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52 Results found for solyndra

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The White House has been staffing up in preparation for a possible impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden over allegations of corruption.
The White House has been staffing up in preparation for a possible impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden over allegations of corruption.
As green energy is failing around the world, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is claiming credit for the Democratic Party’s embrace of climate change chicanery as found in President Joe Biden’s legislative agenda.
As green energy is failing around the world, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is claiming credit for the Democratic Party’s embrace of climate change chicanery as found in President Joe Biden’s legislative agenda.
They get the cheap electricity, while we get expensive and unreliable power
They get the cheap electricity, while we get expensive and unreliable power
The economy is rigged, but not in the way Bernie Sanders thinks — capitalism is not the problem.
The economy is rigged, but not in the way Bernie Sanders thinks — capitalism is not the problem.
US President Barack Obama speaks to the media during a news conference in the Brady Briefing Room at the White House, November 14, 2016 in Washington, DC. Cheriss May/NurPhoto via Getty Images
US President Barack Obama speaks to the media during a news conference in the Brady Briefing Room at the White House, November 14, 2016 in Washington, DC. Cheriss May/NurPhoto via Getty Images
Having American Talk Show Hosts, all core Democrats, who were captivated by the Obamas; fawning over their every action, explaining their corruption to the rest of us as normal, so we could understand its New Age relevance to a Liberals' moral code, now call for President Donald Trump's removal.
Having American Talk Show Hosts, all core Democrats, who were captivated by the Obamas; fawning over their every action, explaining their corruption to the rest of us as normal, so we could understand its New Age relevance to a Liberals' moral code, now call for President Donald Trump's removal.
General Michael Flynn, Mr. Trump's first National Security Advisor, is gone. Brought down by illegal wiretapping on his person as a private citizen and then leaked by bad bureaucrats, my mostly Democrat holdovers, that will soon be removed from the Trump administration.
General Michael Flynn, Mr. Trump's first National Security Advisor, is gone. Brought down by illegal wiretapping on his person as a private citizen and then leaked by bad bureaucrats, my mostly Democrat holdovers, that will soon be removed from the Trump administration.
In 2014, North Carolina State University became the new home for PowerAmerica, a $140 million dollar project aimed at promoting research in the advanced electronics industry. Just two years later, NC State is back in the headlines, this time with a focus on energy
In 2014, North Carolina State University became the new home for PowerAmerica, a $140 million dollar project aimed at promoting research in the advanced electronics industry. Just two years later, NC State is back in the headlines, this time with a focus on energy
Amateur Obama is in the City of Lights, smoozing with his contemporaries while "rebuking" the terrorist, and planning the way forward where America leads the world in defeating "those who would hijack a great, peaceful religion" by ending 'Climate Change/Global Warming'.
Amateur Obama is in the City of Lights, smoozing with his contemporaries while "rebuking" the terrorist, and planning the way forward where America leads the world in defeating "those who would hijack a great, peaceful religion" by ending 'Climate Change/Global Warming'.
America's first Socialist President, Barrack Hussein Obama, did announce today, November 6, 2015, that he would use executive fiat to kill any chance of the Keystone Pipeline.
America's first Socialist President, Barrack Hussein Obama, did announce today, November 6, 2015, that he would use executive fiat to kill any chance of the Keystone Pipeline.
What do President Barack Obama and a growing number of Republicans in the North Carolina General Assembly have in common? The answer - their love of major solar energy companies - Big Solar, for short.
What do President Barack Obama and a growing number of Republicans in the North Carolina General Assembly have in common? The answer - their love of major solar energy companies - Big Solar, for short.
Pretty Much. It started back it 2007, when Community Organizer Obama convinced most Democrats and squishy moderates that he was competent and capable of commanding this American ship, listing solidly left, too far left.
Pretty Much. It started back it 2007, when Community Organizer Obama convinced most Democrats and squishy moderates that he was competent and capable of commanding this American ship, listing solidly left, too far left.
From a report filed early Saturday by WRAL-TV news, we have confirmation that a cluster of businesses owned by Democratic U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan's husband and other family members collected even more subsidies from taxpayers than initially reported. While Carolina Journal's Don Carrington has...
From a report filed early Saturday by WRAL-TV news, we have confirmation that a cluster of businesses owned by Democratic U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan's husband and other family members collected even more subsidies from taxpayers than initially reported. While Carolina Journal's Don Carrington has...
This presidency, his pathetic staff, his inept cabinet and their respective departments, and, finally, his accompanying mainstream media are rotten to the core: But how can a nation save itself from itself when it is not smart enough to consider the question?
This presidency, his pathetic staff, his inept cabinet and their respective departments, and, finally, his accompanying mainstream media are rotten to the core: But how can a nation save itself from itself when it is not smart enough to consider the question?
Now we live in an age, where the running joke of what is so 'uncool' are the 'Old White Men' that once ran this country.
Now we live in an age, where the running joke of what is so 'uncool' are the 'Old White Men' that once ran this country.
Is County Commissioner Candidate Don Cox truly this large of a Hypocrite? That answer is proved to be a resounding yes.
Is County Commissioner Candidate Don Cox truly this large of a Hypocrite? That answer is proved to be a resounding yes.
Is County Commissioner Candidate Don Cox truly this large of a Hypocrite? That answer is proved to be a resounding yes.
Liberals have long misused words to suit their needs, and often embrace the banning of some words to suit other needs. Semantics obfuscation is an important tool of the Liberal. Now, here in Beaufort County, nominal Republicans embrace the Liberal's tool of talk.
Liberals have long misused words to suit their needs, and often embrace the banning of some words to suit other needs. Semantics obfuscation is an important tool of the Liberal. Now, here in Beaufort County, nominal Republicans embrace the Liberal's tool of talk.
In many respects, the last few months have been dazzling ones for North Carolina State University. On January 15, President Obama traveled to Raleigh to announce that the university will be the headquarters for a $140 million public-private partnership that develops the "next generation" of...
In many respects, the last few months have been dazzling ones for North Carolina State University. On January 15, President Obama traveled to Raleigh to announce that the university will be the headquarters for a $140 million public-private partnership that develops the "next generation" of...
Tesla Motors Inc. was in trouble in North Carolina. Prohibited from opening showrooms there, it was on the way to being unable to sell cars at all when the state Senate voted unanimously to block online auto sales.
Tesla Motors Inc. was in trouble in North Carolina. Prohibited from opening showrooms there, it was on the way to being unable to sell cars at all when the state Senate voted unanimously to block online auto sales.
Remember back when we had this congressional "11th hour" standoff, and if they did do as they were advised by Candidate Obama, then the Candidate and his minions would teach the Republicans a political lesson that they would not soon forget. Well, we're there now.
Remember back when we had this congressional "11th hour" standoff, and if they did do as they were advised by Candidate Obama, then the Candidate and his minions would teach the Republicans a political lesson that they would not soon forget. Well, we're there now.
Out of left field comes the Administration announcement that implementation of one of the more contentious requirements of Obamacare will be delayed for a year (i.e. until 2015).
Out of left field comes the Administration announcement that implementation of one of the more contentious requirements of Obamacare will be delayed for a year (i.e. until 2015).
Candidate Obama is warming up his Liberal base to fend off his most ardent critics after scandal, after scandal, after scandal ... to prop up his pretend presidency.
Candidate Obama is warming up his Liberal base to fend off his most ardent critics after scandal, after scandal, after scandal ... to prop up his pretend presidency.
To that effect, it really does not matter whether Candidate Obama survives the second term of his ongoing "pretend" presidency.
To that effect, it really does not matter whether Candidate Obama survives the second term of his ongoing "pretend" presidency.
Established by Title II of the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA), the Public Works Administration (PWA) was an expansive, Depression-era Federal government spending program that aimed to create jobs while improving the nation's infrastructure.
Established by Title II of the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA), the Public Works Administration (PWA) was an expansive, Depression-era Federal government spending program that aimed to create jobs while improving the nation's infrastructure.
In this article, I hope to convince grassroots conservatives to unite in the coming year to re-assert founding values and strengthen principles of Liberty and to reject the contorted view of the Constitution that President Barack Obama is pushing on the American people.
In this article, I hope to convince grassroots conservatives to unite in the coming year to re-assert founding values and strengthen principles of Liberty and to reject the contorted view of the Constitution that President Barack Obama is pushing on the American people.
The redistricting plan adopted last year by the General Assembly morphed the boundaries of the 13th U.S. Congressional District so much that its own congressman chose not to seek re-election.
The redistricting plan adopted last year by the General Assembly morphed the boundaries of the 13th U.S. Congressional District so much that its own congressman chose not to seek re-election.
We have for a long time had bankruptcy laws that have served us well. They are understood and over time and usage they have worked.
We have for a long time had bankruptcy laws that have served us well. They are understood and over time and usage they have worked.
While the national Democratic ticket is enjoying a modest lift in the polls after the convention in Charlotte, the party's gubernatorial nominee, Walter Dalton, remains significantly behind Republican Pat McCrory.
While the national Democratic ticket is enjoying a modest lift in the polls after the convention in Charlotte, the party's gubernatorial nominee, Walter Dalton, remains significantly behind Republican Pat McCrory.
The popular image of Medicaid is that of a small program that provides basic but good-quality medical care to a limited, impoverished segment of North Carolina’s population – and that politicians have skimped on funding it.
The popular image of Medicaid is that of a small program that provides basic but good-quality medical care to a limited, impoverished segment of North Carolina’s population – and that politicians have skimped on funding it.
North Carolina can improve its dismal 9.4% unemployment rate - currently fourth worst in the nation. To understand what that takes, however, requires an understanding of what makes a state's economy thrive relative to those of other states.
North Carolina can improve its dismal 9.4% unemployment rate - currently fourth worst in the nation. To understand what that takes, however, requires an understanding of what makes a state's economy thrive relative to those of other states.
Remember the embarrassing Solyndra debacle perpetrated by the federal government? You would think that North Carolina lawmakers would have learned a lesson about the futility of granting government privileges to inefficient "green" energy schemes. Think again.
Remember the embarrassing Solyndra debacle perpetrated by the federal government? You would think that North Carolina lawmakers would have learned a lesson about the futility of granting government privileges to inefficient "green" energy schemes. Think again.
Conservatives can win - but only if they understand that winning the debate means understanding that the real clash "is a moral fight, not an economic disagreement."
Conservatives can win - but only if they understand that winning the debate means understanding that the real clash "is a moral fight, not an economic disagreement."
In the President’s Weekly Address on March 10, 2012, Barack Obama stated, “You and I both know that with only 2% of the world’s oil reserves, we can’t just drill our way to lower gas prices – not when we consume 20% of the world’s oil.
In the President’s Weekly Address on March 10, 2012, Barack Obama stated, “You and I both know that with only 2% of the world’s oil reserves, we can’t just drill our way to lower gas prices – not when we consume 20% of the world’s oil.
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