Results found for republican majority | Eastern North Carolina Now

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31 Results found for republican majority

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Beaufort County's Commissioners, with a 5 to 2 Republican majority, voted 3 to 4 to effectively not support the Second Amendment rights of its citizens in relaton to its Beaufort County government buildings that currently restrict the rights for law abiding citizens to carry, concealed or otherwise.
Beaufort County's Commissioners, with a 5 to 2 Republican majority, voted 3 to 4 to effectively not support the Second Amendment rights of its citizens in relaton to its Beaufort County government buildings that currently restrict the rights for law abiding citizens to carry, concealed or otherwise.
Republicans can take a breath, even if their signature red is mixed with myriad shades of blue.
Republicans can take a breath, even if their signature red is mixed with myriad shades of blue.
The current Supreme Court vacancy is incredibly unique. It was created in February of an election year as Americans were casting ballots to elect the next president. It's a vacancy that will determine the direction of the court for decades.
The current Supreme Court vacancy is incredibly unique. It was created in February of an election year as Americans were casting ballots to elect the next president. It's a vacancy that will determine the direction of the court for decades.
It's come out that at least one of the San Bernardino shooters pledged allegiance to ISIS prior to partaking in the slaughter of those innocent people at the county building.
It's come out that at least one of the San Bernardino shooters pledged allegiance to ISIS prior to partaking in the slaughter of those innocent people at the county building.
I've been missing Jesse Helms. I got to watch the man up close for nearly two years in DC.
I've been missing Jesse Helms. I got to watch the man up close for nearly two years in DC.
Well, the GOP has officially surrendered their advantage in the area of taxes. After so many decades montyhallas the low – / anti-tax party, the GOP majority on Jones Street pushed through increases in the state gasoline tax.
Well, the GOP has officially surrendered their advantage in the area of taxes. After so many decades montyhallas the low – / anti-tax party, the GOP majority on Jones Street pushed through increases in the state gasoline tax.
That's right. You read it correctly. Leftist strategist Thomas Mills is praising the work of new Republican speaker Tim Moore
That's right. You read it correctly. Leftist strategist Thomas Mills is praising the work of new Republican speaker Tim Moore
A rightward shift. That's how two sources - who both had votes in today's leadership vote - described the final results to me.
A rightward shift. That's how two sources - who both had votes in today's leadership vote - described the final results to me.
After tonight's midterm election results, it is plainly clear, America wants real change.
After tonight's midterm election results, it is plainly clear, America wants real change.
Both chambers passed Senate Bill – SB734, (Regulatory Reform Act of 2014) with bipartisan support on Friday, August 15, 2014.
Both chambers passed Senate Bill – SB734, (Regulatory Reform Act of 2014) with bipartisan support on Friday, August 15, 2014.
They're dancing in the streets in Carrboro. The Great Satan — Art Pope — is stepping away from his state government role. There is a new feeling of hope and optimism around the drum circles these days.
They're dancing in the streets in Carrboro. The Great Satan — Art Pope — is stepping away from his state government role. There is a new feeling of hope and optimism around the drum circles these days.
Today, Saturday, August 02, 2014, the House passed a $21.25 billion state budget. The Senate passed the same bipartisan state budget on Friday, August 01, 2014.
Today, Saturday, August 02, 2014, the House passed a $21.25 billion state budget. The Senate passed the same bipartisan state budget on Friday, August 01, 2014.
On Thursday, July 24, 2014, I presented Senate Bill - SB788 (Town of Duck Eminent Domain) and Senate Bill - SB877 (Exempt Time Shares/Rule Against Perpetuities) to the Committee on Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House.
On Thursday, July 24, 2014, I presented Senate Bill - SB788 (Town of Duck Eminent Domain) and Senate Bill - SB877 (Exempt Time Shares/Rule Against Perpetuities) to the Committee on Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House.
House Republican leaders are pretty excited about getting toll roads approved. (We thought the era of squeezing more money out of working people's pockets was over.)
House Republican leaders are pretty excited about getting toll roads approved. (We thought the era of squeezing more money out of working people's pockets was over.)
Senator Bill Cook (R- District 1) met with officials in the North Carolina Department of Transportation in Raleigh, Tuesday, Dec. 3.
Senator Bill Cook (R- District 1) met with officials in the North Carolina Department of Transportation in Raleigh, Tuesday, Dec. 3.
Since the General Assembly adjourned in late July, I have been out in the district talking with educators and students.
Since the General Assembly adjourned in late July, I have been out in the district talking with educators and students.
After a highly productive legislative long session, the North Carolina Senate concluded its substantive business early Friday morning after passing many long-overdue reforms to improve North Carolina's public schools, rebuild our economy and restore our place as a leader in job growth.
After a highly productive legislative long session, the North Carolina Senate concluded its substantive business early Friday morning after passing many long-overdue reforms to improve North Carolina's public schools, rebuild our economy and restore our place as a leader in job growth.
Yesterday, Thursday, June 13, 2013, the NC Senate, led by President Pro Tem Phil Berger, took a bold move towards cleaning up state government.
Yesterday, Thursday, June 13, 2013, the NC Senate, led by President Pro Tem Phil Berger, took a bold move towards cleaning up state government.
What's this about Republicans trying to raise taxes, ah, make that tolls?
In the run-up to the 2010 elections, we heard a lot of sob stories from NCGA Republicans about how heavy-handed and unfair the Democrats were to them when they ran the legislature.
In the run-up to the 2010 elections, we heard a lot of sob stories from NCGA Republicans about how heavy-handed and unfair the Democrats were to them when they ran the legislature.
I don't understand. North Carolinians OVERWHELMINGLY approve of requiring photo ID in order to cast a vote in the state's elections.
I don't understand. North Carolinians OVERWHELMINGLY approve of requiring photo ID in order to cast a vote in the state's elections.
We have been entrusted by you, the taxpayers of our state, to make fiscally and legally responsible decisions that are in the best interests of all North Carolinians.
We have been entrusted by you, the taxpayers of our state, to make fiscally and legally responsible decisions that are in the best interests of all North Carolinians.
HB 4 passed the N. C. House Monday (2-5-13) night. The bill is entitled Unemployment Insurance Fund Solvency & Program Changes.
HB 4 passed the N. C. House Monday (2-5-13) night. The bill is entitled Unemployment Insurance Fund Solvency & Program Changes.
The North Carolina Senate voted Monday to block expansion of Medicaid -- a key component to the implementation of ObamaCare in NC. The move put the Republican majority in the General Assembly's upper chamber at odds with the state's new Republican governor.
The North Carolina Senate voted Monday to block expansion of Medicaid -- a key component to the implementation of ObamaCare in NC. The move put the Republican majority in the General Assembly's upper chamber at odds with the state's new Republican governor.
The Republican majority in the North Carolina Senate has put its money where its mouth is and introduced legislation allowing the state of North Carolina to "opt out" of the implementation of ObamaCare.
The Republican majority in the North Carolina Senate has put its money where its mouth is and introduced legislation allowing the state of North Carolina to "opt out" of the implementation of ObamaCare.
It looks like we're going to get two more years of Thom Tillis in the House chamber's big chair.
It looks like we're going to get two more years of Thom Tillis in the House chamber's big chair.
One election is but just over and yet the buzz has already started over the 2014 senatorial elections. That is true simply because so much is at stake.
One election is but just over and yet the buzz has already started over the 2014 senatorial elections. That is true simply because so much is at stake.
I chatted recently with a long-time NCGOP insider — and a friend of this site — about some of the conversations going on right now in the smoke-filled backrooms of Raleigh.
I chatted recently with a long-time NCGOP insider — and a friend of this site — about some of the conversations going on right now in the smoke-filled backrooms of Raleigh.
Thom Tillis, Speaker of the North Carolina House of Representatives attended a fund raiser for NC Senate candidate Bill Cook at the Bank Restaurant on Main Street in Washington on Monday October 8.
Thom Tillis, Speaker of the North Carolina House of Representatives attended a fund raiser for NC Senate candidate Bill Cook at the Bank Restaurant on Main Street in Washington on Monday October 8.
North Carolina's 2nd Congressional District race could be a bellwether for the next two years of Congress and the Republican Party.
North Carolina's 2nd Congressional District race could be a bellwether for the next two years of Congress and the Republican Party.
The just-completed legislative short session closes out the first biennium in nearly 100 years that Republicans comprised majorities in both chambers of the General Assembly.
The just-completed legislative short session closes out the first biennium in nearly 100 years that Republicans comprised majorities in both chambers of the General Assembly.


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