Results found for failing schools | Eastern North Carolina Now

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5 Results found for failing schools

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How do North Carolinians feel about their schools and how their children are educated? The November Civitas Poll provided plenty of good information about those topics.
How do North Carolinians feel about their schools and how their children are educated? The November Civitas Poll provided plenty of good information about those topics.
North Carolina has been talking for years about fixing failing schools, but so far it is mostly talk.
North Carolina has been talking for years about fixing failing schools, but so far it is mostly talk.
The great American ethic is that money will buy anything. It is particularly true in the political world. We try to buy everything from international friendship to better schools to votes to taxpayer support for some behavior that politicians believe we should embrace.
The great American ethic is that money will buy anything. It is particularly true in the political world. We try to buy everything from international friendship to better schools to votes to taxpayer support for some behavior that politicians believe we should embrace.


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