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Comments by Gene Scarborough

Of course ~~~ "it's the computer's fault . . ."
Commented: Sunday, August 16th, 2015 @ 3:27 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Fallout Shelters

Commented: Sunday, August 16th, 2015 @ 3:25 am By: Gene Scarborough
I did mean IRAN ---- I have trouble with Arabic and similar these days, bud = THANX!!!
Commented: Sunday, August 16th, 2015 @ 3:22 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Fallout Shelters

Stan / BT / Ted McD ~~~ YOU CAN'T LEGISLATE MORALITY, gents. . .
Commented: Sunday, August 16th, 2015 @ 3:15 am By: Gene Scarborough
Commented: Saturday, August 15th, 2015 @ 5:29 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Fallout Shelters

Stan --- is there yet a KMA stamp????
Commented: Saturday, August 15th, 2015 @ 5:11 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Colonel Ted ~~~ unlike some other writers I

(1) never prevent readers from comment
(2) I approve any comment and don't care to delete a single one
(3) It is a free country with free speech and if I can't take any criticism nor comment, then I am a "sorry, dirty scoundrel" . . .
Commented: Saturday, August 15th, 2015 @ 4:28 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Fallout Shelters

Stan---I shall make it simple and plain:

* This post went up and went off before 24 hours had expired.
* It still is getting hits and I don't know why any regular reader would see it now that it is hidden from view.
* MEANWHILE those you favor seem to get up for days without end because they back your view of the world political.

I can see what is and don't mind calling a spade a spade.

I appreciate my newest one up soon. I sent another which is not yet up.

Do you have selective memory and publication along the lines of those who accuse Hillary of lost emails when ---from Reagan to the present (not including Nixon) have gaps and "inaudible" on all their Conservative activities????

Anyone living in a glass house should be more than careful about throwing rocks at the neighbor who votes opposite and sees opposite of them.

If you wish to be "fair and balanced" then take it to the consistent level---IF YOU PLEASE . . .I have found most abject Conservatives prone to skewing truth and history if they win the right to rule!

Sorry about that, but I am a Preacher who tells it like it is and then lets the listeners or readers make up their own minds . . .
Commented: Saturday, August 15th, 2015 @ 4:24 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Fallout Shelters

Stan~~~several of the "real issue" debates of late might make people think we hate one another. They are wrong and I privately emailed you this which I wish to share:

"I can tell that you are not quite as efficient right now with the demands of sales. Hope it is going well.

I trust you know my objections and debates are from "just left of middle" in reality. I do my best to be analytical, look at all sides of an issue, give what I think and good rationale for such . . .

From the first day we talked, I knew you were a real patriot and have your real views you believe with all your heart and soul.

I think we will only move forward in this county, state, nation when we learn to compromise and keep moving forward. Throwing grenades only ends up hurting the thrower and recipient when it explodes between men who could be friends in the long haul and do much for many along the way . . .

I love you, man. I still have a little bit of Bar-B-Q left and will gladly share---if you hurry up and visit with me!
Commented: Saturday, August 15th, 2015 @ 7:19 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Fallout Shelters

Here is the latest on the debate over the Arms Treaty:

But Obama’s backstop in the House, where the Democratic Caucus is dominated by liberals, is holding firm.
Close to 40 House Democrats have come out in favor of the deal since it was first announced in mid-July, while 16 senators have voiced their support. And there are dozens of additional Democrats who’ve signaled in interviews and statements that they are inclined to back Obama’s deal, which aims to stop Tehran’s development of a nuclear weapon in exchange for lifting economic sanctions. Most notably, not one of the 151 House Democrats who signed a May letter in support of the broad outlines of the agreement have announced opposition to the final product.
Commented: Saturday, August 15th, 2015 @ 6:28 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Fallout Shelters

Since Hebrew and Greek have come up in my posts, let me say a quick word about PEACE:

The Hebrew word is Shalom ~~~ which means wholeness / unity / love / forgiveness. . .
The Greek word is Irene ~~~ which means an absence of hostility while you still hate one another with a passion and unforgiveness. . .

If mankind can ever reach a state of Shalom, there is no need for a bomb or weapons of mass destruction.

We are in the Middle East as a result of a Weapon of Mass Distraction . . .
Commented: Saturday, August 15th, 2015 @ 5:20 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Fallout Shelters

Gentlemen ~~~ It's bedtime for me, BUT I called the Psychiatric wing at Beaufort Hospital and made an appointment for us ALL on first thing Monday!!! I shall get some Bennett Wine over the weekend to get us ready to make peace . . .
Commented: Friday, August 14th, 2015 @ 8:15 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Fallout Shelters

BT ~~~ is over-spoke. If you bring your Cherokee maid from long ago you are MORE THAN WELCOME. I live where Native Americans roamed happily by the Pamlico River---until the white man screwed them out of it . . .shall we try to make things right with the Cherokee from the mountains of NC/SC/GA????
Commented: Friday, August 14th, 2015 @ 6:29 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Fallout Shelters

I did a little bit of Hebrew, Stan --- enough to know that the way to do it in correct Hebrew as it is. Get your degree in Theology at the masters level and then you will know better, my brother. I hold no grudges and just laugh at our PC to take me to the Latrine of Conservatism ~~~~ but I only do my business from above and not from within . . .
Commented: Friday, August 14th, 2015 @ 6:26 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Fallout Shelters

I stand corrected, Stan to PC for you. . .

Ted and I have a long history. In my view he is a Good Egg in the long run --- but who likes long runny eggs ~~~ just kidding and loving that I introduced the Colonel to Bennett Wine . . .
Commented: Friday, August 14th, 2015 @ 6:22 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on

RUN like hell and don't look back, brother TMcD!!!
Commented: Friday, August 14th, 2015 @ 5:00 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Fallout Shelters

That is about the most stupid statement either you or The Donald could ever make. If we continue to educate them in nuclear physics / keep stealing their right to run their own show / making behind-the-scenes connections a la Bush/Ben Laden ~~~ we are stomping on a hornet's nest that won't let us off easy . . .

Commented: Friday, August 14th, 2015 @ 4:50 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Fallout Shelters

Commented: Friday, August 14th, 2015 @ 3:57 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Fallout Shelters

Do you have a BS stamp for this, Stan????
Commented: Friday, August 14th, 2015 @ 3:49 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Fallout Shelters

Great observation, Colonel ~~~ do you think if we keep messing with the nuclear weapons and pissing off the Middle East they won't find a way to get us with a dirty bomb????

This is why I say, the Iraq Treaty makes far more sense than keeping on with our current program of being the INVADER . . .
Commented: Friday, August 14th, 2015 @ 3:45 pm By: Gene Scarborough
New stamp ~~~ "JUST KISSING ASS"
Commented: Friday, August 14th, 2015 @ 2:32 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Fallout Shelters

How about another Stamp or 2???

I didn't mean it
Kiss My A**

Still just funning with a great Publisher who does his best to make a living while publishing crap like the 3 Goats from Clarkston, GA.

Did you get my old pics of this group of crazy goats???
Commented: Friday, August 14th, 2015 @ 2:30 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Fallout Shelters

This one is showing posted yesterday ~~~ I just don't see it on the main page yet . . . I was checking from afar yesterday and didn't see it then either . . .

Just asking with now harm intended, Stan . . .
Commented: Friday, August 14th, 2015 @ 1:23 pm By: Gene Scarborough
You be DA MAN, Stan ~~~ I still have some fresh smoked pork my son did at E. City!!! For this I will even share LIT and BBQ ~~~~ I love ya, man!!!!!
Commented: Friday, August 14th, 2015 @ 1:08 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I heard our former Representative, Bob Etheridge, some months back speak of how NC is basically made up of farmers and teachers, which is true. He also made reference to some of his decisions and votes:"I TRIED TO DO THE RIGHT THING" was his summation.

If the state and its legislators used the Golden Rule more often than their slide rule over "saving money" ~~~ would it possibly become a better state in which to live and work for the government???

Thanks for the wise and good post, Tom. . .
Commented: Friday, August 14th, 2015 @ 1:00 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Stan~~~thanks for the Latrine stamp. We might consider a few more:

Fullo Crap
Hard Head

On my side, Tree Surgeon / Stump Cutter / Chipper / Chainsaw, if you get my drift! The thing to realize is I deal with 20-ton trees quite often. They are near houses or in too tight a place to drop so we take them apart.

To date I have NEVER dropped one on a house or me or my men. To do such requires on site engineering and analysis so that big monster is in the chipper and on the trailer at the end of the day. It is dangerous to mess with us Tree Men---we have skills plus destructive machines running of diesel power and ready to destroy and bring under control monsters that refuse to go down easy . . .
Commented: Friday, August 14th, 2015 @ 12:31 pm By: Gene Scarborough
You are a true Latrine-inhabitant, Stan --- how about give me one with that on it for my replies.

LATRINE will do, but I will stamp mine "in the spirit of Christian love!"
Commented: Friday, August 14th, 2015 @ 6:36 am By: Gene Scarborough
KMA, Stan --- K --- M --- A, bro. . .
Commented: Friday, August 14th, 2015 @ 6:34 am By: Gene Scarborough
Stan --- I have yet to see you "get it" in the years I have read the "skewed conservative" article you write and publish. As best I can tell there are 3 of us here who are otherwise.

You are free to define "outherwise," if you please . . .
Commented: Friday, August 14th, 2015 @ 5:12 am By: Gene Scarborough
Hillary candidate ~~~ MAYBE IF WE STILL HAD MENTAL HOSPITALS, half the people in Congress would get their care outside Raleigh or DC ---- JUST SAYIN'
Commented: Friday, August 14th, 2015 @ 4:22 am By: Gene Scarborough
Mental Health Hospitals ~~~ You feel in the latrine, Stan, on this one! I said Conservative / you said "not the Republicans" --- I did not assign any political party to closing Public Mental Health Hospitals.

NC was a leading state in the history of public health care. Prior to Dorothea Dix, the person, people with mental issues were kept locked in the woodshed or barn at home. It was a dirty family secret and many poor families had someone with mental issues. From Joe Kennedy to the backwoods of NC they needed help.

Instead of CONSERVING the wise idea to help citizens with public funds ~~~ the people who voted to stop it--whether Democrat or Republican--were more concerned about money than citizens needing proper care and help.

NOW---all over this country we have crazies with guns mowing down people in theaters

Will anyone say we did the "right thing" on public mental health to close Dorothea Dix????? There is one at Traverse City, MI, where my son was 8 years ago with the USCG Air Station there. Most states now neglect people needing custodial care because of severe mental issues.

Commented: Friday, August 14th, 2015 @ 4:21 am By: Gene Scarborough
That is about as deep in the latrine as it gets, Stan ~~~ I am totally NOT understanding your comment, bud . . .
Commented: Thursday, August 13th, 2015 @ 5:06 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Stan --- I worked there in 1967 and it used to be the place to help and house people with mental illness. Now that it is closed down by NC Conservatives to "save the taxpayers money" ~~~ all the patients have hiked over to Legislative Hill and gotten jobs as Aides to the Republicans destroying NC by the day . . .
Commented: Thursday, August 13th, 2015 @ 4:12 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Stan --- "Independent" as a man in a latrine trying to claw his way out to dive back in!!!!

You guys are getting me more laughs of late than a porch full of Dorothea Dix patients on their afternoon walk . . .
Commented: Thursday, August 13th, 2015 @ 2:49 pm By: Gene Scarborough
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