair and Balanced --- in your dreams, folks . . .
Commented: Monday, August 10th, 2015 @ 4:53 am By: Gene Scarborough
Eve said worse than that, but she had gotten it out on The Donald before church started!!!
Commented: Sunday, August 9th, 2015 @ 7:45 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Diane ~~~ remember, now, the panel was the best the Conservative and biased FAUX News could offer, but you say you didn't like the questions and attitudes.

I thought Huckabee was the most polished and down-to-earth / Trump deserved what he got and has only gotten worse with his tweets from his twitter since!!! The Donald just had no cooth and sounds more like a Mobster with his accent each time he talks and defends himself.

Before it's over, he may spend some of his money to make the competition go missing!!! It might be a good idea for some to stay away from Reno~~~too many empty places to hide bodies / too cool for rot to set in too fast . . .Just sayin'
Commented: Sunday, August 9th, 2015 @ 6:04 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I went to Preach today and there sat Stan and BT with their wives beside them. I decided to do some questions to the audience. When I looked at Stan and asked, "Who is God's Son?" Lynn stuck him with her hat pin and he yelled ~~~ "JESUS CHRIST!"

Next I looked BT's way and asked, "When you are in bad trouble what do you say?" His wife stuck him with her pin and he yelled: "GOD HEP ME!!!"

My third question was at both of these worshipful guys. It was: "What did Adam say to Eve after the birth of their sons?"


It's Sunday and Ordained Baptist ministers always tell the "truth" on Sunday!!
Commented: Sunday, August 9th, 2015 @ 5:56 pm By: Gene Scarborough
So tell me, boys ~~~ how did the analysis of the Republican Clown Show Thursday go in your opinion????? This morning all the shows featured analysis and I bet you were watching some of them with your fingers crossed!!!

You might as well have started your drinking early---there were no compliments and barely a whimper on any progressive ideas . . .

Talk about a Show with no real content, they never said a word about wealth (nor tax) inequity / busted economy still after years which started under Bush this time around / how about more than 50% of the US budget spent on war / surely that has nothing to do with deficit spending . . .
Commented: Sunday, August 9th, 2015 @ 4:29 pm By: Gene Scarborough
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