Results found for etiquette | Eastern North Carolina Now

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6 Results found for etiquette

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Brad Miner writes for National Review Online about a decline in public etiquette.
Brad Miner writes for National Review Online about a decline in public etiquette.
More than half of smartphone users surveyed by U.S. Cellular believe their phone enhances their life.1 Still, there’s a time and a place for everything. In recognition of Cell Phone Courtesy Month in July, U.S. Cellular provides advice for practicing cellphone etiquette.
More than half of smartphone users surveyed by U.S. Cellular believe their phone enhances their life.1 Still, there’s a time and a place for everything. In recognition of Cell Phone Courtesy Month in July, U.S. Cellular provides advice for practicing cellphone etiquette.
Here is a list of classes are available through the Continuing Education Department at BCCC
Results from an employer survey recently released by the University of North Carolina system suggest that graduates of the state's 16 public universities - especially those from less selective schools - are deficient in terms of their written and oral communication, work ethic, and workplace etiquet
Results from an employer survey recently released by the University of North Carolina system suggest that graduates of the state's 16 public universities - especially those from less selective schools - are deficient in terms of their written and oral communication, work ethic, and workplace etiquet
They burned the American flag this week at Douglas Elementary School in Raleigh, not in any show of protest but as a symbol of patriotism and honor.
They burned the American flag this week at Douglas Elementary School in Raleigh, not in any show of protest but as a symbol of patriotism and honor.
That just wasn't done, and the reporter who allowed it had violated one of the strict codes of journalism. To allow a news source to see one's copy before your editor had seen it, and before it was published, made one's copy suspect.
That just wasn't done, and the reporter who allowed it had violated one of the strict codes of journalism. To allow a news source to see one's copy before your editor had seen it, and before it was published, made one's copy suspect.


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