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Comments by Gene Scarborough

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No one gains from hate and division. Any group of people who have ever tried to organize a larger society have had great division as they formed their society. From the Russian Revolution to our own formation, a level of great dissatisfaction led to the new ideal. Unless you know what in the Old World our Founding Fathers were trying to correct, you miss important points about the Constitution.
Commented: Friday, August 18th, 2017 @ 12:20 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on

We can work much harder on cooperative government and society than we have in the past. Frankly, I would have thought enough time had passed to solve this problem between 1950's and now. It is disappointing to see people so loving hate and division that they miss the opportunitiy to love and respect one another.

Some hearts must change to see better days.
Commented: Friday, August 18th, 2017 @ 12:04 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Those who are wise and compassionate could realize that women deserve to be protected from undue abuse from the men who got them pregnant . . .
Commented: Sunday, August 13th, 2017 @ 4:41 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I have yet to meet a woman who had an abortion who did not feel guilt over the decision. This is such a superficial discussion as to not warrant much argument. My problem with abortion is the way it soon ignores the simple problem of a child not really wanted and how such lack of will translates to a bad environment which tends to warp normal development normally had in a loving and inviting family.

The worst evil I see in most current abortion debate is how women could be relegated to back room abortions in shadows the procedure does not need. Before Roe v. Wade was decided women lived in a hell of being stuck with an unwanted child to rear as well as great danger from filthy procedures.

Another problem I have is with anti-abortion people disguising themselves as a clinic or service to offer help to a struggling woman. They bombard an already guilt-ridden person with more pressure to change their troubled mind in a pre-determined direction. In such a case you have used a lie to a dilemma full of moral angst!

The lady sounds and acts so superficial that I would not expect many in her class to take her seriously and be influenced greatly. This is a most serious matter for anyone pregnant and not wanting a child. There are so many people wanting to adopt a child that I would lean to that route as a wiser road.

As a summary observation, I think much of the political debate on this is being done by men who don't have to bear a child. I would caution men to defer to women as the real victims of unwanted pregnancy. How dare any man dictate to women when he is likely not going to undertake the financial and moral responsibility of fatherhood.

To make a bad situation worse is never wise, in my view . . .
Commented: Thursday, August 10th, 2017 @ 8:41 pm By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on

Someone once observed: "The Baptists and Kudzu are taking over the South!" He was not amiss with his cute quirp.

My S.C. Grandfather was the first County Agent for Pickens County which extends West of Greenville and over to Clemson. He helped turn gullied clay hillsides into usable acreage using proper terracing and kudzu. You can travel those crooked country roads and find some places with power lines and trees draped with vines bearing the large leave of the plant.

Nowadays people are taking more stock in natural things before taking off with a "miracle cure" introducing foreign elements to any ecosystem. Much money has been spent by government to drain Florida swamps only to discover it had more negative results than any developers imagined when it was done. Fast development in the Atlanta suburbs (same with Raleigh, Charlotte, etc.) has turned scenic streams into raging torrents when drainage and absorption were lost to asphalt and houses.

Whenever we start thinking we are smarter than God in developing stuff, we usually get a rude awakening on down the road!
Commented: Monday, August 7th, 2017 @ 7:04 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Deborah was originally from Rocky Mount and her family attended the same church as my wife. We have had a great interest in this situation for several days now along with input from my wife's Rocky Mount friends.

She was being treated with some medication for a Urinary Track Infection and a side effect was disorientation and thought disruption. No one knows exactly how any medicine will affect them.

I am grateful she has been found, but sad she has left this life. I am also impressed with the level of volunteer concern along with the good search effort once her car was located and identified. It should bring a good feeling of security to Beaufort County residents to know we have such good services from responders.

We are now retired and expect to live to the end here in Beaufort County. It is a great place to live in your last days of life.
Commented: Monday, August 7th, 2017 @ 6:33 pm By: Gene Scarborough
The problem I am having with Vidant is its tax-exempt / non-profit status when big bucks a being held in escrow to keep them in a cheap bond position. Any hospital in this day and time not willing to have some red ink in a rural setting is clearly "for profit" over "for social benefit."

Another part of the equation is NC refusing to take Medicaid funds already in hand. That is primarily a fund to help rural healthcare.

If medicine is still an art under the Hippocratic Oath, then this would not be happening. If is is a way to make big bucks for a corporation, then it has lost its soul---in my view, of course!
Commented: Friday, May 13th, 2016 @ 11:27 am By: Gene Scarborough

Commented on Bathroom brouhaha

Sometimes it shows a great deal of WISDOM to SAY NOTHING!!!
Commented: Sunday, April 3rd, 2016 @ 10:13 am By: Gene Scarborough

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Early on I heard of the complexities of self defense and injuring an assailant with your gun. It sounded to me like an invitation to pay a lawyer to defend you far more than you might lose in any indicent.

Once in my life I wish I had had a gun when a patient at Dorothea Dix put a pair of barber scissors within 2" of my liver and demanded my keys. That was a case when equal force would have been justified, I am sure!

The fact I was making minimum wage and had 4 locked doors between me an any help caused me to put on my best smile and talk him down so he just locked me in a broom closet and continued his escape. Irregardless, he was back at the hospital withing an hour cuffed between 2 big Wake County Deputies and got the privilege of moving over to the Spruill Building for Criminally Insane and tantamount to Central State Prison.

I would have been covered in blood spatter had I had a weapon and then probably lost my job over PC stuff! Having a more civil approach to personal differences seems more wise to me . . .
Commented: Saturday, April 2nd, 2016 @ 4:16 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Just as Atlanta and GA are at ends of the political and sexual scale, so are Charlotte and much of the rest of NC.

We who grew up on the farm know there are certain male animals as well as female who love to play in the pasture with their same sex buddies. We can whisper about them in the small corners under a tree and ignore them, but "God hep" the one who mentions it in public . . .
Commented: Wednesday, March 30th, 2016 @ 1:09 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Just an interesting note --- Emory and Georgia Tech have joined up over medical technology. Previously Emory chose not to participate in big college sports and focus, instead, on academics.

NOW---I have a Yellow Jacket mascot along with the Emory Eagle. You still can't find anything GT or Emory in Eastern NC!

Ah well, there is still ECU Pirate gear . . .
Commented: Wednesday, March 30th, 2016 @ 1:04 pm By: Gene Scarborough
One of my favorite stories is of the jokester family member who was the only one with the first birth of his brother's twins. Holding his breath, the brother asked him what name he gave the first one.

The answer was "Denise" --- and he gave a great sigh of relief. Then he asked about the second one's name. "De Nephew" was the answer!!!
Commented: Monday, March 28th, 2016 @ 4:56 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Is there anything anymore where "people do as they please without some law or rule to control them" --- beyond "do unto others as you would have them do unto you???"
Commented: Sunday, March 27th, 2016 @ 11:09 am By: Gene Scarborough

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Like the guy who constantly won the Million Dollar Roundtable no matter what he had to do got a question yelled at him from the balcony:

"Are you really happy???"
Commented: Friday, March 25th, 2016 @ 8:49 am By: Gene Scarborough
I owned and used hunting rifles until a thief broke in and stole them. It seems the main deal with guns is to supply the criminals with stolen stuff that all the reported serial numbers can't seem to find!
Commented: Thursday, March 24th, 2016 @ 11:35 am By: Gene Scarborough
If you are so wanting to kill people---just join our Military and get PTSD from all the blood and destruction you get to witness. . .
Commented: Thursday, March 24th, 2016 @ 10:25 am By: Gene Scarborough
Well said and reasoned, Tom!!!

We came from a system of government and society in the Old World replete with regression and no chance to rise above your place born into. It was a dawn of the Renaissance and people were daring to say the world is round instead of flat and at the center of the solar system---as the Church demanded.

The missing ingredient is compromise and openness to new ideas. The present obsession is with selling commercials --- if you keep people confused and scared enough to keep that TV turned for the next wreck or riot.

"If it bleeds, it leads" is not a wise approach to complex issues defying a simplistic solution of "going back to how it was years ago."
Commented: Thursday, March 24th, 2016 @ 10:17 am By: Gene Scarborough
I graduated Emory in 1967. It was "the rebellious 60's" elsewhere and Emory students did an Affirmation Vietnam rally at the Braves Stadium. They now get students with issues from home as they always have! Get over it modern crybabies. . .

I would see where Newt Gingrich was that night since he is also am Emory grad from my same era.

Since NC is trying to change our state schools to Conservative Stamp machines, maybe Emory is just trying to copy us . . .
Commented: Thursday, March 24th, 2016 @ 10:08 am By: Gene Scarborough
I fail to see the wisdom of toting irons in Beaufort County. Until things change a bunch more, we are relatively safe here.

Now Nash County and drug-infested Rocky Mount is another matter . . .
Commented: Wednesday, March 23rd, 2016 @ 8:28 am By: Gene Scarborough
Don't leave out "The Donald" when it comes to truth-telling issues. His own party is now conspiring to stop his non-stop bull spewing.
Commented: Friday, March 18th, 2016 @ 10:56 am By: Gene Scarborough
I am amazed to find us voters had no part in the standing President's election!!!

The logic being used here defies the history of lame duck appointments and consideration by Congress to the Supreme Court---as specified in the Constitution. If the Founding Fathers and states adopting our Constitution had a clue of the distortion of representative government after 200 years of the "Great Experiment in Democracy."

Term Limits for the President were done after FDR had 4 consecutive terms. Perhaps, it is now time to put Term Limits on Congress to let them know they are subject to automatic recall after 2 or so terms!
Commented: Friday, March 18th, 2016 @ 10:49 am By: Gene Scarborough
I fail to see any wisdom in drilling oil in the Graveyard of the Atlantic. The location between the Outer Banks and Gulf Stream is guaranteed to have a blow out sooner or later and the environmental damage would be intolerable to me.

Any of us living in Coastal Carolina and down river from possible fracking inland would be part of a Crude Oil Sandwich which would destroy aquatic life already under assault from river pollution already taking place.

For me, the wiser approach is to seek energy from alternative sources to Petroleum. It is undeniable that the environment suffers from pollution already in place from past practices. It is time to look seriously to the future for me. . .
Commented: Wednesday, March 16th, 2016 @ 11:44 am By: Gene Scarborough
Atlanta has always been 10-20 years behind current highway needs. Whatever takes 20 years to change in NC, it takes 20 months in other surrounding states. I can't say I miss the traffic and now that I am in quiet old Bath and Eastern NC, I am spoiled to not dealing with traffic jams.

Blessings on those who have not leared there is better driving most other places than Atlanta . . .
Commented: Saturday, February 20th, 2016 @ 1:55 pm By: Gene Scarborough
We are saddened with this great man's death. Even his opponent on the Bench has comments worth reading as the situation is resolved in the best way possible:
Commented: Monday, February 15th, 2016 @ 10:14 am By: Gene Scarborough
Another sad chapter in NC political strife and lack of direction. Maybe we can grow up and have a more Progressive state in future years. . .
Commented: Wednesday, October 28th, 2015 @ 11:40 am By: Gene Scarborough
We got a Conservative from Texas as the new UNC System President. The connection with George Bush is obvious as well.

The Southern Baptist Convention did the same tactic (out of Texas) with its seminaries. Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest had their changes forced on them in the late 80's. Now they are graduating students with a mega church mentality and king preacher model being taught to naive students---many of whom have no clue about Southern Baptist history. Their professor of denominational studies is re-writing the history to agree with Conservative contentions that "change was necessary."

Now the local rural churches which used to count on good student pastors are going to Duke, Campbell, Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond for their pastors. They did so after much church fighting as the new kind of Baptist preachers were naively called to serve --- rather than to dictate.

Dr. Bill Friday years ago interviewed the new SEBTS President, Paige Patterson, as he came from Texas to lead the biggest Baptist preacher school east of the Mississippi. Dr. Friday prefaced the interview saying, "This is, perhaps, the most significant change in NC in the last century. Now, the pulpits of NC and surrounding states will have a vastly different product than since this school was founded in the 1950's in Wake Forest on the old College campus." (loosely quoted)

I think the purpose of changing our University System to a different model is purposely in hopes of graduating only Conservatives to the businesses of NC. It will result in students seeking higher education in more balanced schools of higher learning even though the cost will be higher.

The model for higher education has been a time of self-examination and mind-stretching experiences higher education done right should be. Change the Supreme Court / change the education model --- in order to further control minds toward a skewed outlook on life and decision-making.

America was founded on a model of freedom and democratic voting so the tax paying citizens get a balanced representation which helps instead of harms and uses tax money for some fore-ordained purpose. It is a disguised form of a new dictatorship, in my view . . .
Commented: Wednesday, October 28th, 2015 @ 9:59 am By: Gene Scarborough
A good summation is: "NC is a MESS."

I run a small business which is suffering from too much state interference:

* I cannot have more then 2 workers without Worker's Comp---which promotes lawyers chasing ambulances and getting 30% of any claim given to an employee. 93% of all cases before the NC Labor Board go to the employee and that's a safe bet for lawyers to win.

* The new NC Tax Code has eliminated the credit of up to $50K for investment in new equipment---while the big credit for private jets remains for the big boys operating in NC.

* Corporate taxes are minimal and support for NC infrastructure is put on the workers.

* The Conservative mantra is hurting small businesses in NC---which have been the backbone of any state's growth and development.

When the rich and corporate interests like Koch Industries put big bucks into entities advocating for them only, we have a problem with getting at the real issues facing a deteriorating state in the last 10 years.
Commented: Wednesday, October 28th, 2015 @ 9:22 am By: Gene Scarborough
If ANY President were a dictator, this article would be appropriate and accurate. Since he has had to contend with a divided electorate filled with hate and non-cooperation, it reflects more on the American people than any individual leader.

Face it---Rush Limbaugh is a big mouth who threatened to leave if Obama won a second term---yet is still here getting rich off hate and division. I don't waste my time on his BS and that of other conservative-obsessed media. WE have done better in past years / we can do better now / vote against Conservatism in 2016 and then we will see real improvements in America and NC crazy.
Commented: Wednesday, October 28th, 2015 @ 9:05 am By: Gene Scarborough
Enjoy your dream, Stan. I am not the head of the mental clinic who can help you . . .
Commented: Tuesday, October 27th, 2015 @ 4:21 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I trust the stamp is self descriptive, Stan . . .
Commented: Tuesday, October 27th, 2015 @ 1:16 pm By: Gene Scarborough
It is the business of Local Government to try and grow industry in their respective town. I came from GA and am unaware of that state doing so much regulation of municipalities and counties. It is the same with SC where I spent many working years.

NC had declined significantly in recent years and that needs to be the focus of the WHY --- since is happened as Conservatives began to rule this state . . .
Commented: Tuesday, October 27th, 2015 @ 1:14 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Should your stamp, Stan, be "Screwed by Conservative"????
Commented: Tuesday, October 27th, 2015 @ 1:07 pm By: Gene Scarborough
QUESTION: How did the US government function up to the last 10 years of the Tea Party?

ANSWER: Very well, folks!!!
Commented: Tuesday, October 27th, 2015 @ 12:18 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I am wondering 2 things:

(1) When Stan will stop his smear words --- thinking "liberal" is one of them
(2) When the battle between Trump and Carson will deteriorate to a fist fight

I have never in my entire lifetime seen such antics a year and some months before we even have the national election and months before the National Election meetings of either party . . .
Commented: Tuesday, October 27th, 2015 @ 12:14 pm By: Gene Scarborough
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