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At the October 6, 2014 Beaufort County Commissioners meeting Jerry Langley made a motion to delete several items on the proposed agenda.
Most experienced observers of governing boards sooner or later learn that what you see in the formal meetings is only the tip of the iceberg of what is really going on below the surface.
Most experienced observers of governing boards sooner or later learn that what you see in the formal meetings is only the tip of the iceberg of what is really going on below the surface.
You can file this one under the "You'll never believe what happened at the County Commissioner meeting."
In the August Board of County Commissioners' meeting the board heard a report from its Finance Officer, Jim Chrisman, on the various alternative methods for financing a "public safety facility" now that the U. S. Department of Agriculture has refused to finance the project.
In the August Board of County Commissioners' meeting the board heard a report from its Finance Officer, Jim Chrisman, on the various alternative methods for financing a "public safety facility" now that the U. S. Department of Agriculture has refused to finance the project.
Beaufort County's Board of County Commissioners voted by the slimmest of margins, by a vote of 4 to 3,
Last week I told you how the Gang of Four, comprised of Democrats Ed Booth, Jerry Langley, and Robert Belcher along with the ultimate RINO Al Klemm were going to spend Beaufort County's entire savings, about ten million dollars.
Last week I told you how the Gang of Four, comprised of Democrats Ed Booth, Jerry Langley, and Robert Belcher along with the ultimate RINO Al Klemm were going to spend Beaufort County's entire savings, about ten million dollars.
I never cease to be amazed that there are residents of Beaufort County who continue to struggle to understand the jail issues. Some people are dedicated to the thought that every government and every person on the planet makes decisions based on facts, reason and logic.
I never cease to be amazed that there are residents of Beaufort County who continue to struggle to understand the jail issues. Some people are dedicated to the thought that every government and every person on the planet makes decisions based on facts, reason and logic.
Beaufort Observer endorses incumbent county commissioner, Stan Deatherage, as its top pick for the Republican nomination for commissioner, with Candidate Keith Kidwell as their second choice.
Beaufort Observer endorses incumbent county commissioner, Stan Deatherage, as its top pick for the Republican nomination for commissioner, with Candidate Keith Kidwell as their second choice.
Recently, I was was 'honored' to be included on the mailing list of a Candidate Don Cox 'hit piece' mailer, where the subject of his misguided attack was myself and Keith Kidwell, but mostly me.
Recently, I was was 'honored' to be included on the mailing list of a Candidate Don Cox 'hit piece' mailer, where the subject of his misguided attack was myself and Keith Kidwell, but mostly me.
As reported by Stan, the meeting was useful, but regrettably was sabotaged by Commission Jerry Langley, who adjourned the meeting without a vote to do so (as required by Robert's Rules of Order) when it did not go the way Chairman Langley wanted it to go.
As reported by Stan, the meeting was useful, but regrettably was sabotaged by Commission Jerry Langley, who adjourned the meeting without a vote to do so (as required by Robert's Rules of Order) when it did not go the way Chairman Langley wanted it to go.
Liberals have long misused words to suit their needs, and often embrace the banning of some words to suit other needs. Semantics obfuscation is an important tool of the Liberal. Now, here in Beaufort County, nominal Republicans embrace the Liberal's tool of talk.
Liberals have long misused words to suit their needs, and often embrace the banning of some words to suit other needs. Semantics obfuscation is an important tool of the Liberal. Now, here in Beaufort County, nominal Republicans embrace the Liberal's tool of talk.
At the recent annual "planning retreat" of the Beaufort County Board of Commissioners one of the presenters, Dr. William Rivenbark, reviewed the financial status of the county.
At the recent annual "planning retreat" of the Beaufort County Board of Commissioners one of the presenters, Dr. William Rivenbark, reviewed the financial status of the county.
While most Beaufort County voters are concerned about the way the new 20 million dollar jail experience has unfolded, I am not sure they know what the plan is.
While most Beaufort County voters are concerned about the way the new 20 million dollar jail experience has unfolded, I am not sure they know what the plan is.
The greatest cost of building a new jail at this time is the opportunity costs. A new school would be a much better use of this money and property than building a jail.
The greatest cost of building a new jail at this time is the opportunity costs. A new school would be a much better use of this money and property than building a jail.
In Part I in this series on the Economic Impact of Building a New Jail we looked at the impact on downtown Washington.
So by the slim majority of one vote (4-3) the Beaufort County Board of Commissioner has voted to award design and construction management contracts of up to two million dollars for a new jail at the Chocowinity Industrial Park six miles from the county courthouse.
So by the slim majority of one vote (4-3) the Beaufort County Board of Commissioner has voted to award design and construction management contracts of up to two million dollars for a new jail at the Chocowinity Industrial Park six miles from the county courthouse.
We want to commend Mr. Klemm for finally trying to explain his position on the jail. The problem is, his position is both a distortion of the truth and a faulty
We want to commend Mr. Klemm for finally trying to explain his position on the jail. The problem is, his position is both a distortion of the truth and a faulty
In all the debate about building a new jail what may be the most important issue has gone completely un-noticed by the people proposing to spend twenty million dollars or so. Generally stated, that issue is: Alternatives to incarceration.
In all the debate about building a new jail what may be the most important issue has gone completely un-noticed by the people proposing to spend twenty million dollars or so. Generally stated, that issue is: Alternatives to incarceration.
According to Beaufort County Manager Randall Woodruff, the majority on the Beaufort County Commission are planning on paying for a new jail they are proposing by using non-voter approved long-term debt rather than submitting the issue to a vote of the people.
According to Beaufort County Manager Randall Woodruff, the majority on the Beaufort County Commission are planning on paying for a new jail they are proposing by using non-voter approved long-term debt rather than submitting the issue to a vote of the people.
The Beaufort County Commissioners were put on notice Monday night: "Proceed as you're going and there will be a law suit..."
One of our observers just sent a rant on "Can someone tell this single voter how the taxpayers in BC can stop this jail from being built without a voter referendum?"
One of our observers just sent a rant on "Can someone tell this single voter how the taxpayers in BC can stop this jail from being built without a voter referendum?"
Our County Commissioners have decided to move forward with spending millions of taxpayers’ dollars without a referendum on the issue. The reason they give is that ‘the voters won’t vote to approve a jail”.
Our County Commissioners have decided to move forward with spending millions of taxpayers’ dollars without a referendum on the issue. The reason they give is that ‘the voters won’t vote to approve a jail”.
During he October 7 Beaufort County Commissioners meeting , Hood Richardson made another motion seconded by Stan Deatherage to place a referendum for a new jail at the Chocowinity Industrial site on the ballot for the next general election in 2014.
During he October 7 Beaufort County Commissioners meeting , Hood Richardson made another motion seconded by Stan Deatherage to place a referendum for a new jail at the Chocowinity Industrial site on the ballot for the next general election in 2014.
Beaufort County Commissioner Al Klemm, the acknowledged chairman of equivocation, expressed that he would 'not insult his Democrat friends', in any strongly worded resolution begging for their bipartisanship in correcting ObamCare.
Beaufort County Commissioner Al Klemm, the acknowledged chairman of equivocation, expressed that he would 'not insult his Democrat friends', in any strongly worded resolution begging for their bipartisanship in correcting ObamCare.
Did you watch the discussion at the December 2 County Commissioners' meeting on video recording of county meeting? Chances are you didn't. It came at the end of a long three-hour meeting.
Did you watch the discussion at the December 2 County Commissioners' meeting on video recording of county meeting? Chances are you didn't. It came at the end of a long three-hour meeting.
Today, Beaufort County GOP Chairman Keith Kidwell announced he will run for Beaufort County Commissioner. In his announcement, Chairman Kidwell emphasized that the County needs a leader with business, budgeting and executive experience.
Today, Beaufort County GOP Chairman Keith Kidwell announced he will run for Beaufort County Commissioner. In his announcement, Chairman Kidwell emphasized that the County needs a leader with business, budgeting and executive experience.
The December meeting of the Beaufort County Commissioners was a humdinger.
There are very few pure coincidences in this world. Experience has shown that if one digs deep enough into those things that look like they could be related one will almost always find a connection. Connecting the dots often shows the picture.
There are very few pure coincidences in this world. Experience has shown that if one digs deep enough into those things that look like they could be related one will almost always find a connection. Connecting the dots often shows the picture.
The liberal Larry Britt and Windy William Buonanno come to almost all the Beaufort County Commissioner meetings these days, and sit on the back row with somber scowling faces.
The liberal Larry Britt and Windy William Buonanno come to almost all the Beaufort County Commissioner meetings these days, and sit on the back row with somber scowling faces.
The Beaufort County Jail Committee met November 6, 2013. If you had attended it would have been a waste of your time, but we are posting the video here for the record.
The Beaufort County Jail Committee met November 6, 2013. If you had attended it would have been a waste of your time, but we are posting the video here for the record.
Beaufort County Commissioners have voted, 4 (Democrats: Jerry Langley, Ed Booth, Robert Belcher, RINO Al Klemm) to 2 (Republicans: Hood Richardson, Stan Deatherage) against a resolution, written by Stan Deatherage, 'In Support of the Democratic Concept of Referendums'.
Beaufort County Commissioners have voted, 4 (Democrats: Jerry Langley, Ed Booth, Robert Belcher, RINO Al Klemm) to 2 (Republicans: Hood Richardson, Stan Deatherage) against a resolution, written by Stan Deatherage, 'In Support of the Democratic Concept of Referendums'.
Former Beaufort County Republican Party chairman, Larry Britt, came to the October Beaufort County Commissioners meeting and read his latest epistle about the need for a new jail.
Former Beaufort County Republican Party chairman, Larry Britt, came to the October Beaufort County Commissioners meeting and read his latest epistle about the need for a new jail.
It begins with public comments, followed by a report from the board's Public Works Director on repairs to the jail and concludes with the defeat by the Gang of Four of Commissioner Gary Brinn's motion to submit the issue to a vote of the people.
It begins with public comments, followed by a report from the board's Public Works Director on repairs to the jail and concludes with the defeat by the Gang of Four of Commissioner Gary Brinn's motion to submit the issue to a vote of the people.
The three Democrat Commissioners on Beaufort County Commission were joined by RINO (Republican In Name Only) Al Klemm to make a three to four majority to kill a motion by Commissioner Gary Brinn to submit the question of whether to build a new jail to a referendum of the voters in the May Primary.
The three Democrat Commissioners on Beaufort County Commission were joined by RINO (Republican In Name Only) Al Klemm to make a three to four majority to kill a motion by Commissioner Gary Brinn to submit the question of whether to build a new jail to a referendum of the voters in the May Primary.
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