Results found for benghazi terrorist attack | Eastern North Carolina Now

27 Results found for benghazi terrorist attack

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Rimadi, Iraq has fallen, ISIS grows stronger, and Barack Hussein will not engage the 'Jayvee team' on the field of battle. I only bring this up because our warriors have died, and have been maimed, in vain, in favor of the Leftist politics of a disengaged commander-in-chief.
Rimadi, Iraq has fallen, ISIS grows stronger, and Barack Hussein will not engage the 'Jayvee team' on the field of battle. I only bring this up because our warriors have died, and have been maimed, in vain, in favor of the Leftist politics of a disengaged commander-in-chief.
The full appeals court in the nation’s capital rejected Judicial Watch’s request for a rehearing on being allowed to depose Hillary Clinton
The full appeals court in the nation’s capital rejected Judicial Watch’s request for a rehearing on being allowed to depose Hillary Clinton
Political leanings and affectations ebb and flow depending on who the neophyte politician talks to; even, I know when to keep my mouth shut for I will reveal the obvious should I speak too much.
Political leanings and affectations ebb and flow depending on who the neophyte politician talks to; even, I know when to keep my mouth shut for I will reveal the obvious should I speak too much.
The controversial filmmaker - a relative unknown Christian Arab - whose attempt at marketing a motion picture about Islam has had his life turned upside down by President Barack Obama and his then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton following the Sept. 11, 2012 Islamic terrorist attack
The controversial filmmaker - a relative unknown Christian Arab - whose attempt at marketing a motion picture about Islam has had his life turned upside down by President Barack Obama and his then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton following the Sept. 11, 2012 Islamic terrorist attack
The Democratic Party's presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton boasted during a campaign speech last month that during her reign as President Barack Obama's secretary of state "didn't lose a single person" in Libya
The Democratic Party's presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton boasted during a campaign speech last month that during her reign as President Barack Obama's secretary of state "didn't lose a single person" in Libya
The official report of the House Select Committee on Benghazi has been released and shows that the Obama administration never attempted to deploy military assistance.
The official report of the House Select Committee on Benghazi has been released and shows that the Obama administration never attempted to deploy military assistance.
In its final report on the death of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans in Libya, the GOP-controlled House Select Committee on Benghazi failed to provide meaningful answers or accountability on the most serious issues and questions surrounding the attack
In its final report on the death of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans in Libya, the GOP-controlled House Select Committee on Benghazi failed to provide meaningful answers or accountability on the most serious issues and questions surrounding the attack
Tethered in a warm embrace, this delicate waltz of Hillary B. and committed Democrats, may prove disastrous in 2016, and beyond for today's Socialist /Liberal.
Tethered in a warm embrace, this delicate waltz of Hillary B. and committed Democrats, may prove disastrous in 2016, and beyond for today's Socialist /Liberal.
The much heralded Investigation of the Terrorist Attack resumes today, with Hillary B. Clinton testifying before the Benghazi Select Committee.
The much heralded Investigation of the Terrorist Attack resumes today, with Hillary B. Clinton testifying before the Benghazi Select Committee.
The "Jayvee Team", ISIS, as underplayed by American President Hussein Obama shortly after his Benghazi Cover-up was initiated, attacked multiple locations in Paris, France, killing many, wounding more.
The "Jayvee Team", ISIS, as underplayed by American President Hussein Obama shortly after his Benghazi Cover-up was initiated, attacked multiple locations in Paris, France, killing many, wounding more.
For the rest of us, who understand principled truth, Hillary has a rough road ahead, and, possibly, she did herself a great disservice in her FBI investigation, which may become a criminal investigation at some point for many reasons; too numerous to mention here.
For the rest of us, who understand principled truth, Hillary has a rough road ahead, and, possibly, she did herself a great disservice in her FBI investigation, which may become a criminal investigation at some point for many reasons; too numerous to mention here.
Hillary B. Clinton, and her husband, Bill, according to her, have long been the political victims of the 'Vast Right Wing Conspiracy', and never more now as Obama's Department of Justice seeks her infamously scrubbed server.
Hillary B. Clinton, and her husband, Bill, according to her, have long been the political victims of the 'Vast Right Wing Conspiracy', and never more now as Obama's Department of Justice seeks her infamously scrubbed server.
Similarly for not participating in the investigations regarding national security, or lack thereof, Hillary B. Clinton will become the Democrat nominee for the president of the United States.
Similarly for not participating in the investigations regarding national security, or lack thereof, Hillary B. Clinton will become the Democrat nominee for the president of the United States.
After a series of demonstratively tough weeks, the hits just keep on coming, faster and faster as if a spinning top, reeling from the negative inertia.
After a series of demonstratively tough weeks, the hits just keep on coming, faster and faster as if a spinning top, reeling from the negative inertia.
In a world, where religious fascism is growing and spreading at home and abroad, America's amateur president continues to lecture Christians, while bolstering the plight of Muslims, and, oddly, it is the Christians dying at the murderous, bigoted hands of Muslims.
In a world, where religious fascism is growing and spreading at home and abroad, America's amateur president continues to lecture Christians, while bolstering the plight of Muslims, and, oddly, it is the Christians dying at the murderous, bigoted hands of Muslims.
America's vacationing, golfing, gala functionary, really cool (to the weak of mind) commander-in-chief continues, through world crisis, as America's first amateur president in modern times.
America's vacationing, golfing, gala functionary, really cool (to the weak of mind) commander-in-chief continues, through world crisis, as America's first amateur president in modern times.
Today, I salute Mitt Romney for backing out of the race for the Republican nomination to stand for the election of president of these states united.
Today, I salute Mitt Romney for backing out of the race for the Republican nomination to stand for the election of president of these states united.
The terrorist attack by yet more murderous Muslims accentuates these terrible times, and just how irrational it has been to not confront Islamist terrorists directly.
The terrorist attack by yet more murderous Muslims accentuates these terrible times, and just how irrational it has been to not confront Islamist terrorists directly.
The president presiding over America's most opaque administration in modern times, now wishes to reinstate transparency, providing that it only puts American personnel abroad at risk, not him or his administration here at home.
The president presiding over America's most opaque administration in modern times, now wishes to reinstate transparency, providing that it only puts American personnel abroad at risk, not him or his administration here at home.
Lawless Attorney General Eric Holder will resign today, leaving his top client Amateur Obama in a less defensible in regards to the long list of scandals that plague his administration, which well reflects The Amateur's poor ability to make wise or even truthful decisions. position
Lawless Attorney General Eric Holder will resign today, leaving his top client Amateur Obama in a less defensible in regards to the long list of scandals that plague his administration, which well reflects The Amateur's poor ability to make wise or even truthful decisions. position
Kind of sounds like the beginning of a funny joke; however, sadly, it is not.
Now we live in an age, where the running joke of what is so 'uncool' are the 'Old White Men' that once ran this country.
Now we live in an age, where the running joke of what is so 'uncool' are the 'Old White Men' that once ran this country.
The House Oversight Committee, who are also charged with discovering the truth on countless other scandals, which have swamped the incredible Barack Hussein Obama presidency, are tasked with the responsibility to accomplish this unenviable feat to know who is ultimately responsible.
The House Oversight Committee, who are also charged with discovering the truth on countless other scandals, which have swamped the incredible Barack Hussein Obama presidency, are tasked with the responsibility to accomplish this unenviable feat to know who is ultimately responsible.
Now just wait until the OMG fully comes out of their Obama trance, and discovers that no one with a full working brain believes that they are competent, en masse, to fully do their jobs because of their estimable bias, then true "change" may finally be afoot.
Now just wait until the OMG fully comes out of their Obama trance, and discovers that no one with a full working brain believes that they are competent, en masse, to fully do their jobs because of their estimable bias, then true "change" may finally be afoot.
I believe once again, I have hit squarely the proverbial nail on the head in regards to today's Democrats.
I believe once again, I have hit squarely the proverbial nail on the head in regards to today's Democrats.
George Zimmerman may be the murderer of a fine young upstanding Black man, Trayvon Martin, or he may be the perfect foil for the racist race-baiters and poverty pimps; however, either way, I simply don't give a "rat's ass." Enough already.
George Zimmerman may be the murderer of a fine young upstanding Black man, Trayvon Martin, or he may be the perfect foil for the racist race-baiters and poverty pimps; however, either way, I simply don't give a "rat's ass." Enough already.
I am sure that America's ongoing nightmare will continue, unabated, with the community-organizer-in-chief navigating America into the dank, dark corners of a despondent national psyche of complete, and utter helplessness.
I am sure that America's ongoing nightmare will continue, unabated, with the community-organizer-in-chief navigating America into the dank, dark corners of a despondent national psyche of complete, and utter helplessness.


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